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1、2022年高三短文改错练与析九篇_高三英语教案</Script> 作者:李景莉1New York, London, Paris and other big city are nice and 1. _excited places to live in. There are many interesting things 2. _to see and to do them. You can go to various kinds of museums 3. _and place of interest. You can also go to the theatre and 4.

2、 _do some shopping. But there are lot of problems, too. 5. _There are too many people and the cost of living is low. 6. _Every year people move to big cities to find jobs and study 7. _at good colleges. But sometimes their wishes wont come true. 8. _Also, too many people make that hard to keep citie

3、s safe and 9. _clean. So think about the problems after you move to big cities. 10. _答案与简析1. city cities。cities前面有other修饰, 表示泛指, 应当用名词的复数形式。2. excited exciting。excited意为兴奋的;激烈的;exciting意为使人兴奋的;激烈人心的。 3. 去掉them。此处的动词不定式在句子中作定语,动词不定式与所修饰的名词有逻辑动宾关系,故them是多余的词。4. place places。旅游胜地不止一处,故place应用复数。5. lot

4、lots或lot前面加a。a lot of和lots of都是固定短语,意为很多。 6. low high。依据上下文,此处应当表示生活费用高。 7. and or。此处表示选择关系。 8. 本行无错。 9. that it。it在句子中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。 10. after before。 依据上文可知,作者是在劝说人们,在搬入大城市以前要考虑以下这些问题,即:人多、生活费用高、找工作难,等等。2Here are two types of cars may some day take 1. _a place of todays big cars. If everyone drives such 2. _12345下一页


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