1、21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第1节 船用救生衣的两面均可以穿着使用。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 涂料的性能具有_。A.附着能力强B.耐气候性好C.阻止生锈的化学性能合其他特殊的性能D.以上都对正确答案:D在南太平洋海面上,测者背风而立,低压应在测者的()。A、左后方B、右后方C、左前方D、右前方参考答案:D 每具降落设备的布置应能在纵倾达到_冰箱任何一舷横倾达到_不良情况下安全降落它所配属的装备齐全的救生艇或救助艇A.10/20B.10/25C.7/22.5D.7/20正确答案:A甲板机械是为保证()的机械设备。A、船舶航行、停泊B、装卸货物及起落
2、重物C、船舶稳性D、A+B参考答案:D对违反海洋环保法有关规定的各类行为,海洋环境监督管理部门依据违法程度,有权给予以()等行政处罚和罚款决定。、警告、责令限期改正、停止生产或施工、吊销许可证、没收船舶A、+B、C、+D、参考答案:D21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第2节 下列转舵机构中_的转舵力矩将随舵角的增加而增大。A.滚轮式转舵机构B.十字头式转舵机构C.转叶式转舵机构D.摆缸式转舵机构正确答案:B 对于给定的船舶,船速不变时,螺旋桨转数越低,则_。A.滑失越大、推力越小、主机负荷越小B.滑失越小、推力越大、主机负荷越小C.滑失越大、推力越大、主机负荷越大D.滑失越小、推力越小、主机负
3、荷越小参考答案:D 静脉血的血色:A.鲜红B.暗红C.黑色D.褐色正确答案:B 申请二管轮考试者,应持有相应航区、等级的三管轮适任证书,并担任其职务满_月。A.12B.15C.18D.24正确答案:C NYPE Charterparty is a _.A.Voyage CharterB.Time CharterC.Bill of LadingD.Salvage Contract正确答案:B 船员日常防火防爆须知规定在油轮上照相()。A.可以闪光B.禁止闪光C.未明确正确答案:B21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第3节在南半球摩擦层中,风速和风向随高度增加的变化是()。A、风速增大,风向不变B、
4、风速增大,风向向右偏转C、风速增大,风向向左偏转D、风速减小,风向向右偏转参考答案:C _ the master is to use all reasonable care to bring the adventure to a successful conclusion,protecting the ship and cargo from undue risks,as agent for the ShipownerA.The only duty ofB.None of the duties ofC.One of the main duties ofD.No duty of正确答案:C A l
5、ine of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n) _.A.straight lineB.arcC.parabolaD.line parallel to the coast正确答案:B 某轮船速12kn,顺风顺流航行,流速2kn,风使船增速1kn,则1h后船舶对水航程为()。A.12nmileB.13nmileC.14nmileD.15nmile本题答案:B 多普勒计程仪采用双波速是为了 。A.能够测定船舶前进和后退速度B.消除由于声速变化所引起的测速误差C.消除船舶摇摆
6、或颠簸而引起的测速误差D.A+B+C正确答案:C渗透探伤适用于检验_材料和_的零件。A.金属/各种形状尺寸B.各种/各种形状尺寸C.非金属/任意形状D.塑料/任意尺寸参考答案:B21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第4节 在火灾现场抢救时,对烧伤者创面的保护处理应用下列哪种方法较为正确?A.立即涂抹烧伤药膏B.立即将创面上的泥沙清理干净并包扎C.立即用干净衣物包裹伤口D.立即用海水浸泡或冷敷创面正确答案:C 绞缆时手持缆绳活端的水手应在卷筒后放_米以上距离。A.1B.2C.3D.4正确答案:A 你是限于吃水船,在狭水道中航行,遇到他船从你右舷穿越狭水道,构成碰撞危险,谁是让路船?A.你船B.他船
7、C.他船应保速保向D.两船都让正确答案:A 船舶系泊时,能防止船首向外舷移动的缆包括_。A.首缆、首倒缆和首横缆B.尾缆、首倒缆和首横缆C.尾缆、尾倒缆和首横缆D.尾缆、尾倒缆和尾横缆参考答案:A涉外人身意外保险的费率拟订主要依据:()、被保险人的职业性质厘订、被保险人的工作性质厘订、被保险人的要求厘订A、+B、+C、+D、参考答案:A 在船舶火灾事故调查中,观察现场有无可疑的纵火处,属于环境勘查。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第5节 All the following is true except that _A.in many places a cou
8、nter current flows in opposition to the main current close to the bankB.current can vary with depth of water and large deep draught ships can experience different current effects at differing parts of the hull tend to turn to the windC.as speed is reduced,the increased proportion of the ships vector
9、 which is attributable to current will set the ship close to obstructionsD.when close to the berth in a head current,there is a danger that flow inshore of the ship becomes restricted and the ship is subject to interactive forces正确答案:C 油气与空气混合,在爆炸极限的下限以下,遇明火不会爆炸和燃烧。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 下列不属于降压药物的是_。A.利
10、尿剂B.哌替啶C.-受体阻滞剂正确答案:B -Stand by engine! -Reply: Stand by engine! -Report: _.A.Stand byB.Stand by engineC.Engine stand byD.OK正确答案:C 转舵太慢最主要的原因是:A.舵叶负荷大B.主泵排出压力低C.补油泵流量小D.主泵流量小正确答案:D选择修复工艺需要考虑()修复工艺是否适合零件的材料修复工艺是否能达到待修零件所需要的修补层厚度零件的结构和尺寸是否限制修复工艺的实施修复工艺是否能引起零件变形和改变零件材料的组织与性能修复工艺是否能保证零件的各种强度和刚度的要求A.B.C.
11、D.答案:D解析:选择修复工艺需要考虑:修复工艺是否适合零件的材料首先应搞清楚待修零件的材料,然后根据零件的材料选择合适的修复工艺。修复工艺是否能达到待修零件所需要的修补层厚度每种修复工艺的单层修补层厚度都有一个合理的范围,过薄或过厚都会出现问题。零件的结构和尺寸是否限制修复工艺的实施孔径太小的零件无法进行喷绘,太薄的铸铁零件不能采用金属扣合工艺等。修复工艺是否能引起零件变形和改变零件材料的组织与性能修复工艺是否能保证零件的各种强度和刚度的要求 21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第6节 AUSREP船位报告系统中要求的报告有_种。A.4B.5C.6D.7正确答案:A 经验表明,木材在燃烧时,烟
12、越黑,其中的一氧化碳浓度也就越高。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 在海上,当你看到来船的号灯仅为红、白、红垂直三盏灯,则来船可能为。A.除清除水雷作业的操纵能力受到限制的船舶在航不对水移动时B.从事潜水作业的操纵能力受到限制的小船在锚泊中作业C.除拖带以外的操纵能力受到限制的船舶在航不对水移动时D.操纵能力受到限制的船舶在锚泊中作业正确答案:B 船舶在我国港内洗舱作业,必须采取安全措施和防止污染海域措施,是否可洗舱由-决定。A.港监B.港务局C.大副D.船长正确答案:A 海上求生的一般原则包含_。自身保护;保持救生艇筏在难船附近海面;合理使用有限的淡水和食物;保持坚定的求生意志和信念A.B
13、.C.正确答案:C At the master gyrocompass,the compass card is attached to the _A.Spider elementB.Sensitive elementC.Link armD.Pickup transformer正确答案:B21年海船船员考试真题及答案7节 第7节 材料:A Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued for a period not exceeding 12 monthsA Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
14、,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five yearsAn Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers.(i)When the rene
15、wal survey is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a c
16、argo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(ii)When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing certificate,the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a d
17、ate not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate;(iii)when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate,
18、the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(1)for a passenger ship,a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of completion of the renewal survey;(2)for a cargo ship,a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey问题:The
19、 valid period of an Exemption Certificate for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate shall be _A.longer than five yearsB.shorter than five yearsC.longer than 12 monthsD.shorter than 12 monthsWhen the renewal survey is completed within one month before the expiry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safe
20、ty Construction Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid _A.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateB.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the dat
21、e of expiry of the existing certificateC.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateD.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding five years from the dateIt can be concluded that the actual period of validity of
22、a new Passenger Ship Safety Certificate is less than 12 months if the renewal survey is completed _A.4 months before its expiry dateB.3 months before its expiry dateC.2 months before its expiry dateD.after its expiry dateWhen the renewal survey is completed on a date which is 99 days before the expi
23、ry date of the existing Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate,the new certificate shall be valid _A.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding 12 months from the date of expiry of the existing certificateB.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not e
24、xceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificateC.from the date of expiry of the existing certificate to a date not exceeding 12 months from the dateD.from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from that date请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答
25、案解析:B问题 2 答案解析:B问题 3 答案解析:D问题 4 答案解析:D 二副在职务调动时应交接下列哪些内容?I、海图改正的情况;II、航次报告及填制情况;III、本职工作所用的工具和物品及船长、大副交办的事项A.I、IIB.IIIIC.II、IIID.I、III正确答案:B When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,_.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circleB
26、.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallelsC.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track lineD.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart正确答案:A 调节躯体平衡的器官是_。A.大脑B.小脑C.间脑正确答案:B轮机长在调动时在下列项目中,向接班轮机长应重点介绍:()、机炉舱安全规定、有关应急设备技术状况和使用方法、轮机部人员情况、核对或测量燃润油料的实际存量A、+B、+C、D、参考答案:C 船舶操作性污染的特点有:A.污染发生时间的不确定性,污染发生性质的隐蔽性,污染发生地域的分散性和随机性。B.船员在船舶作业中由于业务技能、责任心及注意力等的影响,将污染物质排入海洋。C.主要是由于在正常操作中设备出现故障所造成的。正确答案:A