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1、2023年巧解新托福词汇类问题Example:OGPracticeSet5,question3Passage3:Absenteeismandlatenesshurtproductivityandsinceworkwass下面是我为大家整理的2023年巧解新托福词汇类问题,供大家参考。Example: OG Practice Set 5, question 3Passage 3: Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and since work was specialized, disrupted the regular factory rout

2、ine. Industrialization not only produced a fundamental change in the way work was organized; it transformed the very nature of work.The word disrupted in the passage is closest in meaning toprolongedestablishedfollowedupset解析:disrupt 在的文章句子中出现and连接的并列信息hurt,根据这一并列信息,我们可以得出disrupt在此句中的意思为upset。4. 因果关

3、系Example: OG Practice Set 6, question 1Passage 1: Feeding, courtship, preproduction, and even “rest” are carried out while in constant motion. As a result, practically every aspect of the body form and function of these swimming “machines” is adapted to enhance their ability to swim.The word enhance

4、 in the passage is closest in meaning touseimprovecounteractbalance解析:enhance 在的文章句子中出现表示因果关系的短语as a result,根据前一句中的原因,我们可以得出enhance在此句中的意思为improve。5. 连词orExample: OG The EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS question 1Passage 1: Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how ca

5、n we tell when other people are happy or despondent? It turns out that the expression of many emotions may e universalThe word despondent in the passage is closest in meaning tocuriousunhappythoughtfuluncertain解析:despondent 所在的文章句子中出现疑问句,疑问句中的连词or 表示选择,因此我们可以得出despondent在此句中的意思为unhappy。 数字/时间Example

6、: OG Practice Set 3, question 11Passage 6: With the advent of projection, the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive i

7、mages on inpidual photographic cards instead of strips of celluloid. It suddenly became public an experience that the viewer shared with dozens, score, and even hundreds of others. At the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inch

8、es in height to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.The word expanded in the passage is closest in meaning towas enlargedwas improvedwas variedwas rejected解析:expanded所在的文章句子中出现从“1 or 2 inches”到“6 or 9 feet”,因此我们可以轻而易举得出expanded在文章中上下文意思为 was enlarged。 标点线索Example: OG Practice Set 3, question 4P

9、assage 3: Exhibitors, however, wanted to maximize their profits, which they could do more readily by projecting a handful of films to hundreds of customers at a time rather than one at a time and by charging 25 to 50 cents admissionThe word readily in the passage is closest in meaning tofrequentlyea

10、silyintelligentlyobviously解析:readily 在的文章句子中出现表示附加或补充信息的圆括号,根据圆括号中的内容,我们可以得出readily在此句中的意思为easily。 构词法根据构词法,单词的结构有三部分:前缀(prefixes),词干(stems)和后缀(suffixes)。词干是单词的构成基础,前缀和后缀则分别加在词干的前面和后面,从而改变单词的词性和含义。而前缀、后缀和词干都有其固定含义,因此根据构词法,我们就可以利用其固定含义来判断生词的意思。Example: OG NINETEENTH-CENTURY POLITICS IN THE UNITED STA

11、TESPassage 1: During his administration he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidencyThe word immeasurably in the passage is closest in meaning tofrequentlygreatlyrapidlyreportedly解析:immeasurably一词的词根为measure(测量、度量), 词缀分别为im-(不),-able(能的),-ly (由形容词变为副词)。因此我们可以判断immeasurably一词在此句中的意思为greatly。


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