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1、2023年英文简历写法技巧下面是我为大家整理的2023年英文简历写法技巧,供大家参考。英文简历写法技巧11.绝无拼写错误现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(Spelling Check),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。因此这是完全不能容许的错误。2.小心相近字这是拼写检查查不出的错误,要尤为小心。例如,有一位专业是经济学的同志,他本应写Major: Economics(专业:经济学),但却误写成了Mayor: Economy,摇身一变,成了主管经济的*。3.避免明显的语法错误这并不是说一点儿语法错误都没有,因为英语毕竟不是母语,稍微有一点小错,别人也是能够谅解的。4.请


3、得新的机会。通常美式简历的规范写法都是不写Objective的。英文简历写法技巧扩展阅读英文简历写法技巧(扩展1)英文简历技巧英文简历技巧11. 英文简历与中文简历可能很多人都觉得,英文简历就是中文简历的翻译版本,然而很遗憾,至少就我个人来看,并非如此;首先,从形式上,中文简历排比性内容较多,且呈现递进性的结构更容易吸引阅览者注意,需要更多的整体性,然而从语言习惯来看,英文简历采用并列式结构较多,各部分结构之间关联关系相对较少,更加强调内部的独立性。而从内容上,按照中式习惯,大量排比奖项、证书、课题绝对是王道,在英文简历中,证书和学历则更多作为title index出现,更看重具体内容、描述和

4、条理,所以,将自己的事迹分清主次,列好条目才是提高英文简历整体评分的关键所在。最后,在核心内容配置上,英文简历的objective(意向?)和summary(个人简述)相对中文来说,更加强调简洁和描述性,直截了当远比从原因到结论的写法来的巧妙,且summary可以视情况适当提前,而不必一如*古风,谦逊的放在最后。2.风格选择与结构安排本文主要针对保研用简历,因而风格上偏学术(jian dan),略带正式一点的简历一般来说就比较合适;结构安排上,除必备的summary、education(这个包含双学位、院所、绩点、年限、核心课程,参考附件模板)之外,papers,associations,wo

5、rkingexperience也可以作为加分项出现,特别是要求英文简历的院校,一般说来对于实践能力也比较看重(但不要太多,毕竟读研还是要给老师踏实打工,you know),因而多加一些经历进去,不论是作为全面评价个人的方式,还是作为面试中的.典型谈资,都有较大的加分价值。此外在风格偏向上,建议客观冷漠一点,不要太多诸如successful,graceful之类比较激情的形容词(但是副词形式可以有!),必要的地方可以列出一些数字(百分比、绩效、数量等),更显真实与客观。格式注意专业,特别是论文和研究课题,要用英文的规范参考引文形式(见附件)。从语感上,个人觉得,少用形容词开头,名词显得*常,建议

6、多用动词(含副词)开头,名词结尾,简洁而有力。格式上,简单为宜,少用修饰和logo,适当的分隔符即可(表格型亦可,但是作为保研简历的话,不容易重点突出学术和科研项目。3.Ex与Par的写作技巧这两个词不知道怎么翻译比较与保研合适,经验?经历?好吧,这部分看似普通而赘余,实则是保研奖励的亮点所在,一般来说,如果老师对你的summary比较感兴趣,会直接进入这一部分判断你的真实能力与实操经验。因而,这部分第一事项就是要在踏实(对,你没看错)的基础上最大吸引眼球(靠数字和地点),突出问题或责任(problemidentity),适当描述研究内容和方法(action and method),一个名词(

7、成果、奖项、评价)来作为结果(result),这样的结果相信最能震动人心。英文简历写法技巧(扩展2)英文简历基本要求与技巧英文简历基本要求与技巧11. Select the best format.1. 选择最佳格式While most resumes are written in a history chronological format, often a better technique is to evenly balance between skill-set description, achievements, and employment.多数简历是按照时间顺序写的,可是通常更好

8、地做法是掌握好“技能描述”、“业绩”和“工作情况”之间的*衡。2. Make certain your document is error free.2. 确保简历文字准确无误Since you are familiar with your own writing, you will see what you were thinking and not what is actually on the page. Do not rely on yourself to proofread your work and do not rely on spell-check. Find a friend

9、 who has strong grammar skills to check your work.因为人们熟悉自己的文字,所以“看到的”是自己所想的,而不是实际写在纸上的。不要自己来检查,不要靠拼写工具检查。请一位语法很强的朋友来检查你制作好的简历。3. Find a balance between wordiness and lack of detail.3. “简”和“繁”的*衡Employers need to see details about your work history and experience, but they dont need to know everythin

10、g. The fact that you were den leader in your Cub Scout troop is irrelevant. Keep information germane to the goal of attaining an interview. Eliminate information that is not related and will not have a direct impact on winning the interview.雇主们需要了解你的工作背景、经验,可并不需要了解一切。你在童子军做教练员就是无关的信息。要让简历内容和能帮你争取到面试

11、机会。删掉无关的、对赢得面试不会有直接影响的信息。4. Do not use personal pronouns.4. 不要用人称代词I, me, my, mine, and our should not be on a resume. Resumes are written in first person (implied). Example: For your prior job description, instead of writing: I hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales as

12、sociates you would instead state that you Hired, trained and supervised a team of assistant managers and sales associates. Fragment sentences are perfectly acceptable on a resume and actually preferred.“我”,“我的.”,“我们的”不应该出现在简历中。简历都是以(隐藏的)第一人称来书写的。例如:描述上一份工作时,不要写成“我曾参与招聘、培训、管理经理助理及销售助手”,而是“招聘、培训、管理经理助

13、手及销售助手”。简历上出现“片段句”完全可以,而且在实际中会更受青睐。5. Use numerical symbols for numbers.5. 以*数字代替文字While we are taught in school to spell out numbers less than ten, in resume writing, numerical symbols serve as eye stops and are a much better method. Instead of writing Developed a dynamic team of eight consultants.

14、 it would be much more advantageous to state Developed a dynamic team of 8 consultants.虽然上学时老师教我们“十”以下的数字都要大写,*数字却可以吸引人们的目光、是更好的数字表示方法。不要写成“建设了一只包括八名顾问,充满活力的团队”,写成“建设了一只包括8名顾问,充满活力的团队”会更能获得优势。6. Think accomplishments rather than job duties.6. 注重“业绩”而不是“职责”What makes you stand out from the crowd? How

15、 did you come up with a way to do things better, more efficiently, or for less cost? What won honors for you? Information such as this is vital, will grab attention, and put your resume at the top of the list.让你出众的是什么?怎样才能把事情做地更好、更有效率,成本更小?你因为什么赢得过荣誉?这些是很重要的信息,会吸引目光,会让你的简历获得优先考虑。7. Keep it positive.

16、7. 传递积极态度Reasons for leaving a job and setbacks do not have a place on a resume. Employers are seeking people who can contribute and have successfully performed in the past. Concentrate on communicating these issues and avoid any detracting information.离职的原因和过去的挫折都不该出现在简历上。雇主们要找的是过去表现成功、能做出贡献的人。集中精力

17、传递这些信息、回避任何转移注意力的信息。Remember, many first-time job interviews are conducted via telephone rather than in person. Make sure you are prepared for that telephone call when it arrives. And make sure you have a resume that will make the phone ring!别忘了,有很多初试是通过电话来进行的,而不是当面。在电话来的时候要做好准备。还有,一定让自己拥有一份能让那个电话铃声

18、响起的简历!英文简历写法技巧(扩展3)英文简历必须掌握的技巧英文简历必须掌握的技巧11 resume Section 简历结构You have some flexibility with the section on your resume. There are 3 sections that you must have: your contact information your education and some kind of experience.简历的结构设置有一定的灵活性,但是联系方式、教育背景以及实践经历这三个模块是必不可少的。Other sections are option

19、al. Your choice to use will depend on how well they would convey your fit for the position. These optional sections include the objective, the skill summary, or summaries of qualifications, relevant course work, projects, extracurricular activities, honors and awards, and interests.其它模块是选择性的。你的使用选择取

20、决于模块将传达你和职位很高的匹配度。这些模块包括求职意向、技能综述、资历综述、相关课程、项目、课外实践活动、荣誉奖项、兴趣爱好。2 Developing resume Content 简历内容的编写For contact information at the top of your resume, put your name, address and phone number and e-mail. If you are still in school, you can include both your current address, and your permanent address.

21、简历最上方的联系信息需要包括姓名、联系地址、电话号码以及电子邮件地址。如果你还是在校学生,你可以在联系地址这一栏写上你的暂住址以及籍贯。If you include objective on your resume which should com#e next, it can sim* be what you want to do for your next job.如果你要在简历上写求职意向,它应该写在联系信息模块后,而且只需简短描述意向的工作行业、职位。Everything include below the objective should help show that you hav

22、e the qualification and experience to support your objective.求职目标以下的内容都应该帮助证明你有足够的资质和经验支撑你的求职意向。If you ap*ing for a position you found on advertise. You can just list the job title.如果你申请的职位是在招聘广告上看到的,你可以列明职位名称。If you give your resume to networking contact or representative at the career fair, you ca

23、n just name the type of position you want.如果你通过网上或招聘会递交简历,你仅需列出应聘职位的类型。You can also include the type of organization where youd like to work. It would be obvious to an employer which position you are ap*ing for.你还可以说明你的意向企业,这可以使HR明白你申请的职位。You do not need to include the objective.这就你就不用写求职意向了。If you

24、are still in school or recently graduated, the education section goes near the top of the page. They need to fit the objective.如果你是在校生或应届毕业的学生,教育背景应该被放在简历的前面,教育背景应该匹配你的求职意向。If it has been a year or more since you graduated put this or add near in your resume unless you want to bring it to the employ

25、ers attention right on front.如果你毕业已经有一年以上了,教育背景可以被搁置在后面,除非你要利用这点吸引HR的注意力,则可以提前。In the education section you usually list the education institution you graduated or will graduate from. Degree or degree is earned, and the month and year of graduation.在教育背景这一栏,通常你应该列明你毕业学校或者即将毕业的学校,已获得学位以及即将获得的学位,以及毕业的

26、年月。You can also include your GPA, the title of your subject to be honored thesis.你也可以在教育背景这一栏列出你的GPA,获奖毕业论文题目 。And in the education abroad you participated in. Remember the name of the school you attended, where and when, and in the coursework related to the objective.至于你的海外学习,应该列明学校名称,时间地点,以及参加的与求职

27、目标相关的课程。You dont need to include your junior or com#munity college education unless it would help mark you from the place you are seeking or if omitting it would be confusing.你不需要写出你的初中以及社区大学的教育经历,除非这些经历使你非常出彩或略去这些经历会让HR产生疑惑。If you want to highlight your transfer GPA, list the institution and includ

28、e your GPA.如果你想要突出你的交流成绩,你可以在学院旁注明。Dont recalculating in com#bining GPA from the com#munity college.不要把社区学院的GPA加在一起来重新计算你的GPA3 Experience Section 经历概述Your experience can include paid and unpaid work and activities. If you dont have much job experience, consider what you develop valuable transferable

29、 skill doing class projects or participating in the students club.你的个人经历可以包括带薪和不带薪的工作以及活动。如果你没有充足的工作经历,你可以写你在做课程项目或者参与学生社团过程中获得的有价值的可迁移技能。Some of your experience may fit well in the separate projects and activity sections.如果你的经历足够丰富,你可以单独列出一个部分写明。First list all your experience, both paid and unpaid

30、including job internships and volunteer work, work on behalf of the student organization as a member or officer and class projects which could be relevant to your objective. Free chicks project, activity include your job internship and volunteer title。首先,列明你所有的经历,无论是带薪还是不带薪;是工作、实习还是志愿者活动;是学生组织或课堂项目中

31、的成员还是领导;只要与你的申请职位有关即可。这些工作经历都需要列明名称。For each experience, project or activity, include your job, internship, volunteer title, employer or course and dates for employment or time inferred for the course.对于每一次经历,无论是项目还是活动,要将你工作、实习或志愿者的职务名称、雇主、工作或课程的时间列出。Describe for what you did in terms of the accom#p

32、lishments.通过描述你所做过的事来展示你所获得的成就。Use action words, in past tense lasted on going, to convey the skills reused.使用动词的过去式来传达你的技能。Show the scopes of your accom#plishments by stating the results of your efforts,using the quantitative or qualitative details.使用定量或定性的细节,阐述努力的成果来显示自己所获的成就的范围。Leave a balance of

33、 a conciseness and necessary specifics to create clear, basic picture.为了制作简明扼要的简历,协调好简洁与必要细节。After youve put your experience down on paper, you want to tailor the information of type of job or internship you are seeking.当把自己的实践经历写在纸上后,你应该针对申请的工作或实习职位来调整相关信息。Do this by *yzing the job description for

34、the skills and experience being cited.这需要你针对申请职位来分析与职位相关的技能和经历And in cooperate with the language and ideas from the description into your resume.并且根据职位描述来调整简历要用的语言及理念。4 Skills Section 技能总结In Skills summary of qualification section should include skills and other qualifications that support your cand

35、idacy for the job you want.技能总结的这一部分,应当包括能够提高简历支撑度的技能和其他资格证书。You can get ideas from job description and your knowledge of given field or the position usually entails.你可以从职位描述、自己对于给定行业领域的了解,以及职位要求领会制作简历的理念。The most com#mon types of skills students included are com#*r and foreign language proficiencie

36、s.学生普遍使用的技能有计算机技术和精通的外语。You can also have separate skill sections for specialized skills such as laboratory skills.你也可以为自己的专业技能如实验室研究技能而单独开设一栏。5 Summary Of Qualification Section 资历概述In summary of qualification sections are more lapped and developed emersion of skills section.资历概述的内容比技能总结的更加的丰富。It ca

37、n include information such as the number of years of related experience, relevant special areas of expertise, technical skills and unique personal qualities based on the past feedback youve received.涵盖的信息包括相关经历的实践年数,相关特殊领域的专业知识,技术技能和独特的个人能力品质。这些都基于你的过去工作的反馈。Typically, skills sections go to near the

38、bottom or the top of the resume, while the summary of qualification usually goes near the top follow the objective.通常,“技能总结”放在简历的顶部或底部。而“资历概述”要靠近顶部,在求职意向的下面。6 resume Formats and Styles 简历格式和样式resumes can be formatted at one of the three ways: reverse chronological, skills based or hybrid, a com#bina

39、tion of the other two.简历可以按照以下三种样式来排版:时间倒序型,技能型或混合性。混合型是前面两种方式的结合。The style you choose depends on which one best conveys your qualification for the position.所选择的方式取决于哪一种样式更能体现你与该职位的匹配度。Reverse chronological format is the most com#mon style used by students and some of the employers prefer it.时间倒序型是学

40、生普遍采用的样式,有些HR偏喜欢这种形式的简历。If you have never created a resume before, start with this format.如果你从未做过简历,可以按这种样式来做。It works best when you have recent experience that related to your current job objective or the internship objective.如果你最近从事的工作与你的求职目标或实习目标相关,时间倒序的样式更有用。And in this format your experience wi

41、ll be listed in reversed chronological order, based on the indeed of each of your experiences.这样,你的实际的经验经历要按照倒序的时间来进行排列。Put your most recent experience at the top.把最新的经历放在最前面。The skills based are the most beneficial if your work experience isnt direct related to your career objective.如果你的工作经历与你的求职目标

42、匹配度不高,那么技能型的简历样式是比较好的。If you are making a career change, this maybe the best style for you.如果你要换工作,这种形式是你最好的选择英文简历不得不掌握的技巧职业英语。In this resume style, you identify the top 3 or 4 skills that required for your career objective and using these settings within your resume.在这种简历样式中,你需要根据你的求职目标确定前3到4项技能,依照

43、这些设定来完成简历。写好英文简历你应该知道的技巧个人简历Put bullet points on your each adding describing what you did and what you accom#plished that illustrated you have demonstrated the skill.运用点句,通过描述你做了什么,完成了什么,表明你提过的技能。The bullet point can be from you academic, actual career com#munity service experience as well as from j

44、obs.这些可以从自己的学习、社区服务或工作经历中挖掘得到。In this style, list your work history in reverse chronological order in the separate section of the bottom of the resume.这种模式下,你的职业史以时间倒叙的方式单独在简历底部列出一栏。A hybrid form at will be best for you, if you have experiences that support your career objective but it isnt your mos

45、t recent experience.当你的经历与你的求职目标相关,但不是最近的经历,混合型简历最合适And in this format you will have more than one in experience section with headers that describes the type of the experience.在此样式中,你的经历概述可以通过列小标题对不同类型的经历进行阐述。For example, Teaching or Sales Marketing.如教学经历或市场销售经历。You can also suggest your related exp

46、eriences and other experiences in these headers.你也可以利用标题阐述相关经历或其他经历。Under each header, you lists your experience in reverse chronological order, similarly, to have what you structure in reverse chronological resume.在每一项小标题下面,你可以按照时间倒序的方式来罗列自己的经历,这与时间倒序型的简历结构类似。This format enables you to put your mos

47、t relevant experience at the top of your experience section.这会帮助你把相关度最高的经历列在经历概述这一部分的最前面。A real benefit of this format is what you want the employer to see is the most relevant experience first.英文简历写法技巧(扩展4)英文简历写作技巧 (菁选2篇)英文简历写作技巧1一、简历种类1、中式简历中式简历中,常常包括政治面貌、性格及身高体重等信息。来源:免费如果中英文简历一起递交,建议中文简历中不写政治面貌。因为如果去外企工作,背景中的政治色彩越少越好,起码没有必要让老外知道。性格是主观的东西,有经验的招聘人员从来不相信任何人写自己的性格,因为它不是硬性的东西,不象学历、技能。有些人如果认为公司要招聘一个比较活跃一点的,便会在简历中写性格开朗。有的是真的相信自己性格开


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