1、旅游与心情 俗话说,读万卷书,不如行万里路,在旅行的过程中,能让我们增长见识,学到书本上所没有的知识。不知从何时起,我也喜欢上了旅行,喜欢在路上的感觉,喜欢与不同的人接触,喜欢看不同的景色,体会不同的风土人情,在旅行的过程中,我的心情是愉悦的,是放松的。下面我就和大家一起分享我的一次快乐的旅行。大三那年的暑假,我和我的两个闺蜜开启了为期十天的四川之行。众所周知,四川有美食,有美景,更有美女,不过令我最印象深刻的还是九寨沟的美景。很有幸,我有机会在九寨沟住了一晚,可以仔细用心的欣赏这里的每一处风景,从白天到晚上,毫不厌倦,深深地被着美丽的景色所吸引。九寨沟的水果然是名不虚传,像一面面镜子,清澈见
2、底,有蓝色的,有绿色的,还有五彩的。看到这美丽的景色,让我整个人都非常舒服,所有的烦恼和忧愁都被抛之脑后,心情十分愉悦。我希望大家有机会能够亲自去一趟九寨沟,去感受那里的美景,无论春夏秋冬,他都有不同的景色,是一个放松心情的好去处。大多数人都生活在快节奏中,难免会烦躁,忧虑,巨大的生活压力会压得我们喘不过气,当你心情不好的时候,为什么不来一场旅行,去一个你想去的地方,去感受那里的风情文化,去欣赏不一样的美景,相信我,你一定会收获一个好心情的。As the old saying goes:Reading numerous books is not good as travelling,which
3、 can enriches your life.Traveling not only broadens our horizons but also opens our eyes to the ll be sure to experience many new things when can visit one of the“seven wonders of the world,”such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of,I fall in love with travel,I like the feeling on the ro
4、ad,like to communicate with different people,like to see a various view and to experience different the course of travel,I have a relaxed mood and well-balanced heart.Next,I will share a pleasant travel experience to you.I with my two girlfriends started a ten-day trip to Sichuan provinces during th
5、e summer of our sophomore year.As we all know,there are delicious food,beautiful Scenery and beautiful The beauty of jiuzhaigou left a deep impression on me.Fortunately,I had the opportunity to stay one night in there,so I have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery here,from day to night with tireless
6、ly,and deeply attracted by the beautiful view.It was not until I visited the place and saw the lake that I found it really worthy of the reputation.The lake like a mirror and is so clear that you can see the lake has different colors:blue,green,as well as colorful.I feel very comfortable and pleasur
7、e,as if all of the troubles and worries are disappear when I saw the beautiful hope you have the chance to go to jiuzhaigou personally,to feel the beauty there.It has a different view regardless of seasons,it is a good place to relax mood.Most people have a fast pace of life,we will feel irritability and anxiety unavoidablely,great life pressure will pressure us to breath.When you feel terrible,why do not you come to a trip to a place you want to go,to feel the culture and customs in there,to appreciate the different view.Believe me,you will gain a good mood.