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1、英语商业计划书(Business Plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标确定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary) 概述是整个商业计划的第一部分,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。一般将概述放在最后书写,页数应控制在2页以内。 概述应包括的基本内容有: 企业的宗旨,例如:In 2007, ABC Corporation was created to.Now, ABC Corporation is at a point where 背景介绍,例如:

2、For many years people haveThe condition of the industry today is such that 产品或服务及市场竞争情况,例如:We have just completed the development of S30 a noveland proprietary construction toolCompared to competitive products, our s30 can 企业目标,例如:Our objective, at this time, is to propel the company into aprominent

3、 market position. We feel that within 5 years ABCCorporation will be in a suitable condition for furtherexpansion, an initial public offering or profitable acquisition.To accomplish this goal we 管理团队和管理组织,例如Our management team consists of 5 men and womenWhose backgrounds consist of 10 years of marke

4、ting with 市场策略,例如:The fundamental thrust of our marketing strategyconsists of 财务状况和计划,例如:In 5 years we will have and our investors will beable to 结论,例如:ABC Corporation enjoys an established track-record ofexcellent support for our customers. Their expressions ofsatisfaction and encouragement are num

5、erous, and weintend to continue our advances in the 第二讲:现状分析(present situation) 这部分尽可能简明扼要而又全面地介绍公司的情况,以及公司所在行业的信息。 市场环境,例如:The marketplace has been stagnant for 2 years. We arepoised now to 产品或服务,例如:The present stage of S30 is in the design stage. 产品生命周期,例如:Our current product line is 价格和利润,例如:Curr

6、ent prices are and profits are 客户,例如:Current customers are using our for 销售渠道,例如:We have service centers, retailers, manufacturersrepresentatives 管理团队情况,例如:Most of our management is in place, however, we require aproduction manager to complete our team. 财务状况,例如:Current cash available is. 第三讲:目标确定(ob

7、jectives) 企业目标是企业使命和指导方针的具体化和数量化,它反应企业在一定时期内经营活动的方向和所要达到的水平。企业目标的实现时间较长,一般为三到五年或者更长时间。好的企业目标具有总体性、与外部环境联系密切、有很大的激励作用、切实可行等特点。 企业的基本目标,例如:The primary objectives of our organization are to:ABC 投资收益率(ROI),例如:Based on a XXX% market share for our XXX product by20XX, we estimate our return on investment t

8、o be XXX%. 财务目标,例如: Last Year This Year Next YearSales $ Volume Unit Volume % Increase/DecreaseShare of MarketGross Profit Manufacturing Fully BurdenedMarketing Expenses Advertising Sales Promotion Trade Allowances Other 欲计将来增长、改进的目标,例如:Other objectives we have set for ourselves include XXX. We expe

9、ct to replace (competitive/existing products or services) by XXX% by 20XX. We plan to add XXX (retailers, distributors, service centers)per month/year and we will have a total of XXX (retailers,distributors) by 20XX. 第四讲:组织结构(management) 投资者考察企业时,管理是最为重要的因素。没有一支优秀的管理团队和有效的组织模式,科技成果不可能和资本很好结合创造现实的生产力

10、。一般需要介绍的管理人员有:总裁、常务副总裁、人事部总监、营销副总裁、财务副总裁、生产部总监。对每一位关键人员用文章一个段落的篇幅进行描述就可以。介绍组织结构时要注意以下问题:1 主要管理人员和专业人员的发展路径是怎样的?他们具有哪些技能?2 公司未来的组织机构是怎样的?3 谁将成为部门领导者?4 在哪些领域的管理应该加强?5 报酬机制如何? 团队结构介绍,例如:Of the XXX people who make up the development staff,there are XXX founders who hold the following positions: XXX, Pre

11、sident XXX, Vice President of Finance XXX, Vice President of Marketing XXX, Vice President of Sales XXX, Vice President of Engineering XXX, Vice President of Research XXX, Vice President of Operations XXX, Director of Marketing XXX, Manager XXX Development XXX, Corporate Attorney 管理人员描述,例如:XXX, Pres

12、identXXX Degree, University of XXX XXXs professional experience includes many differentareas in the XXX industry. 人力资源需求,例如:(Company) development team recognizes that additionalstaff is required to properly support marketing, sales,research, and support functions.第五讲:产品分析(the product/service) 产品介绍应包

13、括以下内容:1 产品名称2 性能及特性3 产品所处的生命周期4 产品的市场竞争力5 产品的研究和开发过程6 发展新产品的计划和成本分析7 产品的市场前景预测8 产品的品牌和专利 此外,还要从顾客和投资者角度出发回答下面的问题:1 顾客希望企业的产品能解决什么问题,顾客能从企业的产品中获得什么好处?2 企业的产品与竞争对手的产品相比有哪些优缺点,顾客为什么会选择本企业的产品?3 为什么用户会大批量地购买企业的产品?4 本公司能提供哪些购买便利?5 企业为自己的产品采取了何种保护措施,企业拥有哪些专利、许可证,或与已申请专利的厂家达成了哪些协议?6 为什么企业的产品定价使企业产生足够的利润? 介绍

14、产品,例如:This capability for XXX is a unique feature enjoyed by (Company) and our customers. 专利保护,例如:Our product(s) is protected under the following: 产品价格优势,例如:Regarding cost savings (product/service) will save ourcustomers money in terms of XXX. 产品测试,例如:Completed tests have shown that XXX (results). 产

15、品特性描述,例如:XXX is another powerful feature. This includes XXX.XXX saves a tremendous amount of time when XXX.第六讲:市场分析(market analysis) 这部分内容包括行业分析、市场分析和竞争分析。行业分析包括企业所在行业概述、对行业发展方向的预测、对驱动因素的分析。市场分析的核心内容是在市场细分的基础上确定目标市场。要让投资者了解市场的规模有足够大的赢利空间和发展空间;知道市场有良好的发展前景,即所确定的目标市场在未来将会长生不衰。竞争分析中要对全部竞争产品及竞争厂家作出描述与分析

16、。尤其要分析这些竞争对手所占有的市场份额、年销量与销售收入,以及他们的财务实力。此外还要对自己产品所具有的优势作分析,对未来市场变化趋势作预测。 介绍目标顾客购买的原因,例如:It is easy to understand why the principal buying motivesare XXX because XXX. 介绍项目标顾客的特点,例如:Young Married CouplesAge: 35-55Income: Medium to highSex: Male or FemaleFamily: Married or no childrenGeographic: Suburb

17、anOccupation: White collarAttitude: Early adapters 描述产品的竞争优势,例如:The ability to XXX (what it can do) is unique to thisproduct/service, and our research indicates that itsperformance is superior to anything else on the markettoday. 对竞争产品做对比,例如:Companies with competitive products/services in thismarket

18、 are XXX. XXX (competitor) products only operatein a XXX (limited, etc.) way.第七讲:市场策略(marketing strategy) 市场营销策略极富挑战性,投资者希望了解公司的产品从生产到大最终用户手中的全过程,因此这部分应该包括以下内容: 1 营销机构和营销队伍;2 营销渠道的选择和营销网络的构建;3 广告策略和促销策略;4 价格策略;5 市场渗透与开拓计划;6 市场营销中意外情况的应急对策等。 价格制定策略,例如:The prices for our products /services are determi

19、ned firstand foremost by XXX (competition, costs, suppliers,manufacturers, package deals). 关于折扣,例如:We can take advantage of volume purchases by XXX. 关于直销,例如:The majority of sales will be through direct sales by the(Company) sales staff. (Company) anticipates hiringXXX additional sales representative

20、s to (cover additionalterritories, retailers, distributors, markets, sell specificproducts /services). 销售渠道,例如:By operating within these distribution channels in thismanner we feel that we can maintain control of ourmarket. In addition, we can generate growth at areasonable pace and obtain excellent

21、 sales results. 关于顾客服务,例如:Another service to add value is to provide warehousingof customer inventory. This allows us to book largerorders and provide faster order response.第八讲:生产分析(manufacturing) 这部分主要包括以下内容:1 新产品的生产经营计划;2 公司现有的生产技术能力;3 品质控制和质量改进能力;4 现有生产设备或将要购置的生产设备;5 改进或购置生产设备的成本;6 现有的生产工艺流程 研发阶段

22、,例如:Much of the time and effort at (Company) during the pastXXX year period has been spent on research andXXX product/process development. 生产制造,例如:The process used to produce (product) begins with XXX(full description). 产品性能,例如:The acquisition cost for land and improvements is $XXXwhich will be allo

23、cated in XXX increments. 关于设备,例如:This equipment is used in the processes as describedand configured above to ensure yield, lead-time, and costsare sufficient to provide projected gross margin.第九讲:财务分析(financial projections) 财务分析应包括以下内容:1 展示财务现状;2 今后三年的发展预测;3 投资计划;4 财务预测:损益预测表、资产负载预测表、现金流量预测表;5 资本退出方

24、式 现金流量预测表,例如:Cash Flow ForecastLast Year This Year Next YearBeginning Cash BalanceCash Receipts Collection of Receivables Interest Income Total Cash ReceiptsCash Disbursements Accounts Payable Payments of Other Expenses Income Tax Payments Total Cash DisbursementsNet Cash from (Used for) OperationsS

25、ale of StockPurchase of EquipmentDecrease (Increase) in Funds InvestedShort-term Borrowings (Repayments)Ending Cash Balance第十讲:附件(appendix) 附录同样是商业计划书的一个重要部分。为了使正文言简意赅,许多不能在正文过多叙述的内容可以放在附录部分。特别是一些表格、个人简历、市场调查结果、相关的辅助证明材料等,都应该放在附录部分。 一般附录包括:1 重要合同2 信誉证明3 图片资料4 分支机构表5 市场调查结果6 主要领导人履历7 技术信息8 生产制造信息9 宣传资料 附录部分的撰写原则:1 商业计划书必须与附录分开,附录多时应按功能分类;2 附录部分为商业计划书提供必备的补充资料,不必把所有东西都放入附录,只放那些能真正增加正文说服力的。3 附录要尽可能短,避免长篇大论。


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