1、句子的一致、连贯和强调句子的一致、连贯和强调 正确句正确句(Correct Sentence)1)正确句是一个语法概念,即要求一个句子的语法正确。正确句是一个语法概念,即要求一个句子的语法正确。2)正确性也包括语音和词汇正确,如口语中音发错了,书正确性也包括语音和词汇正确,如口语中音发错了,书面语中词语错了面语中词语错了(包括拼法包括拼法),就不算正确句子。,就不算正确句子。有效句有效句(Effective Sentence)1)有效句指一个句子能有效地达到交际目的。显然有效有效句指一个句子能有效地达到交际目的。显然有效句必须是正确句。语法上不正确的句子,或者是有发音错句必须是正确句。语法上不
2、正确的句子,或者是有发音错误,有时也可以交际,即对方能够理会意思,但有效性很误,有时也可以交际,即对方能够理会意思,但有效性很不可靠,往往会造成误解,造成文际障碍。不可靠,往往会造成误解,造成文际障碍。2)要实现句子的有效性,当然还涉及是否适合语境和对象要实现句子的有效性,当然还涉及是否适合语境和对象等问题。我们这里仅从修辞角度讨论句子本身结构上应具等问题。我们这里仅从修辞角度讨论句子本身结构上应具备的基本要求。句子的一致,句子的连贯和句子的强调。备的基本要求。句子的一致,句子的连贯和句子的强调。句子的一致句子的一致(Sentence Unity)句子一致的含义句子一致的含义1)一致性是指句子
3、所表示的思想是一个完整的统一体。一致性是指句子所表示的思想是一个完整的统一体。例如:例如:Jane sat down,picked up her pen and started to write her composition:“I got up early,Mom told me that there was always traffic jam and our car was a little bit too old and we need buy new one.”例例句句中中JaneJane的的作作文文的的开开头头两两句句话话就就不不够够一一致致:第第一一句句意意思思欠欠完完整整,需需
4、补补上上动动作作发发生生的的时时间间,第第二二句句所所表表示示的的思思想想不不统统一一,因因为为没没有有讲讲明明两两个个分分句句之之间间的的联联系系,也也同第一句割裂,故它们没有形成一个完整的统一体。同第一句割裂,故它们没有形成一个完整的统一体。2)一致性是对句子结构的首要要求,全句使用的词语一致性是对句子结构的首要要求,全句使用的词语都要紧密地围绕一个中心思想,凡未达到这项要求的句都要紧密地围绕一个中心思想,凡未达到这项要求的句子都应改写。例如对上面例子中那个学生的作文可作必子都应改写。例如对上面例子中那个学生的作文可作必要的增删:要的增删:I got up early Monday mor
5、ning.Mom told me that there was always heavy traffic,and as our car was a bit old and couldnt run fast,wed better start earlier.对缺乏一致性句于的两种处理方法对缺乏一致性句于的两种处理方法:1)为了取得句子的一致性,对句中与中心思想无关的内为了取得句子的一致性,对句中与中心思想无关的内容应加删简。例如:容应加删简。例如:Parking space on the compass which is one of the most beautiful in the stat
6、e,has become completely made inadequate,and recently the city council voted to increase but fates again.此句的中心内容是讲停车场已经非常紧张,市府此句的中心内容是讲停车场已经非常紧张,市府决定再次提高公共汽车费,势必使更多的人用私人汽决定再次提高公共汽车费,势必使更多的人用私人汽车,从而加剧停车场紧张的局面。由于车,从而加剧停车场紧张的局面。由于which引导的分引导的分句同本句中心内容无关,故应删去。句同本句中心内容无关,故应删去。上例中的两个分句由逗号上例中的两个分句由逗号and 连接,
7、形式上是一连接,形式上是一个完整的句子,但实际上两个分句之间并未形成有机个完整的句子,但实际上两个分句之间并未形成有机的连接,中心思想未得到明确的表述,为此应当改写的连接,中心思想未得到明确的表述,为此应当改写.一种办法是把并列分句改为主从分句:一种办法是把并列分句改为主从分句:2)对对于于结结构构过过于于松松散散,未未能能明明白白地地表表示示中中心心思思想想的的句句子应加以改写。例如:子应加以改写。例如:I worry about whether I will get a job,and I am convinced that new opportunities will open up b
8、efore the end of spring.I worry about whether I will get a job,though Im convinced that new opportunities will open up before the end of spring.也可以再增加一个分句,从而使全句的中心思想也可以再增加一个分句,从而使全句的中心思想明白地表现出来明白地表现出来:I worry about whether I will get a job.Although I am convinced that new opportunities will open up
9、before the end of spring,I still cant help being anxious about my prospects.句子的连贯句子的连贯(Sentence Coherence)句子连贯的含义句子连贯的含义1.1)句子连贯指句中的成分之间具有合乎逻辑的有句子连贯指句中的成分之间具有合乎逻辑的有机联机联2.系,全句所表述的思路清晰,系,全句所表述的思路清晰,使交际对方容易得使交际对方容易得到要到要3.领。例如:领。例如:It goes without saying that one cannot work logically with a statement w
10、hich does not have a clear-cut,ascertainable meaning 这是一个以这是一个以“it”作形式主语的句子,后面作形式主语的句子,后面“that”分分句为实句为实 际主语,在该分句中又以际主语,在该分句中又以“notnot”结构为主干,既紧结构为主干,既紧 凑,又清晰,确是一个有机整体。凑,又清晰,确是一个有机整体。2)上节讲到的句子上节讲到的句子“一致一致”是指句中的成分都要围绕是指句中的成分都要围绕和服务于全句中心思想的表达,即与中心思想形成有和服务于全句中心思想的表达,即与中心思想形成有机联系;这里讲到的机联系;这里讲到的“连贯连贯”则是指句中
11、的成分之间则是指句中的成分之间要形成有机的横向联系。要形成有机的横向联系。“一致一致”和和“一贯一贯”。两者之。两者之间既有区别,又密切相关。例如:间既有区别,又密切相关。例如:All the players jumped from the bench and the referee made an unfair announcement of the results.这是一个并列句,其两个分句之间表面上虽有这是一个并列句,其两个分句之间表面上虽有and 连接,但连接,但并未能表示出两个分句之间的逻辑联系,即未达到连贯要求,因并未能表示出两个分句之间的逻辑联系,即未达到连贯要求,因而也未能实现
12、句子的一致,结果整句的思想表达得不清楚。为此而也未能实现句子的一致,结果整句的思想表达得不清楚。为此应照下述方法加以改写:应照下述方法加以改写:The referee made an unfair announcement of the results and(so)all the players jumped from the bench AsWhen the referee made an unfair announcement of the results,all the players jumped from the bench All the players jumped from
13、the bench because the referee made an unfair announcement of the results.影响句子连贯的若干因素影响句子连贯的若干因素1)从语法方面看,经常会影响到句子连贯的因素有并从语法方面看,经常会影响到句子连贯的因素有并列结构安排失当,代词所指对象不明确,垂悬修饰或列结构安排失当,代词所指对象不明确,垂悬修饰或修饰语错位,时态、人称、数或语气不一致,句子结修饰语错位,时态、人称、数或语气不一致,句子结构混乱或不完全,等等例如:构混乱或不完全,等等例如:The report is chiefly about inflationary
14、trends in the last decade and that the consumer has lost confidence in the quality of many products 介词介词 about 的并列宾语一为短语,一为分句,属于并列结的并列宾语一为短语,一为分句,属于并列结 构安排失当,应当将构安排失当,应当将that分句改为短语:分句改为短语:The report is chiefly about inflationary trends in the last decade and that consumer has lost confidence in the
15、quality of many products.He rode that snowy night and slipped into a ditch,but it was not serious 例中代词例中代词 it 所指不明确,故句子应加改写:所指不明确,故句子应加改写:,but luckily enough,he didnt get hurt.又如又如:Every member of our research team worked conscientiously,thus producing one of the best projects Professor Ames has eve
16、r received.例句中例句中ing 分词短语的修饰对象不明确,全句含义未能分词短语的修饰对象不明确,全句含义未能 得到确切表达,故宜改为:得到确切表达,故宜改为:BecauseAs every member of our research team worked conscientiously,we produced one of the best projects Professor Ames has ever received.又如又如:Look at that ridiculous ladys hat!修饰语位置不当会引起歧义或显得滑稽可笑,有时会造成修饰语位置不当会引起歧义或显得
17、滑稽可笑,有时会造成 误解。上例中的修饰语位置不当,应改为误解。上例中的修饰语位置不当,应改为:Look at that ladys ridiculous hat!又又如如:When we began our composition course,there was little knowledge about the importance of strategy in the writing of a paper.Correctness in spelling,punctuation,and grammatical usage was what had been drilled into u
18、s;but the effects of interrelationships among speaker,audience,and occasion were foreign to us 上例两个较长的句子讲的是作者,但由于用了上例两个较长的句子讲的是作者,但由于用了4个不同的个不同的 主语主语,影响了句子的连贯和一致,故应改为:影响了句子的连贯和一致,故应改为:At the beginning of our composition course,we knew little about the importance of strategy in the writing of a paper
19、.W e knew the necessity for correctness in spelling,punctuation and grammatical usage but were unaware of the effects of inter-relationships among speaker,audience,and occasion.2)2)从从修修辞辞角角度度看看,词词语语选选用用不不当当,辞辞格格应应用用不不当当,重重复复、省省略略等等其其他他修修辞辞手手法法运运用用不不当当,都都会会影影响响到到句句子子的连贯的连贯(同时也会损坏句子的同时也会损坏句子的致致)。例如:。例
20、如:On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket,I wrote him letter to express my sorrows and sympathies.句句子子“kick the bucket”是是俚俚浯浯,既既粗粗俗俗、又又轻轻浮浮,相相当当汉汉语语中中讲讲某某人人“翘翘辫辫子子”。这这里里把把俚俚语语用用到到一一个个表表示示忧忧伤伤和和同同情情的的句句子子里里,显显然然很很不不恰恰当当,而而应应选选用用委委婉婉语语的的形形式式,如如“pass away”,“be no more”,“depart”,等。又如:,等。又如:Flat
21、tens hills like flattens the floor 这这是是一一个个广广告告稿稿,意意在在用用夸夸张张手手法法宣宣传传使使用用该该汽汽车车爬爬山山时时高高山山变变成成了了平平地地,但但flattens重重复复使使用用时时出出现现下下败败笔笔:既既然然是是floor,就就用用不不着着再再去去flatten,为为此此应应改为:改为:Flattens hills like driving on the floor 又如:又如:The campaign was successful and costly,but the victory was sweet 两两个个问问题题影影响响了了
22、句句子子的的连连贯贯:一一是是不不应应当当用用andand连连接接两两个个含含义义上上矛矛盾盾的的并并列列成成分分,而而应应用用表表示示转转折折、对对照照关关系系的的but;二二是是用用词词不不精精练练,successful和和victory在含义上重复。该句可改写为:在含义上重复。该句可改写为:The campaign was costly,but the victory was sweet.句子的强调句子的强调(Sentence Emphasis)句子强调的含义句子强调的含义1)1)句子的强调指把句中表示重要意义的成份或词语安句子的强调指把句中表示重要意义的成份或词语安1.1.排排在在句句
23、中中较较为为显显著著的的位位置置。一一般般说说来来,句句首首和和句句尾尾是是2.2.受强调的位置。请看下面两个例句受强调的位置。请看下面两个例句:Her hands were always moving,pushing her glasses back up her slim nose,patting her hair into place,tapping a non-existent ash off the end of her When my father had been wheeled into the recovery room,and the heart monitor and t
24、he glucose tubes had been disconnected,I finally relaxed2)2)对内容加以夸张,对某些词语加下横线,改粗体或对内容加以夸张,对某些词语加下横线,改粗体或斜体,以及使用感叹号,等等,都能起到强调作用。斜体,以及使用感叹号,等等,都能起到强调作用。但这里所讲的强调主要指对句子结构的安排和但这里所讲的强调主要指对句子结构的安排和调整,调整,使作者想着重表达的思想得到突出,做到次要内容服使作者想着重表达的思想得到突出,做到次要内容服务于主要内容,有轻有重,层次分明。务于主要内容,有轻有重,层次分明。句子强调的几种手段句子强调的几种手段:1)1)除
25、上面提到的以外,还可通过调整句中成分位置的除上面提到的以外,还可通过调整句中成分位置的 1.1.方式强调某个句子成份。例如:方式强调某个句子成份。例如:The American girl drove her red car to school last semester 若要强调句中的女孩是美国人,则可作如下调整:若要强调句中的女孩是美国人,则可作如下调整:The girl,an American,drove her red car to school last semester.或或:The girl,who was an American,drove her car to school l
26、ast semester.又如:又如:She might never see him again if the plane came late.若把条件分句提前,或者在主句与从句之间加上破折号,若把条件分句提前,或者在主句与从句之间加上破折号,都可使原句的意思得到强调:都可使原句的意思得到强调:If the plane came late she might never see him again 或或:She might never see him again-if the plane came late.2)重复重复、省略、省略 和平行对照结构的使用,都是达到句子和平行对照结构的使用,都是
27、达到句子强调的有效方式例如强调的有效方式例如:And this hell was,simply,that he had never in his life owned anything-not his wife,nor his house,nor his childwhich could not,at any instant,be taken from him by the power of white people Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit pa
28、th of racial justic Now is the time to life our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhoodTry and revise the following,wherever you find necessary:1.For almost ten weeks in January,the coldest month in that area and much colder than many of their home towns,the
29、POWs were kept in an unheated camp at night,the cold caused many deaths and diseases and in particular,the victims were women and children.2.Such plants to operate successfully had to run at capacity.As they wanted to do this,they needed outlets for their output.1.For almost ten weeks in January,the
30、 coldest mouth in that area,the POWs were kept in an unheated camp at night,which caused many deaths and diseases.Most of the victims were women and children.2.Such plants to operate successfully had to run at capacity.To run at capacity they needed outlets for their whole output.关于增加句型变化关于增加句型变化什么是
31、句型变化什么是句型变化 “句型句型”在这里指的是各种句子形式。这和外语教学中常用在这里指的是各种句子形式。这和外语教学中常用的的练习形式练习形式“句型操练句型操练”中的中的“句型句型”意思不完全相同,后者专意思不完全相同,后者专指语指语言中带有规律性、又可广泛使用的各类句式,而我们所说的言中带有规律性、又可广泛使用的各类句式,而我们所说的“句句型型”则更广一些,包括通过语法学到的简单句、并列句、复合则更广一些,包括通过语法学到的简单句、并列句、复合句句(包括各种各样用不同连接词引出的复合句包括各种各样用不同连接词引出的复合句)和它们按功能分成和它们按功能分成的的陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句,
34、望比没有这种欲望好,但必须牢记是否真能用得上还要看是否真是符合在一定的上下文中表达思想内容的要求。是否真是符合在一定的上下文中表达思想内容的要求。例如:例如:Many teachers can give students information.Very few can inspire students to learn.Information is of little use to the student.Soon he will leave college.Then he will forget what he has memorized.He must be inspired to le
35、arn on his own.可作如下修改可作如下修改:Many teachers can give students information,but few can inspire them to learn.When a student leaves college,the information he has memorized will be of little use and will soon be forgotten.What he needs most is the ability to learn on his own.其实改进的办法很多,下面的写法不是也比原先 的好吗?Wh
36、ile many teachers can give students information,few can inspire them to learn.But information which a student has memorized will be of little use to him and will soon be forgotten once he leaves college.Hence he must be inspired to learn on his own.1.改正下列句中的错误改正下列句中的错误(1)My father realized that the
37、dog was soon to(2)breathe its last.(2)Anyone can win an argument when it takes place in their own mind.(3)Neither the bush nor the tree I planted last year seem likely to survive.(4)Each of the plans for financing the construction of the bridge have limitations.(5)The dog laid down by the sofa.(6)I
38、thought I knew a lot about computer until I(7)attend the class.(7)Last summer we would go to the beach every morning and swam until noontime.(8)In the country,I was once stinged mercilessly by a swarm of bees.(9)Even though everyone else was in a panic,Wang remain calm.(10)From the startled look of
39、the players on the stage,the audience could tell the curtain had been risen too early.(11)My mother was more happier than I when I was admitted into the university.(12)Whenever I get a letter from home,I was overjoyed.(13)Having spent weeks writing the paper,a high grade was given me by the professo
40、r.(14)The official shaked hands with all of us.(15)The car was sold shortly after putting up a notice.(16)We performed before the villagers,they responded enthusiastically.(17)My roommate failed to wake me up,I missed the final exam.(18)The fire-fighters worked fiercely.To control the blaze.(19)In m
41、y opinion,to read,to write,and thinking are the three most important activities in school.(20)Night came,we could not see our hands before our faces.2.将下列简单句连成复合句或并列句:将下列简单句连成复合句或并列句:(1)For some people mathematics is a great pleasure.(2)They are able to think abstractly.(2)My mother works in a bank.
42、My mother is forty-eight.(3)I visited my uncle.I had not seen my uncle in right(4)years.(4)The husbands discussed sports.The wives discussed their children.(5)We hoped the rain would soon cease.We would hate to spend the whole day amusing ourselves indoors.(6)I will apply for a teaching job in the u
43、niversity.I may be able to remain in school and pursue a career I like.(7)World War II ended in 1945.There soon began the cold war.(8)Jane Eyre was sent to Lowood Asylum.Jane Eyre was treated harshly in the institution.(9)Many readers criticized the book severely.The author had to make major revisio
44、ns in the second edition.(10)Ptolemy believed the earth was the center of the universe.Copernicus believed the earth and other planets revolved around the sun.(11)A team of management consultants was called in to make an investigation.Production had dropped 14 percent over the past year.(12)It is su
45、mmer in this northern city.The day lasts very long here.(13)The cheers were for the forward.The forward had just scored a goal.(14)She was shocked by the conditions in the rural schools.She decided to raise funds to help them.(15)The Yangtze River is longer than the Yellow River.The Yellow River is
46、longer than the Pearl River3.研究下列句子,看看是否像中文;想想如何改进:研究下列句子,看看是否像中文;想想如何改进:(1)The teaching speed is in accordance with the(2)majority.(2)To master English,we have to recite a large (3)number of English words and expressions.(3)To keep the top position in class,I had to pay some (4)attention to my Engl
47、ish lessons and prevent them (5)from going to poor.(4)Somewhere people live well.Somewhere people (5)still live a primitive life.(5)What they have learned about mountains and rivers are nothing but printed words.(6)If you do not sweep your own room,how can you sweep the society?(7)To some extent in
48、our country,to live in the country equals to live a dull and colorless life.(8)Reading acts as a supply in favor of writing.So it is evident that a sufficient supply is necessary for good writing.(9)Unbearable of the heat in the church and tiredness because of long-time sitting at one place,Wesley got up and was saved.(10)The students of our department have long been plagued by narrowness in scope of knowledge.