1、Powerful PresentationGangnam Sales Office1993.031993.031993.031993.031993.03Going UpYOURMESSAGELadders51%49%100%3D Spheres fill levels12%88%Phrase 130%70%Phrase 271%29%Phrase 332%68%56%44%3D Spheres fill levelsMAKE IT POSSIBLENEED SOME MOREStep 4100%Phrase 1Phrase 2Phrase 3Phrase 43D Spheres fill le
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3、es3D Spheres-with core StonesJust try again and again.It makes your skills up.2345This is a Placeholder text If you dont want to use the exact style And size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different ones If you dont want to use the exact style And size of fonts used by
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8、ont want to use the exact style and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different onesCurves and Trend ChartsIf you dont want to use the exact style and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different onesPlace holder TextIf you dont want to
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10、e and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different onesPlace holder TextIf you dont want to use the exact style and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different onesPlace holder TextCurves and Trend ChartsPlace holder TextPlace holder Tex
11、tPlace holder TextPlace holder TextIf you dont want to use the exact style and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different onesIf you dont want to use the exact style and size of fonts used by placeholder,You can replace it by selecting different ones20062006200720072
12、00820082009200920102010DescriptionThis is a placeholder text.All phrases can be replaced with your own textPlaceholderThe text demonstrates your buyers understand wellDescriptionInsert your own text here.DescriptionThis is a placeholder text.All phrases can be replaced with your own textDescriptionT
13、his is a placeholder text.All phrases can be replaced with your own textTimeline 5years/monthsClaud KimKildong HongTaehee KimCEOCircle Chart with People SilhouettesPublic RelationsCommunications and Marketing01020304050607080901002008 We reached our Goal2007Last YearThermometerThis is a placeholder
14、textThis text cam be replaced with your own textThis is placeholder TextThis is a placeholder textThis text cam be replaced with your own textThis is placeholder TextPlaceholder for your own sub headlineThermometer0102030405060708090100Placeholder for your own sub headline(%)Product AProduct BProduc
15、t CProduct DProduct E27%78%48%90%62%ThermometerPlaceholder for your own sub headline01020304050-20-30-40-1001020304050-20-30-40-10No matter who you areYou can be the BEST,Show me your passion!STOP锐普PPT论坛chinakui独家搜集ConceptConceptConceptConceptconceptconceptConceptConcept19901990929294949696989820002
16、0009090100100110110120120130130140140150150Phones,not beerPhones,not beerHousehold spending in OECD countries*,1990-100Household spending in OECD countries*,1990-100 Communications Restaurants Communications Restaurants Health and hotels Health and hotels Education Alcohol,tobacco Education Alcohol,
17、tobacco Water,electricity and narcotics Water,electricity and narcotics and gas Household equipment and gas Household equipment Recreation and Clothing and footwear Recreation and Clothing and footwear culture Food culture Food Transport Transport VariationVariationVariationVariationTechnological di
18、scontinuity2Technological discontinuity2Technological discontinuity2Technological discontinuity2.Competence-enhancing.Competence-enhancing.Competence-enhancing.Competence-enhancing Innovations Innovations Innovations Innovations.Competence-destroying.Competence-destroying.Competence-destroying.Compe
19、tence-destroying innovations innovations innovations innovationsEra of ferment2Era of ferment2Era of ferment2Era of ferment2.Substitution.Substitution.Substitution.Substitution.Design competition.Design competition.Design competition.Design competition.Community-driven.Community-driven.Community-dri
20、ven.Community-driven technical change technical change technical change technical changeSelectionSelectionSelectionSelectionDominantDominantDominantDominantdesign2design2design2design2Era of incremental change2Era of incremental change2Era of incremental change2Era of incremental change2.Elaborate d
21、ominant design.Elaborate dominant design.Elaborate dominant design.Elaborate dominant design.Architectural innovation.Architectural innovation.Architectural innovation.Architectural innovation.Market-based innovation.Market-based innovation.Market-based innovation.Market-based innovationVariationVar
22、iationVariationVariationTechnological Technological Technological Technological discontinuity1discontinuity1discontinuity1discontinuity1Era of ferment1Era of ferment1Era of ferment1Era of ferment1SelectionSelectionSelectionSelectionDominantDominantDominantDominantdesign1design1design1design1Era of E
23、ra of Era of Era of incremental incremental incremental incremental change1change1change1change1TechnologicalTechnologicalSubstitution1Substitution1紅海策略藍海策略在現有市場空間競爭創造沒有競爭的市場空間打敗競爭把競爭變得亳無意義利用現有需求創造和掌握新的需求採取價值與成本抵換打破價值成本抵換整個公司的活動系統,配合它對差異化或低成本選擇的策略整個公司的活動系統,配合同時追求差異化和低成本ConsultingConsultingMarketingM
24、arketingContentsContentsFlashFlashCodingCodingCTICTIUMSUMSMailingMailingServerServerD/BD/BCreativeCreativeInteractionInteractionSystemSystemebiz IntegrationStrategyStrategySoppingSoppingeCRMeCRMIRMIRMVOC/VOC/RMSRMSe-e-Learning Learning eSolutioneSolution 管理成本管理成本:降低的运营和购置成本管理固定成本降低风险降低风险:确保业务运营的安全性
25、与连续性虚拟管理标准MITGesto e decisoITILDesenho de processosCOBITControles e mtricasCMMQualidade no desenv.PMIGesto de projetosBSCMtricas e acompanh.ISOControle da qualidadeBS 7799Gesto da seguranaIT GovernanceiBoxA very popularplayrUseful&coolSay hellowGood tools for youTitle onesecondWhen you want to do it
26、?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chance When you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chance When you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now
27、 you will get more by chance When you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chancePower pointStarWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by c
28、hanceWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceTitle oneTitle onesecondTitle oneTitle oneoneTwoThree3 3 FLOOR2 2 FLOOR1 1 FLOORMy third power pointMy third PPTWhen you
29、want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceBestWhen you want to do itMy third power pointWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chancepo
30、wer pointWhen you want to do it?now or later?its better to do it now you will get more by chanceEnterprise CRMeCRMData Warehousing/IntegrationWeb LogDataData BaseTransactionData CustomerProfile1ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleTitleThemeGaller
31、y is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Text1Text2Text3Text4Text5 INFRA MU sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team Consulting MU Consulting 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 team R&D eBiz team Mbiz team SI MU Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System te
32、am SI Develop team BSP MU CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 teamHow to reach online user and provide How to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information?Customised In-depth product information?How to sell products and process ordersHow to sell products and process ordersOv
33、er the Web?Over the Web?What are new offerings,unique to the Web?What are new offerings,unique to the Web?How to revolutionise business models andHow to revolutionise business models andshift value creation?shift value creation?Product/Service Product/Service InnovationInnovationBusinessBusiness Mod
34、el Model InnovationInnovationMarketing InnovationMarketing InnovationChannel InnovationChannel InnovationSource:Arthur D.LittleTitleAdd your textTextTextTextTextTextCycle nameCycle nameAdd Your TextTextTextTextTextTextCycle nameCycle nameAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your T
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43、Click to add Title5Click to add TitleAAAdd Your TextBBAdd Your TextC CAdd Your TextDDAdd Your TextAdd YourText hereClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add Title1.Introduction1.Introduction2.Strategy2.Strategy3.Challengers3.ChallengersForwardForward4.Concl
44、usion4.Conclusion1.Introduction2.Strategy3.Challenges Forward4.ConclusionAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your Add Your TitleTitleConceptConceptConceptConceptconceptconceptConceptConceptConceptConceptBBE EC CDDAAAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your Text1ThemeGallery
45、 is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.2ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.3ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Add Your TitleAdd Your TitleAdd Your TitleThemeGallery
46、is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Add Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextconceptconceptConce
47、ptConceptConceptConceptConceptConceptText1Text2Text3Text4Text5Add Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TitleAdd Your TitleTextTextTextTextThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Gu
48、ild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TextTextText2003.10 Add Your Text2003.10 Add Your Text2003.10 Add Your Text2000200120022003Company HistoryCompany History2001.10 Add Your Text2001.10 Add Your Text2001.10 Add Your Text2002.10 Add Your
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