1、单臂路由配置实验报告 洛阳理工学院实验报告学院计算机学院班级学号姓名课程名称计算机网络实验日期20_.11.8实验名称单臂路由的配置成绩实验目的:进一步理解路由器配置的基本原理;2.掌握间路由单臂路由的配置;3.掌握路由器子接口的基本命令配置。实验条件:软件:wi ndows 7 操作系统、cisco packet 软件。实验内容:1.绘制单臂路由的拓扑图。主K12192.228.10.1192.228.10.2192.223.20.1192.228.20.2卩匚-PT 主K12192.228.10.1192.228.10.2192.223.20.1192.228.20.2卩匚-PT 圭机1P
2、C-PT 主机3PC-PT 主叭0配置 。号名称1default10102020对交换机F 0/5进行switchport mode trunk配置,对路由器进行建立子接口配置 配置路由器的route oRoutere nRouter#c onf tRouter(c on fig)#i nterface f0/0Router(c on fig-if)# no shutdow nRouter(c on fig-if)#e_itRouter(co nfig)#i nterface f0/0.1Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 10Router(c o
3、n fig-subif)#ip addRouter(co nfig-subif)#ip address on fig-subif)#e_itRouter(co nfig)#i nterface f0/0.20Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 20Router(c on fig-subif)#ip addRouter(co nfig-subif)#ip address on fig-subif)#e_i
4、tRouter(c on fig)#e_it测试是否能ping通Pi ng 192_220_10_1Pinging 192.22S.10.1匸h 32 bytes of dara:Reply from from 192 ? 22S.10 ?1:Reply from 192,228,10,1:Reply from 192 22S.10.1;bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=12 B byues=32 time=2ms TTL=12S bytes-32 time=lrns TTL-lZS bytes=32 tim
5、e=3103 TTL=120Pmg aza.匸:Lstius for 192.220 _10_1:Packets: Sent = 4f Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0 loss,ro_iinate round trip 匸lines in milli-seconds:Minimun = 1ms, Ma_imum = 10insr Average = 4msPing 192.丄Pinging 192 ? 22S +20 ?L with 32 bytes of dat-a:time-12nL5 TTL-127 timeSms TTL=127
6、 tzirtime-12nL5 TTL-127 timeSms TTL=127 tzirLe=lSnL3 TTL=127 time=16m5 TTL=127Reply from 192 ? 228.20 ?1: bytes=32Reply from 192 _226_20.1: bytes32Reply from 192,22Q,20,1: bytes=32Ping statis匸:ius for Packets: Sent = Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0 loss,ro_imate round trip times in milli-seconds:MinirLum - Sms, Ma_iniuin lSms, Average 13hl3测试成功实验总结:通过这次实验我学会了单臂路由配置的基本命令以及用单臂路由实现VLA N间通讯。为以后设计更复杂的网络拓扑奠定了基础。第 4 页 共 4 页