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1、 20大金句里的英语 1江山就是人民,人民就是江山。中国共产党领导人民打江山、守江山,守的是人民的心。This country is its people; the people are the country. As theCommunist Party of Chinahas led the people in fighting to establish and develop the Peoples Republic, it has really been fighting for their support.2新时代的伟大成就是党和人民一道拼出来、干出来、奋斗出来的!The great

2、 achievements of the new era have come from the collective dedication and hard work of our Party and our people.3我们党立志于中华民族千秋伟业,致力于人类和平与发展崇高事业,责任无比重大,使命无上光荣。Our Party has dedicated itself to achieving lasting greatness for the Chinese nation and committed itself to the noble cause of peace and devel

3、opment for humanity. Our responsibility is unmatched in importance,and our mission is glorious beyond compare.4全过程人民民主是社会主义民主政治的本质属性,是最广泛、最真实、最管用的民主。Whole-process peoples democracy is the defining feature of socialist democracy; it is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, and most effective form.

4、5 我们正意气风发迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,向第二个百年奋斗目标进军,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。Now we are taking confident strides on a new journey to turn China into a modern socialist country in all respects, to advance toward the Second Centenary Goal and to embrace the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts throu

5、gh a Chinese path to modernization.6中国式现代化是中国共产党和中国人民长期实践探索的成果,是一项伟大而艰巨的事业。惟其艰巨,所以伟大;惟其艰巨,更显荣光。The CPC and our people have sought long and hard to open a Chinese path to modernization. This is a great yet enormous undertaking. The enormityof the task is what makes it great and infinitely glorious.7我

6、们要埋头苦干、担当作为,以更加强烈的历史主动精神推进马克思主义中国化时代化,不断谱写新时代中国特色社会主义新篇章,奋力实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。For our part, we must forge ahead with resolve and take on more responsibility. We must show greater historical initiative in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, write new chapters in developing

7、 socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and strive hard to achieve the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.8道阻且长,行则将至。前进道路上,无论是风高浪急还是惊涛骇浪,人民永远是我们最坚实的依托、最强大的底气。The journey ahead is long and arduous, but with determined steps, we will reach our destinations. We will not be daunted by

8、 high winds, choppy waters or even dangerous storms, for the people will always have our back and give us confidence.9新征程上,我们要始终推进党的自我革命。一个饱经沧桑而初心不改的党,才能基业常青;一个铸就辉煌仍勇于自我革命的党,才能无坚不摧。On the journey ahead, we should always press forward with self-imposed reform. A political party can only achieve lasti

9、ng greatness if it remains committed to its original aspiration despite the many hardships it has gone through. It can only become invincible if it remains committed to self-reform, even though it has had a glorious past.10面对新征程上的新挑战新考验,我们必须高度警省,永远保持赶考的清醒和谨慎,驰而不息推进全面从严治党,使百年大党在自我革命中不断焕发蓬勃生机,始终成为中国人民

10、最可靠、最坚强的主心骨。Confronted with new challenges and tests on the journey ahead, we must remain on high alert and stay sober-minded and prudent like a student sitting for a never-ending exam. We must not hold our steps in exercising for a vigorous intraparty governance.We must make sure that our century-o

11、ld Party, the biggest in the world, will become ever more vigorous through self-reform and continue to be the strong backbone that the Chinese people can lean on at all times.11我们历来主张,人类的前途命运应该由世界各国人民来把握和决定。只要共行天下大道,各国就能够和睦相处、合作共赢,携手创造世界的美好未来。We have consistently called on the people of the world to

12、 grasp and shape the future and destiny of humanity. When all countries pursue the course of common good, we can live in harmony, engage in cooperation for mutual benefit and join hands to create a brighter future for the world.12中国开放的大门只会越来越大。我们将坚定不移全面深化改革开放,坚定不移推动高质量发展,以自身发展为世界创造更多机遇。China will op

13、en its door ever wider. Well be steadfast in deepening reform and opening up across the board, and in pursuing high-quality development. A prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world.13新征程是充满光荣和梦想的远征。蓝图已经绘就,号角已经吹响。我们要踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,努力创造更加灿烂的明天。China is embarking on a long journey,

14、one filled with glories and dreams. The roadmap has been drawn and the bugle has been sounded. We must forge ahead with enterprise and fortitude, and endeavor to create an even better future for our country. 14实践告诉我们,中国共产党为什么能,中国特色社会主义为什么好,归根到底是马克思主义行,是中国化时代化的马克思主义行。Our experience has taught us that

15、, at the fundamental level, we owe the success of our Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics to the fact that Marxism works, particularly when it is adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times.15经过不懈努力,党找到了自我革命这一跳出治乱兴衰历史周期率的第二个答案,确保党永远不变质、不变色、不变味。Through painstaking efforts,

16、the Party has found a second answer to the question of how to escape the historical cycle of rise and fall. The answer is self-reform. By doing so, we have ensured that the Party will never change its nature, its conviction, or its character.16中国永远不称霸、永远不搞扩张。China will never seek hegemony or engage

17、in expansionism.17国家统一、民族复兴的历史车轮滚滚向前,祖国完全统一一定要实现,也一定能够实现!The wheels of history are rolling on toward Chinas reunification and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Complete reunification of our country must be realized, and it can, without doubt, be realized!18时代呼唤着我们,人民期待着我们,唯有矢志不渝、笃行不怠,方能不负时代、不负

18、人民。The times are calling us, and the people expect us to deliver. Only by pressing ahead with unwavering commitment and perseverance will we be able to answer the call of our times and meet the expectations of our people.19腐败是危害党的生命力和战斗力的最大毒瘤,反腐败是最彻底的自我革命。只要存在腐败问题产生的土壤和条件,反腐败斗争就一刻不能停,必须永远吹冲锋号。Corrup

19、tion is a cancer to the vitality and ability of the Party, and fighting corruption is the most thorough kind of self-reform there is. As long as the breeding grounds and conditions for corruption still exist, we must keep sounding the bugle and never rest, not even for a minute, in our fight against

20、 corruption.20全党必须牢记,全面从严治党永远在路上,党的自我革命永远在路上,决不能有松劲歇脚、疲劳厌战的情绪。All of us in the Partymust bear in mind that full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end. We must never slacken our efforts and never allow ourselves to become weary or beaten.21党用伟大奋斗创造了百年伟业,也一定能用新的伟大奋斗创造新的伟业。The Party has made spectacular achievements through its great endeavors over the past century, and our new endeavors will surely lead to more spectacular achievements.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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