1、第1页/共13页Apple Inc.Apple Inc.第2页/共13页Mobile 第3页/共13页Apple Inc.Apple One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty第4页/共13页概 念 设 计设 计 前 期 场 地 与 建 筑 方 案 设 计第5页/共13页Apple EverythingSoftware License AgreementApple One-Year Limited Hardware WarrantyDigital Certificates第6页/共13页Apple EverythingSoftware License Agreemen
2、tApple One-Year Limited Hardware WarrantyDigital Certificates第7页/共13页Steve JobsSoftware License AgreementApple One-Year Limited Hardware WarrantyGeneral TerminationConsent to Use of Data第8页/共13页Apple CopiesColor Your Trip Gill Sans MTColor Your Trip Arial第9页/共13页Apple Inc.第10页/共13页The EndApple One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty第11页/共13页谢 谢 聆 听Thank you第12页/共13页感谢您的观看!第13页/共13页