1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Accor ding to Office Party of mass line e ducation pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arra strategic deployment to buil ding socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, pre sents tw o 100ngements, -year goal, unit s main le namely, by 2020 d to for ca dres w orkers Sh
2、a Chi nas gross domestic ng a times party lecture , due to product and per ca pita income of o himself level limited, urba n and rural resionly dents iput thi s stage conce ntrated learni ng of experi n 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildience today and ng of a welleveryone common wit-o
3、ff society; the middle h learning of this centexchange, ury into a pr pur pose is let w pr osperous, e further democrati dee c, civilp understa ndi ng m ass li ne of connotation, i nsisted party of mass l ized a nd harmoni ous Socialist m odern country, a nd on this bas l ine, do masses w ork, follo
4、wing mai n from four a aspect s told: a, a sis, the Chi nese dream of realizi ng the great rejuv enation of the Chi nese nd full aw nation. 18 areness party 8 Congre ss ofof mass line e the party, e ducation pra ctice a Comrade XI Jinping rectivities peatedly ex of major meani x pounded the Chi ng P
5、artys 18 major distinct proposed t o focus on the hi nese dream. The basi c connotation of the Chipartys adva nese dream, is the nce d nat ure and purity, i national prosperity, natin the party, with pragmatic a onal revitali zation, the a happine nd clean for t he people as the mai e ss of the peop
6、le, Chi na importan conte nt to follow i nt of the partys mass li i s to keep Chi na Road, ne and educati onal practi , carry forward the spirit ace. This is comrade XI Jinping a s party General Se cretary and adhere t o strictly a nd cohesi on stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi
7、 na, but determidministeri ng the party, stre ned confi dence, e nha nce ngthe n the partys major de self -aware ness, achieve self-reliacisi on i s in li nce, to builli ne with t he publ d a stronger Chiic expectations a na, civ ilization, harm nd stre ngthe ning t he constr m ony, bea uty, Chi na,
8、 China, ucti on of learning-ori ented Chi na. Strategic concepti service innovation of Marxist ti on of China was 18 tpartys major he spirit of the enridepl chme oyment, i s the im e nt and devel opmportant measure to a e nt of the part y, conscie dvance the great cause of sociali ie ntiously study
9、the Chinese dresm with am, leadi Chi nese chara cteristics. First, carry out the i ng pe ople to hard t o realize the Chi nese partys mass line dream, mass educatiin education practi ce, wa s carryi on activities in dept h the fundame ng 18 of the party spirit, summon a e ntal starting point a nd ep
10、owerf ul force for reali zing the great rejuve nation of the ndi ng poi nt. Strengthen the education of the partys mass li Chi nese nation the ne, helps t o train the Chi nese dream of urge nt nee ds. Part ys 18 to promote colle ctive consci ousness of the unity of the party and t hepeople, playing
11、the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. Hi Hi story ha新教材高中生物必修一知识点总结 看完一个知识点之后一定要到新学案上找相关练习之后才能真正掌握 第一章走近细胞第一节从生物圈到细胞 知识梳理:1 病毒没有细胞结构,由蛋白质和核酸组成,但必须依赖(活细胞)才能生存。单细胞生物的生命活动依赖 单个细胞 就能完成摄食、运动、生
12、殖等各项生命活动(不能完成 反射 ,反射 需要多个细胞的参与)。多细胞生物依赖 各种分化了的细胞 密 切配合完成各项生命活动,生命活动如生长、发育、生殖遗传变异生命活动调节。2 生命活动离不开细胞,细胞是生物体 结构 和功能 的(基本单位)。3 生命系统的结构层次:(细胞)、(组织)、(器官)、(系统)、(个体)、(种群)(群落)、(生态系统)、(生 物圈)。 每个层次都要能辨别,做几个练习去巩固,下面是一些特例4 血液属于(组织)层次,皮肤属于(器官)层次。5 植物没有(系统)层次,单细胞生物既可化做(个体)层次,又可化做(细胞)层次。6 地球上最基本的生命系统是(细胞)。最大的生命系统是生
13、物圈 第二节细胞的多样性和统一性 知识梳理:一、高倍镜的使用步骤(尤其要注意第 1 和第 4 步) 1在低倍镜下找到物象,将物象移至(视野中央),4调节(细准焦螺旋),使物象 2转动(转换器),换上高倍镜。3。调节(光圈)和(反光镜),使视野亮度适宜。清晰。二、显微镜使用常识1 调亮视野的两种方法(放大光圈)、(使用凹面镜)。低倍镜:物象(小),视野(亮),看到的细胞数目(多)。2 高倍镜:物象(大),视野(暗),看到细胞数目(少)。3 物镜:(有)螺纹,镜筒越(长),放大倍数越大。目镜:(无)螺纹,镜筒越(短),放大倍数越大。4 会判断低倍到高倍镜下细胞数目的计算?(新学案)5 学会移动载玻
14、片?(新学案)。6 目镜( 10X)的放大倍数 乘物镜放大倍数(10X)等于放大倍数(100)三、原核生物与真核生物主要类群:(要知道一些原核生物 细菌 :能判断哪些生物属于细菌新学案上讲的更详细 原核生物: 蓝藻 ,含有(叶绿素)和(藻蓝素),可进行光合作用。(球菌,杆菌,螺旋菌,乳酸菌)放线菌 :(链霉菌)支原体,衣原体,立克次氏体真核生物:动物、植物、真菌:(青霉菌,酵母菌,蘑菇)等四、细胞学说1 创立者:(施莱登,施旺)2. 一切动植物都由细胞发育而来,并由细胞和细胞产物所构成。3. 细2 内容要点:共三点。1. 新细胞可以从老细胞中产生胞是一个相对独立的单位,既有他自己的生命,又对与
15、其他细胞共同组成的整体的生命起作用。3 揭示问题:揭示了(细胞统一性,和生物体结构的统一性)。五、真核细胞和原核细胞的比较(表略,见笔记)第二章组成细胞的元素和化合物 第一节细胞中的元素和化合物知识梳理:统一性:元素种类大体相同,不同生物间元素种类相同,但含量差别很大 1、生物界与非生物界差异性:元素含量有差异 2组成细胞的元素 能判断大量元素有哪些?微量元素有哪些?主要元素有哪些?等等 大量元素: C、H、O、N、P、S、K、 Ca、Mg 微量元素: Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、B、Mo主要元素: C、 H、O、N、P、S 含量最高的四种元素:C、H、O、N基本元素: C(干重下含量最高)质量分
16、数最大的元素:O(鲜重下含量最高)数量(个数)最多的是H 3 组成细胞的化合物无机化合物水( 鲜重含量最高的化合物) 无机盐 , )核酸、有机化合物糖类脂质蛋白质( 干重中含量最高的化合物4 检测生物组织中糖类、脂肪和蛋白质proved that a people a nd a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pillar, there is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figurative
17、ly speaking , a sack of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a team, form a joint force; only like granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chi nese dream, not only embodies the common interests and pursuits, and covers a variety of groups a
18、nd classes, ha s a wide applicability and inclusive, with a strong integrating force and l ea, id the force. She embodie e s the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecti ti parties. Mng today . Into sex and purity, and the inevitable requirement of constantly improving the partys gove
19、rning capacity. Stre ngthening the construction of the advanced nature and purit y, the core probl l em is always maintai ai ning the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be the most wholehearted support of the masse s. Must take the fundamental i i s servi nter
20、ests of the over l w helming majority of the people as the party all the starting point and ending point, the party has always been a common fate with the masses, thi hi s is the magic weapon for our r party to always maintain the advanced nature and purity. Strengthening the construction of partys
21、advance d nat ure and purity and enhancing the partys rulingability will eve ntually the masses assessmebe impleme nt, which itnted to realize, safeguar self was the partys advad and devel nce d nature aop the fundamental intere nd purity int o practists of the over cal acti on to realwhelmi ng majo
22、rity of the ize the fundame ntal interests people. All t of the overwhe work merits t his is a measure of the partys fundamental sta ndar ds, is a measure helming majority of the pe opl e. At prese nt, the party committees and leading caof the partys a dres a nd the Gover dvanced nat ure and purity
23、standards. Beli er nment generally val ue the close relations witeve w itho, depe ndi ng on h the masses, do a l who, who, standing on the position of the over l ot of productive work, but there are still somewhelming majority of the people are always, always realize, safeguard and devel op the fund
24、amental interests of the overwhelming majority of the e people, it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgement, is also sign of Marxist party is different from other political arxist political party has a clear pol itical position and historical missi on: for the interests of the vast majority
25、 of people, committed to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. From the day of the establishme nt of the Chinese Communist Party, always adhere to basic principles of historical materialism, for the interests of the most people as their goal, alwayi ng as its fundamen
26、tal pur pose and values. Fully trust the masses, closely rely on the masses maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the most determined i n the development of our party and our country. Conscientiously accept supervision b
27、y the masses, pay attention to listen to 名师归纳总结 第 1 页,共 11 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Accor ding to Office Party of mass line e ducation pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arra strategic deployment to buil ding socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, pre sents tw o 100ngements
28、, -year goal, unit s main le namely, by 2020 d to for ca dres w orkers Sha Chi nas gross domestic ng a times party lecture , due to product and per ca pita income of o himself level limited, urba n and rural resionly dents iput thi s stage conce ntrated learni ng of experi n 2010 on t he ba sis of d
29、ouble complete the buildience today and ng of a welleveryone common wit-off society; the middle h learning of this centexchange, ury into a pr pur pose is let w pr osperous, e further democratidee c, civilp understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotation, i nsisted party of mass l ized a nd harmoni ous So
30、cialist modern country, a nd on this bas l ine, do masses w ork, following mai n from four a aspect s told: a, a sis, the Chi nese dream of realizi ng the great rejuv enation of the Chi nese nd full aw nation. 18 areness party of mass line e 8 Congre ss of the party, e ducation pra ctice a Comrade X
31、I Jinping rectivities peatedly ex of major meani x pounded the Chi ng Partys 18 major distinct proposed t o focus on the hi nese dream. The basi c connotation of the Chipartys adva nese dream, is the nce d nat ure and purity, i national prosperity, natin the party, onal revitaliwith pragmatic a zati
32、on, the happinend clean for t he people as the mai ss of the people, Chi na importan conte nt to follow i nt of the partys mass li i s to keep Chi na Road, ne and educati onal practi , carry forward the spirit ace. This is comrade XI Jinping a s party General Se cretary and adhere t o strictly a nd
33、cohesi on stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determidministeri ng the party, stre ned conf dence, e nha nce ngthe n the partys major de self-aware ness, achieve self-reliacisi on i s in li nce, to builli ne with t he publ d a stronger Chiic expectations a na, civ ilizati
34、on, harmnd stre ngthe ning t he constr ony, bea uty, Chi na, China, ucti on of learning-ori ented Chi na. Strategic concepti service innovation of Marxist ti on of China was 18 tpartys major he spirit of the enrir depl chmeoyment, i s the im nt and devel opmeportant measure to a nt of the part y, co
35、nsciedvance the great cause of sociali ntiously study the Chinese dresm with am, leadiChi nese chara cteristics. First, carry out the ng pe ople to hard t o realize the Chi nese partys mass line dream, mass educatiin education practi ce, wa s carryi on activities in dept h the fundame ng 18 of the p
36、arty spirit, summon a e ntal starting point a nd epowerf ul force for reali zing the great rejuve nation of the ndi ng poi nt. Strengthen the education of the partys mass li Chi nese nation the ne, helps t o train the Chi nese dream of urge nt nee ds. Partys 18 to colle ctive consci ousness of the u
37、nity of the party and tpromote hepeople, playing the Chinese dream ideological bases. Comrade Mao Zedong stressed that parties should have common language socialist countries must have unity of will. Hi Hi story ha(1)还原糖的检测和观察常用材料:苹果和梨试剂:斐林试剂 (甲液: 0.1g/ml的 NaOH乙液: 0.05g/ml的 CuSO4)注意事项:还原糖有葡萄糖,果糖,麦芽糖
38、甲乙液必须等量混合均匀后再加入样液中,现配现用, 以防有 Cu(OH) 2沉淀必须用 水浴加热 (50-65) 颜色变化:浅蓝色棕色砖红色(2)脂肪的鉴定常用材料:花生子叶或向日葵种子试剂:苏丹或苏丹 染液。注意事项:切片要薄,如厚薄不均就会导致观察时有的地方清晰,有的地方模糊。酒精的作用是:洗去浮色 需使用显微镜观察 使用不同的染色剂染色时间不同颜色变化: 橘黄色或红色(3)蛋白质的鉴定常用材料:鸡蛋清,黄豆组织样液,牛奶,试剂:双缩脲试剂 (A 液: 0.1g/ml 的 NaOHB液: 0.01g/ml的 CuSO4)注意事项:先加 A 液 1ml,再加 B液 4 滴( B 液过多会产生
39、Cu 2+蓝色)鉴定前,留出一部分组织样液,以便对比颜色变化: 变成紫色(4)淀粉的检测和观察常用材料:马铃薯试剂: 碘液颜色变化:变蓝第二节生命活动的主要承担者- 蛋白质一氨基酸及其种类氨基酸是组成蛋白质的基本单位。20 种氨基酸分子通式:-COOH),并且都有一个氨基和一个羧基连接在同一个结构要点:每种氨基酸都至少含有一个氨基(-NH2)和一个羧基(碳原子上。氨基酸的种类由 R基(侧链基团)决定。二蛋白质的结构氨基酸二肽三肽多肽多肽链一条或若干条多肽链盘曲折叠蛋白质氨基酸分子相互结合的方式:脱水缩合一个氨基酸分子的氨基和另一个氨基酸分子的羧基相连接,同时失去一分子的水。连接两个氨基酸分子的
40、化学键叫做 肽键补充: 1 会判断一个结构是不是氨基酸?(氨基酸分子中,至少含有一个 NH2和一个 COOH位于同一个 C原子上) 2 会判断一个肽链中,氨基酸数 . 肽键数 . 水分子数的关系 ( 先判断是有几条连构成的蛋白质分子 )3 会数一个结构中氨基数(-NH2)的数目、羧基数( -COOH)的数目、(肽键数-CONH-)的数目(三蛋白质的功能1. 构成细胞和生物体结构的重要物质(肌肉毛发)-结构蛋白2. 催化细胞内的生理生化反应),- 酶3. 运输载体(血红蛋白)4. 传递信息,调节机体的生命活动-(胰岛素)激素5. 免疫功能 - (抗体) 6. 调节功能 - 部分激素 7. 受体
41、- 糖蛋白四蛋白质分子多样性的原因构成蛋白质的氨基酸的种类,数目,排列顺序,以及肽链空间结构不同导致蛋白质结构多样性。蛋白质结构多样性导致蛋白质的功能的多样性。规律方法 R 1 氨基酸分子中,至少含有一个 NH2和一个 COOH位于同一个 C原子上,由此可以判断是否属于构成蛋白质的氨基酸。2、 n 个氨基酸脱水缩合形成 m条多肽链时,共脱去 (n m)个水分子,形成 (n m) 个肽键,至少存在 m个-NH2 和-COOH,形成的蛋白质的分子量为 n 氨基酸的平均分子量18(nm)第三节遗传信息的携带者- 核酸一核酸的分类 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)RNA(核糖核酸)DNA与 RNA组成成分比较
42、1. 构成碱基种类不同 2. 构成五炭糖不同 3. 存在部位不同。(新学案上的表更为全面)proved that a people a nd a nation, if it does not have its own spiritual pillar, there is no unity of spiritual support, it means that no soul, will lose cohesion and vitality. Figuratively speaking, a sack of potatoes, quantity cannot be too a team, for
43、m a joint force; only ike granite, so closely United to form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenation of Chi nese dream, not only embodies the common interests and pursuits, and covers a variety of groups and classes, ha s a wide applicability and inclusive, with a strong in
44、tegrating force and l , iead the force. S S he embodie e s the aspirations of several generations of Chinese, reflecti ti parties. Mng today . Into sex and purity, and the inevitable requirement of constantly improving the partys governing capacity. Stre ngt hening the construction of the advanced n
45、ature and purit y, the core probl l em is always maintai ai ning the partys flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, so that our party will always be the most wholehearted support of the masse s. Must take the fundamental i i nterests of the overw helming majority of the people as the party all the starting point and endi ng point, the party has always been a common fate with the masses, thi hi s is the magic weapon for our party to always maintain the advanced nature and purity. Strengthening the con