1、 上海孚宝港务有限公司储罐区及码头上部设施工程 Vopak Shanghai Logistics CO.,LTD Terminal Project 埋地消防管道 施工方案 Construction scheme for underground pipeline 批准:Approved by:审核:Checked by:编制:Compiled by:中国化学工程第六建设公司上海孚宝项目经理部 Shanghai VOPAK Construction Organization of SCC CNCE 2004 年 1 月 3 日 January 3,2004 1 of 16 Rev1 目 录 Con
2、tent 1 编制说明 1 Explanation 2 编制依据 2 Basis 3 施工程序 3 Construction Principle 4 施工准备 4 Construction Preparations 5 施工方法及质量要求 5 Technology and Quality Requirements 6 安全技术措施 6 Safety Measures 7 劳动力配置计划 7 Manpower Schedule 8 主要工、机具计划和手段用料计划 8 Equipment,Tools and Material Schedule 9 检验、测量器具配备表 9 Inspection a
3、nd Measuring Instruments 2 of 16 Rev1 1 编制说明 1 Explanation 上海孚宝港务有限公司漕泾罐区埋地管道依据目前 2004年 3 月 3 日 RCC提供的地下消防管施工图。此方案的劳动力配置计划,主要工、机具计划和手段用料及计划检验、测量器具配备表均按施工图埋地消防管道工程 4500m 配备。Underground pipeline of Caojing tank farm of Vopak Shanghai Logistics CO.,LTD is around 4500m in accordance with the underground
4、 pipeline sketch.The length of the pipeline is given to instruct the compiling of construction organization.Such as,the manpower schedule,equipment,tool and material schedule and inspection,measuring instrument 2 编制依据 2 Basis 2.1 SP610-04 SPCIFICATION FOR FABRICATION,ERECTION,TESTING AND COMMISSON O
5、F PIPING 2.2 SP610-05 SPECIFICATION FOR UNDERROUND PIPING PROTECTION 2.3 SP610-06 SPECIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF BURIED PIPES 2.4 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 GB50235-97 2.4Construction and Acceptance Code on Industrial Metal Pipeline GB50235-97 浙江2.5 现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范GB50236-98 2.5 Construction and Accept
6、ance Code on Equipment&Pipeline WeldingGB50236-98 2.6 建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范GB50242-2002 2.7 浙江天正设计院的设计图纸 2.7Construction drawings from Zhejiang Tianzheng Designing Academy 3 施工程序 3 Construction Principle 3.1 埋地管道施工基本原则:先主管后支管,先大管后小管;先深管后浅管;平行且相距近的管线可采取分槽同时进行的施工方法,以保证施工进度。Basic Principle for undergroun
7、d pipeline construction is:main pipeline first,branch afterwards.Pipeline in deep place first,in shallow place afterwards.For the paralleled pipes,which are closed in position,method of separate channel shall be adopted to assure the 3 of 16 Rev1 construction schedule.3.2 施工前 准备 3.2 Construction pre
8、paration 3.2.1 埋地管道工程属于隐蔽工程,要求在质量上、施工组织上进行合理的规划和控制,要求所有参加施工的员工了解地下管网施工中的关键点和难点。3.2.1 Underground pipeline is concealed project.It is required that reasonable plan and control for quality and construction organization shall be carried out carefully.The key points and difficult points in underground p
9、ipeline construction shall be known clearly by all the staff worked in this project.3.2.2 埋地管道的坐标、坡度是管网施工中最易出问题的地方,要求对每一条管线应画出它的走向图、标示书、标高、坐标、管径、高程及各个拐点、起伏点,尤其是相距交叉的管道应在交叉部位标注出高程和管径,在施工中应反复测量核实避免出现管线交叉相撞的情况。3.2.2 The coordinate and the slope construction of the underground pipeline construction shal
10、l be take into careful consideration.Direction diagram,level,coordinate,diameter,high-lift,turning points of each pipeline shall be marked clearly.Careful measurement of the pipeline shall be done well to avoid pipeline collision during the construction period.3.2.3 施工现场的水、电、道路具备安装条件,各种安全、防护措施齐全并到位,
11、同时应准备好风、雨、雪等恶劣天气条件下施工措施用料,将施工中的困难充分考虑到。3.2.3 Water,electricity and road shall be smooth in construction site.All kinds of safety and protection measures shall be equipped completely.Material measure for working under bad weather like strong wind,rain,snow etc.shall be prepared well.The difficult mig
12、ht occurred during construction shall also be considered firstly and fully.3.2.4 根据施工组织的要求,合理的组织各种材料进场,尽量减少占用场地,同时又能保证工程进度所需的各种材料,做好计划工作。3.2.4 Material entering into site shall be organized reasonably in accordance with the construction organization to keep the material used in the project is out of
13、 shortage and to reduce the place occupation.3.3 施工进行的施工方法,见施工流程图 4 of 16 Rev1 3.3 Construction process diagram Material Acceptance,Sand blasting,anti-corrosion,assembling,welding,welding material acceptance,valves and accessories acceptance,repairing,pressure testing,backfilling for the first time,
14、pipeline laying,anti-corrosive for seam,backfilling for the second time,systematical testing,trench excavation.5 施工方法及质量要求 5 Technology and quality requirements 5.1 施工测量 5.1 Construction survey 5.1.1 施工前,建设单位组织有关单位向施工单位进行现场交桩。5.1.1 Prior to construction,pile handover to construction unit shall be ca
15、rried out by relevant units.5.1.2 临时水准点和管道轴线控制桩设置牢固,易于观测,开槽铺设管道的沿线临时水准点,每 200m 设 1 个以上。5.1.2 Temporary demarcation and axle control pile of the pipeline shall be fixed steady and shall be measured easily.Temporary demarcation for pipe laying of channel shall be set up at the distance of 200m/each.5.
16、1.3 临时水准点,管道轴线控制桩,高程桩,应经过复核后方可使用并加以保护,施工过程中应经常校核,防止被破坏。阀门及管路附件验收 管材验收除锈防腐 组 对 焊 接 焊材验收 管道辅设 一次回填 试压 补口 管沟开挖 二次回填 系统试验 焊口防腐 5 of 16 Rev1 5.1.3 Temporary demarcation,axle control pile,high-lift pile shall be used only after got checked and protected.Calibration of these items shall be done well during
17、 the construction to avoid damage.5.1.4 施工测量的允许偏差应满足下列要求 5.1.4 Measuring tolerance shall be in conformity with the following requirements:表 5-1 Table5-1 序号Sr.No.检查项目 Items 允许偏差 Tolerance 1 水准点测量高程闭分差 high-lift difference 20L(mm)2 导线测量方位角闭合差 direction angle difference 40n(mm)3 导线测量相对新分差 relative diff
18、erence 1/3000 4 直 接 大 量 测 距 两 次 较 差 difference on twice measuring 1/5000 注:1、L 为水准测量闭合路线的长度(km)。Note:1.L is the length of closed line with horizontal measuring.2、n 为水准或导线测量的测站数。2.n is measuring points with horizontal or lead measuring 5.2 沟槽开挖与回填 5.2 Trench excavation and backfilling 5.2.1 开槽准备:开槽前应
19、仔细测量放线,明确开挖的宽度、坡度和深度;在建设单位的组织下了解管线走向及地下障碍物的情况并做出标示,对于不能完全确定的地下障碍物应找斟探部门仔细的核实。5.2.1 Preparation:demarcation shall be marked carefully prior to excavation.The width,slope and depth of the trench shall be known clearly.The direction of the pipeline shall be known and the obstacles underground shall be
20、marked clearly.The unclear obstacles underground shall be checked carefully by investigation department.5.2.2 开槽的原则:以机械开挖,人工清槽为主,机械开挖到管底设计深度以上 200mm,然后人工清到设计标高,禁止扰动原土层,当多条管线并列行走时且间距较小可采用联合管沟开挖。在槽底需再挖出 200200mm 支撑槽,槽内充软沙。5.2.2 Principle:mechanical excavation,manpower clean the trench is the main meth
21、od in 6 of 16 Rev1 excavation the trench.The depth of the excavation shall be excavated firstly at above 200mm of the designed depth,and then cleared by manpower.Original earth shall not be spoiled.United trench excavation shall be adopted while the pipelines are paralleled and the distance between
22、pipeline is narrowed.5.2.3 沟槽排水:因本工程地下水位较高,应在沟槽设置井点降水,将水位降至沟槽底以下 0.5m;沟槽开挖后沟内应设置排水沟和排水井,并及时将沟槽内的水排走。5.2.3 Water draining:de-watering unit shall be set up for trench.The level of the water shall be at 0.5m at the bottom of the trench.De-water trench and well shall be set up after excavation.De-water
23、shall be done timely.5.2.4 管道沟槽底部的开挖宽度按下式计算:5.2.4 Excavation slope for the bottom of the trench shall be calculated as follows:BD12(b1b2b3)其中:B管道沟槽底部的开挖宽度(mm)Note:BExcavation width at the bottom of the trench(mm)D1管道结构的外缘宽度(mm)D1external width of the pipeline structure(mm)b1管道一侧的工作面宽度(mm)b1width on
24、the pipeline side(mm)b2管道一侧的支撑厚度,可取 150-200mm b2support width on the pipeline side,normally 150-200mm b3现场浇筑混凝土或钢筋混凝土管渠一侧模板的厚度(mm)b3width on the template side of cast in place concrete or reinforced concrete(mm)5.2.5 沟槽开挖的坡度根据土壤地区情况,地下水位及管沟的深度来确定,必要时沟槽还需进行支撑,以保证管道施工时不塌方不影响管道的下管工作。因目前图纸管道埋深不详,管沟放坡坡度按
25、中密的砂土,坡顶无荷载考虑,边坡坡宽(高:宽)按 1:1 放坡,具体尺寸待图纸明确后计算得出。5.2.5 The slope of the excavation shall be determined in accordance with the soil texture,underground water level and depth of the trench.Support shall be given for trench while necessary to avoid landslip.5.3 管沟回填 7 of 16 Rev1 5.3 Trench backfilling 5.
26、3.1 管沟回填的一般原则:各种隐蔽工程检查合格,包括管道坐标、标高坡度、管基强度复测合格并经工程监理确认,施工记录齐全;压力管道在水压试验前,除接口外管道两侧及管顶以上 500mm 应予回填。5.3.1 General principle for trench backfilling:all the concealed items got approved and checked by the third part.All the construction records are completed.Backfilling on the two sides of the joint pipe
27、 and at the 500mm above the pipe shall be done prior to water pressure test.5.3.2 回填质量要求:管顶 150mm 以下的回填土不得含有机物、冻土及大于 50mm 的硅、石等硬物(防止破坏防腐层)。5.2.2 Requirements on backfilling:the earth backfilled under 150mm of the pipe shall be.Organic,freeze earth and hard material shall not be allowed to backfill f
28、or this part.5.3.3 沟槽回填前清除槽内的杂物(木块、石块、土块等),保证沟槽内不得有积水,井点降水应将水位保持在槽底以下0.5m;槽底 100mm 软沙。回填土从管道两侧均匀对称倒入,管顶 300mm 以下回填土采用木夯分层轻压夯实,管顶 300mm 以上部分可采用蛙式夯,压路机等机械工具结合起来进行夯压。5.3.3 Rubbish in the trench shall be cleaned prior to backfilling to assure there is no trapped water in the trench.The water level shall
29、 be kept under 0.5m at the bottom of the trench.Method of layer ramming with wood shall be used in backfilling for the part at 300mm under pipe.For the part at 300mm above the pipe,frog ramming shall be used.5.3.4 管道两侧回填土的压实度应满足:对钢管道,其压实度不小于 95%;沟槽位于路基范围以内,其管顶以上 250mm 范围内回填土表层的压实度不小于 87%,其它部位回填土的压实度
30、符合规范规定。沟槽位于路基以外,其管顶以上高为500mm 应松填,其压实度不大于 85%,其余部位不小于 90%。5.3.4 Density of the earth at the two sides of the pipeline shall be in conformity with the following requirements:for the steel pipeline,density shall not less than 95%.For the trench which located in the roadbed,the density of the surface ea
31、rth at the 250mm above the pipe shall not less than 87%.For other parts,the density shall be in conformity with the requirements in the specification.For the trench which located out of the roadbed,the density at the 500mm above the pipe shall be loosely backfilled.The density shall not more than 85
32、%.8 of 16 Rev1 For other parts,the density shall not less than 90%.5.3.5 管道试压及试水合格、接口防腐完毕、检查验收合格后,可进行回填。5.3.5 Backfilling shall be done only after pipeline pressure test and water test approved and anti-corrosive at the pipe joints completed.5.4 管道施工 5.4 Pipeline 5.4.1 钢管安装 5.4.1 Steel pipeline 5.4.
33、1.1 管道安装 Pipeline installation A、管道安装前应进行外观检查,核实管道的材质、规格及压力等级,对于有缝管的质量检查按下表要求进行。A.Visual check of the pipeline shall be done firstly.Visual work is include:check the material,specification and pressure class.The seam pipe shall be checked in conformity with the requirements given as bellow:表
34、 5-2 Table 5-2 序号 Sr.No.检查项目 Items 允许偏差 Tolerance 1 周长 Circumference D600 2.0 D600 0.0035D 2 圆 度 circular degree 管端 0.005D,其他部位 0.01D section is 0.005D,other parts are 0.01D 3 端 面 垂 直 度 vertical degree on section 0001D 且不大于 1.5D 0001Dand not more than 1.5D 4 弧度 arc 用弧长 D/6 的弧形板量测测于管内壁或外壁处形成的间隙为0.1t+
35、2,且不大于 4;距管端 200mm 纵缝处的间隙不大于 2.clearance between internal or external wall of the pipe shall be 0.1+2 and shall not more than 4 with measuring template at the arc of D/6.the clearance at the 200mm of the section shall not more than 2.注:1、D 为管内径(mm),t 为壁厚(mm)9 of 16 Rev1 2、圆度为同端管口相互垂直的最大直径与最小直径之差。Not
36、e:1 D is the internal diameter of the pipe.T is the thickness.2 Circular degree is the difference of the max and min diameter of the vertical pipe at the same section.b、阀门安装前,应作强度和严密性试验,不合格者不得使用。试验应在每批(同牌号、同型号、同规格)数量中抽查 10%,且不少于一个。阀门的强度和严密性试验,应符合以下规定:阀门强度试验压力为公称压力的 1.5 倍,试验时间不少于 5Min,以壳体填料无渗漏为合格;严密性
37、试验以公称压力进行,以阀瓣密封面不漏为合格。当不合格时,应加倍抽查,仍不合格时,该批阀门不得使用。c、确保管道内干净、无杂物,所有管道材料及预制完成管道端口必须封口。d、分段组对,加大地上预制深度。管口组对焊接时,搭设可移动的防雨棚,保证焊接质量。已加工坡口的管端或未施工完的接口用塑料膜和胶带包敷好,防雨防生锈。 管道安装前检查防腐层有无破损情况,否则及时修补。防腐好管道在运输、装卸、吊装过程中应做好软性隔离(如垫沙袋、使用软吊装带等);管道氧乙炔焰切口、砂轮机打磨以及管道焊接时,也要做好有效隔离(如使用园环形隔板),防止氧乙炔焰和飞溅破坏防腐层。管节应逐根测量、编号,宜选用管径
38、相应最小的管节组对对接。 Prior to installation,anti-corrosive layer of the pipe shall be checked firstly to assure there is no damage on it.Pipe junction shall be measured and numbered piece by piece.Small pipe junction shall be adopted precedent in assembling and junction of the pipe. 管道下沟前再次测量确认
39、沟底的标高、坡度,管基质量,并标出管道安装中轴线。 Prior to laying the pipe into trench,the level,slope,and material at the bottom of the trench shall be checked again.Axle line shall be marked clearly. 管道下沟采用专用软吊装带。管道下管时要平稳,不得触碰沟壁或沟槽支撑板等挡土设施。管沟底部间隔 2-3m 放置沙袋,管道下沟后平放于沙袋上,以便于管道调直对口(具体见附图 3)。 Special lift
40、ing belt shall be used in laying the pipe into the trench.Laying the pipe shall be steady.Contact with and knock against the wall of support plate is strictly forbidden. 管道组对时可用龙门吊和卡具配合组对,管道定位时每根管子必须按中心线找直对中,管底与管基贴合紧密。 Gantry and shackle shall be used for assembling and junction of the
41、 pipe.Placing of the pipe shall be in accordance with the centerline and the pipe shall be placed closely with 10 of 16 Rev1 the trench bed. 管道上安装的法兰面与管中心线垂直,接口的两片法兰面相互平行,螺栓应自由的穿过两片法兰的螺栓孔,螺栓安装方向一致,螺母应对称紧固,紧固好的螺栓应露出螺母之外 23 扣。 The flange shall be in vertical with the pipe center.The two
42、flange surface shall be horizontal.The bolts shall be in the same direction.And the nut shall be fixed closely. 管道焊接,管道焊接采用手工电弧焊,采用“V”型坡口,其尺寸见下表,管道对口时应使内壁齐平,错口偏差为0.2t,且不得大于 1.5mm;并应符合 WPS welding shall be used for pipe welding.The joints of the pipe shall be evenness.The to
43、lerance is 0.2t but not more than 2mm.Groove shall be in the type of V.the size is as follows.表 5-3 table 5-3 壁厚(mm)thickness 间隙(mm)clearance 错边(mm)stagger 坡口角度()groove 4-9 1.5-3.0 1.0-1.5 60-70 10-26 2.0-4.0 1.5 605 钢管对口检查合格后可以进行点焊,点焊采用与接口相同的焊接材料,点焊时对称施焊,厚度与第一层焊接厚度一致,钢管的纵向焊缝与螺旋焊缝处不得点焊。点焊长度及
44、间距符合下表。 welding shall be done after joint of the steel pipe got checked and approved.Spot welding shall be used same welding material as joint.Symmetry welding shall be done well in spot welding.The thickness shall be the same with the first layer.Spot welding shall not be used in longit
45、ude and traverse seam of the steel pipe.The length and the distance of the spot welding shall be in conformity with the requirements given below.表 5-4 Table 5-4 管径(mm)diameter 点焊长度(mm)length 环向点焊点(处)spots on traverse direction 350-500 50-60 5 600-700 60-70 6 800 80-100 点焊间距不大于 400mm the 11 of 16 Rev
46、1 distance of the spot shall not more than 400mm. 管道焊接完,水压试验前对焊缝进行外观检查,当有特殊要求时进行无损探伤检验;不合格的焊缝应返修,返修次数不得超过三次,焊缝的外观质量见下表。 check shall be done after welding and before water pressure test.NDT test shall be done in accordance with the requirements.The unqualified seam shall be rep
47、aired.And repair shall not more than three times.The visual quality of the seam shall be in conformity with the requirements given below.焊缝的外观质量 Visual quality of the seam 表 5-5 Table 5-5 检查项目item 技术要求 technical requirement 外观 visual 不得有熔化金属流到焊缝未熔化的母材上,焊缝和热影响区表面不得有裂纹、气孔、弧坑和灰渣等缺陷,表面光顺,均匀,焊道与母材应平缓过渡 t
48、he body material shall not be contaminated with smelt metal.No crack,air hole,unevenness,etc defects are allowed on the surface of the seam and heat infecting areas.Surface shall be smooth and evenness.The seam and the body shall be smooth.宽度 width 应焊出坡口边缘 2-3mm 2-3mm of the edge of the groove 表面余高
49、surface height 应小于或等于 1+0.2 倍坡口边缘宽度,且不应大于 4mm shall not more than 1+0.2 times of the width at the edge of the groove and shall not more than 4mm.咬边 overlap 深度应小于或等于 0.5mm,焊缝两侧咬边总长不得超过焊缝长度的 10%,且连续长度不应大于 100mm depth shall not more than 0.5mm.the length of the overlap shall not more than 10%of the sea
50、m and the continuous overlap shall not more than 100mm.错边 stagger 应小于或等于 0.2t,且不应大于 2mm(t 为壁厚 mm)未焊满 non welded 不允许 not allowed 钢管安装允许偏差 12 of 16 Rev1 Installation tolerance 表 5-6 Table 5-6 检查项目 items 允许偏差(mm)tolerance 压力管道 Pressure pipeline 轴线位置 axle position 30 高程 high-lift 20 5.5.3 管道防腐 5.5.3 Pip