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1、翻译资格口译的分类和特点 翻译资格口译有哪些分类和特点?你都了解了吗?今日我给大家带来了翻译资格口译的分类和特点,希望可以帮助到同学们。下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 翻译资格口译的分类和特点 口译(又称传译)是一种翻译活动,顾名思义,是指译员以口语的方式,将译入语转换为译出语的方式,做口语翻译,也就是在讲者仍在说话时,同声传译员便“同时”进行翻译。从事口译的人许多,但是做的好的比较少,今日我就为大家整理了口译的分类和特点,希望能够对大家的学习有所帮助。 1.视译(sight interpretation) 视译是指译员拿着讲话人的讲稿,一边听发言、一边看原稿、同时进行口译。内容一般是事先

2、打算好的讲稿或文件。这种口译通常保密性较高,译员事先不知道内容,往往只有在译前几分钟才能拿到译稿。口译前可以用很短的时间对原文通读一遍,了解发言的主要内容,并对相关语言点和专业难点做译前打算。另外,在口译时肯定要跟说话人同步,尤其要留意说话人在讲话过程中插入的稿子中没有的内容。 2.接续口译(consecutive interpretation) 这是一种为演讲者以句子或段落为单位传递信息的单向口译方式。接续口译用于多种场合,如演讲、祝词、授课、商务会议、新闻发布会等。演讲者须要完整地表达信息,所以往往连贯发言,停顿较少。这种口译要求译员一段一段地翻译,在讲话人的自然停顿间隙,将信息一组接一组

3、地传达给听众。译员在接到这种口译任务时,事先跟讲话人沟通,有利于口译的顺当完成。 3.交替口译(alternating interpretation) 交替口译即译员同时以两种语言为操不同语言的交际双方进行轮回交替口译。这种口译应用场合特别广,比较常见的出现在商务谈判、商务会议和宴会上,有肯定的难度。 4.耳语口译(whispering interpretation) 也称咬耳朵翻译。耳语口译就是将一方的讲话内容用耳语方式轻轻传译给另一方。这种口译一般在外宾观看文艺演出,或者是没有语音设备的会议上采纳,听众往往是个人,而不是群体,对象往往是外宾、国家元首或高级官员。译员须要把会议上听到的话,或

4、者文艺演出中的场景等小声地译给身边的一两个人听。耳语翻译一般须要译员对原讲话有高度的压缩与概括,而且声音不能太大,以免影响到旁边的人。 5.同声传译(simultaneous interpretation) 这是口译中最难的,也是境界最高的一种。译员在不打断讲话者演讲状况下,几乎是同步的不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听众。同声传译要求译员在讲话人起先说话5秒钟后必需要起先翻译,并且几乎是没有停顿的。由于其难度比较大,不确定因素比较多,因此要做充分的打算,并且对于一些细微环节问题肯定要留意。 2022年翻译资格考试初级口译习题 历史阅历表明,亚洲各国和则利、斗则损。 As history shows

5、, harmony benefits all Asian countries while confrontation hurts all. 亚洲崛起来之不易,联合自强才是沧桑正道。 The rise of Asia has not come easily and unity remains the best wayto build a stronger Asia. 今日,亚洲已成为全球地缘政治格局中的稳定上升板块,也是世界经济增长的高地。 Today, Asia is a rising region in the global geopolitical landscape, and is al

6、so leading world economic growth. 2022年是中国“十三五”规划的开局之年,也是中英关系“黄金时代”的开局之年。 2022 is the opening year of Chinas 13th Five Year Plan. It is also the opening year of the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations. 当前,多极化、全球化、信息化深化发展,各国利益交融、休戚与共。 In this increasingly multi-polar, globalized and digitized world, c

7、ountries are more interdependent in their interests than ever before. 总之,我对2022年的中国发展充溢信念,对2022年的中英经贸合作充溢期盼。 All in all, I am full of confidence in Chinas development in 2022 and I am full of expectations for the China-UK business cooperation in the year ahead. 亚洲国家不愿战乱、动荡和相互敌视的历史重演,希望在和平稳定的环境中一心一意谋

8、发展。 Asian countries loathe to see a repeat of war, turmoil and mutual hostility, and are eager to focus on development in a peaceful and stable environment. 亚洲多样性确定了区域合作和一体化建设不能照搬其他地区的模式。 Due to its diversity, Asia cannot copy the model of others in seeking regional integration. 长期以来,亚洲各合作机制孜孜学习他山之石

9、,同其他地区合作机制沟通互鉴。 Over the years, Asian cooperation frameworks have looked to,engaged with and learned from those in other regions. 在看到区域合作百舸争流、方兴未艾的同时,我们也要醒悟地看到面临的困难和挑战。 While encouraged by fast progress, we should stay cool-headed at the difficulties and challenges. 中国有句古话,百尺竿头更进一步 As a Chinese sayi

10、ng goes, “Even with great success one shouldalways try to do better”. 区域合作是完善地区治理,助力亚洲崛起的重要手段。 Regional Cooperation is an important means to improve regional governance and fuel the rise of Asia. 中国自25年前成为东盟对话伙伴以来,广泛深化地参加地区合作。 Since becoming a dialogue partner with ASEAN 25 years ago, China has seen

11、 its participation in regional cooperation grow both in breadth and depth. 2022年翻译资格考试初级口译习题 性别同等与妇女发展是人类追求公允、正义与同等的永恒主题,是社会文明进步的衡量尺度,是人类实现可持续发展的重要目标。 Gender equality and womens development is a lasting theme of mankinds pursuit of equality and justice, a scale for measuring social progress and an i

12、mportant goal in realizing sustainable development in our world. 中国妇女占世界妇女人口的五分之一。中国性别同等与妇女发展既体现了中国的文明进步,也是对全球同等、发展与和平的历史贡献。 Chinese women make up one fifth of the worlds total female population. Gender equality and womens development in China not only give expression to Chinas own progress, but als

13、o constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace. 过去20年,伴随着经济社会的快速发展,中国性别同等与妇女发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。 It is obvious to all that, in tandem with rapid economic and social development, great progress has been achieved in the promotion of gender equality and womens developmen

14、t in China over the past two decades. 【In tandem with 】 In tandem with open markets and open trade, the United States led in the promotion of democracy. 美国同时引领了推动民主的努力,与开放市场和开放贸易齐头并进。 同时,中国也醒悟相识到,作为世界上人口最多的发展中大国,受经济社会发展水平和历史文化等因素影响,中国的妇女发展还面临诸多新状况新问题,推动性别同等的任务仍旧繁重而艰难。 At the same time, China is high

15、ly aware that, as a developing country with the worlds largest population, and restricted by its limited level of economic and social development, it will continue tobe confronted with new situations and problems in its efforts to promote womens development. There is still a long way to go to achiev

16、e gender equality in China, and arduous tasks remain to be tackled. 中国主动促进教化公允,调整教化结构,坚持贯彻性别同等原则,努力保障男女同等接受教化的权利和机会。 China actively promotes equality in education, adjusting the structure of education, adhering to the principle of gender equality, and working hard to guarantee equal rights and oppor

17、tunities for both men and women to access education. 第六次全国人口普查显示,2022年6岁以上人口中女性平均受教化年限达到8.4年,比10年前提高了1.3年,与男性的差距比10年前缩小0.2年。 The Sixth National Census showed that the average years of schooling for women over the age of six were 8.4 years in 2022, 1.3 years more than in 2000, and the gender gap had

18、narrowed by 0.2 year as compared with 2000. 中国已基本形成以妇幼保健机构为核心,以基层医疗卫朝气构为基础,以大中型医疗机构和相关科研教学机构为技术支撑,覆盖城乡的妇幼保健服务网络。 A network of maternal and child health services covering both urban and rural areas has taken shape in China, with maternity and child care institutions as the core, community-level healt

19、h care institutionsas the foundation, and large or medium-sized medical institutions and relevant research and teaching institutions as the support. 妇女在社会文化培育、生态环境爱护和家庭建设中的独特作用日益凸显。 Women are playing an increasingly prominent unique role in the fostering of social culture, protection of the ecologic

20、al environment and family management. 在协调推动“四个全面”战略布局的历史进程中,中国将接着贯彻男女同等基本国策,不断健全经济、法律、行政和舆论等政策措施,依法有效保障妇女合法权益,推动性别同等与妇女发展事业取得更大成就。 In its efforts to advance the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, China will continue implementing the basic national policy of equality between men and women, constant

21、ly improve policies and measures in the fields of economy, law, administration and public opinion, safeguard womens rights and interests in accordance with the law, and work to achieve greater success in the cause of gender equality and womens development. 中国愿与其他国家一道,大力支持社会各界在促进性别同等与妇女发展中发挥主动作用,深化和拓

22、展国际沟通与合作,为全球同等、发展与和平作出新的贡献。 China is willing to work with other countries to encourage all social sectors to contribute to the promotion of gender equality and womens development, to strengthen and expand international exchanges and cooperation, and to contribute further to promoting worldwide equal

23、ity, development and peace. 中国主动履行性别同等与妇女发展的国际公约和文书,广泛开展妇女领域多边、双边的沟通合作,加强与各国妇女组织的友好交往,注意对发展中国家妇女供应技术培训和物资救济,在推动全球性别同等与妇女发展中发挥了重要作用。 China actively implements international conventions and documentsconcerning gender equality and womens development, takes part in international bilateral and multilater

24、al womens exchanges and cooperation, strengthens friendly exchanges with women organizations all over the world, and focuses on providing technical training and material assistance to women in developing countries,thus playing an important role in promoting gender equality and womens development aro

25、und the globe. 生态文明是人类文明发展到肯定阶段的产物,是反映人与自然和谐程度的新型文明形态,体现了人类文明发展理念的重大进步。 An ecological civilization emerges when human society reaches a certain stage of development. As a new mode of civilization that reflects a level of harmony betweenhumans and nature, ecological civilization represents a major co

26、nceptual advance for the development of human civilization. 建设生态文明,不是要放弃工业文明,回到原始的生产生活方式,而是要以资源环境承载实力为基础,以自然规律为准则,以可持续发展、人与自然和谐为目标,建设生产发展、生活富有、生态良好的文明社会。 Building an ecological civilization does not mean that we must abandon industrial civilization and return to a primitive way of living. Rather, it

27、 means building a civilized society with developed production, affluent standards of living, and sound ecological environments in accordance with the goals of realizing sustainable development and achieving a state of balance between humans and nature. Therefore, this is a society in which human act

28、ivities are based on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, and in which human development is governed by the objective laws of nature. 推动生态文明建设是坚持以人为本的基本要求。坚持以人为本,首先要保障好人民群众的身心健康。 Promoting ecological progress is a basic requirement of putting people first. In maintaining a commitm

29、ent to putting people first, the first thing we must do is to guarantee the mental and physical wellbeing of the people. 人民群众过去“求温饱”,现在“盼环保”,希望生活的环境美丽宜居,能喝上干净的水、呼吸上清爽的空气、吃上平安放心的食品。 In the past, the public were concerned with having adequate shelter, warm clothes, and enough to eat; now, they have a

30、greater demand for environmental protection. Specifically, they long for agreeable living environments, clean water, fresh air, and safe food that they can trust. 民之所望,施政所向。 The job of the government is to orient its policies towards the wishes of the people. 我们必需下大气力解决突出的环境问题,不断改善人民群众生产生活条件,以实际效果取信

31、于民。 Therefore, we must devote major efforts to resolving prominent environmental issues,work constantly to improve the working and living conditions of the people, and continue towin the peoples trust by delivering solid results in our environmental initiatives. 我国是海洋大国,爱护海洋、经略海洋不仅涉及我国发展空间,也涉及国家战略平安

32、。 China is a major maritime nation. For this reason, the protection and management of ocean environments has a bearing not only on Chinas development, but also on its national security. 当前,大气、水和土壤等突出的污染问题已经到了不治不行、刻不待时的地步,必需重点突出、重拳出击、重典治污、力求实效。 We have come to the stage where urgent action must be ta

33、ken without delay to address the serious problems of air, water, and soil pollution in China. In responding to these problems, we need to identify clear priorities, adopt striking measures, lay an emphasis onthe rectification of pollution, and strive to attain solid results. 我国不仅存在资源型缺水、工程型缺水,而且污染型缺

34、水也较严峻。 Chinas water shortages are not only a result of insufficient resources and inadequate water conservancy facilities, but are also due to the effects of pollution. 生态文明建设须要全社会共同努力,良好的生态环境也为全社会所共享。 The establishment of an ecological civilization will call for widespread efforts from society as a

35、 whole, and all members of society stand to benefit from sound ecological environments. 2022年翻译资格考试初级口译习题 汉译英 “一带一路”建设既是远期的美妙愿景,又是近期的实在福利。 The Belt and Road Initiative offers both a long-term vision and real benefits in the near future. 一些西方人质疑“一带一路”建设,认为它缺乏清楚的内涵、路途图,只写意、不写实。这种理解明显是片面的。 Some Western

36、ers believe the Initiative is nothing more than a concept, lacking a clear roadmap. However, such an interpretation isone-sided. 当然也要看到,“一带一路”建设的设计构想是实现共赢,但并非没有风险。恰恰是因为存在风险,才更须要共商、共建、共享。 Of course, potential risks during the construction must be acknowledged. And it is because of those risks that th

37、e construction is being done through joint consultation, joint construction and sharing. 科学把握“一带一路”建设中的机遇和风险。 The opportunities and risks that come with the Initiative must beviewed objectively. “一带一路”不搞势力范围,而是推动大家一起加入挚友圈,编织互利共赢的合作伙伴网络。 The Belt and Road Initiative is not meant to establish a sphere

38、 of influence, but to weave a partnership network. 在沿线各国、各地区努力下,“一带一路”建设将蓬勃发展的亚洲经济圈与欧洲经济圈连接起来,将激发巨大经济潜力和市场需求,打造世界经济发展新引擎。 With joint efforts between different countries and regions along theroute, and by aligning the booming Asian economic sphere with the European one, the Belt and Road Initiative w

39、ill stimulate huge market demand, acting as an engine for global economic development. 从长期看,“一带一路”建设着眼于促进21世纪世界经济发展,践行开放包涵理念,开创经济全球化广袤前景。 In the long run, the Initiative will advance world economic development. It will put into practice the idea of openness and inclusiveness, and will pioneer econom

40、ic globalization. 泰山(Mount Tai),世界文化与自然双重遗产 ,世界地质公园,全国重点文物爱护单位,国家重点风景名胜区,国家5A级旅游景区。 Mount Tai is a World Cultural and Natural Heritage site, World Geopark, Key Cultural Site under State Protection, National Key Tourist Attraction, and a AAAAA Tourist Attraction. 泰山位于山东省泰安市中部。主峰玉皇顶海拔1545米,气概宏伟磅礴,有“五岳

41、之首”、“天下第一山”的之称。 Located in the central region of Taian City, Shandong Province, Mount Tai is reputed to be the “First of the Five Famous Mountains” and the “First Mountain in the World”. Its main peak, the Peak of the Heavenly Emperor, is located at an altitude of 1,545m. 黄山被誉为“震旦国中第一奇山”,位于中国安徽省南部黄山

42、市境内。 Hailed as “the most astonishing mountain in China”, Mount Huangshan is located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province. 南北长约40公里,东西宽约30公里,山脉面积1200平方公里,核心景区面积约160.6平方公里,主体以花岗岩构成,最高处莲花峰,海拔1864米。 It covers an area of 1,200km2 (core scenic area of about 160.6km2), about 40km in length from

43、 south to north and 30km in width from east to west. It is mainly formed bygranite and has an altitude of 1,864m at the Lotus Peak. 九寨沟风景名胜区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县境内,距离成都市400多公里,是一条纵深40余公里的山沟谷地,因四周有9个藏族村寨而得名,总面积约620平方公里,大约有52%的面积被茂密的原始森林所覆盖。成为中国唯一拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈爱护区”两顶桂冠的圣地。 Located in Nanping County of

44、Aba Tibetan & Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a valley with the depth of more than 40km, over 400km away from Chengdu. It has become well-known for the nine surrounding Tibetan villages that cover about 620km2. About 52%

45、 of the area is covered with thick, virgin forest. The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area has become the only holy land to enjoy both “World Natural Heritage” and “World Biosphere Reserve” status in China. 翻译资格口译的分类和特点本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第21页 共21页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页


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