1、第一单元 1.After the robbery,the criminal quickly took to the woods for fear that people might find him.2.Gen erally speak in g,a good teacher is the one who imparts wisdom to his pupils.3.Try to produce us some specime ns of the polluted water from the river.4.Though he made great efforts to fulfill th
2、e job,his attempt proved an abortion.5.The final exam in ati on is comin g,but he still does n,t mani fest much in terest in his studies.6.The seduction of country life made him forget to return to his home in the city.7.The car swerved to aviod the dog and bumped into a big tree by the riverside 8.
3、He reversed the judgement and set the prisoner free after all,which won him respects from many citize ns.9.Lets decide by lot_ who will be in charge of this negotiation and then we will get everything started.10.A commercial college teaches what would be useful in bus in ess and trade.第二单元 1.The tro
4、ops supressed the rebelli on by firing at the mob and fin ally succeeded in so doing.2.The conviction of the accused man surprised us because we believed he was innocent at first.3.The old gen tlema n claimed himself to be a very moral man,who had n ever told a lie in his life.4.The qualities of cou
5、rage and vision are the touchstones of leadership.5.We will persevere regardless of past failures and we are sure to win the victory at last.6.The family was ostracized by the neighborhood because of its strangeness.7.The driver was arrested because he holds an in valid lice nse.8.The pilot was muti
6、lated in the plane crash and now has only one leg left.9.One sometimes wonders if there is any morality in political affairs and cannot find the an swer.10.It is too presumptuous of him to look down upon others and he was criticized for that.11.The defe nse conten ded that the evide nee was in admis
7、sible.12.Illness is a valid excuse of being absent from work.13.The jury con victed the defe ndant of man slaughter and he was senten ced to life impris onment.14.The lawyer alleged that the doctor s behavior had not bee n ethical a nd should be puni shed.15.We must always endeavor to improve our wo
8、rk and keep up with the time.16.A man of egoism is devoted to his own interests and advancement and does not care about other peoples feeli ng.17.Columbss contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.18.Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same ledgal rights as those who are born i
9、n a marriage.19.In front of the accusation,the defendant provided an airtight excuse.20.When doing a project,we should first find the problems and the solutions thereof.第三单元 1.It is man dated in the regulati oned that the laid-off workers can get tax credits whe n they run their bus in ess.2.This di
10、rective applies to all apparatus liable to cause electromagnetic disturbanee or the performa nee of which is liable to be affected by such disturba nee.3.Without receiving any advanee warning,the coastal cities in southeast Asia sustained heavy losses from the hurrica ne last year.4.This can cer coo
11、perative group orga ni zati on provides in formatio n about can cer clinical trials,cancer research,patient advocates,drugs for cancer,experimental cancer treatments and gen eral cancer treatme nt.5.On behalf of US Secretary of Energy Samuel W.Bodman,I am pleased to announce that the Un ited States
12、supports the decisi on of the ITER Parties to site the ITER reactor at Tokyo.6.The shop carries suits,coats,shirts,and miscellaneous accessories.7.The Legislative Coun sel Committee claims copyright protect ion in those parts of Orego n Revised statute that are legally subject to copyright protect i
13、on.8.The government has empowered the police with absolute authority to stop anybody in the street duri ng racial con flict.9.One importa nt cause of the gen eratio n gap is the cha nee that today,s young people who are being weaned on television have to choose their way of life.10.They agree that a sound and stable relati on ship betwee n China and the Un ited Stated is good to help establish a durable peace on the Korean peninsula.