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1、法国大学本科2022留学申请书格式 一个学生,只要他情愿提高自己,在法国学习的过程中可以学到许多东西。那么法国留学申请书怎么写呢?下面就是我给大家带来的法国高校本科2022留学申请书格式最新,希望能帮助到大家! 假如没有找到您想要的内容,点击“怎么写申请书”查看更多 法国高校本科2022留学申请书 Dear _, My interest in law stems from the knowledge that it affects every aspect of our lives, despite our often being oblivious to it. Without law, I

2、 would not have the right to education, to survival and to freedom of speech. Without law, there would be no legal boundary between right and wrong. Law acts as the foundation of society, and without it we could be deprived of every basic right. Work experience has allowed me to see how law can be a

3、pplied to real-life situations. During my placement, I was able to look through case files and sit in on interviews with clients as well as doing research using legal textbooks. In addition to showing me how relevant law is to everyday life, work experience emphasised the all-encompassing nature of

4、law and made me appreciate the workload of a solicitor. I also did work experience in Stuttgart, spending time with a judge, a lawyer specialising in German-Irish Law and a firm specialising in employment law. I was able to sit in on negotiations, see how a judge comes to a verdict and how evidence

5、is analysed. Work experience gave me a flavour of international law, and I enjoyed the complexity of dealing with two different legal systems. Not only was this beneficial as additional work experience, I was also able to prove to myself that I could live independently and that I am mature enough co

6、pe in a foreign environment. I have also carried out research into the study of law, attending a pre-law conference in London and reading Learning the Law by Glanville Williams and The Law Machine by Marcel Berlins and Clare Dyer. I believe the subjects I have chosen will also give me a good foundat

7、ion for studying law. Mathematics would aid me greatly, as it is both logical and methodical as well as being challenging. I believe that English Literature has provided me with skills essential for studying law such as analysis, comprehension and interpretation. Economics encourages one to select r

8、elevant information from long passages of text, and to apply theory to real-life situations. It also presents ethical and moral issues which raises discussion and debate, as a result I have learnt to argue my point coherently, whilst respecting the others point of view. I have also been given severa

9、l positions of responsibility both inside school and in extra curricular activities. I represented my class on the Student Council, where I learnt to work successfully as a team member, and improved the school environment as a result. This year, I have also been appointed Head Girl. This will enable

10、 me to further improve my teamwork, organisational skills as well as demonstrating my leadership potential. As Head Girl, my duties include representing the school and speaking in assembly. I have represented the school in public speaking on several occasions, resulting in the school being awarded r

11、unner-up overall for a Safety competition. I also do public speaking in Young Farmers Club, having achieved 1st at county level and 3rd in an impromptu class at national level. Public speaking has required me to be articulate and eloquent. In addition to these, impromptu public speaking requires mak

12、ing the best use out of the time given for planning and remaining calm under pressure. As Public Relations Officer in my Young Farmers Club, I was awarded runner-up at county level. My role required me to write articles about the activities at Young Farmers Club and illustrate these with photos. I n

13、eeded to be organised in order to meet the newspapers printing deadlines, which required time management. As peer mentor in school, I am trained to deal with information of a sensitive nature and am a good listener. As a result of my responsibilities, I believe I am someone who could adjust well to

14、university life, and I am enthusiastic about the next level of education where I can focus primarily on law, a subject that motivates and excites me. Yours sincerely, 法国本科留学哲学专业高校举荐 一、蔚蓝海岸高校 蔚蓝海岸高校位于法国尼斯,是法国一所“超级高校”,由尼斯高校,阿尔松美院(Villa Arson),法国高等影视学院(ESRA),法国国家信息与自动化探讨所(Inria)等多所高校联合组建。 哲学本科专业主要让学生了解

15、历各个重要的哲学流派,并着重了解现代哲学部分。同时,培育学生概念和逻辑分析方法,使他们能够清晰地发展个人反思,引导理性探讨并撰写令人信服的论文。 主要课程:中古世纪哲学、现当代哲学、现代认知论、哲学方法 论、论文撰写等。 学制:三年 授课地点:尼斯 授课语言:法语 申请要求:法语B2(2022年) 二、勃艮第高校 勃艮第高校是一所包括医疗健康专业并设多个分部的多学科综合高校。勃艮第高校的三大主要科研领域为:人类与社会科学、材料科学、生命与地球科学及技术。 勃艮第高校的哲学本科专业前两年以基础学问课程为主,比如相识论、哲学史、社会与文化、逻辑与信息、政治与哲学等,第三年则是专业学问和相关课题或者

16、实习并重。 学制:三年 授课语言:法语 授课地点:第戎 学费:170欧元/年 申请要求:法语B2(2022年) 三、蒙彼利埃三大 蒙彼利埃第三高校,为法国最的公立高校之一,是一个以文学、语言、艺术、社会与人文科学为主的综合高校,为20000多名学生供应大量不同的教化课程,并颁发各种层次的国家文凭。学校下设10所探讨学院,高校在贝兹耶还设有分校。 蒙彼利埃三大的哲学本科专业以一般哲学(获得对各种对象的全局反思)、哲学史(古代、古典、现代和当代哲学)、美学和科学技术哲学的学科教学为中心,同时培育学生写作技能以及分析、综合和论证方法的技能,这些技能是个人反思、理性探讨和好、撰写论文所必需的。 学制:

17、三年 授课语言:法语 授课地点:蒙彼利埃 申请要求:法语B2,并且表现出求知欲和哲学逻辑思维,在小组和个人独立工作中都能够顺当完成任务。(2022年) 四、图卢兹高校 图卢兹高校全称图卢兹-南部比利牛斯联合高校(Universit fdrale de Toulouse-Midi-Pyrnes),建校于1229年,是世界上历史最悠久的高校之一,位于法国南部-比利牛斯大区的世界高校,也是法国政府重点发展的8所“卓越高校安排”成员之一。学校教学严谨,师资雄厚,覆盖全部学科,是世界上学科的高校。 图卢兹高校的哲学本科专业侧重于该学科的历史及其时事,并向人文、人文和社会科学的其他学科领域(政治、伦 理、

18、社会科学、艺术等)融合。学生在其次年须要从“社会科学”和“人文学科”当中选择一项来作为自己的“其次专业”或者“辅修”。哲学系致力于完成高校的三重任务,即文化的传播、探讨的追求和专业的融合。 学制:三年 授课语言:法语 授课地点:图卢兹 申请要求:法语B2(2022年) 法国留学平安留意常识 1、在国外尽量不要一个人独行,在地铁站不要轻易的拿出手机或者掏出钱包。假如发觉有危急因素的人群或时间肯定要主动的躲开,千万不要看喧闹围观。学习完后尽量早些回住处,别因新奇心到处乱逛。 2、假如有不懂的肯定要问清晰,特殊是在签合同、购物的时候要万分当心,只要有不明白的就问,因为依据以往的一些留学生的留学阅历发

19、觉,有些公司会在合同上做手脚而给留学生造成财务上的损失。不要有自认倒霉的心态,比如房东要押金,那肯定索要收据,这也是一旦退房,房东不退押金或者找理由扣掉大部分押金时,好凭收据进行法律上的申述。 3、出门在外会遇到各种付款的状况比如:电话公司,internet公司,电业局等,在法国这些都是可以通过支票付款的,并且这些公司每月都会给你寄账单,千万不要采纳预付费的方法,财务上的主动权还是驾驭在自己手中比较好。 4、国外生活的环境和国内是不一样的,老外在生活上都很节俭,即使家庭条件再好,也别乱充大方,尽量采纳AA制,这并不丢人。 5、出门时记得顺手锁门,不要怕麻烦,或者是因为去公共厨房拿东西,觉得锁门

20、太繁琐了。其实这方面常常有留学生沟通过,有时候去公共厨房拿个东西,回来就发觉房间被盗了。 6、女孩子留学期间,不要总是背着笔记本上街或上课。 7、专家指出假如在法国勤工俭学时,老板不签合同,那是肯定要提出来的,维护好自己的权益,因为随着国内到法国留学的学生越来越多,几乎随处可见中国的临时工,因此许多老板会因为你没签合同做出不给工资的状况,假如真的遇到这样的状况,肯定要立刻起诉黑心的老板,终归雇佣黑工在法国是特别严峻的问题。 法国高校本科2022留学申请书格式本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页


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