1、德国留学乌尔姆大学申请书 德国企业在世界范围内分支林立,学好德语对将来的择业都具有非常重要的意义,无论是留在国外还是回国发展,前途都是一片光明。这里给大家共享一些德国留学乌尔姆高校申请书,欢迎阅读! 德国留学乌尔姆高校申请书 Dear _, I am applying to The City University of New York as a Visiting Graduate Student for one term of study in the fall of 2009, non-degree. I completed my BA in English and Danish from
2、 _ _ _ in Denmark in June, 2008 and for the time being I am studying for my master's degree. My love for language determined my field of study. Originally, I wanted to study French, but a half year stay in England completely changed my mind. In the summer of 2004 I applied at the National Center
3、 for Young People with Epilepsy (NCYPE) in Surrey, England as a student support worker. I worked in a residential house taking care of eight boys with severe disabilities, and I loved being able to manage this responsibility and being challenged every day. Life in England was not entirely different
4、to my life in Denmark, but more so than I thought. And what I loved the most was learning the language properly. To feel how my vocabulary was extended every day and to explore new dialects of English I did not know existed. During my education at the English department of _ _ _ I have found an inte
5、rest in the American side to the English language. Earlier in my studies I took a course with the subject of Autobiography about writers in exile in America, such as Jack Kerouac and Andrei Codrescu. This semester I took a course in American Studies which provided a historical perspective to the Ame
6、rican literary history and this course opened the door to American literature for me. I was deeply moved by the incredible Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and T. S. Elliot's The Waste Land inspired me to explore an unknown world of poetry. In my Bachelor Project I wrote about the US
7、Governor Mike Huckabee and his use of rhetorics in the US Primary Elections of 2007, where I explored the depths and intentions of his use of language. Besides studying I am a volunteer translator for a trans-European political organisation, Neweuropeans, founded by Franck Biancheri, who is also the
8、 man behind the student network Erasmus, and my work consists of helping them translate their English website into Danish. I am very fond of linguistics, and I have a special interest in the subject of Communicative Translation. I enjoy working with a text and making the native English intention bec
9、ome clear in my own language, and since every single word has its own ambiguous connotation, to me it is as fun as a good Sunday crossword puzzle to find the right word that suites the context. My university has a tradition of incorporating group work into every area of student studies and each seme
10、ster students form groups of 3-8 students and write a project on the basis of a lecture or a subject that is rooted in the students' field of study. The experience of working in groups has taught me the skill of working in close connection with my fellow students; to be flexible and to take resp
11、onsibility for not only my own work, but also the work of my group members. I find that my role in this constellation has often been to take the initiative to get started and get things done on time and to keep the breadth of view. As a person I am very sociable and therefore I have found that worki
12、ng in groups is the perfect way to combine my independent studying with exciting group discussions and a common interest in our specific course of study. In the whole I feel that my bachelor degree has given me a solid understanding of the theoretical part of the English language area. Equally, my s
13、tudies have included practical work, so I'm prepared for future work in my field of study. In that respect, I have structured my education so that I also attain a teacher competence in Danish and English along with my Master's degree. But my studies at have been hard at times. In the end of
14、2002 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease (inflammatory bowel disease). Today I am happy to say that I am much better and my illness is under control. Though it was a tough time, it taught me that I have the strength to pull through in a crisis. And most importantly, I have proven to myself that
15、 I am a fighter. My motivation for wanting to study in America is that I through my studies have gotten an exciting insight into American literature and culture and I am fascinated with American history, which encompasses a proud tradition of liberty. I feel that I can contribute to The City Univers
16、ity of New York with an ambitious and hardworking spirit, and believe the adventure of studying abroad and experiencing my field of study up close will provide me with a purposeful, different and international angle to my English studies and will be rewarding in regards to my further studies and wor
17、k in Denmark. Yours sincerely, xuexila 德国留学乌尔姆高校申请条件 1.本科申请: 重点高校(国家211工程院校)四年制本科或五年制本科,至少修满一个学期; 国家承认的一般高校四年制本科或五年制本科,至少修满三个学期。 通过预科入学:立思辰留学360介绍说,完成预科课程并通过预科的结业考试即“高校入学资格鉴定考试”(Feststellungsprfung)取得德国高校入学资格,要求: 国家承认的一般高校四年制本科或五年制本科,修满一个或两个学期; 三年制高等专科学校(即“大专”)毕业后。 语言要求 一般托福80,雅思6-6.5;德语授课的课程要求德福单项都
18、在4级以上,也有少数接受德福3级的学校。 2.乌尔姆高校英语授课硕士申请 基本录用要求:立思辰留学360介绍说,相关专业本科毕业、学士学位(含大四在读学生),托福88分或雅思6.5;一些专业除了这个基本要求外,还有一些特别的条件,具体请见以下说明; 硕士的学制为2年; 学费约3000欧元/年; 如没有特别注明,冬季学期开学时间均为10月初,夏季入学为4月初。 乌尔姆高校英语授课硕士专业汇总 Advanced Materials 高级材料(有两个方向:纳米材料和生物材料,冬季入学,10月开学,2年,申请截止日期3月15日,雅思7或者托福95) Biology 生物学(2年,冬季开学,冬季申请时间
19、是1月15至3月15日,雅思6.5或托福88) Biophysics生物物理学(冬季入学,2年,申请时间从1月16日到3月15日,雅思7或者托福95) Chemical Engineering 化学工程(学制2年;冬季开学,申请时间是1月15日至3月15日,雅思7或托福95) Chemistry 化学(2年,冬夏季入学,夏季申请截止时间11月30日,冬季申请截止时间5月31日,雅思7或托福95) Communications Technology 通讯技术(供应两个方向:通讯工程和微电子学,夏季入学,4月开学,2年,网申截止日期9月1日,邮寄10月1日,雅思6.5或者托福88) Cogniti
20、ve Systems 认知系统 (2年制,冬季入学,申请时间4月15日至6月1日,雅思6.5或者托福88) Energy Science and Technology 能源科学与技术 (冬季入学, 2年,申请时间是1月15日至3月15日,雅思7或者托福95) Finance 金融学(冬季入学, 2年,申请截止日期4月30日,雅思6.5或者托福88) Molecular Medicine 分子医学 (学制2年,冬季入学,申请日期3月15日-5月15日,雅思7或者托福100) Molecular and Translational Neuroscience 分子和转化神经科学 (2年制,冬季入学,
21、申请日期3月15日-5月15日,雅思7或者托福95) Physics 物理学(冬夏季入学,2年,冬季申请时间从3月16日到6月15日,夏季申请时间从10月15日到1月15日,雅思6.5或者托福88) 乌尔姆高校周边环境 乌尔姆位于多瑙河畔,人口约12万,与其隔岸相望的属于巴伐利亚州的新乌尔姆-道是这个地区的文化和商业中心。乌尔姆在地理上位于伊勒河和布劳河注入多瑙河的入口处,西部是施瓦本山,北部是山地。乌尔姆的大多数城区位于多瑙河西部,只有三个城区位于多瑙河东。乌尔姆是德国一个重要的交通交汇点,有两天高速马路在此教会。市内拥有告知铁路,每小时都有ICE高速列出开往斯图加特和慕尼黑。工业上,乌尔姆
22、以汽车、金属加工、医药和园艺行业为主导。周边大城市有慕尼黑、斯图加特和奥格斯堡等。 德国留学艺术专业条件 一、学历 去德国上艺术专业,一类是纯艺术专业的学生,还有一种是非纯艺术的。假如是纯艺术类专业的,学校对这类学生的要求不高,纯艺术类的学生只须要在国内上完中学,拿到毕业证,然后就可以去申请德国学校艺术专业的考试了。不是纯艺术类专业的,在国内上的高校不是211的高校,读了4年(或者是5年)的学生,要在国内读完1个学期的书,最少是一个学期,假如你不是211高校的,是一般高校的本科4年(或是5年)的学生,要求要高一点,最少要在国内读完三个学期的书。特别的艺术专业的学生可以放宽要求,中学毕业就可以,
23、比如建筑设计专业的。德国许多艺术专业对学生的语言要求不高,要有良好的专业素养,假如你在艺术专业上有特别的才艺的话,有些学校可以不通过面试并且不须要学历条件就干脆让你进入学校了。 二、语言 德国的许多艺术专业是须要德语的条件的,有的学校是须要学生的德语水平达到A2,还有的学校要求学生的德语达到B2的水平,每个学校的艺术专业的要求不同,依据你所申请的高校去打算德语。 三、作品集 假如你要去读德国的艺术专业,作品集是肯定要打算的,打算近期的作品,看看你申请的学校对作品集详细有什么要求,然后再去打算,作品集的打算是很重要的,是提前一年或者是半年打算,是纯艺术作品,不要带有任何其他的东西,可以用照片或者
24、是录像的形式,也可以是复印件寄过去。还要一些材料要打算,看你申请的学校须要哪些材料,然后你再去打算,然后把这些材料和作品一起寄过去。打算好了之后,就把它寄送到你所申请的学校去查看,假如你的作品集通过了的话,学校就会通知你去参与学校的专业考试。 德国留学乌尔姆高校申请书本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页