1、 浦发银行投标保函中英文 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】投标保函 编号:受益人:法定地址:鉴于 公司(申请人)于 年 月 日参加你方关于 项目的投标,根据招标书(编号 )第 条要求,申请人向我行申请投标保函。我行接受申请人的申请,特此开立以你方为受益人的金额为 (币种)(金额、大写)的投标保函。我行保证,当下述情况发生,在收到你方关于该情况发生的通知书后,立即向你方支付本保函规定的保证金额:1,如果申请人在投标书中规定的投标有效期内撤标;或 2,如果申请人在投标有效期内被通知中标后未按规定与你方签订合同;或 3,
2、申请人中标后未按规定提交履约保函;本保函自开立之日起生效,有效期截止日为 年 月 日。到期后,无论你方是否将保函正本退回我行,本保函均自动失效。本保函未经本行同意不得转让。要求支付的通知书及所附证明文件须于本保函有效期内亲自递交或以挂号邮件寄至我行。本保函适用中华人民共和国法律并按中华人民共和国法律解释。上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司大连分行 年 月 日 1.投 标 保 函(Tender Guarantee/Bid Bond)投 标 保 函 参 考 格 式:Form of Bid Guarantee for supply of export goods Fm:_ Bank,To:_ Bank,T
3、est dated_ Our Please advise the following message to _(beneficiarys name)as follows:Quote:To:_(Beneficiary name)Dear Sirs:We,Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,hereby issue this Guarantee as a bid guarantee of _(the name of the applicant)(hereinafter called the Bidder)for _(the Bid for supply of _(th
4、e name of the goods).We,Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,as the guarantor are bound unto the _(the beneficiarys name)(hereinafter called the purchaser)hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the sum of _(say_ only)representing _percent of the Bid value within _ working days upon receipt of its written d
5、emand statement notification stating that:a.The Bidder has withdrawn his bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form;or b.The Bidder,having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the purchaser during the of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form
6、:*Failed or refused to enter into a contract with you when requested,or*Failed or refused to establish a performance bond within _calendar days after the effective date of contract.For the purpose of identification,the Purchaser should present above mentioned documents for payment through the interm
7、ediary of a first rate bank confirming that the signatures are legally binding upon the Purchaser.If,in this respect,such bank will make use of tested telex,swift or tested cable,it will have to transmit in any case with full wording of the Purchasers request for payment,and of the Purchasers writte
8、n confirmation confirming that at the same time the originals of the relative documents,legally binding upon the Purchaser,have been forwarded to us through above mentioned bank.It is fully understood that this guarantee takes effects from the issuing date and shall remain valid for _calendar days a
9、fter the issuing date of this guarantee.to expire on _).Any documents in respect thereof should reach the issuing bank not later than such date.Upon expiry,this Bid guarantee shall automatically become null and void whether it is returned to us or not.This guarantee is subject to Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees.(ICC Publication Unquote