1、代持股协议书 委托人(甲方):身份证号码:住址:受托人(乙方):身份证号码:住址:甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经平等协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股相关事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行:一、代持股基本情况 1、甲方在 中占公司总股本 的股份,对应出资人民币 万元,该股份由乙方代为持股;2、乙方在此声明并确认,代持股份的投资款系完全由甲方提供,只是由乙方以其自己的名义代为投入 ,故代持股份的实际所有人应为甲方;乙方系根据本协议代甲方持有代持股份;3、乙方在此进一步声明并确认,由代持股份产生的或与代持股份有关之收益归甲方所有,在乙方将上述收益交付给甲方之前,乙方系代甲方持有该收益。二、甲方的权利与
2、义务 1、甲方作为代持股份的实际拥有者,以代持股份为限,根据 章程规定享受股东权利,承担股东义务。包括但不限于股东权益、重大决策、表决权、查账权等公司章程和法律赋予的全部权利;2、在代持期间,获得因代持股份而产生的收益,包括但不限于利润、现金分红等,由甲方按出资比例享有;3、如 发生增资扩股之情形,甲方有权自主决定是否增资扩股;4、甲方作为代持股份的实际拥有者,有权依据本协议对乙方不适当的履行受托行为进行监督和纠正,并要求乙方承担因此而造成的损失。三、乙方的权利与义务 1、在代持股期限内,甲方有权在条件具备时,将相关股东权益转移到甲方或甲方指定的任何第三人名下,届时涉及到的相关法律文件,乙方须
3、无条件同意并对此提供必要的协助及便利 2、在代持股期间,乙方作为代持股份形式上的拥有者,以乙方的名义在工商股东登记中具名登记。3、在代持股期间,乙方代甲方收取代持股份产生的收益,应当在收到该收益后 5 个工作日内,将其转交给甲方或打入甲方指定的账户;4、在代持股期间,乙方应保证所代持股份权属的完整性和安全性,非经甲方书面同意,乙方不得处置代持股份,包括但不限于转让,赠与、放弃或在该等股权上设定质押等;5、若因乙方的原因,如债务纠纷等,造成代持股权被查封,乙方应提供其他任何财产向法院、仲裁机构或其他机构申请解封;6、乙方应当依照诚实信用的原则适当履行受托义务,并接受甲方的监督。四、代持股份的费用
4、 1、乙方为无偿代理,不得向甲方收取代持股份的代理费用;乙方在代持股期间的薪酬待遇由 决定。2、乙方代持股期间,因代持股份产生的相关费用及税费由甲方承担;在乙方将代持股份转为以甲方或甲方指定的任何第三人持有时,所产生的变更登记费用也由甲方承担。五、代持股份的转让 1、在代持股期间,甲方可转让代持股份。甲方转让股份的,应当书面通知乙方,通知中应写明转让的时间、转让的价格、转让的股份数。乙方在接到书面通知之后,应当依照通知的内容办理相关手续;2、若乙方为甲方代收股权转让款的,乙方应在收到受让方支付的股权转让款后 5 个工作日内将股权转让款转交给甲方。但乙方不对受让股东的履行能力承担任何责任,由此带
5、来的风险由甲方承担;3、因代持股份转让而产生的所有费用由甲方承担。六、保密 协议双方对本协议履行过程中所接触或获知的对方的任何商业信息均有保密义务,除非有明显的证据证明该等信息属于公知信息或者事先得到对方的书面授权。该保密义务在本协议终止后仍然继续有效。任何一方因违反保密义务而给对方造成损失的,均应当赔偿对方的相应损失。七、协议的生效与终止 1、本协议自签订之日起生效;2、甲方通知乙方将相关股东权益转移到甲方或甲方指定的任何第三人名下并完成相关办理手续时终止。八、违约责任 本协议正式签订后,任何一方不履行或不完全履行本协议约定条款的,即构成违约。违约方应当负责赔偿其违约行为给守约方造成的一切直
6、接和间接的经济损失。九、适用法律及争议解决 因履行本协议所发生的争议,甲乙双方应友好协商解决,协商不能解决的,在一方可向代持股公司注册地人民法院提起诉讼。十、其他 1、本协议自双方签署后生效;2、本协议一式两份,签署双方各执一份,均具有同等法律效力;3、本协议未尽事宜,可由双方以附件或签订补充协议的形式约定,附件或补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。委托方(甲方):受托方(乙方):年 月 日 年 月 日 On behalf of the holding agreement Client(Party A):ID Card No.:Address:Trustee(Party B):ID Card N
7、o.:Address:Party A and Party B,on the principle of equality and mutual benefit,and through equal consultation,have reached an agreement on the matters related to Party As entrustment to Party B to hold shares as follows,in order to jointly comply with the following:I.BASIC SITUATION OF SUPPLIANCE 1.
8、Party A is Share of total share capital Share corresponding to RMB contribution Ten thousand yuan,the shares are held by Party B;2.Party B hereby declares and confirms that the investment funds held on behalf of the shares shall be provided by Party A solely and only by Party B in its own name There
9、fore,the actual owner of the acting shares shall be Party A;Party B shall hold the acting shares on behalf of Party A in accordance with this Agreement;3.Party B hereby further declares and confirms that the proceeds arising from or relating to the holding of the shares shall be owned by Party A,and
10、 Party B shall hold the proceeds on behalf of Party A before Party B delivers the said proceeds to Party A.Party As rights and obligations 1.Party A,as the actual owner of the shares held on its behalf,is limited to holding the shares on its behalf,according to The articles of association provide fo
11、r the enjoyment of shareholder rights and the undertaking of shareholder obligations.including,but not limited to,shareholders rights and interests,major decision-making,voting rights,audit rights and other company articles of association and all rights conferred by law;During the period of 2.holdin
12、g,the income generated by holding shares on behalf,including but not limited to profits,cash dividends,etc.,shall be enjoyed by Party A in proportion to its capital contribution;3.such as Party A shall have the right to decide whether to increase capital or not in the case of capital increase.4.Part
13、y A,as the actual owner of the acting holding shares,has the right to supervise and correct Party Bs improper performance of the fiduciary act in accordance with this Agreement,and to require Party B to bear the losses caused as a result.Party Bs rights and obligations 1.Party A shall have the right
14、 to transfer the rights and interests of the relevant shareholders to the name of Party A or any third party designated by Party A within the time limit for holding the shares on behalf of Party A.Party B shall agree unconditionally and provide necessary assistance and facilities in this regard Duri
15、ng the period of 2.holding on behalf of the shares,Party B,as the owner of the form of holding on behalf of the shares,in the name of Party B in the registration of industrial and commercial shareholders.3.during the period of holding the shares on behalf of Party A,Party B shall,within 5 working da
16、ys after receiving the proceeds,transfer the proceeds to Party A or enter the account designated by Party A;4.during the period of holding the shares on behalf,Party B shall guarantee the integrity and security of the ownership of the shares held on behalf of Party B.Without the written consent of P
17、arty A,Party B shall not dispose of the shares held on behalf of Party B,including,but not limited to,the transfer,gift,waiver or pledge on such shares;5.Party B shall provide any other property to apply to the court,arbitration institution or other institution for unsealing if it is seized due to P
18、arty Bs reasons,such as debt disputes;6.Party B shall properly perform the fiduciary obligations in accordance with the principle of good faith and accept the supervision of Party A.IV.EXPENDITURE OF THE SHIPPING PARTY 1.Party B is a non-reimbursable agent,Party A shall not be charged the agency fee
19、 for holding the shares on behalf of Party B.Decision.During 2.period of holding shares on behalf of Party B,the related expenses and taxes arising from holding shares on behalf of Party B shall be borne by Party A;when Party B transfers the holding shares to be held by Party A or any third party de
20、signated by Party A,the change registration expenses incurred shall also be borne by Party A.V.TRANSFER OF CONTRIBUTIONS During the period of 1.holding,Party A may transfer the holding shares.Party A shall notify Party B in writing of the transfer of shares,indicating the time of the transfer,the pr
21、ice of the transfer and the number of shares transferred.After receiving the written notice,Party B shall go through the relevant formalities according to the contents of the notice;2.if Party B collects the equity transfer money for Party A,Party B shall transfer the equity transfer money to Party
22、A within 5 working days after receiving the equity transfer money paid by the transferee.However,Party B shall not bear any responsibility for the performance of the assigned shareholders,and the risks arising therefrom shall be borne by Party A;All expenses incurred by the 3.as a result of the tran
23、sfer of shares held on behalf shall be borne by Party A.VI.Confidentiality The parties to this Agreement shall be obliged to keep confidential any commercial information of the other party which they have contacted or obtained during the performance of this Agreement,unless there is clear evidence t
24、hat such information is known or has been authorized in writing by the other party in advance.This confidentiality obligation remains in force after the termination of this Agreement.Any party who causes losses to the other party due to breach of confidentiality obligations shall compensate the othe
25、r party for the corresponding losses.VII.Entry into force and termination of the Agreement 1.This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signing;2.Party A notifies Party B to transfer the rights and interests of the relevant shareholders to the name of Party A or any third party designa
26、ted by Party A and complete the relevant formalities.VIII.Liability for breach of contract After the formal signing of this Agreement,any party who fails to perform or does not fully perform the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a breach of contract.The defaulting party shall be liable for al
27、l direct and indirect economic losses caused to the compliance party by its breach.IX.Applicable law and dispute resolution As a result of the dispute arising from the performance of this Agreement,both parties shall settle the dispute through friendly negotiation.If the dispute can not be settled t
28、hrough negotiation,one party may bring a lawsuit in the peoples court of the place where the company is registered.X.OTHER 1.This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both parties;2.this agreement in duplicate,each party holds one copy,have the same legal effect;3.matters not covered by this Agreement may be agreed by both parties in the form of an annex or a supplementary agreement,which shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement.Client(Party A):Trustee(Party B):Month Date