1、 程序文件 Procedure 文件编号 File No.立项与研发知识产权管理程序 IP Control Procedure for Project Setting,R&D activity 编 制 者 Editor 标 准 化 Standardization 审 核 者 Checked 初版日期 Date:2021-12-09 版次 Edition:00 批 准 者 Approved 修订日期 Date:/改正 Amendment:分发 Distribution:All Page 1 of 6 1.目的 Purpose 为规范公司立项与研发过程中的知识产权的管理,控制研发过程中的侵权风险,
2、特制定本程序文件。The procedure is established for the standardization of IP management during the Project Setting and R&D activity and thus allevating the IP infringement risk in R&D activity.2.适用范围 Scope of application 适用于本公司技术研发项目的立项、研发过程及产品升级过程中的知识产权管理。The procedure is applicable for the IP management in
3、 the Project setting,R&D and Product Upgrading processes of the Company.3.定义 Definition 4.职责 responsibilities 4.1 项目负责人负责 Responsibility of Project Leader 1)立项阶段的知识产权信息调查分析和风险评估,并制定防范预案;Carry out IP information investigation,risk evaluation and establish the preventive program during Project setting
4、 phase of the Company;2)研发活动中的知识产权跟踪监控及侵权风险分析评估,提出知识产权规划和研发策略调整建议并实施;IP Following up and Monitoring,IP infringement evaluation during R&D activity of the Company;propose and implement IP Planning and R&D Strategy Regualtion Advice;3)产品升级前的侵权风险调查分析和评估,并制定应对措施。Carry out the IP investigation and infrin
5、gement risk evaluation before the product upgrading of Company,set up the counter measures.4.2 技术部经理负责立项、研发及产品升级阶段知识产权侵权风险评估结果及应对措施的审核。Technical manager shall review the results of IP infringement risk evaluation and counter measures in Project Setting,R&D as well as Product Upgrading activities.立项与
6、研发知识产权管理程序 IP Control Procedure for Project Setting,R&D activity 版次 Edition 00 Page 2 of 7 4.3 技术总监负责立项、研发及产品升级阶段知识产权侵权风险评估结果及应对措施的审核。Technical Director shall audit the the results of IP infringement risk evaluation and counter measures in Project Setting,R&D as well as Product Upgrading activities.
7、4.4 CEO 或 COO 负责立项、研发及产品升级阶段知识产权侵权风险应对措施的审批。CEO or COO shall appove the results of IP infringement risk evaluation and counter measures in Project Setting,R&D as well as Product Upgrading activities.5.程序 Procedure 5.1 项目立项与策划阶段知识产权的管理 IP management during Project Setting and Planning 5.1.1 若立项的项目为已有
8、系列产品尺寸变化或容量增减的项目,不用进行立项阶段的知识产权检索、分析和知识产权规划。If the project setting is only the dimension change or capacity change of the current series of products,there is no need to carry out the IP retrieval,analysis and IP planning.5.1.2 若立项的项目为德国总部设计,由本公司进行生产工艺转化的项目,则由技术部按知识产权实施、许可和转让管理程序执行。If the Project is s
9、et by HG and HCW is responsible of implementing the Production and Process transfer of the Project,Technical dept.shall carry out the IP imlementing,licensing and transfer management procedure.5.1.3 若立项的项目为新工艺、新技术、新系列产品的研发项目,在新项目立项审批前,由技术部项目负责人对立项项目所涉及的关键技术的专利数量、地域分布和专利权人信息等知识产权信息,进行检索、调查和分析,检索调查分析结
10、果填写在立项前知识产权检索报告。If the Project concerning the new process,new technology and new series,before the approval of the new project setting,the Project leader of Technical Dept.shall carry out the Project relating IP information retrieval,investigation and analysis about the patent quantity of key techno
11、logy,region distribution,information of patentee.5.1.4 销售部负责在新项目立项审批前,对拟立项的项目进行市场调研并将调研结果填写在立项前知识产权检索报告中。项目负责人结合该项目知识产权检索调查分析结果与市场调研结果,明确该项目产品潜在的合作伙伴和竞争对手。Before the approving the new setting project,Sales dept.is in charge of carrying out the Market Investigation on the planned setting project and record the investigation