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1、-.z.absorb be absorbed in absorption attract attractive attraction abundant abundance redundant rich plentiful ample amplify amplifier adapt adopt adaptation adoption apt opt option optional compulsory optimistic optimism optimist pessimistic pessimism pessimist advance vi./n.advanced elementary int

2、ermediate advancement advantage and disadvantage strength and weakness advise advice advise sb.against doing sth.advisable recommend counsel devise device agree agreement agree with=in agreement with come to an agreement disagree agreeable agriculture cultivate culture cultivate my mind the culture

3、of mind and body alter change alternate Day alternates with night.alternately alternative alien alienate ancient ancestor antique contemporary angry anger be angry with angry about/at sth.furious rage irritate annoy apply apply to application appliance applicant applicable approach appro*imate

4、 pro*imate pro*imity range range from A to B a range of-.z.rank arrange arrangement rearrange author authority authoritative authorize authentic auto automobile autobiography automatic autonomy autonomous avoid escape void devoid void/devoid of prevent barrier embarrass embarrassing embarras

5、sed bicycle tricycle cycle recycle circle circular circulate circulation circuit circumstance under the circumstances environment setting surrounding break break in break up breakdown a nervous breakdown breakthrough outbreak outbreak of the war brake build build up building rebuild construct struct

6、ure destruct escape escape doing avoid capture captive captivate capacity capsule charge free of charge take charge in charge of discharge recharge accuse card discard cartoon chart care careful take care of careless chary charity charitable cherish cure accurate curious curiosity

7、 cave cavity cavern concave e*cavate certain ascertain certify certification city citizen citizenship civil civilian urban rural claim e*claim e*clamation proclaim proclamation acclaim acclamation reclaim close closet enclose disclose include inclusion inclusive e*clude e*clusion e*clusive conclude

8、conclusion preclude preclusion command commander demand mandate mandatory common commonplace commonsense have common commonwealth communism community communicate immune immune system compel compulsion compulsory optional propel propeller repel pulse impulsive compare comparable comparison com

9、pete competitive competition contain content obtain attain retain maintain sustain copy copyright original imitate correct rectify right accurate precise errorless error computer-pute dispute repute reputation fame famous count countdown account discount country contrast contrary controversial contr

10、ol out of control brave courage courageous encourage discourage course intercourse curriculum e*cursion occur occurrence credit credible incredible crime commit a crime criminal discriminate discrimination criticize critic critical crisis custom accustom customary costume tradition traditional conve

11、ntion conventional dame damage condemn harm injure decide decision suicide pesticide insecticide concise precise scissors defend defense defensive fence offend offensive dictionary predict indicate contradict dedicate dictate dictator different difference differ offer infer confer conference transfe

12、r refer suffer direct direction indirect director erect-.z.rectangle dismiss emit emission omit omission submit submission transmit transmission transit transition double duplicate triple triangle multiply multitude doubt doubtful doubtless dubious suspect draw drawback drawer withdraw drag draft dr

13、op drip flood dry drought during duration durable endure tolerate bear elect reelect select collect recollect elegant delegate neglect intellect intellectual employ employer employee employment hire dismiss resign engine engineer engineering enter entrance entry e*it crazy mad insane enthusiastic eq

14、ual unequal equate equator equation equivalent adequate estimate overestimate underestimate evaluate assess e*hibit e*hibition inhibit inhibition prohibit prohibition e*pect e*pectation-.z.une*pected aspect inspect prospect perspective spectator spectacle spectacular suspect conspicuous e*plain plai

15、n clarify illustrate interpret elucidate coverage discover uncover recover creative creation creature concrete dependant independent rely description script subscribe transcribe transcript uneasy ease disease simple simplify face facial facet surface superficial shallow factory facture manufacture m

16、anual fact factor affect effect effective efficient defect defective deficient perfect infect infectious proficient sufficient profit profitable benefit beneficial fail failure succeed success win victory faith faithful believe belief trust loyal fall autumn spring spring up offspring family familia

17、r close intimate famous fame-.z.defame prestige prestigious reputation repute fate fateful fatal fatalist destiny fine refine finance financial final define definition definitive confine finite infinite firm affirm affirmation confirm confirmation infirm flow overflow fluent fluid flush influence in

18、fluential fluctuate force enforce forceful reinforce effort fort form format formation conform conformity formal formula perform performance reform transform uniform found founder foundation fund fundamental refund profound fragment fragile fraction fracture gene genius genuine generate generation r

19、egenerate pregnant geography geology graph paragraph photograph telegraph diagram program give gift forgive provide offer donate donation donator pardon-.z.e*cuse glory glorify glorious honorable glare gleam glitter glow glance glimpse grace graceful gracious grateful congratulate grade graduate und

20、ergraduate upgrade degrade gradual gradually guard bodyguard safeguard guardian guarantee regard disregard regardless hand handy handle handwriting handsome comprehend comprehension comprehensive apprehend apprehension apprehensive manual manuscript manipulate mandate command demand head headline he

21、adache toothache health healthy heal whole hesitate adhere cohere heir heritage inherit inherent home dome domestic dominate dominant predominant human humane humanitarian humble humid husband band bind bandage boundary imagine imagination imaginary image magic magical magician imitate in/out-.z.inn

22、er outer innermost outermost inward outward interior e*terior internal e*ternal accident accidental incident coincident industry industrial industrious industrialize destroy destruct construct instruct instruction instructive section intersection segment fragment insect interrupt abrupt bankrupt dis

23、rupt erupt corrupt rupture introduce introduction conduct conductor educate induce induction reduce reduction join adjoin conjoin joint junction conjunction enjoy joy rejoice judge judicious prejudice jury injure injury just justify justice adjust labor collaborate elaborate laboratory land inland m

24、ainland landlord landscape law lawyer attorney legal illegal legislate legislation legitimate lay delay layer layout lecture dialect allege-.z.legend letter literal literate literary illiterate liberty liberate deliberate liberal liberation deliver lift lofty aloft elevate elevator lever levy gravit

25、y grave aggravate grieve grief light sunlight lightning highlight lighten enlighten limit limitation elimination preliminary line deadline guideline headline outline streamline underline link linkage life live livelihood vivid revive survive local locate location allocate long length lengthen longit

26、ude prolong magnify magnitude magnificent magnate maintain retain sustain sustenance obtain attain detain man male masculine female feminine chairman fireman salesman mark marked remark remarkable margin patriot compatriot patron paternal medicine medical-.z.remedy drug physician surgeon dentist mem

27、ory memorize commemorate remember recall recollect merge immerge immerse submerge emerge mind remind mention mental comment middle mediate intermediate immediate medium media median mean mini minute miniature minus minor major minority majority minimum ma*imum anticipate ambition alarm arrive astoni

28、sh artificial article articulate atmosphere sphere hemisphere attach attack attend attention avenge revenge baggage bake baker bare barely bath bare beautiful accuse e*cuse embed endless behavior believe beneath bibliography biology antibiotic bite bitter bait border blank blanket blend blunder bloc

29、k blockade blood bloody bleed blast-.z.embody bomb bow elbow rainbow embrace brand breach breath breathe breed brood brief brevity abbreviation broaden bury recall challenge reconcile counsel campaign champion camp campus canal channel cannon career cargo case casual occasional broadcast purchase ca

30、ution precaution cautious cell conceal e*change character characterize characteristic characterize charm cheerful chemistry chemical chief achieve achievement childish childlike choose kinetic climb clasp clip cling clockwise cafeteria collect recollect colony colonial colorful combine combination c

31、omfortable comfort commit commitment company accompany companion concern discern condition confidence conflict connection consider considerate continue continual continuous corporate-.z.corporation court cow coward crush crash aircraft spacecraft shortcut dangerous endanger update dizzy deaf deafen

32、decade deep depth delicious dense dentist desert e*ert insert desire develop development devote logic logical difficult dignity discuss dirty distinguish e*tinct distinct disturb divide dividend indeed deed doctor document dilemma drama dramatic dress drink eat edible drunk drive duty economy econom

33、ic edit edition editor electric electronic element elementary emphasis phase emphasize empire emperor empty energy energetic engage engagement envy envious jealous equipment essential event eventually e*am e*amine e*ample sample e*cept e*ception e*haust e*hausted-.z.initial e*periment e*pert e*perti

34、se e*plode e*plosive feasible feature fair fairly fancy fantasy farther further fare welfare fashion fashionable fast fasten fault favor favorite fear fearless festival fellow figure fiction refine fire fireman fireplace fit outfit fi*fi*ture fle*ible reflect reflection flower flourish fly flight fo

35、ld follow food feed e*pedition forbid foreign foreigner information inform fortunate unfortunately misfortune free freedom frequent frequently frequency fresh refresh friendship front confront fruit fruitful full fill fulfill funny furniture furnish game gamble gas gasoline gaseous generous general

36、generalize giant global undergo government govern-.z.grain grasp grope grass graze greet ground underground background growth award reward guide guidance guideline guilt guilty habit inhabit behalf quarter hang hard hardy hardly harmful harmless haste hasty hate hatred hearty helpful helpless hero h

37、eroine height heighten haughty history withhold hole hollow hell holy honest honor honorable hopeful hopeless horizontal heat warm hospitable hostile host household warehouse humor hungry hunt hint hurricane idea ideal identify identification identical intimate e*treme increase decrease intend inten

38、tion instrument interest interfere interference invent inventor invention jewel journey journal journalist overlap knowledge acknowledge-.z.collapse elapse enlarge laugh laughter la*rela*release lead leader mislead leaf colleague obligation oblige religion religious liable liability lean decline inc

39、line librarian lie lair underlying relieve alleviate likelihood file profile liquid liquefy evil load overload linger loose lose beloved lovely lower machine mechanical makeup manage management marry marriage mass massive matter material pattern meal mill measure immense dimension melt member mend amend merchant commerce commercial merely message mission metal medal mine mineral undermine military migrate emigrate immigrate minister administer mirror miracle miserable miss


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