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1、第 1 頁 第五屆華陀盃網路技能競賽 單/複選問答題競賽(考試卷)學校:_ 組別:_ 第 1-15題為單選/第 16-30題為複選.註:題目以中,英文並列說明.若中文翻譯有異議,以英文為主.不得因中文翻譯語意問題提出爭議 第 1題 How are networks,,and often described?網路、 和等常常稱為何種網路?(1)Private IP networks(私有 IP網路)(2)Illegal IP networks(不合法 IP 網路)(3)

2、Public IP networks(公用 IP 網路)(4)Broadcast IP networks(廣播 IP 網路)答案:_ 第 2題 Which of the following is an example of a layer 3 internetworking device that passes data packets between networks?下列哪一個是在網路中傳遞資料封包的第三層互連網路設備之例子?(1)router(路由器)(2)hub(集線器)(3)bridge(橋接器)(4)switch(交換器)答案:_ 第 3題 What do bridges and

3、switches use to make data forwarding decisions?橋接器和交換器使用哪一種位址作為資料轉送的決策?(1)Logical addresses(邏輯位址)(2)Physical addresses(實體位址)(3)Network addresses(網路位址)(4)IP addresses(IP 位址)答案:_ 第 4題 Which of the following contains a unique network number that is used in routing?下列那個是網路上可以用來做繞徑用的個唯一號碼?(1)MAC address(

4、MAC 位址)(2)Physical address(實體位址)(3)IP address(IP 位址)第 2 頁 (4)NIC card(NIC 卡)答案:_ 第 5題 In order for a protocol to be routable,it must provide the ability to assign a network number and what else to each individual device?為了讓通訊協定成為可繞送,它必須提供指派網路號碼和其它哪項給每個個別設備之能力?(1)Default interface(預設介面)(2)Default gat

5、eway(預設閘道)(3)Port number(通訊埠號)(4)Host number(主機號碼)答案:_ 第 6題 Router ARP tables hold information from which of the following?路由器 ARP 表存有哪些設備所獲得的資訊?(1)All Ethernet LANs(所有乙太網路 LAN)(2)All networks connected to them(所有連接到它們的乙太網路)(3)All networks in the Internet(所有網際網路中的網路)(4)MAC addresses only(只有 MAC 位址)答

6、案:_ 第 7題 Which layer of the OSI model has the primary duty of regulating the flow of information from source to destination,and to do it reliably and accurately?OSI模型的哪一層其主要任務是調節來源到目的地的資訊流,使它具有可靠性及正確性?(1)Presentation(展示層)(2)Session(會談層)(3)Transport(傳輸層)(4)Network(網路層)答案:_ 第 8題 Which ports are reserv

7、ed by TCP and UDP for public applications?哪些通訊埠是 TCP 和 UDP 保留給公用的應用程式所使用?(1)Numbers from 255 to 1023(255 到 1023 的號碼)(2)Numbers below 255(255 以下的號碼)(3)Numbers above 1023(1023 以上的號碼)答案:_ 第 9題 What is the correct term for the sequence that synchronizes a connection at both ends before any user data is

8、exchanged?在任何使用者資料交換之前,於連線兩端所進行的同步化順序之術語為哪一個?第 3 頁 (1)Closed connection(關閉連接)(2)Segment retransmission(區段重傳)(3)Three way handshake(三向交握)(4)Sliding windows(滑動窗)答案:_ 第 10 題 Which term refers to the number of messages that can be transmitted before receiving an acknowledgement?下列何者意指在接收到確認之前所能傳送訊息的數量?(

9、1)Window size(窗口大小)(2)Closed connection(關閉連接)(3)Two way handshake(雙向交握)(4)Expectational acknowledgement(預期的確認)答案:_ 第 11 題 Since TCP reassembles segments into complete messages,what happens if a sequence number is missing in the series?因為 TCP 會將區段重組成為完整的訊息,假如在序列中遺失了其中一個序號,結果如何?(1)The segment is dropp

10、ed(將此區段丟棄)(2)The missing segment is re-transmitted(重傳遺失的區段)(3)All segments are retransmitted from the beginning(從開始的所有區段皆會重傳)(4)With TCP,sequence numbers are never checked TCP(從未檢查序號)答案:_ 第 12 題 A LAN switch allows many users to communicate in parallel through which of the following?LAN交換器允許多個使用者以並行

11、方式通訊,它是透過下列何者達到的?(1)Routing tables(路由表)(2)Multipoint protocols(多點通訊協定)(3)Collision domains(碰撞領域)(4)Virtual circuits(虛擬電路)答案:_ 第 13 題 Which area of memory does the switch use to store destination and transmission data?交換器使用記憶體的哪個區域來儲存目的地和傳送資料?(1)Storage partition(儲存分割區)(2)Delay queue(延遲佇列)(3)Memory b

12、uffer(記憶體緩衝區)第 4 頁 (4)Memory queue(記憶體佇列)答案:_ 第 14 題 What causes routing loops?什麼會引起路由迴圈?(1)Path determination is optimized(路徑決擇已最佳化)(2)Hop count is set below 50(跳躍數設定在 50 以下)(3)Convergence is present(己呈現收歛狀態)(4)Routing tables have not converged(路由表尚未收歛完成)答案:_ 第 15 題 What does PPP use to encapsulate

13、 multiple network-layer protocols?PPP使用什麼來封裝多個網路層的通訊協定?(1)Link control protocol(鏈結控制通訊協定)(2)Simple network management protocol(簡單網路管理通訊協定)(3)Network control protocol(網路控制通訊協定)(4)Dynamic host configuration protocol(動態主機設定通訊協定)答案:_ 第 16 題 What are the two basic functions of a switch?(Choose two.)交換器的兩

14、項基本功能為何?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)switching data frames(交換資料訊框)(2)cost effective operation(在使用上具有成本效益)(3)switching Layer 3 traffic(交換第三層的傳輸)(4)build and maintain tables(建立與維護位址表)(5)isolating packets on the LAN(在區域網路上隔離封包)答案:_ 第 17 題 What steps are required to implement and assign hosts to VLANs?(Choose two.)在交換器

15、上設定 VLAN,並且指定給某台主機使用,下列哪些是必要的步驟?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)Create the VLANs on a switch.(在交換器上建立 VLAN)(2)Assign ports to the VLANs.(將交換器端口指派到 VLAN上)(3)Select the VLAN number on the host machine.(在主機上選擇 VLAN號碼)(4)Configure the switchports with IP addresses.(在交換器端口設定 IP位址)答案:_ 第 18 題 Which statements are true regar

16、ding an ICMP address mask reply message?(Choose two.)第 5 頁 關於 ICMP 位址遮罩回應訊息(address mask reply message)之描述,下列何者為真?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)The reply is sent by a host.(該回應訊息是由主機所傳送)(2)The reply is sent by a router.(該回應訊息是由路由器所傳送)(3)The reply contains the 32-bit mask for the subnet from which the request was rec

17、eived.(該回應含有一個 32 位元的子網路遮罩)(4)The reply contains the 32-bit address for the subnet default gateway.(該回應含有一個 32 位元的子網路預設閘道位址)答案:_ 第 19 題 Which two statements are true regarding the ICMP router discovery process?(Choose two.)關於 ICMP路由器發現過程(router discovery process)之描述,下列何者為真?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)Router discov

18、ery messages result in the determination of the best path to a destination network.(路由發現訊息(Router discovery messages)是用來決定通往目的地的最佳路徑)(2)The router discovery process begins when a host requires a default gateway IP address.(當主機需要預設閘道 IP位址才會開始路由器發現過程(Router discovery process)(3)Router advertisement an

19、d solicitation messages are used during the ICMP router discovery process.ICMP 路由器發現過程(router discovery process)運行時,會使用路由器公告(advertisement跟路由器請求(solicitation)的訊息(4)A router may continuously issue router solicitation messages to build its routing table.(路由器會持續地發出路由器請求訊息(Router solicitation messages)來

20、建立路由表)(5)The router discovery process informs a host to use a different default gateway than it is currently using.(路由器發現過程(router discovery process)用來通知主機使用另外的預設閘道來取代現在正使用中的預設閘道)答案:_ 第 20 題 Several solutions have been developed to expand the number of IP addresses available for public use.Which tec

21、hnologies are solutions?(Choose three.)有數種解決方案可以解決在公用環境中 IP位址不足的狀況,下列哪些技術為最佳解決方案?(請選擇三個答案)(1)DHCP(2)CIDR(classless interdomain routing)(3)a new 64 bit addressing scheme(使用 64bit 網路位址分配方案)(4)NAT(Network Address Translation)(5)IPv6(6)IPv5 答案:_ 第 21 題 Which of the following describe SNMP?(Choose two.)關

22、於 SNMP之描述,下列何者為真?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)It is a network layer protocol.(它是一種網路層協定)第 6 頁 (2)It is an application layer protocol.(它是一種應用層協定)(3)SNMP controls email delivery.(SNMP可以控制 E-mail的傳送)(4)SNMP uses TCP.(SNMP 使用 TCP)(5)SNMP uses UDP(SNMP 使用 UDP)(6)It is used by the telecommunications community to monitor

23、and control networks.(由電訊團體所使用以監看和控制網路)答案:_ 第 22 題 Which of the following information can SNMP collect about a router?(Choose three.)透過 SNMP可以收集到路由器哪些訊息?(請選擇三個答案.)(1)password changes(密碼變更)(2)error messages(錯誤訊息)(3)number of bytes in and out of a device(設備所接收與傳送的位元組數量)(4)network interfaces going up a

24、nd down(網路介面啟用或停用的狀態)(5)file access(檔案存取)(6)encrypted passwords(密碼加密)答案:_ 第 23 題 Which statements are true regarding the meaning of the access control list wildcard mask two.)關於 ACL(access control list)wildcard mask的敘述,下列何者為真?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)The first 29 bits of a supplied IP ad

25、dress will be ignored.(IP位址最前面 29 個位元可以忽略)(2)The last three bits of a supplied IP address will be ignored.(IP位址最後 3個位元可以忽略)(3)The first 32 bits of a supplied IP address will be matched.(IP位址 32 個位元全部皆須吻合)(4)The first 29 bits of a supplied IP address will be matched.(IP位址最前面 29 個元位必須吻合)(5)The last fo

26、ur bits of a supplied IP address will be matched.(IP位址最後 4個位元必須吻合)答案:_ 第 24 題 Which devices provide signal clocking for WAN serial transmission?(Choose two.)哪些設備可以在 WAN 傳輸的環境中提供訊號時脈?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)交換器(switch)(2)DCE(3)伺服器(server)(4)DTE(5)CSU/DSU 答案:_ 第 25 題 第 7 頁 Which of the following describe Etherne

27、t MAC addresses?(Choose three.)關於乙太網路 MAC 位址之描述,下列何者正確?(請選擇三個答案.)(1)24 bit OUI and 24 bit serial number(24位元 OUI及 24 位元流水號)(2)32 bit network and 48 bit host address(32位元網網位址及 48 位元主機位址)(3)6 pairs of hex digits(六對十六進制之數字)(4)48 hex digits(48個十六進制之數字)(5)logical host address(邏輯位址)(6)physical address(實體位

28、址)答案:_ 第 26 題 An enterprise network has been assigned the IP network address of of the following commands will configure an Ethernet interface with an address from the third usable subnet of this network,assuming that subnet zero is not in use?(Choose two)某家企業網路使用位址為,假設在未

29、使用 subnet zero 的情形下,下列何者指令能將第三個可用的子網路位址配置於乙太網路介面上?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)Router(config-if)#ip address address address address

30、er(config-if)#ip address address 答案:_ 第 27 題 Which items are contributors to latency in a switched network?(Choose two.)在交換式的網路環境中,下列哪些項目會引發延遲現象?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)circuit delays(電路延遲)(2)software delays(軟體延遲)(3)incorrect MAC

31、addressing(錯誤的 MAC 定址)(4)too many collision domains(太多碰撞區域)答案:_ 第 28 題 What are the differences between routers and switches?(Choose two.)路由器與交換器有何不同?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)Routers and switches operate exactly the same.(路由器與交換器的操作完全相同)(2)Routers make forwarding decisions using IP addresses,but switches use MA

32、C addresses.(路由器藉由 IP 位址作為封包轉運的決策,交換器則使用 MAC 位址作為封包轉運的決策)(3)Routers forward broadcasts and switches do not.(路由器轉發廣播封包,交換器不轉發廣播封包)(4)Switches forward broadcasts and routers do not.(交換器轉發廣播封包,路由器不轉發廣播封包)第 8 頁 (5)Routers operate faster than switches.(路由器的操作比交換器快)(6)Switches provide more security than r

33、outers.(交換器可以提供比路由器更多的安全性)答案:_ 第 29 題 What information is listed in routing tables?(Choose three.)路由表上會有哪些資訊?(請選擇三個答案.)(1)protocol types(協定類型)(2)encapsulations(封裝型態)(3)metrics(權值)(4)MAC addresses(MAC位址)(5)inbound interfaces(內收界面)(6)outbound interfaces(外送界面)答案:_ 第 30 題 Which LAN devices make frame forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses?(Choose two.)下列哪些網路設備藉由 MAC 位址作為封包轉送的決策?(請選擇兩個答案.)(1)hub(集線器)(2)router(路由器)(3)bridge(橋接器)(4)switch(交換器)(5)transceiver(收發器)答案:_


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