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1、现代大学英语精读3-Lesson-9-A-Dill-PickleI.About the Author:Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author Katherine Mansfield18881923,Britishauthor,borninNewZealandHeroriginalnamewasKathleen Beauchamp.Sheis regardedasoneofthemastersoftheshortstory.Atalentedcellist(大提琴演奏家大提琴演奏家),shedidnotturntoliteratureuntil1908.T

2、o be continued on the next page.Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author To be continued on the next page.In a German Pension(1911),herfirstpublishedbook.Bliss(1920)whichcollectedMansfieldsfamilymemoirsandsecuredherreputationasawriter.The Garden Party(1922),herfinestworkwrittenduringthefinalstagesofh

3、erillnesswhichestablishedherasamajorwriter.LatervolumesofstoriesincludeThe Doves Nest(1923)andSomething Childish(1924;U.S.ed.The Little Girl,1924).Othercollectionsandpoems:journal,letters,andscrapbook(editedbyherhusband).HerWorksFamously,Mansfieldremarkedrisk,riskeverything.Itwaslargelythroughheradv

4、enturousspirit,hereagernesstograspatexperienceandtosucceedinherwork,thatshebecameensnaredindisaster.Ifshewasneverasaint,shewascertainlyamartyr,andaheroineinherrecklessness,herdedicationandhercourage.Herlastwordswere:Ilovetherain.Iwantthefeelingofitonmyface.Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author Her

5、AdventurousSpiritTo be continued on the next page.Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author HerStyleMansfieldsstories,whichrevealtheinfluenceofChekhov,aresimpleinform,luminousandevocativeinsubstance.Withdelicateplainnesstheypresentelusivemomentsofdecision,defeat,andsmalltriumph.To be continued on the

6、next page.Themes:differenthumanrelationshipsinteractingwitheachother;socialclassesandinequalityinbourgeoissociety;thefrenziedexhortationtolive,whichiscentraltoallherwritings;theoppositionofconventionandnature;theelevationofthegreatartistasthemodelforlivingand,byextension;artasameansofbeingreal;theno


8、ndliterarytrends.Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author ThemesofMansfields novels To be continued on the next page.MansfieldsportrayalofsocialclassesandtheinjusticesofbourgeoissocietyhadobviousappealtotheChinese.Oneofthetranslators,TangBaoxin,writes:“With remorseless irony she lays bare the hypocri

9、sy and shallowness of the leisured class and their men of letters.”Lesson 9 A Dill PickleI.I.Author Author To be continued on the next page.Lesson 9 A Dill PickleII.II.Dill PickleDill PickleThe end of Dill Pickle.Cucumberreservedinsaltyandspicywaterwithsuchingredientsaspepper,garlic,dillandvinegar.I

10、nRussia,itiseatenwithhamburgerasanappetizer.DillpickleHowdoesittaste?Ittastesverysour.Kew Gardens,onthebanksoftheRiverThamesinsouthwestLondon,represents250yearsoflandscapeandgardenhistory.Thesitealsohouses40historicallysignificantbuildings,includingKewPalace,QueenCharlottesCottage,andthePalmHouse.II

11、I.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleKewGardensTo be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleKewGardensKew PalacewasthehomeofAugusta,PrincessofWalesinthe18thcentury.To be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleKewGardensTo be

12、continued on the next page.The Palm Househas10miles(16kilometers)ofstainlesssteelglazingbars.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleKewGardensTo be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleTheVolgaThe Volga River isthelongestriverinEurope,about2,300miles(3,700k


14、ssolow,theriverflowsslowly,andfinallyenterstheCaspianSea,belowsealevelinawidedeltanearAstrakhan.To be continued on the next page.MapofVolgaIII.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleTheVolgaTo be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleTheVolga213TheVolgaRiver,bei

15、ngthelongestinEuropehasmanycruiseboatspassingonitswayseveryday.Inwintertheriverfreezestoadepthofabout6feet.TheVolgaRiveronaniceday!To be continued on the next page.The Black Sea(knownastheEuxineSeainantiquity)isaninlandseabetweensoutheasternEuropeandAsiaMinor.ItisconnectedtotheMediterraneanSeabytheB

16、osporusandtheSeaofMarmara,andtotheSeaofAzovbytheStraitofKerch.ThemostimportantriverenteringtheBlackSeaistheDanube.TheBlackSeahasanareaof422,000kmandamaximumdepthof2,210m.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleTheBlackSeaTo be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill

17、PickleTheBlackSeasatelliteviewoftheBlackSeaTheBulgariancoastlineoftheBlackSeadoesnthavemanyislands.Thosethatexistaremostlysmall,uninhabitedandcoveredwithalgae.To be continued on the next page.III.III.PicturesPicturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleTheBlackSeaCountriesborderingontheBlackSeaareTurkey,Bulgaria,R

18、omania,Ukraine,RussiaandGeorgia.Fromthismap,wecanseethatimportantcitiesalongthecoastinclude:Istanbul,Burgasandsoon.To be continued on the next page.SiberiaisthebiggestpartofRussia.ItoccupiestwothirdpartofRussia.ItstretchesfromtheborderlineofEuropeintheUralMountainstotheveryEastofRussiaatthePacificOc


20、icturesLesson 9 A Dill PickleSiberiaTo be continued on the next page.vIII.About the Text:vFocus:Interpretation of the theme or themes linked to understand the two characters(what happened to them 6 years ago&why dont they live together since both of them are single).vDifficulty:use of symbols.vConte

21、nt and theme:a)learn to piece together the plot of a fragmentary story.b)give character sketches of the 2 people in the story and find out evidence from the text to support the sketches.c)discuss the major themes of the story.vTechniques and Languages:vUse of metaphors and symbolsvUse of stream of c

22、onsciousness(Para.16-21)vUse of point of view/perspective.vMansfields style.vQuestions for preview:v1.The first series of questions are related to the plot of the story.vWhat is the plot of the story?How is the plot revealed?Is there much action in the story?Do you like this way of telling stories?v

23、2.The second series of questions are related to the understanding of the character.vHow could you describe the two characters and why?How are they portrayed?Do you like these kinds of people?Is the man insensitive,or is the woman oversensitive?v3.What are some of the major symbols?v4.Work in pairs a

24、nd imagine yourselves to meet former lovers who havent seen each other for 6 years.Now you supposed to design the dialogue with your former lovers.vPart One(para.1-12):The greeting of the two former lovers.vPart Two(para.13-64):The meeting of the two former lovers.vPart Three(para.65):The unexpected

25、 final.vIV.Details of the Text and Language Points:vPart One(para.1-12):The greeting of the two former lovers.vQ:What do you think of the beginning?vA:Arousing the readers curiosity:What is their relationship?How do you think the story would go on in your imagination?vQ:Dont you know your former boy

26、friend/girlfriend only six years later?vA:No.He/She should be the person at the bottom of my heart,should never be forgotten.vQ:What do you think of the trick of interrupting?vA:His habit of interrupting her,disrespectful,self-involved,showing little interest in bearing what she wants to say or how

27、she feels perhaps is one of the reasons for her to leave him-selfish.v(1)Daffodil:n.a bulbous plant with showy,usually yellow flowers with a trumpet-shaped central crown.黄水仙(一种球茎状的植物,开有艳丽的,通常为黄色的花和喇叭状的花冠)。vThe ancient Greeks believed the narcissus plant originated from the vain youth,Narcissus.He di

28、ed after becoming so obsessed with his reflection in a pool he could not leave.The Greeks say that the gods turned his remains into the Narcissus flower.This also led to the daffodils being a symbol of unrequited love.v(2)Light up:v1.to become or cause to become animated or cheerful.(使)变得容光焕发或振奋The

29、sun lights up the sky and the earth.You light up my life.v 2.to start smoking a cigarette,cigar,or pipe.点香烟,开始吸香烟或雪茄、烟斗。He lit up a cigarette.v(3)Exclaim:vi.vto cry out suddenly or vehemently,as from surprise or emotion.喊叫,由于惊奇或激动而突然或强烈地喊叫:vThe children exclaimed with excitement.孩子们激动地喊了起来。v(8)Loath

30、e:v.v to dislike(someone or something)greatly;abhor.厌恶,很不喜欢(某人或某事);憎恶。v+v-ingI loathe the smell of burning rubber.She loathes watching television.vbe loath to dovdislike,hate,resent,abhorvshudder8vshake,tremble,quake,shiverv Shake is the most general:vThe childs small body shook with weeping.孩子的小身躯因

31、抽泣而抖动。vThe floor shook when she walked across the room.当她穿过房间时地板晃动。vTremble implies quick,rather slight movement,as from excitement,weakness,or anger:vI could feel the youngsters hand tremble in mine.我能感到那个年轻人的手在我的手中颤抖。vThe apple blossoms trembled in the wind.vQuake refers to more violent movement,a

32、s that caused by shock or upheaval:vQuake 指更强烈的运动,如由于冲击或巨变引起发抖:vI was so terrified that my legs began to quake.我被吓坏了,连腿都开始发抖。vShiver involves rapid,rather slight trembling,as of a person experiencing chill:v Shiver 意指受寒后快速、相当轻微的颤抖:v“as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow”(Robert Sout

33、hwell).“我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖”(罗伯特索恩韦尔)。v Shudder applies chiefly to convulsive shaking caused by fear,horror,or revulsion:v Shudder 主要指由于恐惧、恐怖或心情的突变引起的骤发性震动:v“She starts like one that spies an adder/.The fear whereof doth make him shake and shudder”(Shakespeare).“她象看到蝮蛇一般突然跳起来/这种恐惧使他震颤”(莎士比亚)v(12)Exasperat

34、e:vv.1.to make very angry or impatient;annoy greatly.激怒,使生气或不耐烦;非常令人恼怒。v(+by/at)She was exasperated to find nobody at home.It exasperated me that they never kept their promises.I was exasperated by/at his stupidity.v2.to increase the gravity or intensity of.使加剧,增加严重性或紧张程度。a scene.that exasperates hi

35、s rose fever and makes him sneeze vPart Two(para.13-64):The meeting of the two former lovers.His memory:Sunshine flower,her beautiful voice vs.Her memory:his absurdness,chasing wasps among those elegant people,her embarrassment.(13)Haunting:adj.continually recurring to the mind;unforgettable.萦绕心头的,经

36、常出现在脑中的;不能够忘怀的:a haunting melody.萦绕心头的旋律。HauntTo inhabit,visit,or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.To visit often;frequent:To come to mind continually;obsessvrevisit the haunts of ones school daysvIm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.v我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。marigol

37、dChinese PagodaChinese PagodaChinese PagodaChinese Pagodav(14)Maniac:n.an insane person.疯子,不理智的人。v(14)Flap:v.to hit with something broad and flat;slap.拍打,用宽而扁平的物体击打;拍击。v(14)Infuriate:v.to make furious;enrage.使生气;激怒。It infuriated me to read that he had been indicated.读到他被控告的消息我火冒三丈。vPara.16-21:The se

38、cond episode in their memory:the man:madly in love,having a sweet tongue,yet still immature and impractical,a kind of mother and children relation with Vera.v“warm sunshine”use of stream of consciousnessv(18)Lean over:弯下身子;俯身于.之上。(20)Moan:n.a low,sustained,mournful cry,usually indicative of sorrow o

39、r pain.呜咽,一种很低,痛苦的悲伤的哭,通常表现悲伤或痛苦 呻吟声;呜咽声CEach time she moved her head she let out a moan.vVi.vThe sick man moaned all night.病人通夜呻吟。v2.发出萧萧声The wind came moaning through the trees.风发着呼啸声穿过树林。v3.【口】悲叹;抱怨(+about)He is always moaning about how tired he is.他总是抱怨如何如何累。vPara.22:Her present judgment of the

40、man:the sharp comparison-lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision.vQ:“the air of a man who has found his place in life.He must have made money,too.His clothes were admirable.”What is the further meaning of the sentence?vA:He is successful and financially able to help her realize her dreams.Yet

41、she leaves him again because she recognizes that he has not changed-he was too egotistical.。v(22)Air:n.personal bearing,appearance,or manner;mien.气质,风度,个人的举止、外表或行为方式;态度。v样子,神态CHe came into the room with an air of importance.他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内vPara.23-31:His sharp transition to talk about his trip to Ru

42、ssia.v(24)Hover:1.To remain floating,suspended,or fluttering in the air:gulls hovering over the waves.v2.To remain or linger in or near a place:hovering around the speakers podium.v3.To remain in an uncertain state;waver:hovered between anger and remorse.vn.The act or state of hovering:a helicopter

43、in hover.v(31)Slumber:1.sleep.睡觉。vn.He awoke from a deep slumber.他从沉睡中醒来。v静止,处于休眠的或静止的。v2.a state of quiet(but possibly temporary)inaction静止状态,休The volcano erupted after centuries of slumber/dormancy.vvi.1.She gazed with affection at his slumbering form.她深情地凝视着他那熟睡的身影。v2.To be dormant or quiescent.静

44、止,不活跃vvt用睡眠打发;用睡眠消除(+away)He slumbered away a hot afternoon.v(31)Stir:vt.to excite strong feelings in.激起,激起对的强烈感情。vHis wrath so stirred within him,that he could have struck him dead(Charles Dickens).vvi.to be roused or affected by strong feelings.激动,被强烈的感情激发或影响。v(31)Prick up:v.raise 竖起,(风)加剧。vThe do

45、gs ears pricked up at the soft sound.一听到这轻微的声音,狗的耳朵就竖了起来。vprick up oneselfv打扮自已;炫耀自已bound To leap forward or upward;spring.by leaps and bounds:Very quicklyQ:What is“a strange beast”?vA:“a strange beast”uses implied metaphor.Para.31 is a vivid description of Veras inner desire that is compared to the

46、 strange beast.What Veras wanted from life had been suppressed for some time,but that it was something that could not be controlled for good.vPara.32-44:The mans Russian traveling experience.vQ:Why does author remark their traveling plan?vA:Traveling is a form of freedom,a way of expanding ones hori

47、zon.The obstacles for Vera no traveling are her being a woman,her deteriorating financial status and her health condition.vQ:Why does the man“let it go at that(para.40)”?vA:The third evidence(para.34-40)that he is not interested in knowing her life.Maybe his lack of interest in knowing her present l

48、ife comes partly from his intention to snub冷落her for revenge.vQ:What is the literary technique of Para.32,41 and 43?vA:Author describes Veras great power of imagination-able to visualize things and her sensitivity to natural beauty,to music and art.Also notice her great imagination to fantasize or d

49、aydream-to indulge herself in some idealistic,romantic,aesthetic,yet impractical imagination.(36)become ofTo be the fate of;happen to:vWhat has become of the rainforest?vNo scientists yet could explain what had become of the Yellow Stone.terrestrial heatv(37)Grimace:n.a sharp contortion of the face

50、expressive of pain,contempt,or disgust.鬼脸,怪相,脸的极端扭曲以表示痛苦、轻蔑或厌恶。Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine.vi.作怪相,扮鬼脸(+at/with)The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance.那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸。v(40)let go:1.Let go:to cease to employ;dismiss.解开,释放;不再雇用,解雇:had to let 20 work


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