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1、专题二 英语教师的角色定位The role of English Teacher一 从“普通教育”到“英语教学”1 普通教育领域的教师角色2 The role of the teacher in ELT二 普通教育领域的教师角色1 有关角色的定义什么是“角色”? 角色:(1)角色是个人在一定社会规范中履行一定社会职责的行为模式。教育部人事司,教育部考试中心.教育学考试大纲M 北京,北京师范大学出版社,2002. (2) 角色,亦称社会角色,它是指个人在特定社会环境中的社会身份和地位,并按照一定的社会期望,运用一定的权利来履行相应的社会职责的行为。 每个人在不同的条件下,分别扮演着不同的角色。社
2、会按照各类社会角色所规定的行为模式去要求每个社会成员,这被称之为角色期望。 符合角色期望的个体行为会受到社会的认可和赞许。每个社会成员必须了解社会的角色期望,当一个人认识到自己在某一条件下所担负的社会角色和社会对他所做的相应的角色期望时,便会产生角色意识。角色意识会调控个人的行为,使之表现出符合某社会角色的行为。良好的角色意识是角色行为有效的前提。 教育部人事司,教育考试中心,教育心理学考试大纲M.上海:华东师范大学大学出版社,20022 教师角色的特点分析: 教师职业最大的特点在于职业角色的多样化,概括起来,教师职业的多样化表现在以下六个方面:(1) 传道者教师负有传递社会传统道德、价值观念
3、的使命,“道之所存,师之所存也”。在现代社会,虽然道德观、价值观呈现出多元化特点,但教育、教师的道德观价值观总是代表着居社会主导地位的道德观、价值观,并用这种观念引导学生。除了社会一般道德、价值观外,教师对学生的“做人之道”、“为业之道”、“治学之道”等也有引导和示范的责任。(2) 授业、解惑者教师是社会各行各业建设人才的培养者,他们在掌握了了人类经过长期的社会实践活动所获得的知识经验、技能的基础上,对其精心加工整理,然后以特定的方式传授给年轻一代,并帮助他们解除学习中的困惑,启发他们的智慧,形成一定的知识结构和技能技巧,成为社会有用的建设者(3) 示范者教师的言行是学生学习和模仿的榜样。夸美
4、纽斯曾说过,教师的职务是用自己的榜样教育学生。学生具有向师性的特点。敦师的言论行为、为人处世的态度会对学生具有耳濡目染、潜移默化的作用。(4) 管理者 教师是学校教育教学活动的组织者和管理者,需要肩负起教育教学管理的职责,包括确定目标、建立班集体、制定和贯彻规章制度、维持班级纪律、组织班级活动、协调人际关系等等,并对教育教学活动进行控制、检查和评价。(5) 朋友在某种程度上,学生往往愿意把教师当作他们的朋友,也期望教师能把他们当作朋友看待,希望得到教师在学习、生活、人生等多方面的指导,希望教师能与他们一起分担痛苦与忧务、分享欢乐与幸福。(6) 研究者教师工作对象是充满生命力的、干差万别的个体,
5、传授的内容是不断发展变化着的人文、科学知识,这就决定了教师要以一种变化发展的态度来对待自己的工作对象、工作内容,要不断学习、不断反思、不断创新。综上所述,所谓教师是指受过专门教育的训练的,在学校向学生传递人类科学文化知识和技能,发展学生的体质,对学生进行思想道德教育,培养学生高尚的审美情趣,把受教育者培养成社会需要的人才的专业人员。教师作为人类文化的传播者,在人类文化的继承和发展中起着桥梁和纽带作用。“师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也”,这就是我国古代较早对教师角色行为、义务及权利比较精确的概括。3 教师角色的新变化随着人类文明的发展以及社会的要求,教师这一角色又有了新的变化,确切地说是赋予了更新
7、在生活中遇到的各种问题,充满热情地关怀、期望、帮助学生,扮演父母形象角色。在日常生活中,教师还应成为学生的朋友与知己,对待学生热情、友好、同情、平等、民主,保持良好的师生关系。(3)榜样和模范公民教师是教育人的人,社会上的人们按照教师的地位和作用,理所当然地要求他成为学生和公民的榜样。在学生心目中,教师是知识的源泉,是智慧的替身与行为的典范;教师所有的举止言行都无疑成为学生模仿和学习的表率,在学生心灵中打上深深的烙印。每个教师都要通过自己的榜样、模范和表率作用去感染每一个学生,教育每一个学生,对学生施之以潜移默化的影响。(4)学生灵魂的塑造者 教师不能仅满足于向学生传授现成的知识,而要积极探索
8、和研究教学与学习中出现的问题,成为一个科学研究者。特别是对自己教学的研究,要掌握一定教育科研方法,并注重运用所掌握的方法解决自己在教育教学实践中所遇到的问题,从而使自己不仅成为一名教育实践家,而且还要成为教育理论家。(5)教育科学研究人员 教师不能仅满足于向学生传授现成的知识,而要积极探索和研究教学与学习中出现的问题,成为一个科学研究者。特别是对自己教学的研究,要掌握一定教育科研方法,并注重运用所掌握的方法解决自己在教育教学实践中所遇到的问题,从而使自己不仅成为一名教育实践家,而且还要成为教育理论家。4 从法律的角度理解教师的角色与定位:中华人民共和国教师法(中华人民共和国主席令第15号,19
9、93年10月31日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过)总 则第三条 教师是履行教育教学职责的专业人员,承担教书育人,培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人、提高民族素质的使命。教师应当忠诚于人民的教育事业。 教师法规定的教师的权利和义务:1 教师的权利: 第七条教师享有下列权利:(一)进行教育教学活动,开展教育教学改革和实验;(二)从事科学研究、学术交流,参加专业的学术团体,在学术活动中充分发表意见;(三)指导学生的学习和发展,评定学生的品行和学业成绩;(四)按时获取工资报酬,享受国家规定的福利待遇以及寒暑假期的带薪休假;(五)对学校教育教学、管理工作和教育行政部门的工作提出意见和建议,通
10、过教职工代表大会或者其他形式,参与学校的民主管理;(六)参加进修或者其他方式的培训。2 教师的义务:第八条教师应当履行下列义务:(一)遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表;(二)贯彻国家的教育方针,遵守规章制度,执行学校的教学计划,履行教师聘约,完成教育教学工作任务;(三)对学生进行宪法所确定的基本原则的教育和爱国主义、民族团结的教育,法制教育以及思想品德、文化、科学技术教育,组织、带领学生开展有益的社会活动;(四)关心、爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,促进学生在品德、智力、体质等方面全面发展;(五)制止有害于学生的行为或者其他侵犯学生合法权益的行为,批评和抵制有害于学生健康成长的现象;(六)不断提
11、高思想政治觉悟和教育教学业务水平。三The role of the teacher in ELTHarmers framework of English teachers roles1 Before the classBefore the class, the teacher is a lesson planner/designer, who plans /makes preparations for what goal to be reached, what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve in a particular
12、lesson. 2 After the class Before the class, the teacher is an evaluator/assessor reflective teacher, who plans /makes preparations for what goal to be reached, what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve in a particular lesson. What talked about above about the role of a teacher before c
13、lass and after class, then how about the role of teacher during class?3 The role of teacher during classHarmers framework of English teachers roles:based on the functions the teacher performs in different activities, Harmer (1983:201) defines the teachers roles as follows:(1) ControllerAn appropriat
14、e degree of control of the teacher over the class is vital in formal language teaching. The teacher controls the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently. For instance, when students do skimming and scanning tasks, it is very important for the teacher to control time. When doing lockstep
15、 activities (whole-class work) the teacher controls the whole class so that everyone has equal chance. When students do reproduction activities, the teachers control can make sure the students use certain target language items and their reproduction has a degree of accuracy.When we talk about the ad
16、vantages of teacher control, we stick to appropriate degree of control. Over-control will do no less harm to students than no control at all. Besides, different activities need a different degree of control. Some teachers use terms like controlled practice, half-controlled practice, and free practic
17、e to indicate where control is needed and where control should be relaxed. We believe that the more communicative an activity is, the less control it needs.(2) AssessorIt is generally believed it is a major part of a teacher s job to assess the students work. According to Harmer, as an assessor, the
18、 teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organising feedback (Harmer, 1983). Harmer insists that correcting should be gentle. Gentle correcting involves showing that incorrectness has occurred, but not making a big fuss about it (Harmer, 1983:201). Organising feedback is an effecti
19、ve way to assess students performance so that they see the extent of their success or failure. When organising feedback, it is very discouraging for the teacher to be critical. Rather, we believe teachers should focus on students success or progress so that a success-oriented learning atmosphere can
20、 be created.(3) OrganizerThe most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an organizer. Nowadays many approaches and methods advocate task-based activities. So one of the teachers major tasks is to design and organise tasks that students can perform in the class. It is in
21、doing this that teachers have the most freedom and most challenge, and it is where the teacher can exert creativeness in an unlimited way.Before organising an activity in the class, the teacher should envisage what the activity is going to be like. He/She should also anticipate problems that may ari
22、se when the activity is being carded out. Before students start the activity, the teacher should give instructions clearly and concisely so that students know how to do what. Sometimes a teacher demonstration can help. And if necessary, use students native language to clarify.While students are doin
23、g the activity, the teacher should walk around the classroom and overhear what the students are saying. If some students are not doing the right task, the teacher should rectify. Taking notes in mind will help the teacher to provide accurate feedback later. (What role does the teacher perform here?
24、)(4)PrompterWhen students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts. For instance, if students find it difficult to start talking in a task where they have to choose one of five places to go for an outing, the teacher
25、may tell them to consider distance, means of transport, time available, safety, etc. When a student doesnt seem to be ready for an answer, the teacher can give hints; When a student finishes with a very short answer, the teacher should elicit more by saying and.? Anything else? Yes, but why.?(5)Part
26、icipantThe teacher is encouraged to participate in students activities. Once the teacher has finished giving instructions and the activity has started, there is no point for the teacher to stand in front of the classroom doing nothing (as many teachers do). Besides monitoring the class, the teacher
27、can also join one or two groups as an ordinary participant. However, the teacher should change his role once he joins the students. He/She should not dominate or appear to be authoritative, though students regard it a good chance to practice English with someone who speaks it better than themselves.
28、(6)resource providerAlthough the jug-and-mug method (the teacher, a full jug, pours knowledge into the students, empty mugs) has been widely criticized, the teacher is still considered a good and convenient resource for the students. In this sense, the teachers role is the same as the role of instru
29、ction materials. However, when students are supposed to work on their own, the teacher should withhold his/her readiness to provide resources.New roles of teachers:According to Fu Daochun (2001), teachers roles are not static. They are dynamic and change with the development of the society. In China
30、, teachers contribution and dedication to education and society has been widely acknowledged, but their professional development and creativity have been very much ignored. With the implementation of the new English curriculum, teachers are expected to put on new roles.(1)Teachers as facilitators: T
31、he new curriculum stipulates that the teacher should function as a facilitator to students learning rather than simply transmitting knowledge. This means that the teacher needs to create a positive learning environment, use various strategies to motivate learners, guide them in planning and assessin
32、g their own learning and develop their learning strategies.(2)Teachers as guides: During the process of education, teachers should position themselves as guides. Their responsibilities are to activate students prior knowledge; find each students interests and explore their potential capabilities; ac
33、knowledge and respect their differences; give them equal opportunities in learning; and evaluate their development fairly from an all-round perspective.(3) Teachers as guides: During the process of education, teachers should position themselves as guides. Their responsibilities are to activate stude
34、nts prior knowledge; find each students interests and explore their potential capabilities; acknowledge and respect their differences; give them equal opportunities in learning; and evaluate their development fairly from an all-round perspective.Summery:The teachers roles in the language classroomDi
35、fferent assumptions about the teachers roles will stipulate different classroom management policies; and different methodologies entail the adoption of different teacher roles. Borrowing Harmers concepts of the teachers roles as a controller, an assessor, an organiser, a prompter, a participant and
36、a resource-provider, we believe teachers are multi-functional in the language classroom. This is especially true in the implementation of the new English curriculum. Teachers need to learn to play new roles as a facilitator, a guide, and a researcher in addition to the above roles. (4)Two aspects to
37、 the role of moral educator 1 )First, the teacher can serve as a moral exemplar or role model for the students to imitate. As a role model, the teacher does not have to be an exceptional human being. It is more important that we aim for consistency. This means that we show commitment to the moral va
38、lues that we would like our students to develop. We can show our commitment through our behaviours inside and outside the classroom. There are a number of questions we can ask ourselves:How we treat our students? Do our practices show moral values such as fairness, loyalty, truthfulness and self-con
39、trol? Do we pay attention to the individual needs of our students? Do we follow rules that we set for our students? For example, if we insist that our students carry out their work promptly and hand in their exercise books on time, then we should show the same punctuality in returning the books afte
40、r we have marked them, As Confucius commented, what we do not want done to ourselves, we should not do to others. Do we acknowledge our mistakes? It is important that the students realise that teachers are human beings who make mistakes, even though teachers try their best to be moral exemplars. Per
41、fection is an impossible model to aim for.2)The second aspect is for the teacher to make appropriate decisions as a curriculum developer.Teachers need to be aware of moral questions and issues that could be raised with the students. Young people face many moral tensions arising in their family life, their school life, and their friendships and as members of society. The teacher can then look out for suitable topics when preparing their lessons.