1、141 1Lets sing the song! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. I say ube, you say ube, cube and tube, tube and cube.I say ute, you say ute, cute and mute, mute and cute.I say use, you say use, use and fuse, fuse and use.Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are!2 2Look at the picture
2、and read! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. cubeubetube3 3Lets play the game! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. ubeScientistmltrshpnbc12345678910ubeube ube4 4Look at the picture and read! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. cutemuteute5 5Lets play the game! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confiden
3、tial. c123451234566 6Look at the picture and read! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. usefuseuse7 7Lets play the game! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. cubedogcutefusetubemuteFuzzy says Ouch!use8 8Lets read a story! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. It is cleaning day!Mom uses a brush.Dad uses a vacuum.9 9Lets read a story! 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. Sasha uses a broom.Oh, no! Who left the door open?1 10 0 51Talk. Proprietary and Confidential. It is cleaning day!Mom uses a brush.Dad uses a vacuum.Sasha uses a broom.Oh, no! Who left the door open?