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1、噪声职业危害告知牌Warning Signs for Occupational Hazards of Noise 作业会产生噪声,对听力有损害,提请注意防护Noise created by operation will do harm to hearing, so pay attention to protection against it.危害物质Hazardous Substance 危害因素Hazard Factors 理化特性Physical & Chemical Properties Hazardous Noise长时间处于噪音环境,会引起听力减弱、下降,时间长可引起永久性耳聋;并引

2、发消化不良、呕吐、头痛、血压升高、失眠等全身性病症。听力损失在25dB为耳聋标准,26-40dB为轻度耳聋,41-55dB为中度耳聋,56-70dB为重度耳聋,71dB以上为极度耳聋。Being in a noisy environment for a long time may weaken hearing ability, causing hearing loss and permanent deafness, as well as dyspepsia, vomiting, headache, elevated blood pressure, insomnia and other syst

3、emic symptoms. Hearing loss at 25dB is standard for deafness, 26-40dB for slight deafness, 41-55dB for medium deafness, 56-70dB for severe deafness and above 71dB for extreme deafness. 声强和频率的变化都无规律、杂乱无章的声音。Sound intensity and frequency change is irregular; sound is chaotic. Wear Ear Protector防护措施Pro

4、tective Measures 应急处置Emergency Treatment1、控制声源:采用无声或低声设备代替发出强噪音的机械设备;1. Control noise source: substitute soundless or low noise equipment for loud noise machinery;2、控制声音传播:采用吸声材料或吸声结构吸收声能;2. Control sound transmission: use sound absorption material or structure to absorb sound energy; 3、个体防护:佩戴耳塞、耳罩

5、、帽盔等防护用品;3. Personal protection: wear ear plug, earmuff, helmet and other protective articles; 4、健康监护:进行岗前健康体检,定期进行岗中体检;4. Health surveillance: conduct pre-post health examination and on-post health examination periodically; 5、合理安排工作和休息:适当安排工间休息,休息时离开噪音环境。5. Arrange work and rest reasonably: arrange

6、 proper coffee breaks. Keep away from the noisy environment during break. 1、使用防声器,如:耳塞、耳罩、防声帽等,并立即离开噪音场所;1. Use anti-noise articles, such as ear plug, earmuff, helmet, etc. Go away from the noise place immediately;2、如发现听力异常,及时到医院检查、确诊。2. Go to hospital for checkup and diagnosis if abnormal hearing i

7、s detected. 急救电话:120 消防电话:119 Emergency Call: 120 Fire Call: 119电焊烟尘职业危害告知牌Warning Signs for Occupational Hazards of Electric Welding Fume作业会产生电焊烟尘,对人体有损害,提请注意防护Electric welding fume created by welding work will do harm to human body, so pay attention to protection against it. 注意防尘Prevent Dust 健康危害H

8、ealth Hazards 理化特性Physical & Chemical Properties吸入这种烟尘会引起头晕、头痛、咳嗽、胸闷气短等,长期吸入会造成肺组织纤维性病变,即焊工尘肺,且常伴随锰中毒、氟中毒和金属烟热等并发症。电焊工尘肺的发病发展缓慢,病程较长,一般发病工龄为15-25年。Inhalation of the fume may cause dizziness, headache, coughing, chest congestion, short of breath, etc. Long-term inhalation can result in fibrotic lesio

9、n, that is pheumocomsis of welder, with complications as manganism, fluorosis, metal fume fever, etc. Attack of pheumpcomsis of welder develops slowly during long course with general morbidity age of 15-25 years. 在温度高达3000-6000度的电焊过程中,焊接原材料中金属元素的蒸发气体,在空气中迅速氧化、凝聚,从而形成金属及其化合物的微粒。这种烟尘含有二氧化硅、氧化锰、氟化物、臭氧、

10、各种微量金属和氮氧化物的混合物烟尘或气溶胶,逸散在作业环境中。During electric welding reaching 3000-6000oC at temperature, vaporized gases of metallic elements in welding materials are oxidized and condensed rapidly in air, forming particles of metal and its compound. This fume contains silicon dioxide, manganese oxide, fluoride,

11、 ozone, mixture of various trace metals and nitric oxides or aerosol, escaping into working environment. 必须戴防尘口罩Wear Dust Mask防护措施Protective Measures 应急处理Emergency Treatment1、改善作业场所的通风状况,封闭或半封闭结构内焊接时,必须有机械通风措施;1. Improve ventilation of workplace. Mechanical ventilation facilities must be available f

12、or welding in a closed or semi-closed environment; 2、加强个人防护,焊接人员必须佩戴符合职业卫生要求的防尘面罩或口罩;2. Enhance personal protection. Welders must wear anti-dust respirators or masks that meet occupational hygiene requirements; 3、强化职业卫生宣传教育,自觉遵守职业卫生管理制度,做好自我保护;3. Consolidate publicity and education on occupational h

13、ygiene. Obey related management rules and achieve self-protection;4、加强岗前、岗中职业健康体检及作业环境监测工作,提前预防和控制职业病;4. Enhance pre-post and on-post health examination and working environment monitoring. Prevent and control occupational diseases in advance; 5、提高焊接技术,改进焊接工艺和材料。5. Improve welding techniques, as well

14、 as welding technology and materials. 电焊作业中如发生不适症状或中毒现象,应立即停止工作,脱离现场到空气新鲜处,并及时送医院就医。If discomfort or intoxicating phenomenon happens during electric welding, stop the work immediately. Get away from the workplace, go to a place with fresh air and go to hospital in time. 急救电话 :120 消防电话:119 Emergency

15、Call: 120 Fire Call: 119 电焊弧光职业危害告知牌Warning Signs for Occupational Hazards of Electric Welding Arc Light电焊作业会产生电焊弧光,对人体有损害,提请注意防护Electric welding arc light created by welding work will do harm to human body, so pay attention to protection against it.当心弧光Beware of Arc Light 健康危害Health Hazards 理化特性Phy

16、sical & Chemical Properties对视觉器官的影响:强烈的电焊弧光对眼睛,会产生急、慢性损伤,会引起眼睛畏光、流泪、疼痛、晶体改变等症状,致使视力减退,重者可导致角膜结膜炎(电光性眼炎)或白内障。Impact on visual organ: strong arc light may have acute or chronic impairment on eyes, which can cause photophobia, lacrimation, pain, lens change and other symptoms. These further result in h

17、ypopsia, even keratoconjunctivitis (electric ophthalmia) or cataract for severe cases. 对皮肤组织的影响:强烈的电焊弧光对皮肤会产生急、慢性损伤,出现皮肤烧伤感、红肿、发痒、脱皮,形成皮肤红斑病,严重可诱发皮肤癌变。Impact on skin tissue: strong arc light may have acute or chronic impairment on skin, which can cause feel of burn, red ache, itching, peeling, skin

18、erythema and even skin canceration for severe cases. 焊接过程的弧光由紫外线、红外线和可见光组成,属于电磁辐射范畴。光辐射作用到人体上,被体内组织吸收,引起组织的热作用、光化学作用,能导致人体组织发生急性或慢性损伤。Arc light during welding consists of ultraviolet light, infrared ray and visible light, which belongs to electromagnetic radiation. If light is radiated on human body

19、, after being absorbed by tissues inside, it will cause heat effect and photochemical effect of tissues, which further result in acute or chronic impairment of human tissues. 必须戴防护眼镜Wear Goggles注意防护Protective Measures 应急处理Emergency Treatment 1、焊工必须使用镶有特制护目镜片的面罩或头盔,穿好工作服,戴好防护手套和焊工防护鞋;1. Welders must

20、wear masks or helmets with special goggles, as well as work clothes, protective gloves and shielding shoes; 2、多台焊机作业时,应设置不可燃或阻燃的防护屏;2. Arrange nonflammable or flame retardant shield when several welding machines work; 3、采用吸收材料作用室内墙壁饰面以减少弧光的反射;3. Use absorbing materials in indoor wall finish to reduc

21、e arc light reflex; 4、保证工作场所的照明,消除因焊缝视线不清点火后戴面罩的情况发生;4. Ensure lighting in workplace. Avoid wearing mask after ignition due to unclear sight of welding seams; 5、改革工艺,变手式焊为自动或半自动焊,使焊工可在远离施焊地点作业;5. Innovate technology. Change manual welding to automatic or semi-automatic welding that allows welders to

22、 work away from welding spot. 轻症无需特殊处理。重者可用地卡因滴眼,新鲜人乳、牛奶滴眼效果明显。No special treatment is required for a mild case. Use dicaine to drop eyes if it is severe. Fresh human milk or cow milk takes effect obviously. 急救电话:120 消防电话:119 Emergency Call: 120 Fire Call: 119 油漆作业职业病危害告知Warning Signs for Occupation

23、al Hazards of Painting油漆作业可能产生有害气体,对人体有害,提请注意防护Harmful gases created by paint work will do harm to human body, so pay attention to protection against it.当心有害气体中毒Beware of Toxic Gases当心火灾Beware of Fire禁止烟火No Fire 健康危害Health Hazards 理化特性Physical & Chemical Properties油漆作业过程中可能存在苯、甲苯、二甲苯、醋酸丁酯、丙酮等可能引起职业病

24、的有害气体。可吸入,经口和皮肤进入人体,有害健康,大剂量会致人死亡;高浓度会引起瞌睡、眩晕、头痛、心痛、心跳加快、震颤、意识障碍或昏迷等,经口还会引起恶心、肠胃刺激和痉挛等;长期接触会引起贫血、易出血、易感染;严重时会引起白血病和造血器官癌症。Toxic gases that can cause occupational diseases may exist during paint work process, including benzene, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, butyl acetate,acetone, etc, which may be

25、inhaled, go into human body through mouth and skin. They do harm to human health and may result in death for large dose; high concentration can cause drowsiness, dizziness, headache, cardiodynia, rapid heartbeat, tremor, conscious disturbance or coma, etc. Vomiting, intestines and stomach stimulatio

26、n and spasm can be caused when they are taken through mouth; long-term contact may result in anemia, easyhaemorrhage and vulnerability; even leukemia and hematopoietic organ cancer can be caused for severe cases. 易挥发,不溶于水;:遇热、明火易燃、爆炸。Volatile, insoluble in water; inflammable and explosive with heat

27、and open fire. Wear Gas MaskWear Protective GlovesWear Protective Clothes 注意防护Protective Measures 应急处理Emergency Treatment1、作业场所加强通风;1. Enhance ventilation in workplace; 2、作业时穿防毒物渗透工作服,戴橡胶手套和防护眼镜;2. Wear protective clothes against toxicant infiltration, rubber gloves and goggles; 3、及时换洗工作服;3. Change

28、and wash work clothes in time; 4、紧急救援时,佩戴过滤式防毒面具,没有防毒面具或防毒服装不要进入作业现场;4. Wear filtered gas mask for emergency rescue. Anyone without gas mask or protective clothes is prohibited to enter the accident site. 急性中毒:立即脱离现场至空气清新处.Acute toxicity: get away from the site and go to a place with fresh air. 皮肤接触

29、: 立即流动的清水冲洗污染的皮肤,尽快就医,严禁擦拭接触化学品处的皮肤.Skin contact: wash contaminated skin with flowing clear water immediately. Go to see a doctor. Do not wipe skin contacting with chemicals.火情/火灾: 请用灭火器扑救并尽快报警.Fire: put out a fire with extinguisher and call the police.急救电话 :120 消防电话 :119 Emergency Call: 120 Fire Call: 119


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