1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsContents 目录 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)三、单元预习任务(Pre-unit task)四、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)五、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)一、 教学目标和要求(Teaching
2、aims and demands)根据英语新课程标准(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面。1 语言知识 (Knowledge)词汇(Vocabulary):能理解、内化、运用以下生词-atmosphere, violent-violence, solid, explode, oxygen, surface, planet, harmfulharm, developmentdevelop, spread, method, presence, telescope, disappointed, forc
3、e, gradually, float, mass, 短语(Phrases and expressions):the solar system, in time, carbon dioxide, prevent from, depend on, cheer up, now that, break out, 功能(Functions):学习掌握一些用于陈述问题及给予意见的结构,如:My problem/ trouble is? The difficulty / question isMy advice/ suggestion is What I think about it isPlease p
4、ay attention to Make sure you Watch out for语法(Grammar):掌握和运用主语从句。如:1. What is needed for the space trip is careful preparation.2. Why there is gravity is hard to understand.2语言技能 (Skills)听:能通过听前预测,抓关键词来捕捉特定信息从而听懂理解文章。说:能熟练掌握与话题相关的常用词汇与表达,如:如何通过英语来正确客观地表述问题及给予意见,同时使学生能就话题较好地完成一些开放性话题,以提高在真实语境中的英语交际能力
5、。读:获取关于astronomy的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。写:能通过输入对本单元内容有一个较好的输出。3学习策略(Strategy):学生能在一定程度上形成合作学习、自主学习、有效交际、信息处理和英语思维的能力。如:培养学生使用图书馆、网络查阅有关星球的资料。4情感态度(Affect):(1) 让学生了解生命的起源,增强其保护地球的意识。(2) 培养学生正确的阅读观,和良好的阅读习惯,加强其自主阅读的能力。(3) 培养学生科学探索的精神。(4) 培养学生合作和共
6、享的学习态度。5文化意识 (Cultural awareness):通过学生自主探究来认识各国对太空,对星球的研究,以及他们对世界航天事业不同的影响。二、 教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)“热身”(Warming up)部分共有三组问题,第一组问题引导学生讨论什么是边缘科学(frontier science),即以两种或多种学科为基础而发展起来的科学。如,生物化学是以生物和化学发展起来的科学。第二组问题探讨科学研究的方法。第三组问题引导学生要成为真正科学家所必须掌握的技能。“读前”(Prereading)部分主要是让学生弄清楚什么是科学思想,
7、什么是宗教信仰或文化传统。学生总喜欢听故事或者讲故事,在探讨生命起源之前,让学生探讨一下关于宇宙起源的种种传说,既有趣味性,又能调动学生的相关知识,激发他们的思维。“阅读”(Reading)部分讲述了地球生命的起源,水的形成使得地球有别于其他星球,它使得地球上生命的诞生成为可能。科学家认为,地球上的生命首先诞生于水中,然后通过上百万年后,陆地上才长出绿色植物,然后出现陆栖动物和水陆两栖动物。最初的动物靠孵化繁衍后代,后来出现了哺乳动物,人类也随之产生了。文章最后讲述的现象发人省醒:The earth may become too hot for the lives on it.它关系到地球上生
8、命的未来。“理解”(Comprehending)部分通过四个选择体检测学生对本文核心问题的理解:地球上生命的起源和延续需要哪些条件?随后通过排序的方式帮助学生理解本文的行文线索,也就是地球上生命起源和发展历程。最后提出两个问题,考察学生深层理解和推断能力。“语言学习”(Learning about language)部分首先通过英文解释帮助理解课文中的生词,然后通过短文填空,词语分类的形式将这些词语运用到相关的语境当中。语法部分也是通过先发现后应用的学习方法。先通过课文中找句子,让学生认识主语从句,然后设置一个用手机发短信息的情景,让学生进行简单句与主语从句之间的转换练习。最后设置情景来复习第
9、三单元出现过的表语从句。“语言运用”(Using language)部分训练听说读写的能力。听力部分介绍三位科学巨匠,不仅通过填表的形式训练学生捕捉细节的能力,还通过四选一的形式帮助学生找主题思想。在解释对与错的过程当中,老师可以适当地介绍一下概括主题的方法。阅读部分是一个科幻小故事,通过“我”和“我的朋友”乘坐宇宙飞船登月球的经历,介绍了重量,失重和地球引力等科学道理。说和写部分以“Visiting the moon”为话题,要求学生讨论登月球要携带的物品,月球上可能会碰到的困难,以及找出解决这些困难的办法。教师可以根据课本上的提示,向学生介绍“先分述后总结”的写作方法。提出问题的解决方案时
10、,要求学生使用适当的“指示”用语。“小结”(Summary up)部分要求学生就内容,生词和习惯用语以及语法结构方面进行总结。“学习建议”(Learning tip)部分要求学生运用诸如百科全书,互联网络等资源,进一步探索宇宙的奥秘。并通过记日记,看新闻的方式了解最新研究与发现。晚上,遥望星空感受一下宇宙的魅力。本单元所涉及的要点有:1了解边缘科学,地球上生命的起源,了解万有引力,黑洞和太空旅行等天文学知识。培养学生对科学的兴趣,激发学生探究科学的热情。2了解作者的写作特点,培养学生的创作性思维,为学生开拓广阔的想象空间。3学会在日常交际中正确地使用指示语。4掌握名词性从句中主语从句的用法。三
11、、单元预习任务(Pre-unit task)1. 根据本单元教学目标和要求,了解本单元话题和任务,充分做好课前预习工作。2. 预习语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及其基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。3. 多渠道(如报刊、杂志、网络等等)查阅并了解与本单元话题有关的背景知识和材料。第一课时前:1、 根据教学目标和要求,了解本课时的话题和任务,预习课文的语言知识,包括词汇表里的词汇和短语,以及课外提供的扩展词汇,掌握词义、发音、词性以及基本用法。鼓励学生勤查字典。2、 预习阅读材料,掌握文章的中心思想和基本脉络。 3、 通过报刊、杂志、网络等途径,多渠道查阅并了解与阅读材
12、料相关的信息资料和背景知识,做好充分的课前预习工作。(学生可以通过以下问题来自我检查预习情况)Questionnaire:1.What does astronomy deal with?2.What do we call people who study astronomy?3.How did the universe come into being?4.Can you name the eight planets?5.Do you know the solar system in the universe? What is it made up of?6.How did life come
13、into being on the earth?第二课时前:1、 复习阅读课文,预习所给的词汇、相关星球知识等材料;2、 预习Using language.第三课时前:1、 预习所给的词汇,和相关知识。2、 查找并阅读一篇关于黑洞的文章。第四课时前:1、预习语言点和语法点。第五课时前:1、 复习上一课时所学的语言点和语法。2、 通过本单元的输入,罗列写故事的写作方法。四、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)本教学安排根据“LARA教学原则”,对教材进行大胆的删除(L leave out)、 修补(A Amending)、替换(R Replace)、增添(A Add),灵活的将
14、教材为我所用。新教材在选材和教学活动的设计上充分考虑到学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的需要;在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动;对英语语言知识和技能训练作了系统的安排,循序渐进,循环反复,有利于学生构建知识系统;注意培养创新精神,提高实践能力。但新教材也应与学生的实际相结合,我们不能全盘照搬。同时在教学过程中,为了对教学有个即使的反馈和有效的改进,我们还进行了“形成性评价”。本单元的语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“The science of the stars”这一中心话题设计的。我们根据本单元实际情况对教材的课时安排作了一些调整,尤其是学生用书(Stud
15、ents Book)和作业本(Workbook)有机结合。整个单元的备课思路是这样的:从天文学谈到地球(地球上生命的起源,如何去保护地球)-其他星球及太空物质(月球及黑洞)-去太空旅行的目的,可能会碰到哪些困难,需要做哪些准备-科学家进行探索需要准备什么以及需要怎样的素质。因此,具体安排是这样的:Period one: Warming up and readingPeriod two: Using language and reading(wb)Period three: Listening, talking, listening and writingPeriod four: Grammar
16、Period five: Language Point这样要说明的是我们在第二三课时教学中,特别穿插了对写作的辅导,符合了先输入后输出的教学理念。五、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)Period 1 Warming up & ReadingStep 1 Warming up & lead in1. Talk about science subjectsT: Good morning/afternoon, everyone. What class do you have today?S1: Maths, English, Chinese, physics, history,
17、and geology.T: What other subjects do you have in school?S2: Computer, chemistry, biology, music, PE, and politics. T: Which is your favourite? Why? S3: My favourite one is because its very interesting/exciting/instructive/S4: I like best because T: Which ones are science subjects?S5: Physics, chemi
18、stry, biology, geology and mathematics.T: All these subjects play an important role in the study of science. What subjects are used to study medicine? How about biochemistry? What about geophysics? What subjects are part of astronomy? S6: S7: S8: S9: T: What does astronomy deal with? S10: Astronomy
19、is the scientific study of the universe and the heaven bodies (such as the sun, moon, and stars), gas, and dust within it.T: What do we call people who study astronomy? S11: Astronomer. 2. Talk about universe and solar systemT: Lets follow this astronomer to learn about universe. How did the univers
20、e come into being? S12: After the “Big Bang”, the universe came into being. T: Do you know the solar system in the universe? What is it made up of? S13: The solar system contains eight planets and many comets and other objects.(Note:According to the present day scientific study, there are only eight
21、 planets, with the Pluto excluded.)T: Can you name the eight planets?S14: The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. T: Which planet do we live on? Can you describe what it looks like?S15: Earth. It supports a variety of life and 70% of the earth is covered with seas
22、 or oceans. T: Is there life on other planets?S16: Not yet. T: Why does life only exist on the earth?S17: Because there is air and water on the earth. T: Right, there is a famous saying “Water is the headspring of life”. But how did the water appear on the earth? If you want to get the correct answe
23、r, please read the passage on P25. It will tell you. Step 2 Reading 1. Get the Ss to go through Paragraph 1 on P 25 and find the answers to the following questions Qs: What did the earth look like after the “Big Bang”? (a cloud of energetic dust) How did the earth change afterwards? (combine into a
24、solid ball) What happened to the ball? (explodemake the earths atmosphere) How did the water begin to appear? (cool down) Did water stay on the other planets or satellites? (disappear) Water was important for the beginning of life. How did water make life develop? (dissolve harmful gases into ) T: W
25、ith water, life began and developed on the earth. How did life develop through history?2. Make the Ss read paragraphs 2-3 and finish the following chart.A cloud of dust a solid ball presence of water small plants grow on the water shellfish and other fish appear plants begin to grow on dry land inse
26、cts and amphibians appear retiles appear dinosaurs appear mammals appearQ: Why was it necessary for plants to grow before animals? (Plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe.)3. RetellSuppose you are Dr. who studies astronomy. You are invited to give a speech to the school students about the dev
27、elopment of life on “Earth Day” (April 22nd). Good morning/afternoon. I am Dr. I am greatly honored to be here to give you a speech about the development of life”. 4. Let the Ss read paragraph 4 and think over the problems caused by humans to the earth.T: Earth is home to us the living things. We ou
28、ght to take good care of it. Do we human beings look after the earth well? What problems have been caused by humans to the earth?(air/water/earth pollution, global warming, desertification, endangered wildlife)Step 3 Activities1. Activity 1: We make our home earth in danger. If we still keep doing d
29、amage to the earth, we will be homeless one day. It is time we took action and protected it. Discuss in groups “ How to protect our earth and make it a better place to live on?”2. Activity 2: Suppose you are to design an activity for your school on Earth Day, which is intended to call on teachers an
30、d students to protect the earth. Work in groups and choose a reporter of your group to report your work. The following points should be included in the report of your activity.u What the activity is about u Why the activity is designedu When and where to do the activity u Who takes part in the activ
31、ityu What to be done in the activityu Step4 Homework: 1. Search the Internet for the information of the development of life.2. Read and learn good words, phrases or structures from Reading. Period 2 Using language $ Reading taskStep1. Lead in T: We have learnt a lot about astronomy, have you got int
32、erested in it? If you are going to study astronomy, what problem will you face most?S2:Gravity. T: What is gravity? S3: Everything will fall back to the earth if it is dropped or thrown away. The pull of the earth is called gravity. T: Quite right. Who first got the idea of gravity? S4: Isaac Newton
33、. T: How did he get the idea? S5: One day he was sitting under the tree. He saw an apple fall, which made him get the idea. Besides Newton, are there any other scientists who made a great contribution to the idea of gravity?S6: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking. T: How did each of them think of gravi
34、ty? Or did they share the same idea of gravity? Come on, the tape will tell you. Step 2 Listening1. Listen to the tape and choose the best main idea of the listening passage (Ex.2 P30).Main idea: I heard about how three men made mistakes when they tried to describe gravity. I heard about how three m
35、en wanted to find out about the beginning of the universe. I heard about how the idea of gravity has developed over a long period of time. I heard about three scientists and their work. The best answer : 2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart in Ex. 1 on P30.Isaac NewtonAlbert EinsteinSte
36、phen HawkingDates1642-17271879-19551942-IdeaEverything is affected by a force called gravityGravity is connected to time and space“Black holes” “eat” objects but also “spit” them outOther informationIt was only about the earthIt was about the universeIt was about things found in the universe called
37、“black holes”(Note: Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape not even light. So we cant see a black hole. A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only s
38、pace - or so we think.)Step3.Reading1. Fast readingT: All the three great scientists Newton, Einstein and Hawking played an important role in the development of ideas of gravity. Would you like to know more about gravity?Ss: Yes.T: Is the moons gravity the same as that of the earth?S1: No.T: Read fa
39、st to see how many times would the force of gravity change?S2: Three.2.Careful readingT: What are the three times? How would the force of gravity change? And how did our weight change?Leave the earth Very strongVery heavyIn space DisappearedFloated weightlesslyOn the moonVery light The mass will be
40、less3.Summary T: Good! I am sure you must know more about the gravity. Suppose you are asked to make a summary about the trip, will you try? You only need to fill the blacks and the first word has been given.Last month I visited the moon with my friend. Before we left, I was told the force of gravit
41、y_ would change three times on our journey. Then we took off. As we left the earth, I became very heavy_. Gradually the weight lessened_. When I was in space, it disappeared_. We floated_ weightlessly in the cabin and I cheered up_. When I was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking ne
42、eds lots of practice now that_ gravity changed. The returning of the earth was very frightening_. We were amazed to watch fire break out_ on the outside of the ship.Step4. Reading taskT:Great! But just imagine that the moon has great gravity, then what will happen?S3: It will pull us.T: Right, maybe
43、 when we are approaching it, we will be caught in it. So lets come to the black hole.T: What are in the black hole?S: A large circle of lights going round an empty space.T: What is the circle of lights?S: Large stars.T: What is the empty space like?S: It looks like a mouth needing to be fed.T: How d
44、id they feel?S: They watched in shock and amazement as a large sun suddenly disappeared into the hole.T: So what did they decide to do?S: They decided to turn the spaceship away from the hole .T: What was happening?S: not move- jump and move around the edge of the outside of the hole- pulling us slo
45、wly into its “mouth”- go faster and faster.T: What did the author feel?S: feel sick, the watch moves slower and slower, my mouth dry, close my eyes.T: It seemed that they would be caught by the gravity of a “black hole”. But what happened later?S: jump again- increase its speed- as fast as light- fl
46、ew like a bird.T: This time, how was the author affected?S: was bumped and banged- able to look around us- the computer started working again.T: What did the author feel?S: Exciting.T: Why?S: They realized that they had discovered something new about “black hole”- They “eat some objects but “spit” o
47、ther objects out. Step5. Homework1. Search for more about the black hole.2. Read these two passages again to find out how to organize a story. Period 3 listening task, talking, listening and writingStep1. Lead inT: We learn so much about Li Yanpings trip, do you know why did he go to space? S1: To do research in astronomy.S2: Just to enjoy himself.S3: