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1、药学英语之黄芪.Plant morphologyA perennial herb,main root stout.多年生草本,主根粗壮。Stem erect and branched at the upper part.茎直立,上部分枝。Leaves odd-pinnately compound,alternate.奇数羽状复叶,互生。Flowers in axillary racemes,calyx campanulate.花为总状花序,腋生,花萼钟形。Collection and preparationThe drug is collected in spring and autumn,r

2、emoved from soil,rootlet and root stock,and dried in sun.春秋季节采收药材,去除泥土、细根、根头,晒干。DescriptionExternally pale brownish-yellow or pale brown,with irregular,longitudinal wrinkles and more transverse lenticel-like protrudings,cork easily exfoliated,exposing yellowish-white cortex,sometimes showing reticul

3、ated fibre bundles.表面为浅棕黄色或浅棕色,有不规则纵皱纹和众多横长皮孔样突起,栓皮易剥落而露出黄白色皮部,有时可见网状纤维束。Wood pale yellow with radiate striations and fissures,the centre part of old root occasionally rotten-wood-shaped.木部淡黄色,有放射状纹理和裂隙,老根中心偶呈枯朽状。理化鉴别理化鉴别lFilter-filtrate 过滤过滤-滤液滤液lNeural aluminium oxide column 中性氧化铝中性氧化铝ratelElute-e

4、lutate 洗脱洗脱-洗脱液洗脱液lResidue 残渣残渣ln-butanol saturated with water 水饱和正丁醇水饱和正丁醇lThe test solution 供试品溶液供试品溶液lCRS chemical reference standards 化学对照品化学对照品lThe reference solution 标准溶液标准溶液lThin layer chromatography 薄层色谱薄层色谱lSulfuric acid 硫酸硫酸l formic acid 甲酸甲酸lFluorescent spots 荧光斑点荧光斑点取取本本品品粉粉末末1g,加加三三氯氯甲甲

5、烷烷20ml,加加热热回回流流30分分钟钟,滤滤过过,滤滤液液蒸蒸干干,残残渣渣加加三三氯氯甲甲烷烷1ml使使溶溶解解作作为为供供试试品品溶溶液液。另另取取五五味味子子对对照照药药材材1g,同同法法制制成成对对照照药药材材溶溶液液。再再取取五五味味子子甲甲素素对对照照品品,加加三三氯氯甲甲烷烷制制成成每每1ml含含1mg的的溶溶液,作为对照品溶液。液,作为对照品溶液。To 1 g of the powder add 20 ml of chloroform,heat under reflux on a water bath for 0.5 hour,filter,evaporate the fi

6、ltrate to dryness.Dissolve the residue in 1 ml of chloroform as the test solution.Produce a solution of Fructus Schsandrae Chinensis reference drug in the same manner as the reference drug solution.Dissolve deoxyschizandrin(五五 味味 子子 甲甲 素素)CRS in chloroform to produce a solution containing 1 mg per m

7、l as the reference solution.照照薄薄层层色色谱谱法法(附附录录VIB)试试验验,吸吸取取上上述述三三种种溶溶液液各各2uL,分分别别点点于于同同一一硅硅胶胶GF254薄薄层层板板上上,以以石石油油醚醚-甲甲酸酸乙乙酯酯-甲甲酸酸(15:5:1)的的上上层层溶溶液液为为展展开开剂剂,展展开开,取取出出,晾晾干干,置置紫紫外外灯灯光光下下检检视视。供供试试品品色色谱谱中中,在在与与对对照药材和对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。照药材和对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。u Carry out the method for thin layer chroma

8、tography(Appendix VI B),using silica gel GF254 as the coating substance and the upper layer of petroleum ether(3060)-ethyl formate-formic acid(15:5:1)as the mobile phase.uApply separately to the plate 2 ml each of the three solutions.After developing and removal of the plate,dry it in air,examine un

9、der ultraviolet light(254 nm).uThe spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots obtained with the reference drug solution and the reference solution.功效 补气固表,排脓生肌适应症 气虚乏力,久泻脱肛,自汗水肿,子宫脱垂,慢性肾炎蛋白尿,糖尿病,疮口久不愈合此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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