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1、牛津苏教四下Unit6LetsgobytaxipartB课件 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Miss Jiangs InformationNameJobFruitWhereHowJiang YiTeacherGrapesTheatreBy taxiHow do I go there?theatretaxiby Unit 6 Lets go by taxiTeacher:Jiang YiShall we read some questions?1.W

2、here do they go?2.Is this bus for the theatre?3.How do they go there?They go to the theatre.No,it isnt.By taxi.Shall we?Make a sentence:Games:Password Breaking:eg:WAT-What are these?HMK-How many kilos?Rules:Break the password of the sentence and write down.(破译句子密码并将该句子写下来。)1.SWGTTZBB2.ITBFTP3.ARShal

3、l we go to the zoo by bike/bus?Is this bus for the park?All right.Sentences making:Rules:Make sentences according to the pictures,each picture can have different sentences.(根据图片造句,一图可以有多句。)Fill in the blanks(根据课文内容填空)(根据课文内容填空):_ and _ want to go to the _ by _.But the _ isnt _ the _.Theyre _.So they

4、 go there by_.NancyDavidtheatrebusbusfortheatrelatetaxiLets read the dialogue!Recite by roles(分角色背诵)(分角色背诵):Extending:Nancy and David go to the theatre and watch the play.Its so nice.After that,theyre hungry.Suppose you are Nancy and David,what will you do?Now,please make a conversation.(Nancy 和和 David去去剧院看了演出,演出很精彩剧院看了演出,演出很精彩。结束后,他们有些饿了。假设你们。结束后,他们有些饿了。假设你们是是Nancy 和和 David,将会做什么呢?),将会做什么呢?)Tips:How do we go there?Shall we go toby?Is this for?Homework:1.Read and recite Part A.2.Act the dialogue with your friend.3.Finish WB.


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