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1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 8:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation TranslationUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionReferenceReferenceEx.I,p.153In In paragraphs paragraphs 1 1 to to 4,4,

2、the the author author listed listed many many examples examples to to show show that that we we seem seem to to take take stereotypes stereotypes for for granted.granted.Stereotypes Stereotypes appear appear in in every every aspect aspect of of life.life.According According to to him,him,stereotype

3、 stereotype is is a a gossip gossip about about the the world,world,which which makes makes us us prejudge prejudge people people before before we we really really lay lay eyes eyes on on them,them,hence it is a kind of prejudice.hence it is a kind of prejudice.1.1.In In paragraphs paragraphs 1 1 to

4、 to 4,4,the the author author describes describes typical typical examples examples of of stereotyping.stereotyping.Why Why does does he he list list so so many many examples?examples?What What are stereotypes according to him?are stereotypes according to him?Unit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comp

5、rehension2.When and how do we learn to stereotype?2.When and how do we learn to stereotype?We We learn learn to to stereotype stereotype when when we we were were quite quite young,young,from from the the Westerns Westerns we we can can spot spot Good Good guys guys from from Bad Bad guys.guys.We We

6、 also also have have the the standardized standardized pictures pictures of of stereotypes stereotypes thrust thrust upon upon us as grownups.us as grownups.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.What What is is another another word word for for prejudice prejudice in

7、 in HeilbronersHeilbroners essay?essay?Are there any other synonyms of this word in the text?Are there any other synonyms of this word in the text?Another Another word word for for prejudice prejudice is is prejudgment.prejudgment.Actually Actually in in the the text text there there are are many ma

8、ny words words used used by by the the author author to to mean mean the the same,same,they they are:are:stereotype,stereotype,typecast,typecast,prejudice,prejudice,prejudgment,prejudgment,etc.etc.Outside Outside of of the the text,text,we we can can also also find find such such words words as as b

9、ias,bias,discrimination,discrimination,scapegoats scapegoats associated associated with with stereotypes.stereotypes.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.Why do we tend to stereotype people?Why do we tend to stereotype people?We We tend tend to to stereotype stereot

10、ype people people because because we we are are living living in in a a confusing confusing and and buzzing buzzing world.world.Stereotyping Stereotyping helps helps us us make make sense out of this completely buzzing world.sense out of this completely buzzing world.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading

11、 comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.What What do do you you think think Walter Walter Lippmann Lippmann means means when when he he says,says,“For“For the the most most part part we we do do not not first first see see and and then then define;define;we we define define first first and and then t

12、hen we we see”see”(Para.(Para.9)?9)?Explain Explain your your answer answer in detail.in detail.If If we we dont dont know know what what we we are are looking looking at,at,we we are are often often quite quite unable unable to to see see what what we we are are looking looking at.at.Stereotypes St

13、ereotypes are are one one way way in in which which we we“define”“define”the the world world in in order order to to see see it.it.They They classify classify the the infinite infinite variety variety of of human human beings beings into into a a convenient convenient handful handful of of types typ

14、es towards towards whom whom we we learn learn to to act act in in stereotyped stereotyped fashion.fashion.In In a a word,word,we we are are mentally mentally lazy lazy to to see see the the world world by by ourselves,ourselves,but but rather,rather,we we would would like like to to have judgment b

15、efore we research on the fact.have judgment before we research on the fact.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.What are the harms of stereotypes?What are the harms of stereotypes?1)Stereotypes make us mentally lazy:we dont want to 1)Stereotypes make us mentally laz

16、y:we dont want to observe our world,we use stereotypes instead.observe our world,we use stereotypes instead.2)2)Stereotypes Stereotypes get get in in the the way way of of our our judgment judgment when when we we observe the world,thus they do injustice to others.observe the world,thus they do inju

17、stice to others.3)3)Stereotypes Stereotypes impoverish impoverish ourselves.ourselves.We We lose lose our our capacity capacity to to be be ourselves,ourselves,i.e.i.e.the the ability ability to to see see the the world world in in our our own own absolutely unique,inimitable and independent fashion

18、.absolutely unique,inimitable and independent fashion.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.How How does does seeing seeing the the world world in in stereotypes stereotypes“impoverish”“impoverish”us,us,according to according to HeilbronerHeilbroner?Stereotypes Stere

19、otypes impoverish impoverish us us as as we we tend tend to to lump lump the the world world into into simple simple categories,categories,being being in in danger danger of of becoming becoming a a stereotype stereotype ourselves.ourselves.We We may may lose lose ourselves ourselves as as an an ind

20、ependent independent individual with inimitable thought about the world.individual with inimitable thought about the world.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.Can Can we we change change a a stereotypical stereotypical view view of of the the world?world?If If yes,

21、yes,how how can we change it?can we change it?Yes,Yes,but but we we cannot cannot just just drop drop our our standardized standardized pictures pictures for for a a blind blind vision vision of of the the Truth Truth because because sharp sharp swings swings of of ideas ideas just just substitute s

22、ubstitute one one stereotype stereotype for for another.another.We We have have to to undergo undergo a a true true process process of of change,change,that that is is a a slow slow process process that that adds adds bits bits and and pieces pieces of of reality reality to to the the pictures pictu

23、res in in our our heads,heads,until until gradually they take on some of the blurriness of life itself.gradually they take on some of the blurriness of life itself.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.What What are are HeilbronersHeilbroners three three steps steps

24、for for discarding discarding our our stereotypical view of the world?stereotypical view of the world?The The three three steps steps to to discard discard the the stereotypes stereotypes are are as as follows:follows:first,first,we we can can become become aware aware of of the the stereotypes ster

25、eotypes held held in in our our minds.minds.Second,Second,we we can can become become suspicious suspicious of of all all judgments judgments that that we we allow allow exceptions exceptions to to prove.prove.Third,Third,we we can can learn learn to to be be chary of generalizations about people.ch

26、ary of generalizations about people.ReferenceReferenceUnit 8:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.In In the the text,text,the the author author mentions mentions several several groups groups of of people people stereotyped stereotyped such such as as Jews,Jews,Catholics,Catholics,Negroes

27、 Negroes and and Puerto Puerto Ricans,Ricans,do do you you know know why why they they are are stereotyped?stereotyped?Can Can you you list list out other kinds of stereotypes?out other kinds of stereotypes?Jews Jews and and Catholics Catholics are are stereotyped stereotyped especially especially f

28、or for the the historical historical and and religious religious reasons reasons(Jews(Jews are are to to some some degree degree different different from from most most Christians Christians because because Jews Jews believe believe the the Old Old Testament Testament of of Bible,Bible,and and the t

29、he similar similar reason reason for for the the Catholics)Catholics)while while Negroes Negroes and and Puerto Puerto Ricans Ricans are are stereotyped stereotyped mainly mainly for for demographic demographic and and historical historical reasons reasons(both(both of of them them come come to to t

30、he the U.S.U.S.as as outsiders outsiders and and considered considered barbaric).barbaric).Other Other stereotypes stereotypes include include racial racial discrimination,discrimination,sex sex discrimination,discrimination,bias,bias,various various prejudices prejudices including including gender-

31、related gender-related and and age-related age-related prejudices,prejudices,preconceptions,preconceptions,etc.etc.ReferenceReferenceEx.II,p.1541.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.16).16)2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.718).718)3.3.Conclusion(Para.19)Conclusion(Para.19)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:S

32、tructure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Stereotypes Stereotypes are are a a kind kind of of _ _ _It It introduces introduces what what stereotypes stereotypes are.are.Examples Examples are are given given to to show show that that we we dont dont actually actually realize realize that that ster

33、eotypes stereotypes are are penetrating penetrating and and functioning functioning in in our our heads.heads.There There are are three three major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Struc

34、ture of the textStructure of the text a a gossipgossip about the world,a about the world,a gossip that makes usgossip that makes us prejudge prejudge people before we ever people before we ever see them.see them.1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.17).17)2)2)Stereotypes are related to Stereotyp

35、es are related to prejudice:prejudice:_ _ _It It introduces introduces what what stereotypes stereotypes are.are.Examples Examples are are given given to to show show that that we we dont dont actually actually realize realize that that stereotypes stereotypes are are penetrating penetrating and and

36、 functioning functioning in in our our heads.heads.There There are are three three major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the text explore explore most

37、most prejudices prejudices(prejudgment),(prejudgment),and and you you will will find find a a cruel cruel stereotype at the core of each one.stereotype at the core of each one.1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.17).17)3)3)There is a fact that when we have typecast the world:There is a fact tha

38、t when we have typecast the world:_It It introduces introduces what what stereotypes stereotypes are.are.Examples Examples are are given given to to show show that that we we dont dont actually actually realize realize that that stereotypes stereotypes are are penetrating penetrating and and functio

39、ning functioning in in our our heads.heads.There There are are three three major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.major things about the definition of stereotypes on the text.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the textwe tend to see we tend to see

40、peoplepeople in a standardized picture.in a standardized picture.1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.17).17)A.A.Stereotypes Stereotypes began began from from childhood:childhood:we we begin begin to to typecast typecast people in our childhood years,e.g._people in our childhood years,e.g._B.B._

41、1)1)When and how we have stereotypes(When and how we have stereotypes(ParasParas.710).710).Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the text we learn to spot thewe learn to spot theGood guys from the Bad guys from TV Westerns.Good guys from the Bad guys from TV Westerns.2.2.B

42、ody(Body(ParasParas.718).718)B.B.Stereotypes are dinned into us as we grow up:byStereotypes are dinned into us as we grow up:by _ _ _1)1)When and how we have stereotypes(When and how we have stereotypes(ParasParas.710).710).Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the textsto

43、ck jokes,advertisements,movies and thestock jokes,advertisements,movies and the booksbooks.thethe2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.718).718)C.C.We tend to stereotype because it helps us_We tend to stereotype because it helps us_ _._.We We have have to to stereotype stereotype something first before we see it

44、.something first before we see it.1)1)When and how we have stereotypes(When and how we have stereotypes(ParasParas.710).710).Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the textout of a highly confusing worldout of a highly confusing worldmakemake sensesense2.2.Body(Body(ParasPa

45、ras.718).718)D.The seemingly advantageous features of stereotypes:D.The seemingly advantageous features of stereotypes:(1)life would be a weaning process_(1)life would be a weaning process_(2)(2)_._.1)1)When and how we have stereotypes(When and how we have stereotypes(ParasParas.710).710).Text Outli

46、neText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the textfrom scratch with each and every human contact.from scratch with each and every human contact.if we had to startif we had to start2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.718).718)StereotypesStereotypes economize on our mental effort and save economize

47、on our mental effort and save us the trouble of finding out what the world Is likeus the trouble of finding out what the world Is likeA.A.Stereotypes warp our judgments because_Stereotypes warp our judgments because_._.2)Harms of stereotypes(2)Harms of stereotypes(ParasParas.1114).1114).S.S.I.I.Haya

48、kawa Hayakawa wrote:wrote:the the danger danger of of stereotypes stereotypes lies lies not not in in their their existence,existence,but but in in the the fact fact that that they they become_.become_.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 8:Structure of the textStructure of the textsubstitutes forsubstitute

49、s for observationobservation2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.718).718)stereotypes stereotypes economize on our mental effort and save us the trouble economize on our mental effort and save us the trouble of finding out what the world Is likeof finding out what the world Is likeB.Stereotypes impoverish a per

50、son because _B.Stereotypes impoverish a person because _ _._.he loses he loses his capacity to be himself,to see the world in his won his capacity to be himself,to see the world in his won absolutely unique,inimitable and independent wayabsolutely unique,inimitable and independent way2)Harms of ster


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