1、英语中不容错过的实用商业俚语 英语中不容错过的好用商业俚语有哪些?今日我给大家带来了英语中不容错过的好用商业俚语,希望能够帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 英语中不容错过的好用商业俚语 1. a foot in the door 1.站稳脚跟 to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success 胜利步入某个获得胜利的机构或商业领域 I always wanted to work for that company but it took me two y
2、ears to get a foot in the door. 我始终想进那家公司工作,可是花了两年时间才胜利。 2. cash cow 2.摇钱树 the part of a business that always makes a profit and that provides money for the rest of the business 始终盈利的某个部门,为公司的正常运转供应经济支持 The new product became the companys cash cow. 这项新产品成了公司的摇钱树。 3. too many chiefs, not enough India
3、ns 3.指导者多,干活者少 used to describe a situation in which there are too many people telling other people what to do, and not enough people to do the work 用来描述这样的状况:有太多人告知别人怎么做,真正做事情的人太少 There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians in that company. 这家公司,指导者比干活的人都多。 4. eager beaver 4.做事勤奋的人 an enthusia
4、stic person who works very hard 对工作充溢热忱,勤奋工作的人 George is an eager beaver and is certain to succeed in business. 乔治做事勤奋,做生意肯定会胜利。 5. a slice of the pie 5.分杯羹 a share of something such as money, profits, etc. 共享财宝、利润等 The company made big profits and the workers want a slice of the pie. 公司赚了大钱,员工都想跟着分
5、杯羹。 6. go belly up 6.破产 to fail completely 完全倒闭 Last year the business went belly up after sales continued to fall. 这家公司销售逐年下降,最终在去年破产了。 7. golden handshake 7.黄金握手 a large sum of money that is given to somebody when they leave their job, or to persuade them to leave their job 一大笔解雇费,以让人离职 When Tom l
6、eft the company he was given a golden handshake. 离开公司后,汤姆收到了一笔解雇费。 8. grease someones palm 8.给某人好处 to give somebody money in order to persuade them to do something dishonest 贿赂他人做坏事 There are rumours that the company had to grease someones palms to get that contract. 有传言称,该公司用了一些手段才得到那份合约。 9. hold t
7、he fort 9.坚守阵地 to have the responsibility for something or care of somebody while other people are away or out 他人离去时,对某事有责任或有义务照看某人 While the boss is out of the office, Ill have to hold the fort. 老板不在,我必需坚守阵地。 10. keep head above water 10.不欠债 to deal with a difficult situation, especially one in whi
8、ch you have financial problems, and just manage to survive 极度艰难的状态,特殊是经济方面的问题,只能牵强度日 Business is bad. Im not sure how much longer well be able to keep our heads above water. 生意不怎么好,我不知道日子还能牵强维持多久。 11. red tape 11.繁文缛节 official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from b
9、eing done quickly 不必要的繁琐条例 You have to go through endless red tape to start up a business. 要想起先创业,你得忍受一大堆繁文缛节。 12. sell ice to Eskimos 12.把冰卖给爱斯基摩人 to persuade people to go against their best interests or to accept something unnecessary or preposterous. 劝服人们违反自身利益接受不必要的或荒谬的条件 That salesman is such a
10、 smooth talker, he could sell ice to Eskimos. 那个推销员能说会道,他能把冰卖给爱斯基摩人。 13. sleeping partner 13.隐名股东 a person who has put money into a business company but who is not actually involved in running it 不参加实际业务的投资人 Tom found a sleeping partner to invest money in his business. 汤姆找到了一位隐名股东投资生意。 14. walking p
11、apers 14.撤职书 the letter or notice dismissing somebody from a job 解雇某人的书信或通知 Helen was given her walking papers yesterday. 海伦昨天收到了解雇书。 15. a dead duck 15.注定失败之事 a plan, an event, etc. that has failed or is certain to fail and that is therefore not worth discussing 安排或事务,已失败或注定要失败,没有接着探讨的必要 The projec
12、t was a dead duck from the start due to a lack of funding. 由于缺乏资金,该安排从起先便注定会流产。 表达恐惊,只会用scared?试试这些俚语! Have you ever wanted to use a phrase to express that you are scared or frightened? Maybe you even want to describe a scary situation using an idiom? Here is a list of different idioms you can use t
13、o do this. Have fun reading them and learning new, fun ways of expressing yourself. 你有没有想过用一个短语来表达你胆怯或胆怯?或许你甚至想用一个成语描述一个可怕的状况?下面是一个可以用来做这件事的不同习惯用法的列表。阅读它们并学习新的、好玩的表达自己的方式。 Idioms for being afraid, frightened 胆怯、担忧的习语 Afraid of ones own shadow. 草木皆兵 When someone is so scared they may jump when they t
14、hink their own shadow is another person. 当某人如此胆怯时,当他们认为自己的影子是另一个人时,他们可能会跳起来。 That movie got me so scared that I was afraid of my own shadow! 那部电影吓得我胆战心惊! 1. Heebie-jeebies 1.焦躁担心 These unusual words are used to express a feeling of fear and being uncomfortable. 这些不寻常的词语用来表达恐惊和不舒适的感觉。 That movie gave
15、 me the heebie-jeebies. 那部电影让我焦躁担心。 2. Make your blood run cold 2.胆战心惊 Many people say that when they are scared, it makes them feel very cold all of a sudden. 许多人说当他们胆怯的时候,会突然感到血液凝聚。 My blood ran cold it scared me so much. 它吓到我胆战心惊。 3. Jumped out of my skin! 3.魂飞魄散 Have you ever gotten scared so qu
16、ickly that it felt like your whole body jumped without you even moving? 你有没有过这么快就被吓到魂飞魄散? It was such a fright that I jumped out of my skin! 这太可怕了,吓到我魂飞魄散! 4. Heart missed a beat 4.胆战心惊 When you become afraid from one moment to the next, it may feel like your heart stopped for a moment. 当你从一个时刻到另一个时
17、刻变得胆怯时,你的心可能会停下来一会儿。 I got so scared that my heart missed a beat. 我太胆怯了,我感到胆战心惊。 5. Scared out of my wits 5.失魂落魄 Having your wits means being in control of yourself. Being scared out of your wits is like saying you lost control of yourself because you were so afraid. 拥有你的才智意味着限制你自己。被吓得失魂落魄就像是说你因为胆怯而
18、失去了自我限制。 I was scared out of my wits! 我吓坏了! 6. Scared the living daylights out of me! 6.吓到半死 This idiom is unique and refers to being so terrified that it may have felt like the lights were turned off suddenly and you were in the dark or dead even. 这个成语很独特,指的是胆怯得像突然关灯,甚至在黑暗中死去。 When you jumped out,
19、it scared the living daylights out of me! 当你跳出来的时候,它把我吓坏了! 7. Shook like a leaf 7.瑟瑟颤抖 Just like a leaf sways in the wind, when frightened many of us shake uncontrollably. 就像一片树叶在风中摇曳,当我们中的很多人受到惊吓时,无法限制地颤抖。 8. Quaking in my boots 8.瑟瑟颤抖 Quaking means to start shaking. Quaking意味着起先颤抖。 It was such a s
20、cary situation that I was quaking in my boots! 这是一个特别可怕的状况,吓得我瑟瑟颤抖! 9. Scared stiff 9.毛骨悚然 In some cases people become so afraid that they cannot move, they freeze. 在某些状况下,人们变得如此胆怯,以至于不能移动,他们会冻僵。 When the bank robbers began to shoot their guns, I was scared stiff and couldnt run away. 当银行劫匪起先开枪的时候,我
21、吓得僵硬,不敢逃跑。 Idioms for scary situations 可怕场景的俚语 10. Act of God 10.天灾 When many natural disasters occur, people will use this idiom to describe it as something very powerful. 当很多自然灾难发生时,人们会用这个成语来形容它是特别强大的。 That earthquake was so intense; it was like an act of God! 那场地震太剧烈了,简直是天灾! 11. Batten down the h
22、atches 11.有备无患 A hatch is a type of door, to batten down a hatch means to close and lock the door. 舱门是门的一种,用木条压住舱门意味着关上和锁上舱门。 When that storm comes tomorrow, we need to have battened down the hatches. 明天暴风雨来临时,我们得有备无患。 12. Close shave 12.幸免于难 To have a close shave means to have come very close to ha
23、ving been injured or killed. 幸免于难意味着已经特别接近受伤或死亡。 That was a close shave! The car missed us by only a few inches. 那真是幸免于难!那辆车离我们只有几英寸远。 13. Dicey situation 13.危急境地 A dicey situation means something is unpredictable, just like the dice in a game. 骰子的状况意味着有些事情是不行预料的,就像嬉戏中的骰子一样。 He was in such a dicey s
24、ituation at work; we didnt know if he was going to survive. 他在工作中处于如此危急的境地;我们不知道他是否会活下来。 14. Fraught with danger 14.八面受敌 When a dangerous situation happens, and a person is in the middle of it. 当一个危急的状况发生时,一个人在其中。 Taking that road is fraught with danger, it is on the side of a cliff and landslides h
25、appen frequently. 走那条充溢危急的路,它就在悬崖边,滑坡频繁发生。 15. Play with fire 15.玩火自焚 Everyone knows that playing with fire can burn you or cause damage to others. So to play with fire means to do something that could hurt you or another person. 每个人都知道玩火会烧死你或对他人造成损害。所以玩火意味着做一些可能损害你或他人的事情。 Dont walk out onto that ol
26、d bridge, youre playing with fire because it looks like it could fall at any time. 别走到那座旧桥上,你在玩火自焚,因为它看起来随时都可能掉下来。 16. Risk life and limb 16.铤而走险 To risk life and limb means to do something that is dangerous, whether it is necessary or not. 冒险是指做一些危急的事情,不管是否必要。 Firefighters risk life and limb every
27、day to save others. 消防员每天都冒着生命危急去救别人。 17. Skating on thin ice 17.如履薄冰 When a person does something that is dangerous or very risky. 当一个人做一些危急或特别危急的事情时。 She was skating on thin ice when she jumped from one building to the other. 她从一栋楼跳到另一栋楼时就像r。 18. Take cover 18.找寻庇护 To take cover means to find shel
28、ter or protection from something dangerous. 隐藏是指找寻庇护或爱护免受危急物的侵害。 The people ran to take cover when they heard the sound of gunfire. 听到枪声,人们跑去躲避。 19. Take your life into your own hands 19.将生命置身事外 When a person does something on purpose that could kill him. 当一个人有意做一些可能会杀死他的事情时。 He took his life into h
29、is own hands when he tried to swim across that raging river. 当他试图游过那条汹涌的河流时,他把自己的生命驾驭在自己的手中。 Many of these idioms can be used in situations that are not scary, but they must make sense to the listener. Now you know what to say the next time you watch a scary movie. Why not try to practice with your
30、teacher, family, or friends new ways to use these idioms. 这些成语中的很多可以在不行怕的状况下运用,但它们必需对听众有意义。现在你知道下次看恐怖电影时该说什么了。为什么不试着和你的老师、家人或挚友练习运用这些习语的新方法呢? 8个和肢体有关的俚语,old hand是老了的手的意思吗? These are those body idioms you should really know in English. Dont try to visualize them. It will be a scary movie! Anyway, you
31、 will find the examples and explanations under the infographic. Enjoy! 这些是你在英语中应当知道的身体习语。不要试图想象它们。这将是一部恐怖电影!无论如何,您将在信息图下找到示例和说明。好好汲取吧! body idioms 关于身体的习语 1. All ears 1.洗耳恭听 awaiting an explanation, listening eagerly and carefully 等待,说明,热切而细致地倾听 Tell me how you managed to pass the exam, Im all ears.
32、 告知我你是如何通过考试的,我洗耳倾听。 She was all ears to find out where her husband had been the night before. 她聚精会神地想知道前天晚上她丈夫在哪里。 2. Cold shoulder 2.冷淡 (give sb the cold shoulder, get the cold shoulder) paying no attention to something, a deliberate act of disrespect, an attitude of rejection (冷落某人,冷落某人)-不留意某件事,有
33、意不敬重他人的行为,拒绝他人的看法。 I hoped she would come to the cinema with me, but I just got the cold shoulder. 我希望她能和我一起去看电影,但我冷淡地拒绝了。 The manager has given the cold shoulder to our proposal to buy a new company car. 经理对我们购买一辆新公司汽车的建议表示冷淡。 3. Itchy feet 3.渴望旅行 a strong impulse to travel, restlessness, desire to
34、 leave 剧烈的旅行冲动,担心,想离开 Seeing a boat always gives me itchy feet. 看到船总是让我想旅行。 No wonder shes got itchy feet. Shes been working in the same office with the same people for more than twelve years. 难怪她想旅行漫游。她和同一个人在同一个办公室工作了12年多。 4. Long arm of the law 4.严格的法律 the far-reaching power of the authorities; th
35、e police, the law 当局的深远权力;警察,法律 Stop this dirty business, the long arm of the law will reach you some day. 停止这肮脏的交易,法律的长臂总有一天会到达你的。 He tried to live on shoplifting, but long arm of the law caught him in a week. 他试图靠在商店行窃为生,但法律的严厉制裁使他在一周内被捕。 5. Old hand 5.老手 a person with a lot of experience in somet
36、hing 有丰富阅历的人 Our boss is an old hand in the car business, you cant cheat him with this broken engine. 我们老板是汽车行业的老手,你不能用这台坏发动机欺瞒他。 The new chef was an old hand at making Italian dishes. 新来的厨师是做意大利菜的老手。 6. Sweet tooth 6.甜食控 a great liking for sweet-tasting food, a weakness for sweets; someone with a l
37、iking for sweets 特别喜爱吃甜食,对甜食有好感;对甜食有好感的人 She has a sweet tooth, but as shes rather fat, she must resist eating chocolate too often. 她爱吃甜食,但由于她很胖,她必需抵制吃巧克力太多。 Im a sweet tooth, I couldnt help eating all the remains of my birthday cake after the party. 我是个甜食控,派对结束后,我忍不住把生日蛋糕的剩余部分都吃光了。 7. Elbow room 7.
38、足够的空间 enough space to move or work in; freedom to do what you like 足够的活动或工作的空间;做你喜爱的事的自由 Theres so little elbow room in our office that you must stand up from your desk if somebody wants to go out. 我们办公室的肘部空间太小了,假如有人想出去,你必需从办公桌上站起来。 The agents were given as much elbow room as they needed to increase
39、 the sales. 代理商得到了他们所需的足够多的空间来增加销售量。 8. Eye-catching tending to attract attention, visually attractive, striking 简单引起留意的,视觉上有吸引力的,引人注目的 There were lots of eye-catching posters at the entrance of the cinema. 电影院入口处有很多引人注目的海报。 Her dress was so eye-catching that we couldnt do anything but stare at her
40、for minutes. 她的衣服很抢眼,我们只能盯着她看几分钟。 Im looking forward to hearing from you! Let me know if this lesson was useful! 我期盼你的消息!假如这节课有用,请告知我! 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第25页 共25页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页第 25 页 共 25 页