1、优秀学生申请本科留学的申请书范文 每一年都会有许多学生选择出国留学读本科,出国留学是要写留学申请书的,各位小伙伴肯定要打算好留学申请书哦!下面就是我给大家带来的优秀学生申请本科留学的申请书范文模板,希望能帮助到大家! 优秀学生本科留学申请书范文 Dear _, Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promoted to enlarge internat
2、ional finance market; multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world. With the communication among nations increase and the technology information develo
3、pment, the development of finance tends to globalization. Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and economy. T
4、he economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In the future, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles; non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, the development of information industry made finance market develop more quickly
5、. Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and made common people more concern the development tendency of finance then before and made out the relevant reaction according to getting information from all aspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange
6、 rate etc. All that influenced common peoples (peoples) lives and economical programs. I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was
7、not abstract knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practic
8、es and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had su
9、perposition and didnt have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case respectively
10、and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme. Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, because it not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connecting knowledge with practices to
11、 make data and model vivid. Even each new idea produced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is social science, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discovering unknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members thoughts inspired me and we got sa
12、tisfied results. Finance is a social science which embodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic taste during the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practices we could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background and mathematic theory
13、; we could understand finance better. So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in my spare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “secon
14、d finance year meeting” in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got a chance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of finance journals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practices better, I carrie
15、d on special researches on these problems. For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aim was to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influence currency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us understand the experi
16、ences and lessons happened on the process of each national currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international globalization. I connected the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China, through researchin
17、g the general rule of currency internationalization globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalization process. First, I reviewed the main countries currency globalization process in the world, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. The first was
18、rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta long stabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choice of our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currency globalization according to the impersonality requirement of economical globalization de
19、velopment, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degree for opening to foreign. At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental national economy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasize
20、d the process of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. The process of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect fa
21、ctors influence. But during this process, it was very difficult for me to research non-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stock market, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and exist some problems on efficiency, security and fair. For exampl
22、e, I consulted many materials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paper department how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stock market, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some comments of experts on the website. Besides I logged in
23、MARKET WATCH and bought several stocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was more perfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved. Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer sho
24、uld be improved in the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financer was higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit the future society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I am impressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to g
25、o abroad for my future education Yours sincerely, 美国本科留学简单申请的专业 1、经济学类 国际注册会计师、精算师、金融工程师、保荐人这些字眼无一不是商业精英以及高额薪水的代名词。近几年来,经济学类,尤其是旗下金融学、金融工程、保险等专业的报考热度和关注度持续高涨,本科毕业生出国留学的机会也是特别多。 2、管理学类 管理学是一个较为宽泛的概念,包括管理科学与工程类、工商管理类、公共管理类等。管理学类和经济学类相像,一些比较创新的前沿的探讨手段和理论基本都产生在欧美发达国家的高校和探讨所里。发达国家的政府和企业都特别注意向高校中的管理学专业人士询
26、问管理策略和方法,这也就为从事这些方面的探讨生和博士生供应了更多实践和发展的机遇。随着经济快速发展,大量本土企业成长壮大,中国经济发展须要大量的具有专业素养和国际视野的管理类人才。因而,无论是从就业率还是从薪酬来说,管理学类专业海归的前途是有保证的。 3、新闻传播学类 近年来随着人们对信息需求量的迅猛增长,传媒市场呈现出一派旺盛景象,数字电视、互联网和手机平台的飞速发展为我们今日的大众传媒给予了更为广泛的发展空间。相比国内的传媒专业教化,国外的传媒教化具有历史悠久、专业设置齐全、研发实力雄厚、国际化氛围深厚等诸多优势。但我们还须要在国内本科阶段学习传媒专业相关的理论,提高自己对于国内传媒业发呈
27、现状、发展趋势的相识,才能更好地领悟国外高校传媒教化的精髓。 4、语言学 语言学专业是针对语言进行学习,包括语言的结构、形成、历史、以及人们如何运用语言等等。随着全球化持续作为尚未消退的新兴商业趋势,具有语言学背景的专家在很多领域中将会更加受到重视。相关职业:人类学领域、考古学领域、计算机科学、口译员、语言学家、语言病理学家、听力学家、翻译、市场营销。 5、消遣管理 主修消遣管理学的学生将学会如何管理员工、安排和执行活动、设立预算、并根据平安规章进行消遣活动,相关科系的毕业学生可以在公园、度假村、体育设施、营地、老人中心、主题公园等地方发展。相关职业:消遣公园服务员、救生员、滑雪巡逻、供应各种
28、消遣活动的爱护服务、消遣工作者、教练员、裁判员、公园护林员。 6、食品科学 对于自认为是“美食家”的食物爱好者特殊适合,食品科学专业特地探讨食物里面暗藏的生物和化学原理,了解生产、运输和打算食物的方式,并学习如何让消费者获得平安的食品产品。有关工作:农业和食品科学家、风味化验、饮食技术员、养分师、工业生产管理人员。 7、犯罪学 你有实力解密电视剧“Law & Order”的案例吗?或许犯罪学的专业正适合你。犯罪学特地探讨一个人犯罪背后的心理、犯罪状况、犯罪预防、以及犯罪相关的缘由的理论。有关职业:临床心理学家、政府律师、犯罪矫正治疗专家、探讨心理学家。 8、自然资源(Natural r
29、esources) 这是另一个有关绿色环保的专业,学生将学到如何爱护和保存自然资源,如何适当将这些资源包括石油、树木、水、动物和植物等,正确地应用在商业用途上,从而将将对环境的影响降到最低。自然资源专业毕业生可从事的工作包括自然爱护科学家、环境教化工作者、环境科学家、林农和林业技术员、公园维护管理人员、自然爱护区的管理人员。 9、数学专业 数学在科学、工程、医学和经济等领域的作用必不行少。数学对这些领域的应用通常被称为应用数学,有时亦会激起新的数学发觉,并导致全新学科的发展。数学家也探讨纯数学,就是数学本身的实质性内容,而不以任何实际应用为目标。虽然很多探讨以纯数学起先,但其过程中也发觉很多应
30、用之处。 美国留学优势有哪些 优势一:顶尖的教化水平,敏捷的学习制度 美国的教化水平极高是全世界都共知的。无论是在师资力气、教学方式还是在教学设备、教学条件等方面,美国都是于其他国家的,甚至在教化环境上,在全世界也是居于前几位的。不仅如此,美国院校的学习制度也是非常敏捷 的,举个栗子,只要学生完成了院校要求所要获得学分,学生就可以提前完成高校的学业(如大三修满了学分无需等到大四毕业),不像其他国家,必需要达到固定的i时间才可以毕业。 优势二:奖学金政策好,重视学生的特性潜能的开发 美国非常重视教化方面,因此,院校及国家设立了很多种类的奖学金,并且获得的机会特别的公允,只要学生满意条件不会因为学
31、生是外国的就不予颁发奖学金,有一些奖学金特别的特性化,是为了开发学生的特性潜能而设置的。不仅如此美国院校在教学方式和制度上也是非常偏向于开发学生的特性化优势的。 优势三:带给学生多文化体验,学生可自由选择专业 因为美国的经济、政治以及文化的发达,有很多其他国家的人都选择移民美国生活或者念书,因为美国可以说是汇聚了世界各地的人,文化种类和沟通都是特别多样的。而且,在美国念书不像其他国家一样,有着跨专业的限制(必需选择与自己所学专业相关的专业),学生可以自由的选择自己喜爱的专业去读,从一点也是可以反映出美国教化制度是特别敏捷的。 优势四:勤工俭学机会多,就业方向广 因为美国的教化的特点之一就是注意
32、孩子的独立性和特性,所以基本上美国全部的高校都是支持学生勤工俭学的,这一点不论是于美国本土还是于外国学生,待遇和实惠都是一样的。一般来说,一周允许学生打工15个小时。而且学生兼职的种类特别多吗,就业方向是非常广的。 优势五:文凭认可度高,回国后无需担忧就业问题 美国的文凭认可读不用说大家也知道,就算是在全世界认可度也是特别高的。不管是留在美国还是回国或是去其他国家,就业率和文凭认可度都是极其高的。 优秀学生申请本科留学的申请书范文本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页