1、精选资料电大管理会计考试小抄一、 单选题1.按照管理会计的解释,成本的相关性是指(A.与决策方案有关的成本特性)。2.下列各项中,属于因果预测分析法的是(C.本量利分析法)。3.将决策分析区分为短期决策与长期决策所依据的分类标志是(C.决策规划时期的长短)。4.在定价决策中,对于那些同类竞争产品差异性较大、能满足较大市场需要、弹性小、不易仿制的新产品最好采用(A.撇油策略)。5.下列项目中,能够规定管理会计工作对象基本活动空间的假设是(A.多层主体假设)。6.在计算保本t和保利t时,有关公式的分母可以是(A.单位贡献边际) 7.某投资方案的年营业收人为100万元,年营业支出为60万元,其中折旧
2、为l0万元,所得税率为40,则该方案每年的营业现金流t为(C.34)万元。8.在下列各项中,属于标准成本控制系统前提和关键的是(A.标准成本的制定) 9.在贵任会计中,将企业办理内部交易结算和内部责任结转所使用的价格称为(C.内部转移价格)。10.在责任预算的基础上,将实际数与计划数进行比较,用来反映与考核各责任中心工作业绩的书面文件是(B.责任报告)。11.编制全面预算的出发点和起点是(B.销售预算)。12.下列属于年金范畴的是(A.偿债基金)。13.下列长期投资决策评价指标中,其计算结果不受建设期的长短、资金投人的方式、回收额的有无,以及净现金流量的大小等条件影响的是(A.投资利润率)。1
4、1.下列项目中,不属于能够揭示管理会计与财务会计之间共性特征的表述是(B.两者的具体目标相同) 22.在财务会计中,应当将销售费用归属于下列各项中的叼D.非生产成本)。23.在管理会计中狭义相关范围是指(B.业务量的变动范围)。24.假定某产品的单位贡献边际大于零,在其他条件不变的情况下,本期的销售量比上期减少时,如按变动成本法确定营业利润,本期营业利润与上期相比将(B.减少)。25.在下列指标中,可据以判断企业经营安全程度的指标是(C.保本作业率) 26.某企业每月固定成本2000元,单价20元,计划销售产品500件,欲实现目标利润1000元,其单位变动成本应为(C.14)。27.下列各项中
5、,不属于定量分析法的是(A.判断分析法)。28.在半成品是否深加工决策中必须考虑的由于对半成品进行深加工而追加的变动成本,称为(D.加工成本)。29.在半成品是否深加工的决策中,下列成本中属于相关成本的是D.因深加工而追加的固定成本)。30.已知某项目的原始投资额为1000万元,建设期为2年,投产后第1-9年每年净现金流量为“50万元第0年净现赞量为“5“万元则该项目包括建设期的静态投资回收期为(C.6年) 31.某人年初存人银行1000元,假设银行按每年10%的复利计息,每年末取出20。元,则最后一次能够足额(200)元提款的时间是(C.7年末)。(已知年金现值系数:5年100o3.696;
6、7年10%为4.868;8年10%为5.335;9年10%为5.679) 32.已知某投资项目的某年营业收人为140元,该年经营成本为70万元,折旧为30万元,所得税率为40%。据此计算的该年经营净现金流量为(C.54万元)。33.在管理会计中,单一方案决策又称为(A.接受或拒绝方案决策)。34.某投资项目在建设期内投人全部原始投资,该项目的净现值率为25,则该项目的获利指数为(B.1.25)。35.下列长期投资决策评价指标中,其数值越小越好的指标是(B.投资回收期)。36.当某方案的净现值大于零时,其内部收益率(C.一定大于设定折现率)。37。可以概括了解企业在预算期间盈利能力的预算是(C.
7、预计利润表)。38.滚动预算的基本特点是(B.预算期是连续不断的)。39.下列属于用量标准的是(A.材料消耗量)。40.供需双方分别按照不同的内部转移价格计价结算时采用的是(D.双重市场价格) 二、多选题(每小题2分.共10分)下列项目中,属于在现代管理会计阶段产生和发展起来的有(BCDE)A.规划梓制合计13.预测决策会计C.责任会计D.管理会计师职业E.管理会计专业团体2.目标成本方案的提出方法包括(ABCDE)。A.按目标利润预测目标成本13.以本企业历史最好成本作为目标成本C.以本企业历史最高的成本作为目标成本D.以国内外同类产品的先进成本水平作为目标成本E.以标准成本、计划成本或定额
11、互补性质,变动成本率越高,贡献边际率越低,盈利能力越小;反之,变动成本率越低,贡献边际率越高,盈利能力越强。4.简述长期投资决策评价指标运用的原则和标准。答:长期投资决策评价指标的运用:一般说来,长期投资决策评价指标的运用应遵循以下原则;具体问题具体分析、确保财务可行性、分清主次指标、讲求效益的原则。对于单一的独立投资项目的财务可行性的评价,一般可以参考以下标准:净现值0 净现值率0 获利质指数1 内部收益率行业基准折现率包括建设期在内的静态回收期n-2对于多个互斥方案的决策,可以通过比较净现值的大小、差额投资内部收益率等方法确定最优方案。四、计算分析题(共50分)1.(15分)某企业拟购人一
15、献边际二800000一480000=320000贡献边际率=320000800000=40%保本额=400000+20000040%=1500000(元)1.某厂只生产一种产品,第一、二年的产量分别为3000。件和24000件;销量分别为20000件和30000件;存货计价采用先进先出法。产品单价为15元/件;单位变动生产成本为5元/件;每年固定性制造费用的发生额为18000。元。销售及管理费用都是固定的,每年发生额为25000元。(20分)要求:分别采用变动成本法和完全成本法方法确定第一、二年的营业利润。答:变动成本法的营业利润: 第一年:贡献边际=15X20000-5X20000=2000
20、您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Many people have the same mixed feelings when planning a trip during Golden Week. With heaps of time, the seven-day Chinese National Day holiday could be the best occasion to enjoy a destination. However, it can also be the easiest way to ruin h
21、ow you feel about a place and you may become more fatigued after the holiday, due to battling the large crowds. During peak season, a dream about a place can turn to nightmare without careful planning, especially if you travel with children and older people. As most Chinese people will take the holi
22、day to visit domestic tourist destinations, crowds and busy traffic are inevitable at most places. Also to be expected are increasing transport and accommodation prices, with the possibility that there will be no rooms available. It is also common that youllwait in the line for one hour to get a tic
23、ket, and another two hours at the site, to only see a tiny bit of the place due to the crowds. Last year, 428 million tourists traveled in China over the week-long holiday in October. Traveling during this period is a matter that needs thorough preparation. If you are short on time to plan the upcom
24、ing Golden Week it may not be a bad idea to avoid some of the most crowded places for now. There is always a place so fascinating that everyone yearns for. Arxan is a place like this. The beauty of Arxan is everlasting regardless of the changing of four seasons. Bestowed by nature, its spectacular s
25、easonal landscape and mountains are just beyond word. Arxan is a crucial destination for the recommended travelling route, China Inner Mongolia Arxan Hailar Manzhouli. It is also the joint of the four prairies across the Sino-Mongolian border, where people gravitate towards the exotic atmosphere mix
26、ed with Chinese, Russian, and Mongolia elements. As a historic site for the Yitian Battle, Arxan still embodies the spirit of Genghis Khan. Walking into Arxan, you will be amazed by a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors all the year round - the Spring azaleas blooming red in the snow, the Summer sea wav
27、ering blue in the breeze, the Autumn leaves painted in yellow covering volcanic traces, and the Winter woods shining white on the vast alpine snowscape. Hinggan League Arxan city is situated in the far eastern area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its full name Haren Arxan means hot holy water i
28、n the Mongolian language. Arxan is a tourism city in the northern frontier with a blend of large forest, grand prairies, vast snowfield, heaven lake cluster, thermium, as well as volcanic cluster. It is a rare and unique ecotourism base filled with healthy sunshine, clean air and unspoiled green. Ne
29、stled close to the countrys largest virgin forest, and known for its spring and ecological environment, Arxan is marveled at by many tourists as the purest land on earth. You cannot miss out the Autumn of Arxan. It is definitely the best with brightly-colored scenery full of emotions. Autumn in the
30、northern part of the country comes earlier than the South. A September rain followed by the footprints of Autumn brings more colors to the once emerald green mountain and blooming grassland. Shutterbugs flock to see for themselves the marvel of splendid colors around the mountains and waters, many o
31、f whom have travel a long distance and even camp here only to capture a moment of the nature wonder. The silver birch turns golden, while the larch is still proudly green. You will find yourself drowned in the intoxicating red of the wild fruits as well as the glamour of flowers in full blown. And y
32、our heart will be lingering on the woods as its time for the wild fruits to ripe. The picturesque Arxan in Autumn is indeed a fairyland only exists in a dream that satisfies all your fantasies. If itrains heavily on Saturday night, some elderly Chinese will say it is because Zhinu, or the Weaving Ma
33、id, is crying on the day she met her husband Niulang, or the Cowherd, on the Milky Way. Most Chinese remember being told this romantic tragedy when they were children on Qixi, or the Seventh Night Festival, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, which is usually in early August.
34、This year it falls on Saturday, August 2. Folklore Story As the story goes, once there was a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. But she disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company. The cow, however, was a former go
35、d who had violated imperial rules and was sent to earth in bovine form. One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress. The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and dau
36、ghter and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds of years in China. Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and fairy was strictly forbidden. He ordered the heaven troop to catch Zhinu back. Niulang grew desperate when he discovere
37、d Zhinu had been taken back to heaven. Driven by Niulangs misery, the cow told him to turn its hide into a pair of shoes after it died. The magic shoes whisked Niulang, who carried his two children in baskets strung from a shoulder pole, off on a chase after the empress. The pursuit enraged the empr
38、ess, who took her hairpin and slashed it across the sky creating the Milky Way which separated husband from wife. But all was not lost as magpies, moved by their love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way to reunite the family. Even the Jade Emperor was touched, and allowed Niulang and
39、Zhinu to meet once a year on the seventh night of the seventh month. This is how Qixi came to be. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). Traditionally, people would look up at the sky and find a bright star in the constellation Aquila as well as the star Vega, which are
40、identified as Niulang and Zhinu. The two stars shine on opposite sides of the Milky Way. Customs In bygone days, Qixi was not only a special day for lovers, but also for girls. It is also known as the Begging for Skills Festival or Daughters Festival. In this day, girls will throw a sewing needle in
41、to a bowl full of water on the night of Qixi as a test of embroidery skills. If the needle floats on top of the water instead of sinking, it proves the girl is a skilled embroiders. Single women also pray for finding a good husband in the future. And the newly married women pray to become pregnant q
42、uickly. Tradition transformed The love story of Niulang and Zhinu, and the Qixi Festival have been handed down for generations. Yet these ancient traditions and customs are slowly dying out. Many modern Chinese, particularly youngsters, seem to know more about St Valentines Day on February 14, chara
43、cterized by bouquets of roses, chocolates and romantic candlelight dinners, than they do about their home-grown day for lovers. Even Qixi is nowadays referred to as the Chinese Valentines Day. More and more young Chinese people begin to celebrate this day in a very similar way as that in western cou
44、ntries. Fewer people than ever will gaze at the heavens on Saturday to pick out the two stars shining bright on either side of the Milky Way, that is, if people even know on which day Qixi falls. There are ready reminders dotted about, in the form of big ads saying Sales on Chinese Valentines Day! i
45、n shops, hotels and restaurants. But few young women will mark the festival with their boyfriends, or take part in traditional activities to pray for cleverness. However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich mans abode;the