1、东北石油大学本科毕业设计英文文献及翻译 学院计算机与信息技术学院班级学号姓名指 导 教 师王 辉职 称讲 师第 16 页J2ME和Java领域1介绍20世纪70年代以来,随着计算机革命的开始,以及对计算机先进软件需求的大大增加,采取利用电脑日益增加的功能来处理数据。C编程语言逐渐成为支柱,使程序员开发软件可以像计算机运行一样流畅。80年代以来,程序员又目睹了编程语言领域的又一次变革的高潮。C语言的编程能力已经不能满足计算机的技术发展的需要。这问题并不是新问题。它造成了一代又一代的编程语言的新老更替。问题是,它使得程序设计过于复杂,从而使计算机软件的设计,编写和开发落后于硬件的发展。就是这个时候
2、,两种基于设计概念的编程语言Simula 67和Smalltalk(从上世纪60年代末)带来了接近编程语言未来前景的循序渐进的步骤。这期间,当面向对象编程(OOP),并与它称为一种新的编程语言C+在程序员中掀起了一场风暴。1979年, Bjarne Stroustrup的在新泽西州的贝尔实验室增强了C 语言,使其具有面向对象的特点,即所谓的C + + 语言 ( + +是C编程语言增强的承载符号 )。 C + +是一个真正的提高的C编程语言,它开始是一种前置语言,该计划最初是一种编译工具。Stroustrup建立类的概念(借用了Simula 67和Smalltalk中的概念),由类则可以创建实例
4、心,游客可以得到几乎任何的免费的资讯并浏览数以千计的虚拟商店。 浏览器加强了万维网。浏览器转换将用HTML编写的ASCII文本文件转化成为一个互动的显示功能,并可以在任何计算机上编译运行。只要浏览器兼容的HTML和HTTP实施正确的版本, 在任何电脑上运行的浏览器可以使用相同的HTML文件,而不是指定为某一特定类型的计算机,而在以前是闻所未闻的。而C或C+是依赖于机器的,并且不能运行于不同机器上,除非是重新编译。互联网的成功使人们将重点放在发展独立于机器的编程语言上。和同年在互联网上被商品化,科技工作者SunMicrosystems詹姆斯戈斯林,帕特里克诺顿, chriswarth ,和麦克谢
5、里登花了18个月发展规划,并在1995年向公众发布,他们所谓的Oak,后来改名为Java。Java 在1991年和1995年期间经历了无数次的变革。那个时候,在Sun公司的许多其他科技人员对该语言的发展做出了重大贡献。Joy,阿瑟范霍夫,乔纳森佩恩,Yelin, 添佩尔都分享了成功的喜悦。 虽然Java是和互联网密切相关,但开始是为了开发一种可以嵌入到电子器件中去的软件的编程语言,而无论所用装置的CPU类型。这也是众所周知的所谓embedded java平台。Java团队从Sun成功地建立了一种可移植性的编程语言,电脑程序员进行了首次编程,一些已经实现。他们的成功远远超出了他们的梦想。同样可以
6、使Java程序进行在各种可移植的电子装置上,也可以使Java程序在安装了Microsoft Windows ,UNIX和Macintosh的计算机上运行。这个时机很完美。因特网/内部网已使美国企业为符合公司成本效益,而开发应用于公司的可移植程序的兴趣。Java已被证明可以作为一种成功开发与机器无关的应用程序的编程语言。 Java虚拟机写Java程序和写C+程序是相似的,这程序员可以编写:含指示的源代码,成为一个编辑器,或在一个综合发展环境中对源代码进行编译。不过,这也就是Java和C+一部分的方式。该编译和链接的过程中一个C+程序的结果可以运行在一个适当的可执行的机器上。与此相反,Java编译
7、器则将Java 源代码转换成字节,即由Java虚拟机(JVM)执行 。机器的具体指示,则不会包括在字节中。相反,他们已经包括在JVM的,这是属于具体机器的。这意味着该字节可能包含的C+程序要翻译的指令要少。未来的世界:J2ME请记住,Java是在消费和工业产品中作为一种编程语言创建程序嵌入式系统微机发现的开始,如那些用来控制汽车和家用电器的微机。在20世纪90年代初,开发团队在Sun的工作利用Java以解决幼稚的嵌入式电脑市场的编程的需要,但这种努力是更侧重于来自互联网的吸引力的机会。在世纪交替之年由于这些机会已得到解决,一种新的便携式通信带来了其他设备的机会。从语音通信设备的语音到文本通信设
8、备。而便携式电子电话簿演变成个人数码助理。在这时候,芯片制造商所推出的新产品,其目的是为了从桌上型电脑转移计算能力到移动的小型电脑控制的燃气水泵,电缆电视盒,和其他组合的其他电器。为下一步的演变的Java的时机是合理的 。不过,不是Java 与额外的空气污染指数加强,在Sun公司的该小组,即Java Community Process计划, 拆除均采用Java编程语言和Java虚拟机。他们从嵌入式系统和微机设备剥离下来的Java的API和JVM到最低限度编码须提供情报。由于这些设备资源方面的限制强加的硬件设计,这是必要的。他们的努力结果是J2ME的。 J2ME是减少了Java API和Java
9、虚拟机是设计用来运作稀疏可用的资源在新的品种的嵌入式计算机和微机的版本。组织J2ME传统计算设备需要使用标准相当的硬件配置,如显示器,键盘,鼠标和大量的记忆和永久储存。不过,其中新一代的计算设备缺乏的硬件配置的连续性。有些设备不具有显示屏,永久储存,键盘, 或鼠标。其中小的计算设备的记忆提供情况是不一致的。缺乏统一标准的硬件配置之间的小型计算设备的构成是一项艰巨的挑战Java Community Process的计划则是为JVM和J2ME的小型计算设备制定标准。 许多不同种的小的J2ME的计算设备,包括screen phones,数字机顶盒用于有线电视,手机和个人数字助理,所面临的挑战是Jav
10、a Community Process的计划是建立一个可以对小的无标准的计算设备实施的Java标准。J2ME Profile一个配置文件构成的Java类,其执行的功能是为一特别小的计算装置或一类的小型计算设备的。小型计算机技术不断发展, J2ME的配置文件的发展也是一个持续的过程。 配置文件已被界定为编写文本。这些即是Foundation pro Pro,PDA personal pro pro basis profile,和RMI personal profile。 基础配置文件是用来做CDC和配置的,而这种配置文件或CDC几乎是所有其他的配置文件与CDC的核心,因为配置的基础个人资料包含核
11、心的Java类。 Game Profile也可以用来与CDC配置,并包括为开发游戏申请任何一个小的计算设备的使用,和CDC的配置所必要的类。移动信息设备配置文件( MIDP)是用来与cldc 配置和包含的类别提供本地的存储空间,用户界面,和联网能力,从而使应用程序运行在一个移动计算装置,例如Palm OS的设备。 MIDP即是使用无线Java应用程序。 pdapro)是用来实现cldc配置,并包含个人数字助理类所需要的先进的资源。相对于MIDP的移动设备(如手机),这些先进的功能包括更好的显示和较大的内存,比类似的资源。 Personal profile是用来供CDC的配置和foundatio
12、n profile(基础配置文件),并含有实现一项复杂的用户界面类。Personal profile提供的核心类,及personal提供一种类,用以实施一个先进的用户界面,也就是说一个用户界面,是能够显示多个窗口的。 personal basis profile是和personal profile类似的,因为它是用来为CDC配置的。然而,personal basis profile提供类所实施的一个简单的用户界面,这是在一段时间内用户接口所在地能够显示的一个窗口。 随着小型计算设备的继续发展,有可能会出现更多的文件。业集团是Java Community Process计划( java.sun
13、/ aboutjava / communityprocess )定义的配置文件。该集团各组确立了标准配置文件所使用的小型计算设备制造行业的标准。 acdc的personal profile是指通过扩大后的核心Java类中发现的专门针对一类的小型计算设备basis profile与类。这些装置的具体类,装载于一个新的配置文件中,使开发人员能够利用这些设备开发一些应用程序。但是,如果foundation profile 是特定CDC的,而不是所有的配置文件的,是在foundation personal profile是扩大后的核心类。请记住,应用程序可以访问的一小型电脑设备的软件和硬体功能,只有当
14、必要的类,这样做是载于JVM和在配置文件所用的开发的需要。J2ME和无线设备随着手机等无线设备的大量出现和功能的逐渐完善,对运行在这样的设备上的软件的要求量也越来越大。消费者和企业都要扩大移动通信设备的功能,使其从传统的语音通信过渡到类似于笔记本电脑和个人电脑的功能,使他们可以传送和接收电子邮件,存储和检索的个人资料,执行精密的计算,和玩游戏。 开发商,移动通信设备制造商,和移动网络供应商现正急欲填补这方面的需求,但有是一个严重的障碍:移动通信设备利用许多不同的应用平台和经营调整代码,为一设备开发的代码将无法运行在另一个设备上。移动通信设备缺乏一个标准的应用平台及作业系统,这使得应用开发移动通
15、信设备,促进经济发展有些冒险。 缺乏标准,就是没有新的计算或任何技术开发。 在传统意义上,硬件设备制造商的尝试产品遍及市场,并执行他们的自己的专有标准作为事实上的业界的标准。许多暴发户成功的情况和微软一样。其他时候,业界领袖则组成一个财团,例如Java Community Process计划,集体制定一种标准。 无线应用协议(WAP)行动网际网路论坛成为初步创建无线技术标准的产业集团。WAP 论坛创造了移动通信设备标准,被称为thewap标准。 thewap标准是一个提高的HTML,XML的,和TCP / IP 的一个组成部分,这个标准是无线标记语言规范而组成的,融合了HTML和XML。wml
16、script 是一种剥夺式版本的JavaScript。J2ME applications J2ME的应用程序称为MIDlet几乎可以运行在任何实现了JVM和MIDP移动通信设备上。这鼓励开发商投资时间和金钱在建设移动通信设备上,而不需要担心该应用是设备依赖的风险。不过,J2ME是不会被视为更换为WAP的规格,因为两者都是互补的技术。开发商的申请是根据客户要求的基础继续使用wml和wmlscript 。开发商转向J2ME的较重的客户,需要对移动通信设备进行复杂的处理。 作者:迈克詹姆斯Java 2 Micro Edition and the World of Java1 Introduction
17、 The computer revolution of the 1970s increased the demand for sophisticated computer software to take advantage of the ever-increasing capacity of computers to process data. The C programming language became the linchpin that enabled programmers to build software that was just as robust as the comp
18、uter it ran on.As the 1980s approached, programmers were witnessing another spurt in the evolution of programming language. Computer technology advanced beyond the capabilities of the C programming language. The problem wasnt new. It occurred previously and caused the demise of generations of progra
19、mming languages. The problem was that programs were becoming too complicated to design, write, and manage to keep up with the capabilities of computers. It was around this time that a design concept based on Simula 67 and Smalltalk (from the late 1960s) moved programming to the next evolutionary ste
20、p. This was the period when object-oriented programming (OOP), and with it a new programming language called C+, took programmers by storm.In 1979, Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Laboratories in New Jersey enhanced the C programming language to include object-oriented features. He called the language C+.
21、 (The + is the incremental operator in the C programming language.) C+ is truly an enhancement of the C programming language, and it began as a preprocessor language that was translated into C syntax before the program was processed by the compiler.Stroustrup built on the concept of a class (taken f
22、rom Simula 67 and Smalltalk), from which instances of objects are created. A class contains data members and member functions that define an objects data and functionality. He also introduced the concept of inheritance, which enabled a class to inherit some or all data members and member functions f
23、rom one or more other classesall of which complements the concepts of object-oriented programming. By 1988, ANSI officials standardized Stroustrups C+ specification.2 Enter JavaJust as C+ was becoming the language of choice for building industrial-strength applications, another growth spurt in the e
24、volution of programming language was budding, fertilized by the latest disruptive technologythe World Wide Web. The Internet had been a well-kept secret for decades before the National Science Foundation (who oversaw the Internet) removed barriers that prevented commercialization. Until 1991 when it
25、 was opened to commerce, the Internet was the almost exclusive domain of government agencies and the academic community. Once the barrier to commercialization was lifted, the World Wide Webone of several services offered on the Internet became a virtual community center where visitors could get free
26、 information about practically anything and browse through thousands of virtual stores.Browsers power the World Wide Web. A browser translates ASCII text files written in HTML into an interactive display that can be interpreted on any machine. As long as the browser is compatible with the correct ve
27、rsion of HTML and HTTP implementation, any computer running the browser can use the same HTML document without having to modify it for a particular type of computer, which was something unheard of at the time. Programs written in C or C+ are machine dependent and cannot run on a different machine un
28、less the program is recompiled. The success of the Internet gave renewed focus to developing a machine-independent programming language. And the same year the Internet was commercialized, five technologists at Sun Microsystems set out to do just that. James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, ChrisWarth, Ed
29、Frank, and Mike Sheridan spent 18 months developing the programming language they called Oak, which was renamed Java when this new language made its debut in 1995. Java went through numerous iterations between 1991 and 1995, during which time many other technologists at Sun made substantial contribu
30、tions to the language. These included Bill Joy, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne, Frank Yelin, and Tim Lindholm. Although Java is closely associated with the Internet, it was developed as a language for programming software that could be embedded into electronic devices regardless of the type of CPU
31、used by the device. This is known as the Embedded Java platform and is in continuous use today for closed systems.The Java team from Sun succeeded in creating a portable programming language, something that had eluded programmers since computers were first programmed. Their success, however, was far
32、 beyond their wildest dreams. The same concept used to make Java programs portable to electronic devices also could be used to make Java programs run on computers running Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh. Timing was perfect. The Internet/intranet had whetted corporate Americas appetite for cos
33、t-effective, portable programs that could replace mission-critical applications within the corporation. And Java had proven itself as a programming language used to successfully develop machine-independent applications.3 Java Virtual MachineWriting Java programs is similar to writing C+ programs in
34、that the programmer writes source code that contains instructions into an editor, or in an integrated development environment, and then the source code is compiled. However, thats where Java and C+ part ways. The compiling and linking process of a C+ program results in an executable that can be run
35、on an appropriate machine. In contrast, the Java compiler converts Java source code into bytecode that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).Machine-specific instructions are not included in bytecode. Instead, they already reside in the JVM, which is machine specific. This means that the byt
36、ecode might contain fewer instructions that need to be translated than a comparable C+ program.Although the Java compiler generates bytecode that must be interpreted by the JVM at run time, the number of instructions that need translation are usually minimal and have already been optimized by the Ja
37、va compiler.4 Back to the Future: J2MERemember that Java began as a programming language to create programs for embedded systemsmicrocomputers found in consumer and industrial products such as those used to control automobiles and appliances. The development team at Sun worked on Java in the early 1
38、990s to address the programming needs of the fledgling embedded computer market, but that effort was sidetracked by more compelling opportunities presented by the Internet.As those opportunities were addressed, a new breed of portable communications devices opened other opportunities at the turn of
39、the century. Cell phones expanded J 2 M E : The Complete Reference from voice communications devices to voice and text communications devices. Pocket electronic telephone directories evolved into personal digital assistants. Chipmakers were releasing new products at this time that were designed to t
40、ransfer computing power from a desktop computer into mobile small computers that controlled gas pumps, cable television boxes, and an assortment of other appliances.The time was right for the next evolution of Java. However, instead of beefing up Java with additional APIs, the team at Sun, along wit
41、h the Java Community Process Program, dismantled both the Java programming language and the Java Virtual Machine. They stripped down Java APIs and the JVM to the minimum coding required to provide intelligence to embedded systems and microcomputer devices. This was necessary because of resource cons
42、traints imposed upon the hardware design of these devices. The result of their efforts is J2ME. J2ME is a reduced version of the Java API and Java Virtual Machine that is designed to operate within the sparse resources available in the new breed of embedded computers and microcomputers.5 How J2ME Is
43、 Organized Traditional computing devices use fairly standard hardware configurations such as a display, keyboard, mouse, and large amounts of memory and permanent storage. However, the new breed of computing devices lacks hardware configuration continuity among devices. Some devices dont have a disp
44、lay, permanent storage, keyboard, or mouse. And memory availability is inconsistent among small computing devices. The lack of uniform hardware configuration among the small computing devices poses a formidable challenge for the Java Community Process Program, which is charged with developing standa
45、rds for the JVM and the J2ME for small computing devices. J2ME must service many different kinds of small computing devices, including screenphones, digital set-top boxes used for cable television, cell phones, and personal digital assistants. The challenge for the Java Community Process Program is
46、to develop a Java standard that can be implemented on small computing devices that have nonstandard hardware configurations. The Java Community Process Program has used a twofold approach to addressing the needs of small computing devices. First, they defined the Java run-time environment and core c
47、lasses that operate on each device. This is referred to as the configuration. A configuration defines the Java Virtual Machine for a particular small computing device. There are two configurations, one for handheld devices and the other for plug-in devices. Next, the Java Community Process Program d
48、efined a pro categories of small computing devices. A pro of classes that enable developers to implement features found on a related group of small computing devices.6 J2ME configurationsThere are two configurations for J2ME as of this writing. These are Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC)
49、 and the Connected Device Configuration (CDC). The CLDC is designed for 16-bit or 32-bit small computing devices with limited amounts of memory.CLDC devices usually have between 160KB and 512KB of available memory and are battery powered. They also use an inconsistent, small-bandwidth network wireless connection and may not have a user int