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1、结束计算重建图像和原图的性噪比,并进行输出用函数ifanbeam根据扇束投影数据重建图像,并展示用函数fanbeam进行映射,得到扇束的数据,并展示对图片信息进行预处理,并进行展示输入图片数字选择生成128的图片信息程序流图:MATLAB 源码:clc;clear all;close all;% load mri %载入mri数据,是matlab自带库% ph = squeeze(D); %压缩载入的数据D,并赋值给phph = phantom3d(128);prompt=Enter the Piece num(1 to 128):; %提示信息“输入1到27的片的数字”name=Input

2、number; %弹出框名称defaultanswer=1; %默认数字numInput=inputdlg(prompt,name,1,defaultanswer) %弹出框,并得到用户的输入信息P= squeeze(ph(:,:,str2num(cell2mat(numInput);%将用户的输入信息转换成数字,并从ph中得到相应的片信息Pimshow(P) %展示图片PD = 250; %将D赋值为250,是从扇束顶点到旋转中心的像素距离。dsensor1 = 2; %正实数指定扇束传感器的间距2F1 = fanbeam(P,D,FanSensorSpacing,dsensor1); %通

3、过P,D等计算扇束的数据值dsensor2 = 1; %正实数指定扇束传感器的间距1F2 = fanbeam(P,D,FanSensorSpacing,dsensor2); %通过P,D等计算扇束的数据值dsensor3 = 0.25 %正实数指定扇束传感器的间距0.25F3, sensor_pos3, fan_rot_angles3 = fanbeam(P,D,.FanSensorSpacing,dsensor3); %通过P,D等计算扇束的数据值,并得到扇束传感器的位置sensor_pos3和旋转角度fan_rot_angles3figure, %创建窗口imagesc(fan_rot_a

4、ngles3, sensor_pos3, F3) %根据计算出的位置和角度展示F3的图片colormap(hot); %设置色图为hotcolorbar; %显示色栏xlabel(Fan Rotation Angle (degrees) %定义x坐标轴ylabel(Fan Sensor Position (degrees) %定义y坐标轴output_size = max(size(P); %得到P维数的最大值,并赋值给output_sizeIfan1 = ifanbeam(F1,D, . FanSensorSpacing,dsensor1,OutputSize,output_size); %

5、根据扇束投影数据F1及D等数据重建图像figure, imshow(Ifan1) %创建窗口,并展示图片Ifan1title(图一);disp(图一和原图的性噪比为:);result=psnr1(Ifan1,P);Ifan2 = ifanbeam(F2,D, . FanSensorSpacing,dsensor2,OutputSize,output_size); %根据扇束投影数据F2及D等数据重建图像figure, imshow(Ifan2) %创建窗口,并展示图片Ifan2disp(图二和原图的性噪比为:);result=psnr1(Ifan2,P);title(图二);Ifan3 = i

6、fanbeam(F3,D, . FanSensorSpacing,dsensor3,OutputSize,output_size); %根据扇束投影数据F3及D等数据重建图像figure, imshow(Ifan3) %创建窗口,并展示图片Ifan3title(图三);disp(图三和原图的性噪比为:);result=psnr1(Ifan3,P);function p,ellipse=phantom3d(varargin)%PHANTOM3D Three-dimensional analogue of MATLAB Shepp-Logan phantom% P = PHANTOM3D(DEF,

7、N) generates a 3D head phantom that can % be used to test 3-D reconstruction algorithms.% DEF is a string that specifies the type of head phantom to generate.% Valid values are: % Shepp-Logan A test image used widely by researchers in% tomography% Modified Shepp-Logan (default) A variant of the Shep

8、p-Logan phantom% in which the contrast is improved for better % visual perception.% N is a scalar that specifies the grid size of P.% If you omit the argument, N defaults to 64.% P = PHANTOM3D(E,N) generates a user-defined phantom, where each row% of the matrix E specifies an ellipsoid in the image.

9、 E has ten columns,% with each column containing a different parameter for the ellipsoids:% Column 1: A the additive intensity value of the ellipsoid% Column 2: a the length of the x semi-axis of the ellipsoid % Column 3: b the length of the y semi-axis of the ellipsoid% Column 4: c the length of th

10、e z semi-axis of the ellipsoid% Column 5: x0 the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid% Column 6: y0 the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid% Column 7: z0 the z-coordinate of the center of the ellipsoid% Column 8: phi phi Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about z-axis)% Column 9: thet

11、a theta Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about x-axis)% Column 10: psi psi Euler angle (in degrees) (rotation about z-axis)% For purposes of generating the phantom, the domains for the x-, y-, and % z-axes span -1,1. Columns 2 through 7 must be specified in terms% of this range.% P,E = PHANTOM3D(.

12、) returns the matrix E used to generate the phantom.% Class Support% All inputs must be of class double. All outputs are of class double.% Remarks% For any given voxel in the output image, the voxels value is equal to the% sum of the additive intensity values of all ellipsoids that the voxel is a %

13、part of. If a voxel is not part of any ellipsoid, its value is 0. % The additive intensity value A for an ellipsoid can be positive or negative;% if it is negative, the ellipsoid will be darker than the surrounding pixels.% Note that, depending on the values of A, some voxels may have values outside

14、% the range 0,1.% Example% ph = phantom3d(128);% figure, imshow(squeeze(ph(64,:,:)% Copyright 2019 Matthias Christian Schabel (matthias stanfordalumni . org)% University of Utah Department of Radiology% Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research% 729 Arapeen Drive% Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1218% This

15、 code is released under the Gnu Public License (GPL). For more information, % see : % Portions of this code are based on phantom.m, copyrighted by the Mathworksellipse,n = parse_inputs(varargin:);p = zeros(n n n);rng = ( (0:n-1)-(n-1)/2 ) / (n-1)/2); x,y,z = meshgrid(rng,rng,rng);coord = flatten(x);

16、 flatten(y); flatten(z);p = flatten(p);for k = 1:size(ellipse,1) A = ellipse(k,1); % Amplitude change for this ellipsoid asq = ellipse(k,2)2; % a2 bsq = ellipse(k,3)2; % b2 csq = ellipse(k,4)2; % c2 x0 = ellipse(k,5); % x offset y0 = ellipse(k,6); % y offset z0 = ellipse(k,7); % z offset phi = ellip

17、se(k,8)*pi/180; % first Euler angle in radians theta = ellipse(k,9)*pi/180; % second Euler angle in radians psi = ellipse(k,10)*pi/180; % third Euler angle in radians cphi = cos(phi); sphi = sin(phi); ctheta = cos(theta); stheta = sin(theta); cpsi = cos(psi); spsi = sin(psi); % Euler rotation matrix

18、 alpha = cpsi*cphi-ctheta*sphi*spsi cpsi*sphi+ctheta*cphi*spsi spsi*stheta; -spsi*cphi-ctheta*sphi*cpsi -spsi*sphi+ctheta*cphi*cpsi cpsi*stheta; stheta*sphi -stheta*cphi ctheta; % rotated ellipsoid coordinates coordp = alpha*coord; idx = find(coordp(1,:)-x0).2./asq + (coordp(2,:)-y0).2./bsq + (coord

19、p(3,:)-z0).2./csq = 1); p(idx) = p(idx) + A;endp = reshape(p,n n n);return;function out = flatten(in)out = reshape(in,1 prod(size(in);return;function e,n = parse_inputs(varargin)% e is the m-by-10 array which defines ellipsoids% n is the size of the phantom brain imagen = 128; % The default sizee =

20、;defaults = shepp-logan, modified shepp-logan, yu-ye-wang;for i=1:nargin if ischar(varargini) % Look for a default phantom def = lower(varargini); idx = strmatch(def, defaults); if isempty(idx) eid = sprintf(Images:%s:unknownPhantom,m); msg = Unknown default phantom selected.; error(eid,%s,msg); end

21、 switch defaultsidx case shepp-logan e = shepp_logan; case modified shepp-logan e = modified_shepp_logan; case yu-ye-wang e = yu_ye_wang; end elseif numel(varargini)=1 n = varargini; % a scalar is the image size elseif ndims(varargini)=2 & size(varargini,2)=10 e = varargini; % user specified phantom

22、 else eid = sprintf(Images:%s:invalidInputArgs,m); msg = Invalid input arguments.; error(eid,%s,msg); endend% ellipse is not yet definedif isempty(e) e = modified_shepp_logan;endreturn;% Default head phantoms: %function e = shepp_logane = modified_shepp_logan;e(:,1) = 1 -.98 -.02 -.02 .01 .01 .01 .0

23、1 .01 .01;return;function e = modified_shepp_logan% This head phantom is the same as the Shepp-Logan except % the intensities are changed to yield higher contrast in% the image. Taken from Toft, 199-200.% A a b c x0 y0 z0 phi theta psie = 1 .6900 .920 .810 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.8 .6624 .874 .780 0 -.0184 0

24、0 0 0 -.2 .1100 .310 .220 .22 0 0 -18 0 10 -.2 .1600 .410 .280 -.22 0 0 18 0 10 .1 .2100 .250 .410 0 .35 -.15 0 0 0 .1 .0460 .046 .050 0 .1 .25 0 0 0 .1 .0460 .046 .050 0 -.1 .25 0 0 0 .1 .0460 .023 .050 -.08 -.605 0 0 0 0 .1 .0230 .023 .020 0 -.606 0 0 0 0 .1 .0230 .046 .020 .06 -.605 0 0 0 0 ;retu

25、rn;function e = yu_ye_wang% Yu H, Ye Y, Wang G, Katsevich-Type Algorithms for Variable Radius Spiral Cone-Beam CT% A a b c x0 y0 z0 phi theta psie = 1 .6900 .920 .900 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.8 .6624 .874 .880 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.2 .4100 .160 .210 -.22 0 -.25 108 0 0 -.2 .3100 .110 .220 .22 0 -.25 72 0 0 .2 .2100 .2

26、50 .500 0 .35 -.25 0 0 0 .2 .0460 .046 .046 0 .1 -.25 0 0 0 .1 .0460 .023 .020 -.08 -.65 -.25 0 0 0 .1 .0460 .023 .020 .06 -.65 -.25 90 0 0 .2 .0560 .040 .100 .06 -.105 .625 90 0 0 -.2 .0560 .056 .100 0 .100 .625 0 0 0 ;return;% func计算两幅图像的psnr值function result=psnr1(in1,in2)z=mse(in1,in2);result=10*log10(255.2/z)% plot(result)function z=mse(x,y)if ndims(x)=3 x=rgb2gray(x);endif ndims(y)=3 y=rgb2gray(y);endx=double(x);y=double(y);m1,n1=size(x);m2,n2=size(y);m=min(m1,m2);n=min(n1,n2);z=0;for i=1:m for j=1:n z=z+(x(i,j)-y(i,j).2; endendz=z/(m*n);第 16 页


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