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1、焊接施工方案 Welding Construction Method一、工程概述 General本工程共有碳钢管道7581m,碳钢管道焊接是本工程施工的重点,直接影响施工质量的好坏,所以我们应高度重视,保证工程的施工质量。Carbon steel piping in this project is 7581 meter long, so welding work for carbon steel piping is one of the most important work in the construction. We will pay high attention on this, to

2、 guarantee quality of this project.二、本工程采用施工规范 Standards and Codes现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范GB 50236-98 Code for construction and acceptance of field equipment, industrial pipe welding engineering钢熔化焊对接接头射线照相和质量分级GB3323-87Radiography and quality grade of fusion weld三、焊接准备 Preparation施工前根据该项目的材质,规格及焊接方法,提供

3、合格的焊接工艺评定报告。According to material, specifications and wielding method in this project, it is necessary to provide WPS and PQR.以合格的焊接工艺评定为依据,编制焊接作业指导书,指导焊工现场焊接作业。Based on WPS and PQR, welding operation instructions can be made out, which guide site welding works.凡参与管道焊接的焊工,应参加业主举行的焊工进场前考试,并应取得所施工范围内和

4、质量技术监督部门及业主认可的合格资格。Before welders start to work, they shall take part in qualification examination by the owner, and shall pass the examination.取得施焊资格的焊工,在施焊过程中,应按批准的焊接工艺进行焊接。Welders who pass qualification examination shall carry out approved welding process during their welding.建立施工现场焊条二级库,二级库内包括焊条

5、堆放架、焊条烘箱、焊条恒温箱、温度计、湿度计及焊条烘烤、领用、发放及回收制度等。且派专人负责二级库工作。Welding rods secondary warehouse shall be set up at site, in the storage, it is necessary to prepare welding rods laydown shelves, rod dryer, rods constant-temperature box, temperature meter, humidity meter, rods drying record, issuing record and r

6、ecycle regulation, etc. special person shall be response for it.施工用电焊机、砂轮机等机具经检验合格。Welding machine, grinder and plasma cutter shall be in good condition and shall be inspected.焊条选用符合国家及行业规范规定,焊接材料应提供焊材质量说明书,其提供的化学成分,力学性能等指标应符合有关标准的要求,外观不得有锈蚀等缺陷,不合格的产品不能使用。Welding rod shall be in accordance with rele

7、vant state standard and codes, welding material shall have quality proof with chemical content and mechanical properties, etc. and its visual quality shall be qualified with out defects like rust.焊条在使用前应按规定进行烘干,并应在使用过程中保持干燥,焊条药皮不得脱落,不得有锈斑和明显的裂纹。Before welding, welding rod and wire shall be dried as

8、per specification, and keep it in dry status during welding, wire shall be free oil and free rust, etc., welding drug shall be not off, shall have not rust and obvious crack.四、焊条选用及管理 Welding Rod Selection and Control焊条选用J422 Welding Rod J422焊条烘烤时间及温度表 Welding Electrode Drying Time and Temperature T

9、able焊条类别 rod cata.烘干温度dry恒温时间constant temperature time (h)低氢型LH2002钛钙型Ti-Ca1501焊条烘烤及管理 Welding Electrode Drying and Control二级库内不得有有害气体和腐蚀性介质,放置焊条的架子离地高度及离墙距离不小于300mm,库房内温度保持不低于0,相对湿度不能大于60。It is forbidden to have poisonous gas or corrosive medium in rod secondary warehouse, rod shelves shall be 300m

10、m far from ground and wall, rod storage room temperature shall be not less than 0,relative humidity shall be not more than 60%.根据焊条二级库制度建立焊条入库、烘烤、发放、回收及报废等台帐。As per secondary rod warehouse regulation and rules, documentation like rod warehousing record, dry record, issue record and recycle record an

11、d waste record shall be prepared.领用后焊条放置保温筒内,超过4小时应重新回收烘干,重烘次数不超过二次。After rods issued, they shall be put into insulation cylinder, if over 4 hours in air, it shall be re-drying, and re-dry times shall be not over 2 times.五、坡口准备及管道组对 Groove Preparation and Piping Fit-up焊缝的坡口形式和尺寸应符合设计文件和焊接作业指导书的规定。当设

12、计无规定时,管道对接V型坡口见下图:Weld groove type and size shall be as per design and welding operation instructions. If no specified, piping butt-weld V type groove can be as follows:+5 60 -0 1-1.5mm 2mm不同厚度的管道坡口及组对见下图: piping groove and fit-up for different thick pipes as follows: 21 2 1 10mm 2 1152115 5 451 1.5

13、145 15 1 45 2 1竣工验收防腐保温冲洗、吹扫管道试验管线检查支架预制阀门试压现场预安装检验返修下料、开坡口除锈、防腐败材料检验材料检验绘制单线图领 料组对、点焊焊口焊接二次灌浆 2 110mm内壁尺寸不相等 not equal for inside size 15 1 2 2 1 10mm 1.51 1152115 5 451 1.5145 15 1 45 2 1竣工验收防腐保温冲洗、吹扫管道试验管线检查支架预制阀门试压现场预安装检验返修下料、开坡口除锈、防腐败材料检验材料检验绘制单线图领 料组对、点焊焊口焊接二次灌浆 2 1 2 110mm外壁尺寸不相等 not equal fo

14、r outside size 1152115 5 451 1.5145 15 1 45 2 1竣工验收防腐保温冲洗、吹扫管道试验管线检查支架预制阀门试压现场预安装检验返修下料、开坡口除锈、防腐败材料检验材料检验绘制单线图领 料组对、点焊焊口焊接二次灌浆 内外壁尺寸均不相等 not equal for inside and outside sizes 2 1 3051.51 2 1 10mm内壁尺寸不相等的削薄 thinning for not equal inside size焊接坡口如果采用热加工方法,如火焰成形的坡口,必须除去坡口的氧化皮、熔渣、割痕,并将凹凸不平处打磨平整,对于淬硬倾向较

15、大的管材,应将其热影响区磨去,坡口表面及两侧应将水分、铁锈、油污等有害杂质清理干净。If weld groove were treated by hot working, e.g.: groove shaped by flame. Oxide skin, sinter, score shall be removed first, also accidented surface shall be rubdown. For the piping which with high hardenability characteristics, heat-affected zone shall be ru

16、bbed out, water, rust and oil soil around groove surface & sides shall be cleaned.为减少焊接接头的应力与变形,不得用强行方法组对焊口。In order to reduce stress and deformation of welding joints, fitting-up by forcing is forbidden.管子或管件对接焊缝组对时,内壁应齐平,内壁错边量不宜超过管壁厚度的10%,且不应大于2mm。when fit up pipe and fittings, insides shall be sm

17、ooth and flat, insides offset shall be not more than 10% of thicker wall pipe, and not over 2mm.六、管道焊接 Piping Welding焊接 Welding of CS 焊接采用手工电弧焊。Manual electrical arc welding are applicable.施焊现场必须采取防风、防雨措施,风速大于8m/s时,不允许施电弧焊。施焊环境温度不得低于0。Protection measures for wind and raining shall be taken, when win

18、d velocity 8m/s, electrical arc weliding is forbidden. And welding environmental temperature shall be not lower 0.点焊前,应检查对口尺寸,符合要求后才准点焊,点焊前必须把管件垫置牢固,避免强行组对,防止产生附加应力而导致裂纹。Before spot welding, weld seam size shall be checked again, after qualified, it can be done, and piping fittings shall fixed, to a

19、void fitting-up by forcing.坡口定位焊应采用与正式焊接相同的焊接工艺,并由合格焊工施焊。定位焊点应分布均匀,一般不少于2-3点,长度宜为10-15mm,分布均匀,不超过壁厚的2/3。 Groove tack welding shall use same welding process as formal welding, which shall be performed by qualified welders. Tack welding points shall be uniform, generally not less than 2-3 points, leng

20、th shall be 10-15mm, allocating symmetrically, not over 2/3 of pipe wall thickness.定位焊缝应能保证焊透及熔合良好,且无气孔,夹渣等缺陷。Tack welding seam shall be in good condition, shall be free porosity and slag defects.为保证底层焊道成型良好,减少应力集中,定位焊缝应平稳过渡到母材且应将焊缝两端打磨成缓坡。In order to ensure root pass forming in good condition, stre

21、ss concentration shall be reduced, tack welding seam shall be stably leading to base metal, and welds both ends shall be grinded to flat slop.除工艺或检验要求需分次焊成外,每条焊缝应一次连续焊完,否则再次施焊前,对焊道加以预热。Every weld shall be done at one time except special required, otherwise, welding pass needs to be heating.焊件表面严禁电弧擦

22、伤,且不得在焊件表面上引熄弧。Welding piece surface is forbidden to be hurt, and not allowable to conduct arc in welding piece surface.焊接中应确保起弧和收弧的质量,收弧时应将弧坑填满,多层多道焊层间接头应错开。During welding, conduct arc and end arc quality shall be ensured, ending arc shall fill arc pit fully, multi when pass courses welding, joints

23、 shall be offset.当采用多层多道焊时,应将前道焊缝清理干净,经确认无缺陷后,方可再焊下一道。For multi-passes welding, previous pass shall be clean, after no defect found, next pass can be welded.焊缝应平滑过渡到母材,并将焊缝两端磨削成斜坡。Welds shall be leading up to base metal in flat, and weld tow ends need to be grinded to be slop.与母件焊接的工卡具,其材质应与母材相同,并在拆

24、除工卡具时,不应损伤母材并将残留在母材上的焊疤打磨修正至母材齐平。Clamps jointing with base metal, its material shall be as same as base metal, when remove it, shall be not damage base metal, and remaining burr shall be grinded up to base metal height.焊缝焊完后,应将焊缝边缘清理干净,经确认无缺陷后,应在焊缝附近用记号笔写下焊口标记,包括焊口号、焊工号等。After welding seam, welds ne

25、arby area shall be cleaned, after no defect found, shall write weld identification, including weld joint No. and welder No.七、焊接检查 Welding Inspection焊接前检查Check before Welding工程使用的母材及焊接材料,必须按规范标准进行验收,不合格者不得使用。Base metal and welding material shall be done with acceptance as per standard and code, unqua

26、lified can not be used.组对前应对各零部件的主要结构尺寸,坡口尺寸,坡口表面进行检查。Before fitting-up, every element major structure size, groove size and groove surface shall be inspected.焊接前应检查坡口及坡口两侧的清理质量。Before welding, groove and its both sides shall be inspected for cleaning quality.焊接前检查施焊条件是否与规定的工艺条件相符,焊接工装设备。焊接材料的干燥及清理,

27、确认其符合要求。Before welding, shall check if welding condition is conformity with specified process condition, if welding equipment and welding material drying and cleaning are conformity with relevant requirement.八、焊接中间检查 Inspection during Welding定位焊缝焊完后,应清除渣皮进行检查,对发现的缺陷应去除后方可进行焊接。After tack welding fini

28、shed, shall remove drug skin, if found defects remedied, welding can be done.多层焊每层焊完后,应立即对层间进行清理,并进行外观检查,发现缺陷消除后方可进行下一层的焊接。After every pass of multi-passes finished, inter-pass shall be cleaned immediately, and do visual observation, if found defects removed, next pass welding can be done. 对中断焊接的焊缝,

29、继续焊接前应清理并检查,消除发现的缺陷后方可施焊。For intercropped welding seam, before continuing welding, shall clean it and check it again, if remedy found defects, welding can be done.九、焊接后检查 Inspection after Welding焊缝应在焊完后立即去除渣皮、飞溅物,清理干净焊缝表面,然后进行焊缝外观检查。外形检查应外形成型美观,无咬边、裂纹、未熔合、气孔、夹渣、飞溅等缺陷。焊缝余高应满足规范要求。After welding, shall

30、 remove slag skin, spatter immediately from weld, and clean weld surface, and then do weld visual observation. in visual observation, configuration shall be in good condition, no undercut, no crack, no insufficient fusion, no porosity, no slag inclusion and no spatter, etc. defects. Weld excess shal

31、l be as per relevant requirement of standard and codes.管道无损检测率应按设计要求进行,无设计规定,则按SH3501-2002中表10“焊接接头射线检测百分率及合格等级”执行。Piping NDT inspection ratio shall be as per relevant design requirement, if no design specified, it shall be as per SH3501-2002 table 10.射线照相检验应符合现行国家标准压力容器无损检测JB 4730-94的规定。X-ray testi

32、ng shall be as per current GB JB4730-94.射线照相质量应达到级合格。As per relevant NDT specification, it shall be reach Grade.无损检测应由第三方具有无损检测资格的单位进行。NDT shall be performed by the third party with qualification of NDT.十、焊口返修 Repair for Weld凭焊缝返修通知单,通知施焊单位办理返修事宜,返修后,检查返修部位外观质量,直接将原焊缝返修单转回,再复探,出现第三次及其以上返修情况时,技术人员应编制

33、返修方案,经本单位技术总负责人批准后实施。By weld repair notification sheet, welding crew is informed to do repair issue, after repaired, first to check visual quality for repaired location, return repair notification, NDT again, if repair for same location up to or over 3 times, engineer shall make out repair scheme, a

34、fter technical chief engineer approved, then do repair. 焊缝返修前,需将不合格焊缝的缺陷清除干净,必要时可采用表面探伤确认,同时应对缺陷产生的原因进行分析,并提出改进措施后,方可按原施焊工艺进行补焊。Before repair, defects shall be remedied for unqualified weld, if necessary, PT can be done to confirm. 需补焊部位,采用角向砂轮机打磨成宽度均匀,表面平整,便于施焊的凹槽且两端具有一定的坡度。For the location need to

35、 repair welding, angular grinder can be used to grind it uniform and flat with certain slop, in order to do welding.焊缝同一部位的返修,不宜超过三次,超次返修时应分析原因,制定措施。经焊接技术负责人审批后,方可进行返修并做好记录。Repair for same weld location, it can not be over 3 times, if over above times, shall analyze reason, make out measures, after

36、welding chief engineer reviewed and approved, then do repair and make record.十一、焊接资料整理 Documentation for Welding 焊接过程中应有施工记录,最后整理出来的资料应为三部分,第一部分为管道单线图,第二部分为焊接记录,第三部分为无损检测报告及焊后热处理及硬度测试报告等。内容包括焊缝编号、焊工号、焊接位置、无损检测方法、返修焊缝位置、扩探焊缝位置、热处理焊缝位置及硬度试验的焊缝编号等可追溯性标识。Construction record shall be done during welding,

37、 final documentation shall be 3 parts, the first part is piping isometric drawing, the 2nd part is welding record, the 3rd part shall be NDT report, post-welding heating treatment report and hardness testing report, etc., including weld number, welder number, welding location, NDT method, weld repai

38、r location, enlarged NDT weld location, heating treatment weld location and hardness testing weld number, etc. traceability identifications.说明杭州嘉意德科技有限公司是由业内资深人士新兴组建而成。主营项目:为建筑行业信息化应用提供一系列解决方案,业务方向为两大块:1,行业性站点( “好创意,好品德”一直是公司倡导的人文文化。我们注重人品,即:好品德;注重员工品味,尊重员工创意,即:好创意。您可能对下面产品会感兴趣: 工程竣工资料制作与管理软件 临时用电设计计算软件 施工安全验算软件 标书制作与管理软件 网络计划编制制作软件 施工平面图布置软件 电力工程资料软件 高支模架计算软件 建邦监理工程师钢结构工程设计cad图纸及效果图大全别墅设计cad图纸及效果图大全室内装饰模型及效果图大全杭州嘉意德科技有限公司0571-88980586 0571-88192651 13735520851 8-38


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