1、雅思大作文怎么论证说明 在雅思大作文考试中,常常会给出一个固定的观点,要求大家描述对这个观点的看法,并通过一些实际的例子或者论证论据去补充说明,让我们所表达的观点更加充分。那么雅思大作文怎么论证说明呢?接下来我为大家分析一下,希望能帮助大家有效地备考雅思写作。 雅思大作文怎么论证说明 逻辑关系: 题型->结构->观点->句型->词汇 这是什么意思呢?我觉得假如把原来的根据范畴来划分的8大类topics作为起点的话,我很简单被导向去背观点背单词,却真正忘了雅思写作的本质(这是我自己总结的,可能不对,将就一下吧):运用恰当的语言去表达个人的思维逻辑。语言只是协助工具,思维逻
2、辑才是主线和抢分点。 何谓题型?其实雅思写作task2题型一般有三大类:report,argumentation和report + argumentation 的结合体。 Report只有三个要素: 1.Cause 2.Influence 3.Solution 也就是说,要么就是问你这个现象产生的缘由,要么就是这个现象产生了什么样的影响(主动或消极的),要么就是叫你提出解决方案。 通常report类的文体,不会同时出现以上三个要素,只会有一到两个的配搭,即:cause+influence,cause+solution,influence+solution,或只问influence(如下面我写的
3、一篇7分文章,问effects on individuals and societies)。 所以呢,在这种题型底下,它的结构就特别的单一:开头段+ 缘由分析段(一般分析3个缘由)+ 影响分析段(一个列举3个影响)+ 解决方法段(这些解决方法肯定要对应于之前分析的缘由或者影响)+结尾段。这个结构是应当视状况而定(as the case may be)。 Argumentation:一般有三种问法: 1.discuss both views and give your own opinion 2.to what extent do you agree or disagree 3.do you t
4、hink the advantage outweigh the disadvantage 根据我自己的看法的话,其实argumentation就是两种,那就是1 和 2/3(因为2和3可以看成同一类)。 这两种有区分吗?当然有了。你看,问题都不一样(看上去像是废话)。其实这不是一句废话,因为discuss both views and give your own opinion,是要你先分析双方有什么合理之处,然后再给你自己的个人观点。很明显这是须要均衡结构。什么意思?意思是,假如你支持观点1用了三个论点,然后到你支持观点2的时候也得同样用三个论点(想不到的话,憋你也得憋出来!),最终在结尾清
5、楚表达你自己的最终看法。对于这种题型,开头段也是表明观点,例如some people argue./ while others claim that./ I personally believe that. 所以呢,这个文体的结构应当是:开头段(回应题目+表达自己的观点)+ 支持观点1(n个论点)+ 支持观点2(n个论点)+ 结尾段(表明自己的观点)。请留意,这个题型是不能用一面倒的,是不能啊! 至于agree/disagree or advantage/disadvantage 题型,依据考官的推介,最志向的结构是:开头段+让步段+ 支持段(论点1)+ 支持段(论点2)+ 结尾段(表明你自己
6、的观点)。万一想不出让步段,或者时间太紧了来不及让步,可以吗?考官说了,允许便秘,憋不出来也是可以的!也就是说,在这种状况下,可以运用一面倒,而且不影响你拿7分(假如你的目标分数是8分,就当我瞎说吧)。 雅思写作怎样绽开论证 记住三个英文单词explain,extend orexample 你或我总会那么一个时候,想到了一个观点但是不知道怎么论证,或者不知从哪一个点起先论证。其实很简洁,要么你就说为什么这个观点会产生,要么你就说这一观点所产生的影响(主动或消极),要么就举例子说明观点的存在性。无非就是这么三种思索方向。假如一篇文章你有4个观点,只要上述三项各用一两次,文章看起来更加有可信度,句
7、型就自然而然变得有多样性的。 说了那么多,原委跟复习有神马联系呢?这个联系就大咯!题型确定了文章的结构,而结构呢又确定了观点的铺排,观点又反映出个人的思维逻辑关系(中立的,主动的,否定的,因果的,让步的,建议的。这种逻辑关系就确定了你用什么样的句型了,有了句型这个骨架,单词就变得水到渠成,锦上添花了。 在这里,我想说说的记单词方法。其实不特殊,许多人都在用。雅思写作嘛,本身就没有明确的单词表,为什么我们却偏偏要给自己这么大的负担和压力去背单词呢。在背单词时候,肯定要结合topics,结合观点,有一条的脉络。 举个例子,在写what are the influences if the gap b
8、etween the poor and the rich is widening时,我会选择这么一种方式记单词: 贫富悬殊扩大The widening disparity between the rich and the poor 影响influence 两极化 polarize community 激化社会冲突intensify the social conflict 社会对立 social incompatibility 心理问题 induce psychological problem 仇富心理 result in hatred for the wealthy 自卑心理suffer fr
9、om inferior mentality 行为过激 aggressive behaviour 游行protest 罢工strike 剧烈抗议outcry 暴乱riot 反政府反社会 anti-government/ anti-society 发泄不满 give vent to their anger and dissatisfaction 增加犯罪drive up the crime rate 社会不公允 social inequality 更可能获得公共资源have more access to public resources 比其他人更简单获得社会特权acquire special p
10、rivilege over the poor 进一步分化社会,加剧社会仇恨Further polarize the society and fuel social hatred 产生恶性循环 thereby creating a vicious circle 这么记单词的话,思路就会更加清楚,而且避开了为了运用某个大词而妥协了某个观点的做法。重要的是,单词不再是一个孤立的点,而是一条有机的线。这就是我的记单词方式。其实说精确一点,应当说,这就是我编写自己单词库的方法。 我觉得每个人都应当他们自己的单词库。不加思索地背别人的单词库的结果是自己被辐射了,成为了别人单词库的一部分。退一万步说,我觉得
11、我们也应当有这种实力,一种能绕开某个词也能清楚表达自己观点的实力。 说到这,你应当起先变得有信念了,甚至豁然开朗。因为这时候,你的复习安排变得异样的详细和量化了。 复习安排:本人觉得雅思索试之前须要写也许15到20篇雅思写作task2。只有足够的练习才能更好地形成你的写作习惯和写出自己的风格(也就是特性化的模版)。本人考试前是每天写两天篇,假如不自信或者焦虑担心或者更年期症状发作的时候,一天写4篇。而且时间尽可能压缩在3035分钟完成。允许自己每次写完都有时间重新阅读和查漏补缺。其实啊,重点不在写,而是要看看自己理顺了思路没有,熟识了文体没有,阐明白你所想的逻辑没有,用上了应当用上的句型没有.
12、假如有一天(其实也就是两周之后的某一天),你突然发觉,你已经十有八九了,那你就胜利了这是一种未动身先兴奋,未考试先激烈的感觉,这是一种胜利的预兆。 雅思大作文高分需在语言细微环节上多下功夫 怎样写好雅思大作文,拿到高分?须要在语言的细微环节上多留意。 语法和句式方面 雅思大作文通常采纳一般现在时即可,但在陈述详细例证时要依据不同的状况变换时态。一篇长达250词的文章中应当有78个或更多的复合句,即同位语从句;定语从句;表语从句;缘由状语从句等;最好还要有几个倒装句;在一个并不强调由谁来做的动作时建议运用被动语态句。 避开中式思维 雅思作文的评卷人与考生来自完全不同的文化背景,很多考生认为正常的
13、习惯表达法或许是评卷人根本无法理解的,所以要尽量避开中文式的思维方式,学习并带入英文的思维方式。中文是一种比较抽象的语言,习惯于归纳和概括,而英文则是一种比较详细的语言,习惯于演绎和推理,所以在写英文时须要留意句子与句子之间环环相扣的逻辑关系,切不行沿用中文的跳动式思维。除此之外,雅思写作中尽量不要过多涉及“中国特色”的内容,举例子时提到中国的人或者事时,最好能够加以说明,否则那些对中国文化一知半解的“老外”是很难感同身受地了解考生们所要传达的思想。 采纳正时文体和语言 雅思写作是正式文体的写作,因此在用词和格式上须要遵从英文正式文体的要求,比如不行以用缩写,尽量不要运用过于口语化的词语等。
14、雅思写作范文:激励老员工退休 Companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Nowadays, plenty of employees who are more than 55 years old must retire because of company policy; therefore, many people
15、think that the development of a company cannot be separated from the number of young employees. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons. The main reason is that plenty of young employees mean that the company is infused with lots of young blood. With the development
16、of technology, more and more new technological products have been developed. The new generation masters advanced technology and have the energy to exploit. They have learned lots of knowledge in the university; therefore it is definitely useful for the development of companies. Another reason is tha
17、t old employees cannot adapt themselves to the rapid pace. Old employees find it difficult to learn new things rapidly. With their limited physical strength, they are not capable of heavy manual work. So old employees are not a patch on young employees, it means not only intellect but also physical
18、strength. Last but not the least reason is that old employees have already worked for more than half of their lifetime, so they should retire to enjoy life. The old employees have already paid out too much in order to look after their families and careers. So they should pursue their hobbies. In con
19、clusion, old employees shouldnt continue working for themselves. Moreover, advancement of society needs a new generation. 雅思写作范文:国际旅游促进文化了解 Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between peo
20、ple from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? International tourism is booming: millions of tourists go to other countries to explore the outside world. Tourism enhances the mutual understanding between the local people and tourists. Some people hold opposite opinions. They t
21、hink that international tourism causes tension rather than promoting understanding between people from different cultures. The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their own
22、. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy, which may lead to the resentment of the local people. However, I can hardly assent to this idea: the above mentioned rarely happens. In my opinion, international tourism does encourage the understanding between peopl
23、e from different countries. For one thing, without going to see for themselves, people may never know what other countries are really like and thus can be misled by hearsay or films and TV programmes, which, more often than not, are one-sided. For instance, one of my American friends told me that mo
24、st Americans had a strange bias against the Russian people until some young Americans traveled to Russia and saw with their own eyes that the Russians are human beings just like them. Another example is that, with the development of Chinese tourism, people outside China start to realize that Chinese
25、 men no longer have long braids and Chinese womens feet are of normal size now. Secondly, having seen the fine scenery or experienced the rich culture of other countries, tourists will have the desire to develop a good relationship with the locals, which certainly contributes to the understanding be
26、tween them. In conclusion, instead of causing tension, international tourism furthers the understanding of people from different countries. (281 words) 雅思大作文怎么论证说明本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第13页 共13页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页