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1、雅思口语话题part2思路拓展:实用技能 如何用2分钟打动口语考官,跟我学,教你快速反应思路,口吐金莲。下面我给大家带来雅思口语话题part2思路拓展:好用技能. 雅思口语话题part2思路拓展:好用技能 雅思口语part2话题:Describe a practical skill you learned You should say: What it was When you learned it Why you learned it And how you felt about it 都说技多不压身,关于好用技能这个话题,对于多才多艺的考生来说并不是什么大问题,干家务这个不能算技能,考生要

2、尽量明的确用技能的定义,比如会修理电视机算技能,但是煮泡面就不算了,除非你能煮出米其林3星那种级别。因为技能相关的内容要详细,所以技能不能过于简洁,介绍时要说清晰。 技能是什么?什么时候学的,为什么学以及学会之后的感想。 来自小站雅思君的口语话题思路拓展: 作为一个文科生,许多人的印象只是会背文章,当然不,作为一个高校生,我可是多才多艺的,弹钢琴,伴唱这些不算,我有一项好用技能是许多人不会的,那就是砍价,买东西砍价这个技能特别好用,省钱,但是许多人因为羞涩不敢这么做,但是我敢。 好吧,这个技能是2年前跟我妈妈学的,她常常去菜场买菜,跟小贩们讨价还价,比如买鱼送根葱,买鸡蛋送个框,买衣服的时候肯

3、定要从半价还起。当然,这个技能到我这里就变成了谈判技能,我觉得这个技能对我将来的工作很有帮助,一方面谈判是沟通沟通的过程,让对方知道你的需求,同时你也能通过谈判获得好处,比如商务谈判中会须要出让一部分利益来获得对方的信任换取长期合作。当然,谈判也不能一味让步,该出手时就出手,比如收购公司时,在价格上就肯定不能出让太多。 谈判技巧是一个须要积累的过程,很兴奋在2年的时间里,我已经渐渐驾驭了这项技能,虽然我不会用来买菜。 如何提高雅思口语水平 雅思口语考试技巧大放送 雅思口语考试技巧一:改进发音 发音其实就是要你去发出正确的英文读音。 当然,你应当首先要确保你的语调和节奏都是正确的-这不仅仅是关系

4、着各自单独的发音,同时还有他们在一起时候的发音。 改进发音有一个最重要的方法就是练习。 雅思口语考试技巧二:提高流利程度 从根本上来说,流利其实指的是可以毫不费劲地叙述一件事情。 假如一个人在说话的时候比较顺畅连续,少停顿或者是是不停顿,与此同时在说话的时候还没有重复和更改现象,那么这就可以被称为说话流利。 此外,与是否可以正确发音比起来,流利程度往往是与心理因素有着更多的关系的。 要做到流利的话你必需要对自己的词汇量以及还要将每个单词以一种合乎语法的依次组合起来有足够的信念。换句话说, 流利度就是自己能够特别自信地用英语去表达自己。 为了有效增加你的自信和提高流利程度,你必需要通过大量的工作

5、来不断的提高你的词汇量和语法学问。 雅思口语话题:Mirror Do you often look in the mirror? Do you often buy mirrors? Where do you put mirrors? Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration? 1. Do you often look in the mirror? 思路:可以回答常常照镜子,比如臭美一下,或者检查有没有眼屎,不然就丑大了;当然喜爱化浓妆的人,可能得常常照镜子,尤其是大热天和暴雨天,眼线很简单花的。假如有同学说不怎么照镜子,也是可以嗒,比如只有

6、要挤脸上痘痘时才会想到去找别人借一下镜子。 误区:即使平常不怎么照镜子,同学们也要试试进行肯定的扩展,比如上一次照镜子或者无意中路过瞥了一眼是什么时候啦,都是可以的。 语料: look into the mirror 照镜子 every now and then 间或/有时 check my make-up 检查妆容 check my good looks 查看漂亮的外表 check how I look 检查下美不美 hair style 发型 with the help of 在的帮助下 get rid of = remove 去掉 sleepies 眼屎 stick around 粘着

7、be addicted to 沉迷于 get smudged 晕染了 embarrass oneself 丢脸 范例一: Well, sometimes! You know, Im a lady and Ive got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if Ive got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye. 范例二: I guess so. You might not know this, but Im quite a

8、ddicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if Ive got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone. 范例三: Not particularly. You know what, I dont even ow

9、n a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other peoples mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I dont really spend much time looking in some mirrors. 2. Do you often buy mirrors? 思路:不怎么买镜子,我的大部分镜子都是免费的。要么是挚友给的,还有粉饼盒子,它们里面自带镜子的;或者是杂志里面送的赠品。 误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,

10、但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,略微说明一下就行I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror 语料: free gift 赠品 cosmetic products 化妆品 blusher 腮红 foundation powder 粉饼 plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸 范例: Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors Ive got are free, I think.

11、They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping. 3. Where do you put mirrors? 思路:可以根据化妆用的小镜子和放家里的大镜子一起分开讲。小镜子一般随身带,塞在手提包里就好了。放在室内的大镜子一般放在浴室啊,门口都行。但是不敢放一个大镜子在卧房,因为恐怖片看多了,胆怯;也担忧风水。 误区:我们听到题目可能会有些困惑,不知道考官指的是什么镜子。其实这里也没有必要去

12、问考官他或她指的是家里那种大镜子还是小镜子,干脆自己分成两种状况去讲就好啦。 语料: hang on the wall 挂在墙上 hang in the bathroom 挂在浴室 be scared 胆怯 horror films 恐怖片 all those years 这么多年来 avoid doing 避开做 范例: Well, if you mean the baby ones for my make-ups and that, I always just stuff them in my handbag. But when it comes to the bigger mirrors

13、, you know the ones you put in the house, I think I might prefer to have one on my bathroom wall or anywhere else except in my bedroom, cause I would be quite scared. You know, Ive watched too many creepy horror films all those years. 4. Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration? 思路:先回答yes,然后回

14、答在许多商店都看到他们运用正面的镜子,让整个空间很大。所以自己也要在新的房子里安一个大镜子显得更宽敞。当然大家也可以回答no,说自己家都不用镜子。一般都在等公交车的时候对着车站牌检查发型。 误区:对,大家没有看错,题目就是问镜子是不是一个必需的装饰物。其实可以嗒,大家想想许多商店都用镜子让整个店面显得更大更宽敞,对不对。 语料:appear larger 显得更大 look more spacious 看起来更宽敞 the size of 和一样大 范例: Well, they can be. Ive seen a lot of shops using a massive mirror the

15、 size of a wall and surprisingly that does make the whole place appear twice larger. In fact, I might place some big ones in my new flat to make it look more spacious. 雅思口语话题:History Do you like to learn about history? Do you think history is important? What historical event do you find most interes

16、ting? Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history? 说到历史,我们并不生疏,因为几乎每个人从小就学习历史。According to Wikipedia, History is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. 也就是说,历史是对过去的探讨,尤其是和人相关的探讨。 历史在人类社会的发展过程中,起到至关重要的作用。它告知我们我们是谁,我们来自哪;它让我们穿越时间和空间去思索过去发生了什么,我们从中能学到什么;它使我们更

17、好的了解这个世界。The history plays a vital role in the development of society. It gives us an insight into who we are and where we come from; it helps us stretch our perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and what we can learn from the past; it provides us with a chance t

18、o understand the world. 1. Do you like to learn about history? 这是一道喜爱或者不喜爱类的题目,首先我们来学习一下表达喜爱的语言,题目中的like可以替换成be interested in; be into; be fond of; 或者用I find something interesting.不喜爱除了用dislike以外,还可以替换成hate; loathe; be fed up with; be sick of. 关于这道题,通常状况下,我们会回答喜爱,或者不喜爱。留意,答案尽量以Yes, I do.的形式出现,而不是单独的

19、yes。同时也可以替换成Yes, very much so; Yes, definitely; Yes, absolutely等表达。同样,否定的答案,可以用Not really; Not exactly; 或者是,No, its not my kind of thing来代替。 若该题目的答案是喜爱,那么我们须要在表明倾向后加以说明,通常是给出缘由或例子。除了以上所讲到的历史的作用外,喜爱了解历史的缘由还可以是:The historical events are very interesting(历史事务特别好玩);It can make us wise(使人明智)等。 若回答不喜爱,则也须

20、讲明缘由,或者讲明不喜爱的地方在哪。这里举荐给考生一个加分的表达:to have a love-hate relationship with something,意思是说对某物或是某件事情既爱又恨。回想我们不喜爱历史的缘由,可能更多的是因为我们不喜爱以背诵为主的历史考试,而非我们对历史事务真的不感爱好。(Im more interested in historical stories rather than in details of names, dates and places.) 范例1: Yes, very much so. Id say history is my real love

21、. You know, its easy for me to get lost while reading historical books or watching some documentaries. I find history very interesting, mainly because it helps me stretch my perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and how our ancestors experienced things. 范例2: Well

22、, to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with history, generally because Im much into the stories and the insights it gives me into the past, but Im really struggling in the history exams which are usually centered around dates, names and places. 2. Do you think history is important? 关于这道题目,信

23、任我们大多数考生都会给出确定的回答:历史是重要的。其缘由可以是以下几点: It allows people to understand how culture, politics, economy, society and values developed. (它使得人们了解文化,政治,经济,社会以及价值是如何发展的) History not only deals with the past but also with how the past led to the present. (历史不仅是关于过去,还关于过去如何导致了现在) It tells us what happened in t

24、he past, so that we avoid repeating mistakes. (他告知我们过去发生了什么,以帮助我们避开重复错误) 范例:Yes, I think so. History not only deals with the past, but also with how the past led to the present. So it allows people to understand how culture, politics, society and values developed. More importantly, since it tells us

25、 what happened in the past, we could avoid repeating mistakes. 3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs? 了解历史的方式有许多,比如看电影,读书,看纪录片,参观历史景点,上历史课等。(There are many ways to learn about history, such as watching films, reading books, watching documentaries, visiting historical sites,

26、 and attending history classes. )。至于哪一种才是了解历史最好的方式(the best way to learn history),每个人心中的答案各不相同。 这道题目是问,我们是否可以通过看电影或者电视节目这种方式来了解历史。目前,我们的电影类型有许多,比如comedy(喜剧),action movies(动作片),science fiction films(科幻片),martial arts films(功夫片),romance films(爱情片),war movies(斗争片)等等,至于电视节目,种类更是繁多,常见的有reality shows(真人秀)

27、,talent search(选人才节目),talk shows(谈话类节目),variety shows(文艺晚会),sitcoms(情景喜剧)等等。这些影片或者电视节目多多少少的涉及了一些历史,然而它们的主要目的还是以消遣和教化为主(entertaining and educational),以讲解并描述历史为目的还要属documentaries(纪录片)。 回到题目,这是一道是非疑问类的题目,我们的答案可以是确定的,否定的或者不肯定的。然而通过上面的分析,这道题目回答No或It depends可能更简单一些。缘由可能是有些电影或是电视节目会依据剧情须要对历史进行改编(Some histo

28、rical events might be rewritten by editors to satisfy the plot),每部电影或者电视节目会站在各自不同的角度看待历史,我们简单受电影或节目中人物和剧情的影响(They may show the history from different perspectives, so that we are easy to be influenced by the characters and plots.),因此我们并不总是能够从电影和电视节目中了解到历史,然而记录片除外,因为其涉及的内容主要是历史或科学(Documentaries mainl

29、y deal with history or science)。因此,从纪录片中,我们比较简单了解真正的历史。 范例:It depends. It depends on what the movie or program is. I mean, we usually watch some movies and TV programs in which some historical events are rewritten to satisfy the plots. In this case, I dont think we can learn the real history. Howeve

30、r, we may learn some from documentaries, which are particularly deal with historical issues or science. 4. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history? 同样,这也是一道是非疑问类的题目,无论我们的答案是确定的还是否定的,都须要有充分的支持。例如,这道题目你可以回答是(Yes, I think so; Yes I guess so; Yes sort of),然后在给出理由,可以是网络资源充分,且免费,查

31、阅便利等等(give a convenient access to information on almost everything)。所以你常常到什么样的网站上去阅读什么样的历史学问。 除此之外,你还可以给出否定的答案(No, I dont think so; No, I dont think its necessarily the case.),然后给出缘由,可能是因为网络信息并不总是牢靠或者客观(not always reliable or objective),也可能是因为网络当中充斥着大量的误导或虚假或歪曲的信息(be awash with some misleading or fa

32、lse or distorted information),还有可能是因为网络上信息量过于浩大导致很难找到真正有用牢靠的信息(With so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need)。因此我们应当慎重运用网络信息(be careful in using the information on the internet) 范例1:Yes, I guess so. Its

33、mainly because the Internet gives us a convenient access to information on almost everything we need. So I usually go to some news and education websites to read some information about history or other things. 范例2: Well, I dont think its necessarily the case, mainly because the stuff on the Internet

34、 is not always reliable or objective. You know, everyone can publish their own ideas on the websites so the Internet might be awash with a huge amount of misleading, false or distorted things. In addition, with so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need. So yeah, thats basically why I suppose not. 雅思口语话题part2思路拓展:好用技能本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页


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