1、雅思口语话题范文:最爱的鞋 想要提高雅思口语成果,那么在平常的复习中,就要多练习各种各类的口语话题。练习的多了,可以帮助大家更好的理清思路,在口语考试中有更好的表现。下面是我搜集整理的关于雅思口语话题范文:最爱的鞋的资料,欢迎查阅。 雅思口语话题范文:最爱的鞋 1.Do you like shopping for shoes? It's ok I suppose, but it's not something I especially enjoy doing. You know, for me it's just a matter of finding the righ
2、t shoes and buying them, and the faster I can get it done, the better! 2. How often do you buy shoes? Let me have a little thinkum, I guess probably something like once every few months, cos I mean, the shoes I buy tend to last quite a long time, sometimes even a year or so, before I need to get ano
3、ther pair. So yeah, on average I'd say I buy a couple of pairs a year. Something like that! 3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy? Well, thinking about it, the shoes I normally buy are just plain, simple walking shoes, cos that's all I really need. Oh and I also occasionally buy trainers
4、 for running, but that's pretty much it! Pretty much = more or less. 4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes? Ah, that's an easy one! I much prefer comfortable shoes, cos for me, comfort is definitely the number one priority. But that's not to say I don't care at all
5、 about how they look. I mean, I don't wanna go around wearing shoes that look hideous! You know, that would be pretty embarrassing. But as long as they're ok looking, then that's good enough for me. 5. What kind of shoes do you usually wear? A) I mostly wear flat shoes rather than high h
6、eeled shoes because I find them more comfortable. I also go for shoes that arent lace-ups so that I can slip them on and off whenever I need to. 6. Do you think the type of shoes someone wears reflects their character? A) Yes, I do. People say that first impressions are important and I think that go
7、es for shoes too. If you see a person wearing a worn out pair of shoes, it gives you the impression that they that are sloppy. On the other hand, if you see someone wearing brand name shoes that cost a fortune, you know that the person has plenty of money to splash around and doesnt care about costs
8、. So, shoes can tell you a lot about someones character. 雅思口语Part1答案:Shoes鞋 More than 20 pairs, that's for sure. The sad part is that I think I only wore about 3 or 4 more than half a dozen times. The rest have been worn once or worn not at all. 20多双,确定的。令人难受的是,我觉得只有3、4双鞋我是穿过7、8次的。剩下的鞋我要么只穿过一次,要
9、么根本就一次都没穿过。 2. Where do you shop for shoes? In the shoe shops. I do not and would never consider buying shoes online. I have a high arch and narrow foot, it is necessary for me to try shoes on in the shops. 在鞋店里。我不考虑也恒久不会考虑在网上买鞋。我足弓比较高而且脚比较瘦,能在店里穿上鞋试一下对我来讲是特别必要的。 3. What kinds of shoes do you like?
10、Sensible shoes. I don't go for high heels or flats as both hurt my feet. I will usually go for Crocs because they are quick and easy to put on. The one exception is with my Timberland hiking boots, which are good for wet weather. 舒适度高的鞋子。我不会选择高跟鞋或平底鞋因为它们都会弄疼我的脚。我常常穿Crocs因为穿它们又快又便利。唯一的例外是我的Timber
11、land登山鞋,下雨天特殊适合。 4. Do you like shopping shoes or clothes? Ill go for the latter. I'm a guy and personally believe both for guys and girls that you should be spending more money on clothes than shoes. People don't even look at your shoes that much, people pay more attention to what you wear
12、for clothing considering it takes up about 19/20 of your body. 我选后者。我是个男生,我个人认为不管是男生还是女生都应当把钱花在衣服上而不是鞋上。人们根本不会在你的鞋子上看那么多眼的,鉴于你的整个身体占了19/20的比重,人们更关注的是你穿什么衣服。 5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes? It depends on how much walking and standing you do throughout the day. If you don't do
13、much of either you could probably go with the prettier shoes. If you are up and down from your desk walking or standing a lot you will want to go with the other shoes as your feet will thank you at the end of the day. 这取决于你每天走路和站立的时间有多久。假如你走路和站立的时间都不多,你或许就须要选择美丽的鞋子了。假如你须要走来走去或站立很久你就须要选择另外的那种比较舒适的鞋了,
14、这样一天下来你的脚会感谢你的。 雅思口语Part1话题:聊聊“鞋子 大部分女孩子都是“鞋控”,恨不得每种鞋子都来上一双,所以才造就了那么多琳琅满目的女鞋。记得美剧Sex and the City里的Carrie曾经说过,假如让她在一双鞋子和男人之间做选择,她肯定会选择鞋子,因为它比恋爱更有吸引力。她的一句经典台词是:“I've spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!”可知女人对鞋子的疯狂程度! 女孩子常穿的鞋
15、子种类包括: flats 平底鞋 trainers 运动鞋 oxford shoes牛津鞋; boots 靴子 flip-flops 人字拖 slippers 拖鞋, sandals 凉鞋 wedges 坡跟鞋 high heels 高跟鞋 stilettos(细高跟鞋) 所以假如被问道 “Do you like shoes?” 你可以坚决果断的说: Absolutely! My friends call me “shoes addict” since the number of my shoes surprises them. I have flats, trainers, boots, f
16、lip-flops, slippers, sandals, wedges and a few high heels for special occasions. 老是“likes comfortable shoes”的同学要清晰地告知考官是什么鞋让你觉得舒适: Ballet flats are my first choice , cause they are super comfy. (Ballet flats芭蕾平底鞋,Comfy 是 comfortable 的口语表达,意思是舒适。) 还可以加上鞋子的材质和颜色,让考官觉得你 “has a wide enough vocabulary to
17、 discuss topics at length” 词汇补充:皮-leather 软皮-casting leather 猪皮-pig skin 橡胶-rubber 塑料-plastic 帆布-canvas I bought a pair of oxford shoes recently, they were an impulse buy. The brown leather makes it classic. 最近我一时冲动,买了一双牛津鞋,它的棕色真皮看起来很新颖。 女鞋的款式特殊多,以上的几种款式足以应对口语考试中shoes这个话题。对于男生来说,鞋子可能不那么重要,但是知道以下几个款式
18、的男鞋,是有助于你在这个话题上加分的。 casual shoes休闲鞋 sneakers运动鞋 formal leather shoes正式的皮鞋 loafers 懒人鞋 hiking boots登山靴 (运动鞋英式英语的表达是 trainers,美式英语的表达是 sneakers) I have a quite a few pairs of casual shoes, like sneakers and loafers are must-have. And formal leather shoes is indispensable for special occasions like wed
19、dings and interviews. Whats more, I am really crazy about outdoor activities, and hiking boots allows me to go through any adventures. 火爆雅思口语话题“鞋”怎么回答得高分 这其实不是一个新话题,在以前的考试当中也是三番五次地和考生们见面,而且由于其只是一个part one的话题,所以它涉及的小问题并不是许多,无非也就也许两个方面。 首先,考生们常常被问到的就是与鞋的种类相关的问题。如: What kind of shoes do you like? Do yo
20、u prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes? 其次也就是关于买鞋的问题。如: Do you often buy shoes? How often do you buy shoes? Do you like buying shoes online? Why do some people like buying a lot of shoes? 正所谓花开两朵,咱们各表一枝,先来说说鞋都可以分成什么种类。为此我还特意去某宝上看了一下,看了之后真是懊悔不已啊。缘由很简洁,其中许多中文我都不知道什么意思。船鞋,水手穿的?罗马鞋,角斗士穿的?牛仔靴,确定
21、是牛仔穿的,这毫无疑问。 其实在口语考试中,对于绝大部分考生而言,还真没有必要把鞋做如此专业的分类,我们通常和考官沟通如下几种鞋分类。 1.leather shoe 皮鞋 这个不用过多说明。 2.与皮鞋相近的 dress shoe 其实是特指搭配礼服穿的鞋(男女均可),这个在一些语境下是可以用到的。例如你去参与一个毕业舞会,穿个tuxedo(燕尾服),总不能配AJ球鞋吧。当然了,话说回来西装配球鞋,还真是九十年头港星比较喜爱的搭配。 3.casual shoes / walking shoes 两个都是比较休闲的,适合走路的鞋。相比皮鞋而言,这两者应当是大家更常穿的。例如:canvas sho
22、e 帆布鞋。 4.sneakers 球鞋或者是运动鞋。在现代的语境中,多指篮球鞋,信任这个才是许多年轻考生的最爱。其实许多状况下sneaker前面都会有各种定语,来说明其详细的分类。如:hiking sneakers等。 5.high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋,信任这个词大家都比较熟识。但是low-heeled shoes大家就比较生疏了,其实就是指平底鞋。 6.boots信任大家也了解,就是靴子,这个词前面也常常有肯定的定语。例如:football boots。这就可以说明为什么是金靴奖,而不是金鞋奖。 上面这些鞋的种类,应付part one这个话题其实足够了。当然,假如还不过瘾,还
23、有一些小词大家可以记起来。Lace-up shoes 系鞋带的鞋,loafers 或者是 slip-on shoes 中文俗称“一脚蹬”,athletic shoes 泛指运动鞋,soft-soled shoes软底鞋。 有了上面的词汇做基础,那么下面这几个问题就很简单搞定了。 1.What kind of shoes do you like? 保守一点的答案: I like sneakers. In my culture, youngsters in my age all like sneakers very much. They are quite comfortable, and wea
24、ring them we can do some sports and walk for a long distance. 炫酷一点的答案: Frankly speaking, there is no certain type of shoes that I like most. While shopping for shoes, I like to choose some lace-up shoes, because the tightness of the shoes with shoelaces is adjustable. Besides, the shoe sole must be
25、soft enough, since I do not want to hurt my feet while having a walk for a long distance. 2.Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes? 保守一点的答案: I prefer comfortable ones, if I have to choose. I am a college student now, so what I concern most about my shoes is whether or not they may pinc
26、h my feet or rub my skin. That is why I like to choose some comfortable shoes. 炫酷一点的答案: To be frank, people as smart as me do not need to choose one of these two types, since I can easily buy some shoes that are both comfortable and fashionable. An instance in point is that I always buy some fashion
27、 sneakers, which will never hurt my feet and can readily show my taste of fashion to my friends. 3.Do you often buy shoes? How often do you buy shoes? 保守一点的答案: I buy shoes not really often, like three or four times a year. In fact, I only go shopping for shoes when my old shoes are broken or extreme
28、ly out of fashion. I am a rather frugal person. 炫酷一点的答案: Once I buy some new clothes, I need or I can say I have to buy a pair of new shoes for them. Actually, a pair of shoes is not only what you wear on your feet but it is an essential part for your overall image. A mismatch between the wrong pair
29、 of shoes you choose and the dress you wear can be seen as a disaster. 4.Do you like buying shoes online? 保守一点的答案: Yes, in my mind, buying shoes online is both time- and money- saving. Usually, I like to buy shoes on Taobao, which is the biggest online shopping platform in my country and where I can
30、 always find the shoes that I like. 炫酷一点的答案: Never. What I like to say is shoes are something different from what I often buy online. The reason is that I have to try them on before I pay for them. I need to feel in person whether they are comfortable and whether they rub my skin or pinch my toes. T
31、hat is why I often go to some physical stores to buy shoes. 5.Why do some people like buying a lot of shoes? 保守一点的答案: From my point of view, they buy many pairs of shoes because they need to wear them on different occasions. For example, if they go hiking, they need a pair of hiking boots. And if th
32、ey like to play basketball, of course they need a pair of sneakers. 炫酷一点的答案: First, no matter what reasons they have, they must be rich. What the rich do oftentimes is unaccountable. They may think some limited edition shoes are collectable. That is why in my country some youngsters buy lots of fash
33、ion sneakers. Some other people buy many pairs of shoes simply because they want to match their clothes. They have too much clothes, and surely they do not mind buying a lot of shoes. 雅思口语话题范文:最爱的鞋本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第15页 共15页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页