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1、雅思口语8分素材及范文:Part2团队合作的经历 我们都知道备考雅思口语须要在平常积累多一些素材,并且多多参考别人的优秀范文,下面我给大家带来雅思口语8分素材及范文:Part2 团队合作的经验。 雅思口语8分素材:Part2 团队合作的经验 01今日话题 Describe a time when you were in a team with others. You should say: Who you were in a team with; Where and when this happened; Why you did and your team had to do; And exp

2、lain how you felt about this experience. 02话题分析 这是一道典型的经验题,讲一个和别人团队合作的经验。 素材启发:学生的团队合作,如:学生会组织学校活动、社团组织活动、参与项目、团队演讲、参与某些竞赛如创业竞赛、学问竞赛等;工作人士:和工作相关的项目、与其他部门的合作、与第三方机构的合作、自己创业的项目等。 第一二题讲解并描述经验发生的背景,如时间地点人物。可以先聊:是何时,在何单位(我学校,我公司,某竞赛上),和哪些人(我同学?其他机构的工作人员?多少人?)一起组成了一个团队。 第三题讲解并描述故事的起因经过和结果,这里可以找到1-2个亮点进行拓展

3、。例如:你们的分工如何?你是不是leader?做成了什么事?团队合作是否胜利、高效? 最终一题是经验题的常考问题:你对于这次经验有何看法和体会?可以有positive and negative feelings。 04完整素材+音频 Okay Id like to talk about my teamwork experience in high school. It was when I organized the Sports Day in my school as I was in thecommittee in the student union, taking charge of a

4、ll the big events in my school. Basically, I needed to build my teamand organize the Sports Day which is a tradition. I worked with other two committees and eightstudents reps from different classes. We had loads to do for the event, so, as a leader I first allocated the job to every person and set

5、some deadlines for the team. It was such a big event so various of jobs were required, for example, to recruit 20 to 30 volunteers and train them; and to direct and rehearse the performances on the opening show; also, to invite all the guests who were parents or teachers from other schools. The whol

6、e team worked really well and everyone did their job very properly. So it went well in the end. Therefore, it was a very memorable experience for the reason that it was not easy for a big group to work well. I was really thankful to the whole team and I learned how important communication is in a te

7、am. To make the whole team run smoothly, a lot of communication is required and everyone needs to know their roles very well. So yeah this was the time when I had a teamwork with others which luckily turned out quite well. (251 words) 04地道表达 Teamwork 团队合作/团队工作 n. Committee 委员会。Committeeman/-woman 委员

8、 The student union 学生会 Student rep 学生代表/学生干部 Loads 许多 n. loads of things Allocation jobs 安排工作 Recruit v. 聘请/招人 Train v. 培训 Direct v. 导演 Rehearse v. 彩排 The opening show 开幕式 Do their job properly 很好地完成工作properly 表示正确的,合规的,恰当的。 Run smoothly 顺当运行 Turn out well 动词词组:胜利。Turn out证明是样的。 雅思口语part2范文:团队合作 Des

9、cribe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone. You should say: what it was what you have done why you have chosen this person(s) to work with and explain what you did to finish the project. Just last month we finished a project at the university, it was a research project which in

10、volved various entities both here in India and abroad and communication was one of the most challenging aspects of it. I think there were about 15 people in total in the team. It was coordinated from France by an academic research foundation based there. We were investigating various aspects of envi

11、ronmentally friendly air transport; looking at ways to reduce noise and fuel consumption, and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. The project dealt with researching possible methods of improving current engine technology and involved an in depth study of flight physics as applied to most commer

12、cial airliners nowadays, mainly based on lightweight structures and possible changes or improvements which could be made. The long term aim of the project was to evaluate and then test some completely new types of aircraft structures and concepts. I think it helped me develop on a professional level

13、 more than on a personal level, although I did get a lot of opportunity to interact with different people from various different countries and practice my English a lot. But professionally it was very challenging and very interesting for me. It is the first international research project I have been

14、 involved in so it was quite exciting as well. As I said, there were people from France, Germany, the UK, the USA and some other countries. We used to have regular teleconferences to discuss the progress of the project and any problems we encountered, share research results and information, and disc

15、uss possible solutions and areas of further investigation. I was working closely with one of my senior professors here at the university who is very experienced in this field of engineering. Overall, I think I learned a lot more about collaboration, as well as gaining some useful experience in negot

16、iating and discussing in English. 考雅思的同学都了解,雅思口语评分标准主要分四个部分:发音流利性与连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性与精确性。 但雅思口语练习中实际状况是“大道理我都懂,却依旧拿不到口语高分” 说白了就是: 1、口语表达不流畅,说词说句常常卡壳 2、发音不标准 3、中式思维影响,用词不精确,表达方式不地道 4、逻辑性不强,简单离题 想要在雅思口语口试中表现优异,必需先认清自身在口语上所存在的问题,对症下药,各个击破才能脱颖而出。今日我主要从“用词用句的多样性、精确性”来带大家突破! 其实,雅思口语的精彩表达,除了日常大量积累,还可以运用一些套路,驾

17、驭一些“花式”短语表达,往往让你的口语更有层次感,更加出彩哟,最重要的是,还能拿高分! Let's not waste any time and get started! “I think”之外的“我认为” 1. As far as Im concerned “据我所知;就我来看;我认为” Eg:As far as Im concerned, youth offenders should be punished by law. But . 2.If I may say so “假如我能这么讲”“我认为”Eg:You look much younger than your actual

18、age if I may say so. 3. If you ask me“我认为,假如你问我”Eg:Books are morebeneficial for children compared with computers if you ask me. 4. To my mind /In my opinion“在我心里,我认为”Eg.But an honest question posed from a broken heart is to my mind a good andrighteous thing. 此外还可以用以下短语表达:As I see it 就我所知;As far as I

19、 know就我所知;Im convinced that我信任比如:“Global warming is a recent problem as far as I know.” 关于“喜好” 口语考试中避不开的话题就是“喜好”,假如考官问你:"Do you like swiming?"你莫非只能回答"I like/love swimming"吗。感受一下高级玩法 1. This appeals to me because这对我很有吸引力,因为(这样回答既表明你的看法,又阐述了宠爱的缘由)比如:“swimming appeals to me because

20、it's such a great way to relieve stress .” 2. “I am keen on doing something"/ “ I am keen to do something”.我对某事充溢了热忱 比如:“I was keen on going to the party but two centimeters of snow fell in London and trains didn't run." 同样地,假如你对某事并不热衷,运用" I am not keen on doing something.&quo

21、t;即可。 Asking for clarification 有时你没听清或听懂对方的话语,不用不好意思你可以礼貌的请他再说一遍,说明一下,以下这三种表达方式都可以运用: 1. Sorry, I didn't quite catch that对不起, 我没听清晰 2. Could you say that again?你能再说一遍吗? 3. Could you explain what you mean by?你能说明关于. 的意思吗? 比如:“could you explain what you mean by bricks and mortar business?” Providi

22、ng clarification 假如你须要说明、澄清你的刚才说的话,以下三种方式都可以: 1. To put it another way换一种方式说 2. What I'm trying to say is我想说的是 3. What I mean is我的意思是 比如:“What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.” 应对缄默 面对口语考官,假如你不知道该说什么,千万不要保持缄默!你可以说一些类似这样的话来缓解尴尬 1.

23、It's quite a difficult question这是一个相当困难的问题 2. That's a good question这是一个很好的问题 3. I've never thought about it before but I guess之前我从来没有想过这个问题, 但我想(在这之后你就得想到如何回答问题了) 同意某个观点 有时,考官会问你某个观点同意与否,假犹如意,你可以这样回答: 1. I couldn't agree more我特别赞同 2. I totally agree我完全同意 3. Absolutely/Definitely肯定,确

24、定例如:"absolutely young people spend way too much time on social media." 4. I tend to agree(with) that "我倾向于同意" (这是一种比较温柔的同意形式) 5. It depends/I think it really depends“这取决于”(这是一种更理性的回答) 表达不同看法 1. Thats one way of looking at it. However 这是看问题的一种方式,然而. 2. That's not always true事实

25、并非总是如此 “some people say that getting education is the best way to prepare for the future, however that's not always true. In some situations hands-on experience is much more valuable.” 应对其他状况 1. I've never really thought about it我还真没想过 当你遇到一个猝不及防、意想不到的问题,你就可以用这句话来缓冲,如下: “Oh, what is your fav

26、orite wild animal?”“Well, I've never really thought about it but I'm quite fond of big cats. For example, Tigers and leopards.” 2. To sum up/To wrap up假如你想在考官终止你的回答之前主动结束对话,最好表示你立刻就会回答完毕用” to sum up” 或者” to wrap up”即可 比如:" To wrap up I'm really fond of Miami because of its diversity

27、 and tropical climate." 雅思口语录音不完整?遇到这种状况怎么办 口语考试前的两周,年轻的烤鸭常常会有上面的焦虑;而旁边刷过几次考试,仍旧在冲小分的老烤鸭们则经常深吸一口气,将虚拟的烟头狠狠地掷在地上,轻轻摩挲被“下蛋笔”磨起的中指第一指节的老茧,在年轻人怀疑地眼神里轻轻拭去眼角的晶莹,来一句“不约也行”。然后,默默无语。 那么问题来了 雅思口语考试要不要预订时间? 去哪里预订口试? 有哪些可以选择的预订时间?有什么规律? 假如没有赶上预订,会有什么样的后果? 关于口语考试时间,还有什么须要留意的? 还有哪些会取消口语成果的可能? 读完_个回答,信任上面这些问题

28、,你都能有了答案 我们为什么要关注口语考试的时间?当然的满满的求生欲啦!要知道,雅思索试有任何一门缺考,最终都不能获得有效的成果单。也就是说,2000+大洋随风而逝不说,备考的努力、心酸、焦虑、兴奋也将一并随着考场大门的关闭向你挥手道别。 而在现实中,听力、阅读、写作笔试考场上是不行以提前交卷中途离场的,唯一须要留意的是口!语!考!试! 口语考试的时间又是怎么支配的? 1. 纸笔口语考试通常会支配在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的随意一天,机考口语考试通常会支配在笔试当天或者与笔试日期尽可能相邻的日期。依据考务支配的须要,在特别状况下,口试日期有可能超出此区间,英国文化教化协会保留调整口试支配的权利。

29、2. 口笔试场地和地址有可能不同于考点场地和地址。3. 口语考试预订于每场考试报名截止日期前2天开放,同报名截止时间结束。_上内容来源于雅思索试官方网站。上面的三句话,我来给大家“翻译”一下: 1. 假如你报名了2022.9.28的笔试,那么你的口语考试时间可能是在9.21-9.28(笔试前一周)和9.29-10.5(笔试后一周)中的随意一天,但是“特别状况下”,也有其他支配的可能; 2. 口试和笔试有可能是在不同地址哦,跑错校区后果自负哦; 3. 假如你报名的是2022.9.28的笔试,那么你可以在9.7-9.9期间在报名官网上预订口语考试(这边不建议大家亲自动手去算,干脆在报名时记住该日期

30、即可)。 选项只包含日期和上下午,不能选择详细的时间。且在预订之前你可能会收到这样一封邮件: 但是要留意哦,上面的预订仅为“意向性”支配,最终的考试时间以准考证为准。也就是说,重点来了,即使遗忘了预订考试,也不会对考试资格和成果的发放产生任何影响(当然前提是你记得去考试哈)最终的最终,还是要提示大家, 考完雅思索试也不要掉以轻心、放松警惕,因为“世界是物质的,物质是运动的”,你说不清什么时候官方会给你来个突然攻击。 雅思口语8分素材及范文:Part2 团队合作的经验本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页


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