1、中尺度模式1、COAMPS 2、MM53、WRFAtmospheric modeling capabilities include:n1)The U.S.Navys Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System(COAMPS),a non-hydrostatic modeln2)The Mesoscale Meteorology Model Version 5(MM5),a non-hydrostatic modeln3)The Weather Research and Forecast Model(WRF),a next-gener
2、ation mesoscale prediction system nMESOSCALE MODELS A PARTIAL LIST Model Developing and/or Implementing Institution Eta,NGM NCEP Community Meso.Model,RFE AES (Canada)ECMWF Model ECMWF UKMO Model U.K.Met.Office ALADIN Meteo-France HIRLAM Met Services:Ireland,Sweden,Finland,Denmark,Spain JLASM Japanes
3、e Met.Agency CSIRO LAM Australia Lokalmodell Deutsch Wetterdienst (Germany)MM5 NCAR/Penn State RAMS Colorado State ARPS Univ.Of Oklahoma COAMPS U.S.Navy/NRL RUC NOAA/Forecast Systems Lab WRF NCAR COAMPS Atmospheric Model Physics and NumericsPhysics(Hodur,1997,J.Atmos.Sci.)nNonhydrostatic,compressibl
4、e equations(Klemp and Wilhelmson,JAS 1978)Scheme C grid(Arakawa and Lamb,1974)Nested grid option Sigma-z vertical coordinate(Gal-Chen and Somerville,JPC 1975)nExplicit moist physics(Rutledge and Hobbs,JAS 1983)nCumulus parameterization(Kain and Fritsch,JAS 1990)nLevel 2.5 TKE closure(Mellor and Yama
5、da,RGSP 1982)nSurface layer parameterization(Louis,BLM 1979)nRadiation parameterization(Harshvardhan,JGR 1987)nTime-dependent boundary conditions:Davis(QJRMS 1976)Perkey-Krietzberg(MWR 1976)Periodic,radiation,or fixed,for idealized simulations Prognostic EquationsMM5http:/www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5/mm5-ho
6、me.htmlnMM5能够用于理论和实时模拟研究n包括对季风,飓风以及龙卷风所作的预报模拟和4维数据同化。n在更小的中和中尺度上(2-200km),MM5可以用于研究中尺度的对流系统,锋面,海陆风,山谷环流以及城市的热岛效应。nBACKGROUND nMM5:FIFTH-GENERATION PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY/NCAR MESOSCALE MODEL 5n3D,NONHYDROSTATIC,PRIMITIVE EQUATION MODELnMM5 SYSTEM Suite of programs designed to (i)prepare (ii)p
7、roduce (iii)analyze a meteorological simulationnUSE a)Research (historical simulations)b)Forecasting (real-time operation)nORIGINS Regional model for air quality study (Anthes and Warner 1978:Mon.Wea.Rev.,106,10451078)MM4:Early 1980s1993 Nonhydrostatic version developed in 1993 (Dudhia 1993:Mon.Wea.
8、Rev.,121,1493-1513)nDEVELOPMENT Version 1:19931996 Version 2:19961999 Version 3:July 1999 New releases every 34 months 8.1式MM5Example of an MM5 nesting configurationDomain 1 =coarsest grid,level 1Domains 2,3=level 2Domain 4 =level 3Domains 2,3=overlapping grids3)MM5 OPERATIONSTAGES (1)Preprocessing
9、Input data preparation (2)Processing Compilation and simulation (3)Postprocessing Analysis of outputPREPROCESSING Step MM5 System Program a)Prepare model terrain Terrain b)Prepare 1st guess field Regrid c)Reanalyze 1st guess w/obs Little-r (future:3DVAR)d)Interpolate input to -levels Interp nVERTICA
10、L COORDINATE:Terrain-following (cf.Eta model step coord)ptop=const (e.g.,50 mb,100 mb)=1 (sfc)0 (top)PROCESSING a)Compilation F77,F90 b)Execution MM5 operable on both shared memory parallel (SMP)&distributed memory parallel (DMP)architectures High-performance computer/workstation platforms:SGI,Compa
11、q/DEC,HP,Sun,Cray,Fujitsu,IBM MM5 operable on PCs or laptops POSTPROCESSING Model output visualization and analysis done with (generally batch mode)graphics software Plotting packages Graph (official MM5 plotting software;NCAR Graphics reqd)RIP (NCAR Graphics reqd)VIS5D (interactive)Gempak GrADSRIPV
12、IS5DGempakGrADS4)MM5 USER INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION http:/www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5MM5 SYSTEM ACQUISITION ftp ftp.ucar.edu cd mesouser/MM5V3DOCUMENTATION Sources and info:http:/www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5/doc.html Main references “A Description of the Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5)”(Grell et al.1994)“PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Modelling System Tutorial Class Notes”MM5 MEETINGS Info:http:/www.mmm.ucar.edu/mm5/whatisnew.html Events (NCAR Boulder,CO)Annual MM5 Users Workshop (June)MM5 Tutorials (Jan.,June)Seoul (Apr)