1、UNIT 5 LOOK AT THE MONKEYSUNIT 5 LOOK AT THE MONKEYSA A Let Lets learn s learn 双写双写+ingv.+ing walk walkwalkingingv.+ingfly flyflyingingv.+ingswim swimswimmminging双写双写+ingLetLet s chants chantWalking,walking,the elephant is walking.Running,running,the tiger is running.Jumping,jumping,the rabbit is ju
2、mping.Flying,flying,the bird is flying.Make a new Chant Walking,walking,the is walking.Running,running,the is running.Jumping,jumping,the is jumping.What is it doing?What is it doing?It is flying.-What can fly?-What can fly?-can fly.can fly.flyingIts flying.What is it doing?What is it doing?Its walk
3、ing.Its walking.Its walking toWhat is it doing?What is it doing?ItIts jumps jumpinging.ItIts jumps jumpinging.ItIts jumps jumpinging.ItIts jumps jumpinging.ItIts jumps jumpinging.Look at.,he is.Look at.,he is.jumpingLook at the tiger Look at the tiger.What is it doing?What is it doing?Its running.Lo
4、ok at.,he is.Look at.,he is.runningswimmingLook at the fish,What is it doing?What is it doing?Its swimming.Look at.,he is.Look at.,he is.swimming1.walkingLook at theWhat is it doing?Itsflyingswimmingjumping2.3.4.5.runningLets chantWhatWhat s it doings it doing?WhatWhat s it doings it doing?The bird
5、is flyThe bird is flyinging.The bird is flyThe bird is flying.ing.WhatWhat s it doing?s it doing?The elephant is walkThe elephant is walkinging.WhatWhat s it doings it doing?The fish is swimThe fish is swimmingming.WhatWhat s it doings it doing?The rabbit is jumpThe rabbit is jumpinging.WhatWhat s it doing?The tiger is runs it doing?The tiger is runningning.flyingflyingwalkingwalkingjumpingjumpingrurunnnningingswiswimmmmingingNow,Lets play a game.One of you act,the other one guess,what is it doing?