1、Starting outUnit 2 Lets celebrate!Activity 1 1. What festivals are mentioned in the video?2. Why do people celebrate these festivals?Activity 2 Read the festival descriptions and complete the sentences. _ is to celebrate the harvest._ is to celebrate a season._ is to honour an event._ is to honour a
2、 person. Thanksgiving May Day Freedom Day Dragon Boat Festival Work in groups and talk about other festivals of each type and think about the reasons to celebrate these festivals.Understanding ideasUnit 2 Lets celebrate!Activity 1 1. Have you ever read any of Tolkiens books or seen any of the films
3、based on them? What do you think of them?2. What else do you know about Tolkien? Find out more about him and share your research with the class.J.R.R.托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)英国文豪,当代奇幻小说鼻祖。他不仅是牛津大学睿智的教授、四个孩子温情的老爸。最重要的身份,托尔金是全球顶礼膜拜的魔幻文学经典魔戒(奥斯卡大赢家指环王三部曲原著小说)霍比特人(20122015全球大电影霍比特人三部曲原著小说)的原著作者。除霍比特人以外,托尔金为自
4、己的孩子创作了罗弗兰登(为了安慰失去了心爱玩具的二儿子迈克尔),还将孩子们的玩具熊写进了图文并茂的幸福先生。每年圣诞,托尔金为孩子准备礼物之余,更化身圣诞老人寄信给孩子们,勾画北极生活的种种趣事。英国文豪、霍比特人作者托尔金经典亲子绘本故事Letters from Father Christmas近100年前的圣诞节,一位父亲在壁炉旁,看着渴望听故事的孩子,冒出了一个想法,用圣诞老爸的口吻给他的孩子写信。这一写就是二十余年。*封信带着亲手绘制的图画,和父亲精心挑选的礼物一起被放在圣诞袜里,来到了三岁的*的孩子手中。从此,一个由满满父爱、纯真之心描绘的北极生活在孩子们心中发芽、生长那个世界里有会
6、老爸其实就是托尔金老爸自己。*封信写于1920年,当时*的孩子约翰只有三岁。圣诞老爸的来信一写就是22年,托尔金的几位孩子都曾为之深深着迷,给圣诞老爸回信交流。*期盼圣诞老爸来信的小儿子克里斯托弗托尔金,至今仍在守护父亲创造的中洲传奇。 Letters from Father Christmasthe Real Father Christmas1243the introduction of the bookMatch the main idea with each paragraph5the stories in the letters the letters of the booklead
7、inthe true spirit of giving at Christmas timeMatch the main idea with each paragraphlead inthe introduction of the bookthe letters of the bookthe stories in the letters the true spirit of giving at Christmas time 1 2 3 4 5 Activity 2Read the passage and find out what Letters from Father Christmas is
8、 about and why Tolkien wrote these letters. Letters from Father Christmas is a collection of Tolkiens letters to his four children at Christmas. The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmass life and adventures at the North Pole. Tolkien wrote these letters because he wanted to keep Fat
9、her Christmas alive for his four children.Activity 3Which of the sentences best explains the tile of the passage?1. The real Father Christmas was actually Tolkien himself.2. Tolkien is the real Father Christmas, because he wrote letters using the name “Father Christmas”.3. Tolkiens love and care for
10、 his children make him very like Father Christmas. Judge the following statements True or FalseActivity 4 Complete the notes with expressions from the passage. Letters from Father ChristmasJ.R.R. Tolkiena North Pole stampa handwritten letter from Father ChristmasFather Christmass life and adventures
11、 at the North Poleclimbed the North Polefell through the roofhow he could not stop his helpers playing games写简评一般可以有这样三个步骤:介绍-评价-推荐(一)介绍介绍是指对所评的书的内容作言简意赅的概括叙述,让读者对该书的内容有一个大概的了解。如书评难忘是这样介绍的:南京情调收入64篇文章,20世纪上半叶社会各界名流笔底的南京昔日景观,风土人情,大多风流倜傥见性情;80帧照片,让50年前的古都旧影清晰再现,金陵旧时影像,幅幅沧海桑田显趣味。(二)评价评价可以是总括全书作鸟瞰式的评述,如
12、金圣叹评鲁提辖拳打镇关西一节中鲁达打店小二一段描写:一路鲁达文中,皆用只一掌、只一拳、 只一脚,写鲁达阔绰,打人亦打得阔绰。 三言二语就点出了水浒对鲁达的动作描写是充分个性化的。 评价是书评中最重要、最关键的部分,也是最见功力的部分,从这里可以见出一个人的思想水平、艺术素养、鉴赏能力、语言功夫等等。(三)推荐这是书评的结尾,有好书与读者共享的意思。如难忘是这样写的:南京文化源远流长,底蕴深厚,值得特别关注。钟情于南京文化的人,即便不到南京,也能从南京情调中体味一番南京情调。Think & Share1.Would you like to read the book Letters from Father Christmas? Give your reasons.2.What is the most special gift you have received from your family? Why is it special to you?