1、 2007 Pearson EducationChapter 2Supply Chain Performance:Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeSupply Chain Management2-1 2007 Pearson EducationLearning ObjectivesuExplain why achieving strategic fit is critical to a companys overall success.uDescribe how a company achieves strategic fit between its supp
2、ly chain strategy and its competitive strategy.uDicuss the importance of expanding the scope of strategic fit across the supply chain.2 2007 Pearson EducationOutlineuCompetitive and supply chain strategiesuAchieving strategic fituExpanding strategic scope3 2007 Pearson Education 2.1 Competitive and
3、Supply Chain Strategies4 2007 Pearson EducationCompetitive and Supply Chain StrategiesuCompetitive strategy:defines the set of customer needs a firm seeks to satisfy through its products and services.-Product development strategy;Marketing and sales strategy5 2007 Pearson Educationu公司竞争战略界定公司产品和服务满足
4、顾客需要的类型。定位!(大学?银行?)uW-mart:成本u7-11:便利、新鲜、品种丰富uDell:合理价位提供个人化、多品种产品,等待一周。uCompaq:选择、服务、及时u希望饲料:?6 2007 Pearson EducationBusiness StrategyNew ProductStrategyMarketingStrategySupply Chain StrategyuProduct development strategy:specifies the portfolio of new products that the company will try to develop.
5、uMarketing and sales strategy:specifies how the market will be segmented and product positioned,priced,and promoted.uConsistency and support between supply chain strategy,competitive strategy,and other functional strategies is important.7 2007 Pearson EducationuSupply chain strategy:determines the n
6、ature of material procurement,transportation of materials,manufacture of product or creation of service,distribution of product.8 2007 Pearson EducationThe Value Chain in a Company(Figure 2.1)9 2007 Pearson Educationu价值链:产品开发战略:营销战略:供应链战略:包括传统的供应战略、生产运作战略、物流战略;研究信息、库存、运输和生产设施决策。u供应链战略强调公司内部职能战略之间的密切
7、联系。市场营销新产品开发生产制造服务配送财务、会计、信息技术、人力资源10 2007 Pearson Education2.2 Achieving Strategic Fit11 2007 Pearson Education2.2.1 IntroductionuStrategic fit:Consistency between customer priorities of competitive strategy and supply chain capabilities specified by the supply chain strategy.Competitive and supply
8、 chain strategies have the same goals.uA company may fail because of a lack of strategic fit or because its processes and resources do not provide the capabilities to execute the desired strategy.uExample of strategic fit-Dell.12 2007 Pearson Educationu战略匹配指竞争战略与供应链战略拥有相同的目标;既竞争战略设计用来满足顾客优先目标与供应链建立供
9、应链能力目标之间的相互协调一致。u竞争战略必须与所有职能战略相互匹配。u不同职能必须恰当组织其流程与资源,以便成功实施这些战略。u如Dell 公共平台设计、公共零部件。13 2007 Pearson Education2.2.2 How is Strategic Fit Achieved?uStep 1:Understanding the customer uStep 2:Understanding the supply chainuStep 3:Achieving strategic fit14 2007 Pearson EducationStep 1:Understanding the C
10、ustomeruIdentify the needs of the customer segment being served.-Quantity of product needed in each lot -Response time customers will tolerate -Variety of products needed -Service level required -Price of the product -Desired rate of innovation in the product15 2007 Pearson EducationuDemand uncertai
11、nty refects the uncertainty of customer demand for a product.uImplied demand uncertainty is the uncertainty that exists due to the portion of demand that the supply chain is required to meet.uImplied demand uncertainty also related to customer needs and product attributes.16 2007 Pearson Education第一
12、步:理解顾客第一步:理解顾客u顾客需要:所需产品数量、愿意忍受的反馈时间、所需产品种类、要求服务水平、产品价格、预期产品创新周期u需求不确定性:反映了顾客对某种产品的需求的不确定性。u潜在需求不确定性:不同于需求不确定性,是供应链不确定性的直接后果,是指供应链必须予以满足的需求部分和顾客需求特点是不确定的。u潜在需求不确定性受顾客需求特性影响,也受服务水平影响。17 2007 Pearson EducationuUnderstanding the CustomerLot sizeResponse timeService levelProduct varietyPriceInnovationIm
13、pliedDemand Uncertainty18 2007 Pearson EducationImpact of Customer Needs on Implied Demand Uncertainty(Table 2.1)Customer NeedCauses implied demand uncertainty to increase because Range of quantity increasesWider range of quantity implies greater variance in demandLead time decreasesLess time to rea
14、ct to ordersVariety of products required increases Demand per product becomes more disaggregatedNumber of channels increasesTotal customer demand is now disaggregated over more channelsRate of innovation increasesNew products tend to have more uncertain demandRequired service level increasesFirm now
15、 has to handle unusual surges in demand19 2007 Pearson Education顾客需求导致潜在需求不确定性需求量增长供货期缩短要求的品种增多获取的渠道增多创新速度加快要求服务水平提高增大,需求变动增大增大,订单反应时间减少增大,每种产品需求分散增大,总需求分散给更多渠道增大,新产品增加不确定性增大,应付偶然需求高峰顾客需求对潜在不确定性影响顾客需求对潜在不确定性影响20 2007 Pearson Education21 2007 Pearson Education边际收益高,需求预边际收益高,需求预测非常不准确,产品测非常不准确,产品脱销率高脱
17、发22 2007 Pearson EducationCorrelation Between Implied Demand Uncertainty and Other Attributes(Table 2.2)AttributeLow Implied UncertaintyHigh Implied UncertaintyProduct marginLowHighAvg.forecast error10%40%-100%Avg.stockout rate1%-2%10%-40%Avg.forced season-end markdown0%10%-25%23 2007 Pearson Educat
18、ionu潜在需求不确定性与需求的其他特点:Fisher 1997 需求不确定产品通常是不成熟的产品,竞争对手少,边际效益高。需求更加确定时,预测会更准确。潜在需求不确定性增加,供需平衡难度加大。潜在需求不确定性高产品,积压和清销量大。24 2007 Pearson EducationuKey Point:First step to strategic fit is to understand customers by mapping their demand on the implied uncertainty spectrum.25 2007 Pearson EducationStep 2:
19、Understanding the Supply Chainu供应链主要有两类功能:物理功能:能以最低的成本将原材料加工成零部件、半成品、产品并将它们从供应链的一个节点运到另一个节点。市场中介功能:能对市场需求做出迅速反应,确保以合适的产品在合适的地点和时间来满足顾客的需求u一般意义上的供应链是在这两个功能间的权衡,即反应能力与赢利水平之间进行权衡。26 2007 Pearson EducationuSupply chain responsiveness-ability torespond to wide ranges of quantities demandedmeet short lead
20、 timeshandle a large variety of productsbuild highly innovative productsmeet a very high service level27 2007 Pearson EducationuSupply chain efficiency:cost of making and delivering the product to the customer.-Increasing responsiveness results in higher costs that lower efficiency.28 2007 Pearson E
21、ducationu反应能力和盈利水平。u反应能力:对大幅度变动的需求量的反应,满足较短供货期的要求,提供多品种,生产具有高度创新性的产品,高服务水平。u反应能力强的代价:生产能力,库存,物流能力(闲置)。29 2007 Pearson EducationCost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier(Figure 2.3)HighLowLowHighResponsivenessCost30 2007 Pearson Educationu反应能力-盈利水平边界曲线成本低低高高反应能力31 2007 Pearson EducationThe Responsivenes
22、s Spectrum(Figure 2.4)Integratedsteel millDellHighlyefficientHighlyresponsiveSomewhatefficientSomewhatresponsiveHanesapparelMostautomotiveproduction32 2007 Pearson Education供应链反应能力图谱供应链反应能力图谱高赢利水平一定赢利水平一定的反应能力高反应能力钢铁企业:提前数周或数月安排生产计划,缺少变化或弹性服装:传统的生产库存制造,生产提前时间为几个星期多数汽车制造商:在2周内送达多种产品戴尔公司:个性化的PC机,数日内供货
23、33 2007 Pearson EducationuKey Point:Second step to achieving strategic fit is to map the supply chain on the responsiveness spectrum.34 2007 Pearson EducationStep 3:Achieving Strategic FituStep is to ensure that what the supply chain does well is consistent with target customers needs.u获取战略匹配,即确保供应链
24、的出色运营与目标顾客的需要协调一致。供应链反应能力的高低应该与潜在需求不确定性吻合。35 2007 Pearson EducationFinding the Zone of Strategic Fit(Figure 2.6)Implied uncertainty spectrumResponsive supply chainEfficient supply chainCertain demandUncertain demandResponsiveness spectrumZone of Strategic Fit36 2007 Pearson Education供应链的反应能力供应链的盈利水平
25、反应能力变动范围确定的需求不确定的需求潜在需求不确定性变动范围战略匹配带战略匹配带面粉面粉面粉面粉DELLDELL确保供应链的出色运确保供应链的出色运营,与目标顾客的需营,与目标顾客的需求协调一致求协调一致37 2007 Pearson EducationuAll functions in the value chain must support the competitive strategy to achieve strategic fit Fig.2.7.uTwo extremes:Efficient supply chains(Barilla)and responsive supply
26、 chains(Dell)Table 2.3.uTwo key pointsthere is no right supply chain strategy independent of competitive strategythere is a right supply chain strategy for a given competitive strategy38 2007 Pearson Educationu竞争战略与职能战略之间的匹配。u战略匹配的驱动力应源于最高一级组织机构:战略与组织结构的关系!竞争战略信息技术战略财务战略人力资源战略产品开发战略市场营销战略供应链战略:生产,库存
27、,提前期,采购,运输39 2007 Pearson EducationComparison of Efficient and Responsive Supply Chains(Table 2.3)EfficientResponsivePrimary goalLowest costQuick responseProduct design strategyMin product costModularity to allow postponementPricing strategyLower marginsHigher marginsMfg strategyHigh utilizationCapa
28、city flexibilityInventory strategyMinimize inventoryBuffer inventoryLead time strategyReduce but not at expense of greater costAggressively reduce even if costs are significantSupplier selection strategyCost and low qualitySpeed,flexibility,qualityTransportation strategyGreater reliance on low cost
29、modesGreater reliance on responsive(fast)modes40 2007 Pearson Education总成本领先型战略快速市场反应型战略主要目标产品设计战略定价战略生产战略库存战略供货期战略供应链战略运输战略低成本满足需求最低成本最大业绩边际收益低,低价提高利用率最小库存立足成本缩减供货期在成本质量上选择低成本运输快速需求反应柔性设计系统,延迟差异化边际收益高,高价维持边际生产能力弹性库存大幅缩短供货期速度弹性质量上选择快捷运输41 2007 Pearson EducationuKey Point:Final step to achieving stra
30、tegic fit is to map supply chain responsiveness with the implied demand uncertainty in the zone of strategic.42 2007 Pearson Education2.2.3 Other Issues Affecting Strategic FituMultiple products and customer segmentsuProduct life cycleuCompetitive changes over time43 2007 Pearson EducationMultiple P
31、roducts and Customer SegmentsuFirms sell different products to different customer segments(with different implied demand uncertainty).uThe supply chain has to be able to balance efficiency and responsiveness given its portfolio of products and customer segments.uTwo approaches:Different supply chain
32、s.Tailor supply chain to best meet the needs of each products demand.44 2007 Pearson Education多种产品和顾客群多种产品和顾客群u在产品和顾客群多种多样的情况下,如何创建一条在赢利水平与反应能力之间取得平衡的供应链?单独建立每种产品和每个顾客群的供应链。将公司的供应链建成适合所有产品和顾客群的供应链。45 2007 Pearson EducationProduct Life CycleuThe demand characteristics of a product and the needs of a
33、customer segment change as a product goes through its life cycle.uSupply chain strategy must evolve throughout the life cycle.-Early:uncertain demand,high margins(time is important),product availability is most important,cost is secondary.-Late:predictable demand,lower margins,price is important.46
34、2007 Pearson Education产品生命周期产品生命周期u随着产品走过其生命周期,产品的需求特点和服务顾客群的要求也会发生变化。u公司要维持战略匹配,就必须在产品进入不同生命阶段时,调整其供应链。进入阶段:进入阶段:需求非常不确定时间要求高供给水平要求高成本不是主要考虑潜在需求不潜在需求不确定性高确定性高后续阶段:后续阶段:需求确定竞争加大价格成为考虑的因素潜在需求不潜在需求不确定性较低确定性较低47 2007 Pearson Educationu早期:需求不确定,边际收益高,供给水平要高,成本其次。u后期:需求相对稳定,竞争激烈,价格是关键。u例子:专利后的药品;Inter公司。
35、48 2007 Pearson EducationuAs the product goes through the life cycle,the supply chain changes from one emphasizing responsiveness to one emphasizing efficiency.49 2007 Pearson EducationCompetitive Changes Over TimeuCompetitive pressures can change over time.uMore competitors may result in an increas
36、ed emphasis on variety at a reasonable price.uThe supply chain must change to meet these changing competitive conditions.50 2007 Pearson Education竞争性随着时间变动竞争性随着时间变动u竞争的焦点在于以合理的价格生产出品种十分丰富的产品。u由于竞争格局发生变化,公司不得不调整其竞争战略。u由于竞争战略发生变化,公司又必须改变其供应链战略,以维持战略匹配。51 2007 Pearson Education2.3 Expanding Strategic S
37、cope52 2007 Pearson EducationExpanding Strategic ScopeuScope of strategic fit The functions and stages within a supply chain that devise an integrated strategy with a shared objective.One extreme:each function at each stage develops its own strategy.Other extreme:all functions in all stages devise a
38、 strategy jointly.53 2007 Pearson Educationu战略匹配范围战略匹配范围是指供应链中的各种职能和各阶段,他们拥有一体化战略,共有一个战略目标。横向:战略匹配范围跨越不同的供应链阶段,从供应商前溯到顾客。纵向:相互协调的不同职能战略竞争战略、产品开发战略、市场营销战略和供应链战略。54 2007 Pearson EducationuFive categories:Intracompany intraoperation scopeIntracompany intrafunctional scopeIntracompany interfunctional sc
39、opeIntercompany interfunctional scopeFlexible interfunctional scope55 2007 Pearson Educationu(1)公司内、经营部门范围内:最小局部成本观点u20世纪50-60年代,有限范围观点占主流,供应链中每个阶段的各经营部门都努力使自身成本最小化。u如:运输部门,可能运输成本最小,但反应能力,其他部门成本增加。56 2007 Pearson Educationu(2)公司内、职能部门范围内:职能部门成本最小化观点。u多个经营部门组成一个职能部门。供应链职能部门包括生产部门、仓储部门和运输部门。u如:供应链职能部门
40、,不止考虑运输成本,还要考虑仓储及其他与供应链相关的成本。57 2007 Pearson Educationu(3)公司内、职能部门间范围:公司利润最大化观点。u如:利润=收入-成本。增加成本,增加收入。u如:市场开发。增加库存,改善服务水平。58 2007 Pearson Educationu(4)公司间、职能部门间范围:供应链剩余最大化观点。u顾客支付与供应链总成本之间的差值。u如:共同减少库存,增强反应能力。59 2007 Pearson Educationu(5)公司间、职能部门间范围:供应链剩余最大化观点。u动态:满足不断变化的单个顾客需求,与许多不同公司结成战略伙伴关系,公司间范围
41、弹性。u弹性:公司与供应链不同阶段的伙伴关系随时间发生变化。u弹性的公司范围使战略匹配适应于一个变动的目标,随着竞争环境日趋动态,弹性变得愈加重要。60 2007 Pearson EducationDifferent Scopes of Strategic Fit Across a Supply Chain61 2007 Pearson Education供应商 制造商 分销商零售商顾客竞争战略产品开发战略供应链战略营销战略62 2007 Pearson EducationSummary of Learning Objectives63 2007 Pearson EducationSummary of Learning ObjectivesuWhy is achieving strategic fit critical to a companys overall success?uHow does a company achieve strategic fit between its supply chain strategy and its competitive strategy?uWhat is the importance of expanding the scope of strategic fit across the supply chain?64