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1、out cityout city created,acreated,and care masses life,focusnd care masses life,focus work,iwork,in-deptn-depth investigation,moreh investigation,more out boutiout boutique masterque masterpiepiece,makes we of resece,makes we of rese arch rearch results morsults more to into lee to into led of decis

2、id of decision vion vision,more to ision,more to i n natin national some haonal some ha s effect of newspaper Shas effect of newspaper Sha ng published,for ang published,for a dvance work,dvance work,andand publicitypublicity chachangdengde play due of role.Third,informatiplay due of role.Third,info

3、rmati on submitted ton submitted t o o be pragmatibe pragmati c.Quick ac.Quick and timelnd timely.Ty.The ancientshe ancients said:for the time system;statemesaid:for the time system;stateme nt back for tnt back for t he time beihe time being,nothing,nothing.Therefore,theng.Therefore,the submisubmiss

4、ion of information tossion of information to do four,that is,find the problem faster,editorial writido four,that is,find the problem faster,editorial writing,seng,send and and reand read faster apprd faster approval and feedbaoval and feedba ckck to implement quickl to implement quickl y.To be try.T

5、o be true and accurate.True mainly reflect the full piue and accurate.True mainly reflect the full pi cturecture of events,one isof events,one is oneone,two,thi,two,thi s is the lifes is the life of the information.Accuraof the information.Accura cy is primarilycy is primarily qualitative aqualitati

6、ve andnd quaquantitative quentitative questions,quantitativestions,quantitative objeobjective of publictive of publi cQualitative logicQualitative logi c.To be reliable ac.To be reliable a ndnd useful.We submit informuseful.We submit inform ation toation to have access thave access to deo decisicisi

7、onon-making,to g-making,to g uideuide andand promote tpromote the work ahe work andnd solvesolve practicapractical problems.l problems.Mixed cum.Mixed cum.On the negative informatiOn the negative informati on aon and emergend emergency incy information,ranformation,rapid epid escalatiscalation ion i

8、n strict an strict accordaccordancence with the procedures,firm,newspwith the procedures,firm,newsp apeaper,ner,newspawspapers,pers,never late,fail to renever late,fail to re port,false claim aport,false claim a nd skimmind skimmi ng.Investeng.Investee 2.supe 2.sup ervision and insist on,arervision

9、and insist on,ar ound aound and prnd protectiotecting their ing their interests to touch the trnterests to touch the tr uth,uth,seeseek practical rek practical results.Adhere tosults.Adhere to peoplepeople-orie-oriented,the most important thinted,the most important thi ng is to reng is to realize,al

10、ize,safeguard asafeguard andnd develop the fdevelop the f undamental intereundamental intere sts of thests of the overwhelming majorityoverwhelming majority of the people.Weof the people.We carry out inspecarry out inspe ction,so must goction,so must go deedeep among tp among the masses,gohe masses,

11、go deedeep into tp into the realitiehe realities,alwayss,always pay attention to thepay attention to the peoples livel peoples livel ihood,to grasp tihood,to grasp t hehe publpublic sentiment,aic sentiment,a nd end earnestlyarnestly safeguard tsafeguard the behe benefit,addressinefit,addressi ng the

12、 masses are mng the masses are m ost concerneost concerne d about ad about and reflend reflecting the strongecting the stronge st issues,efforts tost issues,efforts to solve tsolve the prhe problemoblem of deciof decisions implsions implemented aemented andnd not implemented.One is tonot implemented

13、.One is to stick tostick to principlprinciples.Right of ies.Right of i nspectinspection ison is oneone of the most importantof the most important powpowers of theers of the Office,shouldOffice,should notnot only dare to use,only dare to use,but also withbut also with cauticaution.So-calleon.So-calle

14、 d ddared todared to use,iuse,is to hold as to hold a number of important inumber of important i ssuessues,bolds,bold supervisisupervision ovon over supervisier supervisi on,traon,track inspeck inspection,problems arection,problems are not solvednot solved do not pass,thedo not pass,the blame doesbl

15、ame does not holdnot hold diddid not miss,not miss,dissatisfaction of the masses didissatisfaction of the masses di d not miss,the real right of supervid not miss,the real right of supervi sion authority,sion authority,with thewith the benefits.Call witbenefits.Call wit h cah cautiution,ison,is supe

16、rvisisupervising deng departments should strepartments should stre ngthengthen then the coconscinsciousneousness of autss of authorizehorized strictly ad strictly accordiccording to prng to proceocedure,dure,preventipreventing the superving the supervi sion and excessive to prevesion and excessive t

17、o preve nt adding burdent adding burde n to grass-roots.To thin to grass-roots.To thi s end,thes end,the supervisisupervision Deon Department of thepartment of the Party Committee of superviParty Committee of supervi sion must be under citysion must be under city and County party Command County part

18、y Comm ittee Secretary-General(Office).Second,we should focus on.Is the Goverittee Secretary-General(Office).Second,we should focus on.Is the Governor,those relatenor,those relate d to the gld to the globalEveobalEvent,Governt,Governor the protranor the protra cted difficult,strong Govercted difficu

19、lt,strong Gover nornor duriduring emergencyng emergency urgent.urgent.Not haviNot having specialng special departments indepartments in chargecharge of the Geof the General Governeral Governor,under tnor,under t he normal procehe normal proceduredure cancan do gdo good thingood things nots not Gover

20、nor,Governor,not anot authorizeduthorized by County leaby County lea ders,ders,not thenot the GoverGovernor.nor.Third iThird is to solves to solvethe problem.The purthe problem.The pur pose of supervipose of supervi sion,to resolve the prsion,to resolve the pr oblem.oblem.To aTo adherdhere to and fu

21、rther impre to and further impr ove theove the暑暑 期期 社社 会会 实实 践践 活活 动动 策策 划划 方方 案案“宣团风“宣团风,敬雷锋敬雷锋;扬青春,乐下乡”扬青春,乐下乡”一、摘要一、摘要为加强我校广大共青团员的思想政治教育,提高在校大学生的创新精神和实践能力,培养大学生吃苦耐劳的精神和团队合作意识,贯彻中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见精神,落实中宣部、中央文明办、教育部、团中央 关于进一步加强和改进大学生社会实践的意见 要求,紧密结合纪念建团 90 周年、雷锋同志牺牲 50 周年。在校团委的支持与领导下,我校青

22、年志愿者协会赴金华义乌横店开展以“宣团风,敬雷锋;扬青春,乐下乡”为主题的 7 天暑假社会实践活动。二、活动主题二、活动主题宣团风,敬雷锋;扬青春,乐下乡实践团队名称实践团队名称“启晨”暑假实践小分队三、活动的目的及意义三、活动的目的及意义社会实践是大学生思想政治教育的重要环节,对于促进大学生了解社会、奉献社会,锻炼毅力、培养品格,增强社会责任感具有不可替代的作用.为了进一步贯彻和落实中央 16 号文件精神以及中宣部中央文明办教育部团中央关于进一步加强和改进大学生社会实践的意见的文件精神,以育人为本,践行科学发展观,构建和谐社会,我青年志愿者协会将在今年暑假期间进一步加强组织开展大学生暑期社会

23、实践活动。今年暑期的社会实践活动坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为指导,并结合建团 90 周年和雷锋同志牺牲 50 周年的特点,以“宣团风,敬雷锋;扬青春,乐下乡”为主题,选择了金华义乌为活动地点进行暑期实践,并以其为本次实践基地,让各位成员在实践中增强自身的创新精神和实践能力,并从中学会其团队合作能力以及培养自身的奉献精神。四、活动时间四、活动时间feelings survey,feelings survey,by lookiby looking up publing up publi c sec sentiments to fintiments to fi nd prnd probloblems

24、.Prems.Problemsoblems will increasewill increase its specialits special supervisisupervision,on,set up accounts,set up accounts,holhold on to it.Wed on to it.We shoulshould conscied conscientiously implementiously impleme nt the leant the leadingding contracontracting matters,secting matters,se cure

25、cured,had,had ad an answer to everything,tn answer to everything,t henhen settles rate of 100%.Have an imsettles rate of 100%.Have an im pactpact on some of theon some of the outstaoutstandinding issues,ng issues,supervisisupervisionon departmentdepartments and information components and information

26、 component s togethes together,play tr,play the supervihe supervisory rolsory role of thee of the news menews media todia to promote prpromote probloblemem solvi solving.Inveng.Investee 3.istee 3.insistnsist on aon a daily run,around thedaily run,around the practipractice of truthce of truth catchin

27、g efficiecatching efficie ncy,focus spency,focus spe cification.To give full play to thecification.To give full play to the party Office around connecting,coordi party Office around connecting,coordi nating inating internal anternal and externd external features,nal features,contact,rally at all lev

28、elcontact,rally at all level s,to motivate every as,to motivate every a spespect,adhere to tct,adhere to t he truthe truth,strength,strengthenihening standardized managng standardized manag ement to aement to a chievechieve coherent,coherent,efficient and effective functioningefficient and effective

29、 functioningof the daof the daily workily work of the Party Committee.Isof the Party Committee.Is processing messages shouldprocessing messages should strive to streamline,standardize and quality.strive to streamline,standardize and quality.Streamlining is to control the numberStreamlining is to con

30、trol the number ofofmessages,compress messagemessages,compress message s,reducis,reducing procedures,imng procedures,im prove messagprove message hae handlindling efficiency.Sng efficiency.Specpecifications,is tifications,is t o strictly eo strictly enforce the banforce the ba n issuedn issued by th

31、e Communiby the Communi st party autst party aut horitiehorities in documents in document handling reghandling reg ulations aulations and prnd provincial and municiovincial and munici pal regulatipal regulations,conscientions,conscienti ously strengthen aously strengthen a nd imprnd improve communic

32、ations managemeove communications manageme nt to ensure thatnt to ensure that party documeparty docume nts ornts orderly.Highderly.High qualitquality,is ty,is to improve the quality of messageo improve the quality of message processiprocessing,it is neceng,it is nece ssary to assary to accurately im

33、plementiccurately implementi ng the ing the intention of thentention of the Party Committee,clParty Committee,cl earance,goodearance,good communications,communications,polipolicy prcy program closed,eogram closed,e nsuring that tnsuring that t here ishere is nono error.Second meetingerror.Second mee

34、ting scheduled toscheduled to ensure thorougensure thoroug h,safe ah,safe and efficiend efficient.Any arrangement.Any arrangeme nts for the meetints for the meeti ngs angs and evend events,carefully arranged,itemnts,carefully arranged,item-by-by-item interface impleme-item interface impleme nted,nte

35、d,sure.sure.o vigoro vigorously streamline meetiously streamline meeti ngs,angs,activities,ctivities,numbernumber of pressure reductiof pressure reducti on,on,scale tscale to ensure that leo ensure that le adership emeradership emer ged from the Geged from the Ge neral Conference and entertaineral C

36、onference and entertai nment servinment services,focus on big thices,focus on big thi ngs,matters.Tngs,matters.T hird,rehird,recepticeptionon serviceservices sshould layshould lay stressstress onon humahumane,ne,personal,personal,cultcultural and human.Receptiural and human.Recepti onon and workand

37、work directlydirectly withwith people,repeople,recepticeptionon services directly affecting tservices directly affecting t he Officehe Office of party of party Committee The image of theCommittee The image of the region.At the region.At the same time stresame time stre ngthengthening the constrning

38、the constr uctiuctionon of librarof library,improve ty,improve t he rehe recepticeptionon conditiconditions,moreons,more human-orihuman-oriented,personaented,persona l,cultural wl,cultural w ork intork into the reo the receception,a little moreption,a little more huma human needs,a little moren need

39、s,a little more human care more human care more humane atmospherhumane atmospher e,and constantly impre,and constantly impr ove theove the service,improvservice,improv e thee the qualityquality of serviof service.Mce.Meanweanwhile,thile,t o further pay speo further pay spe cial attention to tcial at

40、tention to t hehe daily wdaily work of theork of the other Office Syst other Office Syst em.Confidentialem.Confidential work re work responsibility sysponsibility sy stem for leadistem for leadi ng cang cadres to implementdres to implement security assecurity as a leadea leader,tor,to improve timpro

41、ve t he confidentialityhe confidentiality of classified personnelof classified personnel,especi,especially leadially leading cang cadres,dres,strengtheningstrengthening party a party a nd Governmend Governme nt focusnt focus on vitalon vital sectsectors of security management,to advaors of security

42、management,to adva nce privance priva cy managemecy manageme nt standarnt standardization,modernization of sedization,modernization of se curity tecurity techniques achniques as a meas a mea ns of ans of administration accordministration accor ding tding to law ao law andnd securitysecurityenforceme

43、enforcement,ensure thent,ensure the safety of the party and State secrets.Confidesafety of the party and State secrets.Confide ntial work to meet the demantial work to meet the dema ndsnds of new technologyof new technology develodevelopmentpmentout cityout city created,acreated,and care masses life

44、,focusnd care masses life,focus work,iwork,in-deptn-depth investigation,moreh investigation,more out boutiout boutique masterque masterpiepiece,makes we of resece,makes we of rese arch rearch results morsults more to into lee to into led of decisid of decision vion vision,more to ision,more to i n n

45、atin national some haonal some ha s effect of newspaper Shas effect of newspaper Sha ng published,for ang published,for a dvance work,dvance work,andand publicitypublicity chachangdengde play due of role.Third,informatiplay due of role.Third,informati on submitted toon submitted to be pragmatibe pra

46、gmati c.Quick ac.Quick and timelnd timely.Ty.The ancientshe ancients said:for the time system;statemesaid:for the time system;stateme nt back for tnt back for t he time beihe time being,nothing,nothing.Therefore,theng.Therefore,the submisubmission of information tossion of information to do four,tha

47、t is,find the problem faster,editorial writido four,that is,find the problem faster,editorial writing,seng,send and and reand read faster apprd faster approval and feedbaoval and feedba ckck to implement quickl to implement quickl y.To be try.To be true and accurate.True mainly reflect the full piue

48、 and accurate.True mainly reflect the full picturecture of events,one isof events,one is oneone,two,thi,two,this is the lifes is the life of the information.Accuraof the information.Accura cy is primarilycy is primarily qualitative aqualitative a ndnd quaquantitative quentitative questions,quantitat

49、ivestions,quantitative objeobjective of publictive of publi cQualitative logicQualitative logi c.To be reliable ac.To be reliable a ndnd useful.We submit informuseful.We submit inform ation toation to have access thave access to deo decisicision-making,to gon-making,to g uideuide andand promote tpro

50、mote the work ahe work andnd solvesolve practicapractical problems.l problems.Mixed cum.Mixed cum.On the negative informatiOn the negative informati on aon and emergend emergency incy information,ranformation,ra pid epid escalatiscalation ion in strict an strict accordaccordancence with the procedur


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