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1、conjunction with tconjunction with t he begihe beginninning of the 95 anniversary activitieng of the 95 anniversary activitie s,focuses,focused schedule 1 party lecture.Encouraged schedule 1 party lecture.Encourage s the partys the party branch Secretarybranch Secretary of the praof the practice of

2、party members give a Party lectctice of party members give a Party lect ure.ure.Production lineProduction line of advanced party members reported,their owof advanced party members reported,their ow n experien experiencences,enhas,enhance the attraction ance the attraction a nd appealnd appeal of par

3、ty lecture.4.Orgaof party lecture.4.Orga nization of onlinenization of online communicaticommunicati on.Fon.Full use of the various typeull use of the various type s of netws of network media,time pushes learork media,time pushes lear ning contening content.Bootnt.Boot party communist netwparty comm

4、unist netw orks,mobileorks,mobile phonephone,TV,micr,TV,micro-learo-learning aning andnd distance educatidistance educati onon platforms.platforms.Boot party member home particiBoot party member home partici pation ipation in networked len networked le arning,interactiarning,interacti on aon and tnd

5、 three lehree lessons,offline synchronizatissons,offline synchronizati on of eon of encouragingncouraging party members to carry out stparty members to carry out st udy audy and end education,enriducation,enri chiching the conteng the content of forms,expand thent of forms,expand the coverage of edu

6、caticoverage of educati on.5.carryon.5.carry out the reout the responsibilitsponsibilit y.Each bray.Each branch to effectively assume the main rench to effectively assume the main re sponsibilitsponsibilit y for organizational learniy for organizational learni ng,timely underng,timely under standist

7、anding of party memberng of party member s and cadres and cadres to study,is to study,identify and resolve symptoms adentify and resolve symptoms a ndnd problems.Party Committee shoulproblems.Party Committee shoul d do a good job leadershid do a good job leadershi p learnip learning at the same time

8、,gng at the same time,g uidauidance tnce to brancho branch basebased ond onthe develthe developmeopment of learnint of learning programmes,ang programmes,a ndnd urged the imurged the implementation of three lessons system and implementiplementation of three lessons system and implementing learning l

9、earning requirements.To take reng requirements.To take re ports,ports,customized recustomized re search,partisearch,parti cipate incipate in discussions,attend meetingdiscussions,attend meeting s of thes of the Organization,such as superviOrganization,such as supervi sion,and effective transmission

10、of prsion,and effective transmission of pr essure.essure.About consoliAbout consolidation of weak adation of weak a nd lax partynd lax party branches,tbranches,through truehrough true strong team,prstrong team,pr omote transformatiomote transformati on impron improvingoving bra branch to issue that

11、stanch to issue that sta nds out,to bends out,to be dealt with first indealt with first in place,further stplace,further st udy audy and end education.6.ducation.6.play the leaplay the lead role.d role.LeaderLeadershiship,leadip,leading cang cadres should set an example,adres should set an example,a

12、 nd tnd to lead by example,layerso lead by example,layers of driven mof driven m odel,layerodel,layer upon layer,formationupon layer,formation of the shotof the shot s,the overall general effect of linkage.Leadis,the overall general effect of linkage.Leadi ng cadreng cadres shouls should leard learn

13、 first and be in front,an first and be in front,a sking otsking others tohers to do ydo you first do it,aou first do it,a sks of otsks of others ahers and not themsend not themse lves determilves determi nedned not to do,wenot to do,we cannot lamp blacannot lamp bla ck,and flashligck,and flashlig ht

14、 man as himself.ht man as himself.o enforceo enforce a rigid double about ta rigid double about t he life of the system,leahe life of the system,lea d study discussion,lead study discussion,lea d in talking ad in talking about experiebout experie nces,give a Party lences,give a Party le cture,rectur

15、e,report,leaport,leading toding to participarticipate inpate in organisatiorganisational life,onal life,democratidemocratic appraisal,leac appraisal,lead ind in duty ofduty ofdue diligence,adue diligence,a ccording tccording to positions,contrio positions,contri bute to rbute to role play witole pla

16、y with learnih learning,prng,promoting leomoting learniarning education solng education sol id and effective.7.grasp the iid and effective.7.grasp the i ntegrated.To stick arntegrated.To stick around theound the CenteCenter,servir,serving the ovng the overall situatierall situation,the two combion,t

17、he two combi ning ening education and comducation and com pleted varipleted various taskous tasks,and implemes,and impleme nt the County Tnt the County T hirteen-Five comhirteen-Five com binebines plas planninning,and theng,and the XXXX combicombination of scination of scientificentific development

18、and leadevelopment and lea ping development,bothping development,both hands,two,avhands,two,avoidioiding two peeng two peels.By stls.By studyiudying education,inspireng education,inspire party members and caparty members and ca dres undertaking entdres undertaking ent husiasm,in estahusiasm,in esta

19、blishing ablishing and implnd implemementing five deventing five dev elopment philosophy,solid ielopment philosophy,solid i ndustrial restructurindustrial restructuri ng,deepeng,deepening reform,poverty alleviation crning reform,poverty alleviation cr ucialucial,improvi,improvingng pepeopleoples liv

20、elihood and other work in ts livelihood and other work in t he front,for example.he front,for example.PromotiPromotion of caon of cadres wdres work hard,aggressive,ork hard,aggressive,push development to test the effectivepush development to test the effective nessness of educational work.of educati

21、onal work.ownship twownship two learn ao learn a do leardo learning arraning arrangements spengements spe cific programme the Party(total)branch:for advance full stricific programme the Party(total)branch:for advance full strictly rule party,actly rule party,a ccorccording toding to XX mXX muniunici

22、palcipal on inon in city members icity members i n the carrin the carried out learn Constited out learn Constit ution Party ruleution Party rule s,and learn series spees,and learn series spee ch,ch,do qualified memdo qualified mem bers learnibers learning education implng education impl ementationem

23、entation programme,and XX muniprogramme,and XX muni cipalcipal organizatiorganizati on Departmenton Department on two learon two learn a do learning arran a do learning arra ngementsngements of speof specificcific事业单位岗位说明书事业单位岗位说明书单位:松江区五厍学校编号:岗位名称岗位类别工作任务及职责校长管理岗位工作部门岗位等级校长室七级1、主持学校行政领导工作:负责贯彻执行国家教



26、和学校创建任务.1、思想品德良好,有较高的政治理论素养,能认真贯彻执行党和国家的路线、方针、政策;热爱教育事业,责任心强;2、有较强的组织领导和业务工作能力,有较丰富的学校管理工作经验,工作有实绩;3、能够正确履行职责,清正廉洁,法制观念强;能密切联系群众,有较强的民主意识和团结协作精神;4、善于思考,具有一定的文字及口头表达能力、社会交往能力,有较强的开拓创新意识。5、一般应具有大学本科及以上学历(小学编制大专及以上学历),中学高级及以上专业技术职称;6、有 10 年以上教育教学工作经历,具有校级副职及以上管理工作三年以上。任职条件备注programme,and XX city learpr

27、ogramme,and XX city lear ning ening education implemeducation impleme ntationntation programme spirit and townprogramme spirit and town party implemeparty impleme ntationntation programme requirements,accordiprogramme requirements,accordi ng tong to distingdistinguish level,auish level,a nd hand has

28、 targeted solutis targeted soluti onon problproblem of requirem of requir ements,eements,ensure learninsure learning educating educati on maon made effectivenede effectiveness,ss,Promotion of all party members and consciously rePromotion of all party members and consciously respespect the party Cons

29、titutict the party Constituti on,aon,abide by party rbide by party r ules,armeules,arme d withd with XI series of important speeXI series of important spee chch by General Secretaryby General Secretary head,ghead,guideuide,and prom,and prom ote the wote the work,be qualified party members and learor

30、k,be qualified party members and learning arrangemening arrangeme nts arents are hereby makes thereby makes t he following spehe following spe cific prcific programmes.ogrammes.LearningLearning requirement requirements,on all party members to sts,on all party members to st udyudy the party Constitth

31、e party Constit ution and party rulution and party rul es and unify thees and unify the XI serieXI series of important speech,General Ses of important speech,General Se cretary,cretary,speespeech lch learniearning serieng series to des to deepeepen undern understandistanding of theng of the Constitu

32、tiConstitution Party rules,on Party rules,ConstitutiConstitution Party rules ion Party rules i n then the deedeep insigp insight serieht series address ts address t he bahe basic spirit andsic spirit and practipractical requirements.1,Constitution Party rulcal requirements.1,Constitution Party rul e

33、s leares learning of the party Constitning of the party Constit ution,a deepution,a deep understandingunderstanding of the partyof the partynature,nature,purpurpose,guipose,guidingding principleprinciples,goals,goals,orgas,organization,good stylnization,good styl e,graspe,grasp conditiconditions,rig

34、hts aons,rights a ndnd obligationsobligations ofofparty members,bearing iparty members,bearing i n mind that oath,n mind that oath,clear qualifiedclear qualified party member criteria aparty member criteria a ndnd conditiconditions.ons.Learning tLearning the codehe code of selfof self-di-disciscipli

35、nepline of the CPC,the CPCs disciof the CPC,the CPCs disci plinary regulations,tplinary regulations,t he Chinehe Chinese Communist Party Member Rightsse Communist Party Member RightsOrdiOrdinance and so on,mastering senance and so on,mastering se lf-disciplilf-discipline stane standarndards of four

36、mustds of four must,the four uphol,the four uphol dings,masteridings,masteri ng various typesng various types of discipliof disciplinary offence and punishment prnary offence and punishment pr ovisiovisions.2,and learons.2,and lear ning serning series speeies speech toch to XI GeXI General Seneral S

37、ecretary series imcretary series im portant speeportant speech reach reading(2016 version)andding(2016 version)and outout poverty work tpoverty work t o dream into reo dream into re ally-XIally-XI comrade icomrade in XX wn XX work duriork during advng advocate praocate practice lictice line immediat

38、ely on do documene immediately on do docume ntary andntary and XI General SeXI General Se cretary on immediatelycretary on immediately onon do importado important discusses,for basint discusses,for basi c textbook,learning understandc textbook,learning understand XI General SeXI General Se cretary s

39、eriecretary series importas important spent speech of basiech of basi c spirit,learnic spirit,learni ng understang understandnd Central rulCentral ruling actiing acting politicalng political new concenew conce pt new thougpt new thought newht new strategy of basicstrategy of basic contecontent,learn

40、t,learning understandning understand XI General SeXI General Se cretary on Fujiacretary on Fujia n,and A serien,and A serie s of importas of importa nt instructions of the XX and XX of important instructions of the XX and XX of importa nt ideant ideas,inheriting as,inheriting a ndnd carrying forwarc

41、arrying forwar d the Ged the General Seneral Secretary duricretary during theng the XXXXs sigewan as sigewan a nd will do itnd will do itright away and otright away and ot her fine traditiher fine traditi onsons andand work style,mastery awork style,mastery a nd imnd improvementprovement of self-cul

42、tivation,fulfill theof self-cultivation,fulfill the purpose ipurpose ideas,moral character,consedeas,moral character,conse rvation relatervation relate d to thed to the basibasic requirements.Grasp to master the follc requirements.Grasp to master the foll owing maiowing main aspects:(1)which is the

43、spiritn aspects:(1)which is the spiritof the ideaof the ideals and bells and beliefs of calciiefs of calci umum,establish,establish a correa correct worlct world Outlook,Outlook on life and vald Outlook,Outlook on life and val ues,(2)is theues,(2)is the national dream,national dream,ChiChinesenese d

44、ream thedream the dreams,thedreams,the drdreams of the peeams of the pe opleople of the natiof the nation,ion,is thes the dream of the Chinedream of the Chine se natise nation ion in modern times most of the great core Essentials in modern times most of the great core Essentials is thes the national

45、 prnational pr osperity,national revitalization,theosperity,national revitalization,the happinesshappiness of the peof the peoplople,(3)China Cole,(3)China Col or Socialist is aor Socialist is a chichieved Chinese great revival of way,eved Chinese great revival of way,enhanced roaenhanced road confi

46、dence,and thed confidence,and the ory confideory confidence,and system confidence,and system confide nce;(4)four a full strategy layout is new of histnce;(4)four a full strategy layout is new of history conditions Xiaory conditions Xia party ruliparty ruling acting acting politing political total st

47、rategy,consciously witcal total strategy,consciously wit h four a full led the wh four a full led the w ork;(5)insisteork;(5)insiste d innovation,ad innovation,a nd coornd coordinatidination,aon,and greend green,an,and opend open,and shared development is relatin,and shared development is relati ons

48、hionship Chip China development global of onena development global of onedeepdeep chachange,ange,according tccording to newo new develdevelopmentopment conceconcept do job;(6)practice line Spt do job;(6)practice line S ocialiocialist corst corvalues,values,Carrying forwardCarrying forward socialist

49、morality and the traditisocialist morality and the traditi onalonal ChiChinese virtues,(7)comprenese virtues,(7)compre hehensive strinsive strictly administerictly administering the party is a joing the party is a joi nt responsibilitynt responsibility of all party members,eaof all party members,ea

50、chch branch mustbranch must be implemebe implemented andnted andconjunction with tconjunction with t he begihe beginninning of the 95 anniversary activitieng of the 95 anniversary activitie s,focuses,focused schedule 1 party lecture.Encouraged schedule 1 party lecture.Encourage s the partys the part


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