1、Several Questions Involving the Preparation for the National 3rd Grade Translators Qualification Test Organized by the Ministry of Human Resources Song Tianxi1 The philosophy for the test preparation goal(pass)- self-confidence (must)- action (regular)2 Draw a specific timetable and be a slave to it
2、concentration- sweat- non-stop effort until you succeed努力征服一切。这里所指的努力不是断断续续的,间歇性的或随意性很强的努力,更不是一时的心血来潮;而是坚定不移的,百折不挠的,自我强制的每日行动。恒心与成功是一对双胞胎。 要切记:行者常至,为者常成。每天见行动是问题的关键。成败的分水岭是:每天行动;择日行动。三个成语:滴水穿石,精卫填海,铁杵磨针。(Perseverance means success.)全部的行程应该是:吃苦坚持微笑。宋老师寄语:既然选择了远征,就要准备风雨兼程。既然选择了收获,就得准备挥汗耘耕。既然选择了飞翔,就要准备
3、嫁给东风。If I rest, I rust.I do, therefore I am. 3. Skills for E-C translation 4. Skills for C-E translationE-C :(1) Decide the meaning of a word or phrase on the basis of understanding the message in the contextWeevils and other economic pests must be wiped out.In his acceptance speech for the Nobel Pr
4、ize, he stressed the inner conflict of man.We always hear about the haves and the have-nots. Why dont we hear about the doers and the do-nots?我们常常听到人们喜欢谈论富人和穷人。为什么听不到谈论勤劳的人和懒惰的人?Beauty is all very well at first sight, but who ever looks at it when it has been in the house three days. _ George Benard
5、 Shaw美乍看上去是很吸引人的,但得到它三天以后,谁还会珍惜它呢?Dont kill yourself trying to get the work done by tomorrow. It can wait.别为了赶着明天把事情做完而累坏身体。这事可以缓一缓嘛。She just took the fat; she screw the long turn.她只顾捞眼前的好处,而把长远利益置于脑后。The boss was advised to skim away personnel fat because his company was a little bit overmanned.有人建
6、议老板裁减冗员,因为他的公司有点人浮于事。 A:“They might let us in without tickets.”B: “Fat chance of that!”A: “他们也许会让我们免费入场。”B:“别痴心妄想了!”/ “美的你!”Paul cant drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.保罗不会开车,所以我手臂骨折时他一点忙也没帮上。 Our flag is red, white and blue, but our nation is a rainbow red, yellow, brown, black a
7、nd white and were all precious in Gods sight. (D.B. Baker, Power Quotes,1992:201) 译文我们(美国)的国旗是红、白、蓝三色图案,但我们的民族是一道多彩的彩虹 我们有红种人、黄种人、棕色人、黑人和白人,这五色人种全都是上帝的宠儿。分析离开具体的语境,“red, white and blue”只能译为“红、白、蓝”; 而“ red, yellow, brown, black and white ”也只能译为“红色、黄色、棕色、黑色和白色”。这样,全句可能译为:“我们(美国)的国旗是红、白、蓝, 但我们的民族是彩虹红色、
8、黄色、棕色、黑色和白色,我们在上帝的眼里全都是宝贵的。” 这样的译文不仅显得很苍白,而且也失掉了原文中的一些信息。根据上文的” flag”, 我们可以判断” red, white and blue”是指国旗的颜色图案;而从”nation”和” we”这两个词,我们可以推知” red, yellow, brown, black and white” 这五种颜色指的是人种的肤色。)(2)Try to translate long or complicated English sentences into short and loose Chinese sentencesWed better put
9、 off the outing until next week, when the weather may be cooler and when our son Tom and her girl friend Shelly come back home from London for their summer vacation.(佶屈聱牙的译文):我们最好将郊游推迟到当天气也许会凉爽一些和当我们的儿子汤姆及他的女朋友雪莉从伦敦归来度暑假的下个星期。(表达自然的译文);我们最好将郊游推迟到下个星期。到时,天气也许会凉爽一些,而且儿子汤姆和他的女朋友雪莉也从伦敦回来度暑假了。Foresight n
10、ow tells us that travel to Mars is not impossible.如果我们把眼光放得远一些,我们就可知将来前往火星旅行不无可能。The youth cult of the 1960s is fast giving way to an older and more settled lifestyle.20世纪60年代十分盛行青年至上的风气,现在这种风气正在迅速衰退,代之而起的是一种老练和安定的生活方式。Washington D.C. ranks first among the 40 cities with the widest gap between the p
11、oor and the rich, /according to a recent report released by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute on July 22. The top 20 percent of households in D.C. have an average yearly income of $186,830, /or 31 times that of the bottom 20 percent, /which earns only $6,126 per year. The income gap is also big in At
12、lanta and Miami, /but the difference is not as pronounced. The report also indicates / that the widening gap occurred mainly during the 1990s. Over the last decade, the average income of the top 20 percent of households has grown 36 percent, /while that of the bottom 20 percent has only risen 3 perc
13、ent. “I believe the concentration of the middle- to high-income families in the D.C. area will continue and, / therefore, the income gap between the rich and the poor will be hard to bridge,” / David Garrison told the Washington Observer. Garrison is a senior researcher /with the Brookings Instituti
14、on, /specializing in the study of the social and economic policies in the greater Washington D.C. area. The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the areas special job opportunities, /which attract high-income households. Especially since the federal government is based in Was
15、hington D.C., government agencies and other government-related businesses, such as lobbying firms and government contractors, constantly offer high-paying jobs, /which contributes to the trend of increasing high-income households in the D.C. area. For example, a single young professional working in
16、a law firm in D.C. can earn as much as $100,000 in his or her first year /out of law school. “In addition, high-quality housing available in Washington D.C. is one of the main reasons / why high-income families choose to live here, /while middle- and low-income families, if they can afford it, choos
17、e to move out of Washington D.C. to the Virginia and Maryland suburbs/ so that their kids can go to better schools,” /stated Garrison.“As rich families continue to move into D.C. and middle- and low-income families are moving out, the poorest families are left with nowhere to move, or cannot afford
18、to move. This creates the situation we face now: a huge income gap between the rich and the poor.” The Washington D.C. area to which Garrison refers / is the District of Columbia City itself, not including the greater Washington metro area. “The greater Washington metro area has a large population o
19、f about 5 million, but the low-income households are often concentrated in D.C. proper,” Garrison explained. Tony Blalock, the spokesperson for Mayor Anthony Williams, said resignedly, “No matter what we seem to do to bring investment into the District, a certain population is not able to access the
20、 unique employment opportunities there. The gap between the rich and the poor is the product of complex forces, and wont be fixed overnight.”华盛顿(哥伦比亚特区)财政政策研究院(DC Fiscal Policy Institute)7月22日公布的一份近期研究报告显示,华盛顿的贫富差距居全美40个大城市之冠,前20%最富有家庭的平均年收入高达$186,830美元,是后20%最贫穷家庭平均年收入(仅$6,126美元)的31倍。虽然亚特兰大和迈阿密两市的贫富
21、差距也相当大,但其贫富不均的情况却不如华盛顿明显。报告指出,华盛顿贫富差距逐渐加大主要发生在20世纪90年代。在这十年中,20%最富有家庭的平均收入增长了36%,而20%最贫穷家庭的平均收入仅仅增加了3%。 大卫盖立森对华盛顿观察家周刊说:“我认为中高收入家庭集中在特区的情况仍然会持续下去,贫富差距恐怕难以拉近。” 盖立森是布鲁金斯研究所的高级研究员,专攻大华盛顿地区经济和社会政策。报告将华盛顿持续的贫富差距归咎于当地特殊的工作机会,它们往往会吸引高收入家庭移居此地。特别是华盛顿是美国联邦政府的所在地,而政府机构和与政府相关的行业,如院外游说公司和政府合约承包商等等,不断提供高薪工作,也使得华
22、盛顿的高收入家庭有不断增加的趋势。举例来说,从法学院毕业的单身年轻专业人士,第一年在华盛顿的律师事务所工作,年收入就可高达100,000美元。 盖立森说:“此外,华盛顿能提供高档的住房,这也是高薪家庭选择在华盛顿居住的主要原因之一。一般中低收入家庭,如承担得起,为了孩子能够上较好的学校而选择搬离华盛顿,移居马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州的城市郊区。” “富裕家庭不断搬进,中低收入家庭不断搬出,而最贫穷家庭却面临既无处又无力搬迁的窘境,这就造成我们现在看到的巨大贫富差距。”盖立森此处所说的华盛顿就是指哥伦比亚特区,而不是指整个华盛顿大都会区。“整个华盛顿大都会区人口众多,约为500万,但低收入家庭往往集中
23、在哥伦比亚特区,”他解释道。 华盛顿安东尼威廉姆斯市长办公室发言人托尼布拉洛克无可奈何地说:“不论我们如何努力吸引商家到特区投资,总有一部分人无法获得特区独特的就业机会。 贫富差距的背后有许多复杂的原因,不可能在一朝一夕之间就改变。”C-E:(1)See to it that all the grammatical elements are available so that your English versions from the Chinese are syntactically correct. 没有特殊许可,不得在这面墙上张贴广告。Ads are not allowed to be
24、 put up on this wall without special permission.欢迎您到本公司参观。You are welcome to visit our company.就此证据而言,完全有理由相信他。On the evidence here, there is every reason to believe him.无视自己的无知是无知者的通病。To be ignorant of ones ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.说好普通话,方便你我他。Being able to speak Putonghua will make
25、you understand and be understood better while communicating with others.是他把事情搞糟的,现在只好自作自受了。He started the mess and now has to take his medicine. / It is he who started the mess, so now he has to take his medicine.事不经过不知难。You never know how hard a task is until youve done it yourself.他只顾游山玩水,早把老婆交代的事
26、丢到了九霄云外了。He had been enjoying his tour so much that he completely forgot what his wife told him to do.越来越多的人认识到改革势在必行。Theres a growing realization that changes must be made.(2) Use common words to express what seems subtle in Chinese现在可以说“我在这个社会找不到一个停车位。”大部分人都处于边缘状态。这标明大众处在权利体系之外。无权参予,只能听摆布。It can b
27、e said now that “I cant find a parking lot/space in the society.” Most people /The majority of the people are marginalized. They have no right to involve, no right to know but to listen to.A.你最近好像有点儿不对劲!发生什么事了吗?B我最近离婚了,刚刚还丢了工作,真是倒霉透了!A想开点儿,天无绝人之路。B 我也想看开一点儿,但一下子碰到那么多不顺利的事,实在让我接受不了啊。A一切都会好的,一步一步慢慢来,别
28、着急。A. You look weird these days. Whats happening?B. I just got divorced and also lost my job. Im really going through a bad time nowadays. A. Take it easy. Theres always a way out.B. I want to be optimistic. But all bad things happen at the same time and its hard for me to go through these hard days
29、.A. Get over it step by step. Dont worry. Everything will be fine (OK). 今天早上,一场罕见的暴雨袭击我市,导致水灾。一大早,人们正在去上班,突然下起了大雨。雨势很猛,许多人被挡在了路上,淋湿了。雨水淹没了街道马路,连同一些商铺和市场。许多工厂被迫停工。未来几天食物价格会上涨。据报道,这场50年一遇的暴雨导致巨额经济损失 This morning the city met with(suffered from)an attack of a rarely-seen heavy rain immediately followed
30、 by a flood. While on their way to work early morning, many people were caught in the sudden rain and got wet through. Streets, shops and markets are flooded and many factories have to stop running. Prices of foods and vegetables are expected to rise in the coming few days. The rain, reportedly the
31、heaviest one in the past fifty years, has caused great economic loss.西藏地处中国西南部。13世纪中叶,正式纳入中国元代版图。尽管中国历经多次改朝换代,政权更迭,但是西藏始终在中央政府的控制之下,是中国的一个不可分割的组成部分。Tibet is situated / located (lies) in the southwest of China. In the mid-thirteenth century, it formerly belonged to (joined; was included in; became a
32、part of)the domain (territory) of the Yuan Dynasty. Despite (In spite of) repeated changes dynasties and regimes (state powers) in Chinese history / Although China undertook changes and replacements of dynasties or central governments in its history, Tibet, always under the hands of the central gove
33、rnment, remains an inseparable part of China. 中国目前拥有(have;own ; there are; total; number; The number of is up to /amounts to /adds up to)1,000多万辆私人轿车。随着新汽车文化的普及(With + noun/ As+sentence),这个数字将继续攀升(rise; go up ; climb; jump; be up; increase)。2003年轿车销售量突破(were more than/ increased to/surged to)200万辆,2
34、005年预计超过(outnumber; top; exceed)500万辆。中国是世界上增长速度最快的主要轿车市场,其销量在美国、日本之后,居世界第三位(rank among the first few/rank among the best/top the list/ be in the lead; take a leading rank among)。到2013年将可能跃升至第二位。中国加入世界贸易组织之后(Chinas accession to the WTO/Chinas membership of the WTO; After/Since China became a member
35、of/ joined the WTO)进口车价格不断下跌(drop/fall ; go down; dive; decrease/decline; slump; tumble)。进口税在不久以前还超过100%,到2006年中期将降至25%。这迫使国内汽车制造商不得不降价。民营企业吉利控股集团(Geely)推出了一款普通中国人都能买得起的微型轿车(subcompact),价格仅为3.3万元。虽然利润不像过去那么稳定,但上述惊人的增长速度为全球主要的汽车制造商带来了巨大的契机。大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)是第一个在中国设厂的外国汽车制造商,其销售在中国市场领先,超过了在德国的销量。通用汽车
36、公司在中国市场投入巨大,它与上汽集团共同投资15亿美元。和大众汽车公司一样,通用选择上海作为自己的基地,从而使汽车制造成为这个东方大都市的重要支柱产业。中国目前拥有1,000多万辆私人轿车。随着新汽车文化的普及,这个数字将继续攀升。2003年轿车销售量突破200万辆,2005年预计超过500万辆。中国是世界上增长速度最快的主要轿车市场,其销量在美国、日本之后,居世界第三位。到2013年将可能跃升至第二位。中国加入世界贸易组织之后进口车价格不断下跌。进口税在不久以前还超过100%,到2006年中期将降至25%。这迫使国内汽车制造商不得不降价(reduce/cut/lower/bring down
37、 the price)。民营企业吉利控股集团(Geely)推出(offer; launch; put out; introduce)了一款普通中国人都能买得起的微型轿车(subcompact),价格仅为3.3万元。虽然利润不像过去那么稳定(elusive; low),但上述惊人的增长速度为全球主要的汽车制造商带来了巨大的契机。大众汽车公司(Volkswagen)是第一个在中国设厂的外国汽车制造商,其销售在中国市场领先,超过了在德国的销量。通用汽车公司在中国市场投入巨大,它与上汽集团共同投资15亿美元。和大众汽车公司一样,通用选择上海作为自己的基地,从而使汽车制造成为这个东方大都市的重要支柱产业
38、。China now has more than 10 million privately owned cars and the figure is climbing as a new car culture takes hold. Sales surged to more than 2 million cars in 2003 and are expected to top 5 million in 2005. China is the worlds fastest-growing major car market and it ranks third in size behind the
39、United States and Japan. By 2013, it is expected to rank second.Membership of the WTO has sent prices of imported vehicles tumbling. Import duties more than 100 percent not so long ago will fall to 25 percent by mid-2006. That has pressured Chinese car makers to slash prices, and privately owned Gee
40、ly offers one subcompact for a very affordable 33,000 yuan. This stunning growth rate has brought enormous opportunities to the worlds major car makers, even if profits are more elusive. Volkswagen, the first foreign auto manufacturer to set up a plant in China and now the local market leader, alrea
41、dy sells more cars in China than in Germany. General Motors has made a big commitment to the Chinese market, joining Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation in a US$1.5 billion project. Like Volkswagen, it has chosen Shanghai as its base, making car manufacturing a pillar industry of the eastern me
42、tropolis. Highly Recommended Expressions to Be Mastered for Your Convenience in English Writing and Chinese -English Translation1.随着.的发展/进步/到来/提高With the development (growth) of ./ progress of.(advancement in.)/ the advent( coming )of./ the improvement of.As . develop(s) / progress(es)(advances) / a
43、rrive (s)/ improve(s) 2. 提高人民生活水平to improve(to better) the living conditions of the peopleto improve(uplift) the qualities of the lives of the peopleto improve the standard of livingto make it possible that the people live on a higher plane3. 提高. 的知名度to make. better ( favorably) knownto make sbs rep
44、utation high-flyingto heighten sbs luster4. 提高自己的精神境界to go in for improving one mind5提高. 的思想道德水平to elevate the mind of sb6富起来to become better offto rise to affluence7. 推进/深化改革to go ahead with the reform/ to further the reform 8. 在.方面取得成功to have success/ to succeed/ to be successful in( doing ).9. 在.
45、 方面取得巨大成就to achieve great successes/ to record(score) remarkable achievements in.10. 朝.取得进展to make progress/ to make headway toward doing sth11. 促进经济发展to fuel (raise; spur; promote; stimulate) economic growth / to advance ( boost; promote) economic development12. 促进社会发展/ 进步to promote social developm
46、ent/ progress13. 促进文明进步to facilitate the progress of civilization14. 促进现代化建设的步伐to quicken the tempo of the national modernization drive15. 促进相互了解/共同进步to further mutual understanding/to help each other forward16. . 成为焦点问题(of sth) to come under the spotlight / to be the spotlight17. 某事成为某人所关注的问题(of st
47、h) to become sbs main ( primary) concern18. 投身于.献身于./ 致力于.to immerse oneself in./ to dedicate( devote) oneself to.ones single-minded dedication to/ ones commitment to.19. 有利于(对. 有好处)to be good/ beneficial/ conducive to.to do sb goodto be a plus in.20. 不利于.(有害于.)to be harmful/ detrimental to.to do sb
48、 harmto be not good for.21. 有利也有弊to have both merits and demeritsto have advantages and disadvantagesto have drawbacks as well as benefits22. 利多弊少/ 利少弊多to do more good than harm/ to do more harm than good23. 从事有意义的活动to be engaged in worthwhile pursuits/ to go in for something meaningful24. 为.贡献力量to contribute ones bit(share) for./ to