1、应用文体翻译外语学院 徐红新o求职与留学申请信的翻译o英文申请信的结构o1.信封:superscriptiono2.信头:Headingo3.信内地址:Inside addresso4.称呼:Salutationo5.信的正文:Body of lettero6.结束语:Complimentary closeo7.签名:Signatureo8.附件:Enclosure2.申请信各部分的翻译o2.1信封o100013o北京和平街5号o国际贸易经济合作研究所o人事部经理张玉珍女士 收oMs.Yuzhen ZhangoPersonal ManageroInstitute of Co-operation
2、 of International Business and Economicso5 HepingStreetoBeijing,1000132.2信的转交:o常见的有:By Kindness of;By Politeness of;Please Forward;Through Courtesy of;By favor of;Favored byo敬请姜海涛先生转交 方有为总经理 收oMr.Youwei Fang,General Manager By Politeness of Mr.Haitao Jiango请转交 人事部主管陈艳女士oPlease Forward Mrs.Yan Chen,p
3、ersonnel Director2.3附件o附件:(1)硕士学位证书复印件一份;o (2)学士学位证书复印件一份;o (3)照片一张;o (4)省份证复印件一份。oEnclosure:(1)A photocopy of master degree certificateo(2)A photocopy of bachelor degree certificateo(3)A photograph o(4)A photocopy of ID card2.4正文的翻译o2.4.1英文申请信的特点o明了clearness:求职主题突出,段落清楚,层次分明,使对方一目了然;o简洁conciseness:
4、言简意赅,文字简洁,避免陈词滥调,不提无关的事项;o准确correctness:用词准确,语言规范,准确表达个人意图;o礼貌Politeness:语言文雅,掌握分寸,不卑不亢,既不迎合,也不吹嘘。2.4.2o开头句o获悉你们将招聘一名秘书,本人万分欣喜。oI am very excited and delighted over the news that you are recruitingseekinglooking for a secretary.o从我校就业处获悉,贵公司要招聘一名总经理助理,本人特此应聘。oLearning from the Entrance and Employmen
5、t Office of our school that you are looking for an assistant to the general manager,I hope to offer myself to the position.o春节将至,本人想到贵店可能需要卖年货的临时帮手,我从1月10日到2月10日有一整月的假期,在此期间可担当店员。oAs the spring festival is coming,it occurs to me that you may need additional helpers in selling goods for the new year.
6、I have a whole months vacation,from January 10 to Febuary10,during which I can work as a shop assistant.2.4.3 说明年龄、教育程度与经验o本人23岁,今年7月即可大学毕业。oI am graduating from college in this coming July,and I am 23 years old.o我是北京师范大学教育系的在读研究生,在读大学本科时,曾主修汉语和大众传媒学。oI am enrolled in the graduate division of the De
7、partment of Education in Beijing Normal University.As an graduate,I had a double major of Chinese and Mass Communication.2.4.4 说明个人能力o本人读大学期间,曾通过大学英语六级考试。本人能非常熟练的读、说、听、写英语。oAt college,I passed CET6,I can read,speak,listen to and write English very well.o在上东农业大学机械工程系学习的四年,使我奠定了坚实的理论基础,而在潍坊塑料厂任助理工程师的最
8、近三年,则使我在机械设备方面积累了丰富的实践经验。oMy four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,has given me a lot of theoretical foundation.And the recent three years employment by the Weifang Plastics,as an assistant engineer,has given me a lot of experience in maintenan
9、ce of machinery equipment.2.4.5 关于薪金与福利o如果我的申请获得成功,我要求每个月3000元的工资,希望您能接受此要求。oIf my application is successful,I should require a salary of 3000 yuan per month.I hope that will be acceptable.o关于薪水,请您们考虑本人的能力定夺。As regards salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience my capacity.o本人要求贵公司提供一套单元房,如
10、有困难,我要求一开始能在公司集体宿舍里有一个床位。oI should require that your company provide me with an apartment.If impossible,I can accept a bed in the companys dormitory to begin with.o关于福利,本人唯一希望就是享受医疗保险。oAs for welfare,my only hope is to enjoy medical insurance.结尾语o希望你们将对我的申请给与优先考虑,并在你们方便的侍候及早安排面试。oI hope that you wil
11、l be king enough to consider my application and schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.o本人将以极大的兴趣期待着贵公司对我求职的答复。oI am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application.o本人愿向你们保证,如蒙聘用,我会努力工作让你们满意。oI wish to assure you that,if successful,I would endeavo
12、r to give you very satisfaction.o如果您有什么问题或要与我联系,我的通讯地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址都写在个人简历上。oShould you have any questions or wish to contact me,my address,telephone number and E-mail address are all on my resume.o 北京市 100029o 对外经济贸易大学o世界经济系o2005年11月30日o100045o北京市长安街5号o北京进出口贸易公司o人事部o亲爱的先生:o 本人即将于今年秋大学毕业,届时拟谋与进出口贸易有关
13、工作。我对贵公司出口部业务范围略悉,敬请阁下能为我找一份工作。o 我身体健康,头脑灵活,到明年7月将满21岁,目前尚在对外贸易经济大学就读国际贸易专业。在三年内已完成所修课程,将于今年七月大学毕业。虽然缺乏商业经验,但我大学成绩甚佳。兹附上资料一份,供阁下参阅。o 关于本人行为与能力,我的导师赵博士将予以奉告。本人愿随时接受面试。o 李晓梅 敬上 Dept.of World EconomicsUniversity of international Business and EconomicsBeijing 100029Personnel DepartmentBeijing Company of
14、 International Imports and ExportsNo.5 Changan Street,Beijing 100045 Dear sir,On my graduation from college this fall,I am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and export trading.Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export depart
15、ment,I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.I am strong and alert,and shall be 21years old in July next year.At present I am a student in the college of International Business and Economics,majoring in International Trade,but I shall graduate from the college this coming
16、July.Finishing the requirements in 3 years,I have had no business experience,but my college record has been good.A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.Dr.Zhao,my advisor,will be glad to tell you more about my character and ability,I shall be glad to call at any time for an intervie
17、w.Very truly your,(Miss)Xiaomei Li 亲爱的总经理:贵公司在昨天的成都商报刊登广告招聘英文秘书,请考虑把我列为担任辞职的候选人之一。我坚信自己的资历能符合贵公司的期望。首先,作为一名英语专业的学生,我精通英语,通过了高i校英语专业八级。如果聘用我为秘书,你我之间将不会有什么语言障碍。第二,除了英语,我还通过了全国计算机等级考试第二级,并且修完了一些秘书课程,包括秘书原理、秘书实务、公关、速记、文字处理、办公自动化、档案保存、接待、礼仪等等。第三,我有过一些业余做秘书的经验。在过去三年的暑假里,我先后为济南肯德基有限公司当过临时秘书。我干的工作有:接电话、安排约会
18、、接待来访人员、编写备忘录和报告、书写日常信函、安排全体高级行政人员会议、准备议程并做会议记录。我还学会了操作传真机和复印机。我并不怎么在乎贵公司所给的报酬,我所关注的最重要的事情是要获得机会把握在学校学到的理论知识付诸实践。如果有幸在您的指导下进行工作,我相信自己一定能干得很出色。本人相信,您会将我的申请惠予考虑。如蒙早日赐复,本人将不胜感激。李敏 谨递留学申请信的翻译o结构:o申请者的姓名与回信地址;o何时毕业于何校;o所学专业;o或现工作单位,现任职务;o拟申请进入的大学或研究生院;拟学专业;o拟入学时间;o拟攻读学位级别;o是否参加过TOEFL或GRE考试,已考成绩如何;o学费来源,是
19、否申请财政资助。1.提出攻读学位的申请o为了进一步深造,我特向贵校申请攻读工商管理专业的硕士学位。oWith a view to get some advanced studies,I am writing to you to apply for the admission to pursue the Masters degree in Business Administration and Management in you university.o我写此信是希望能有机会到贵校攻读应用物理硕士学位。oI am writing in the hope that I may obtain an
20、opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.2.索要申请表格及有关资料o如蒙速寄研究生申请表、奖学金申请表以及物理学院的详细介绍和其他有关资料,感激不尽。oI should greatly appreciate it if you would send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships,a detailed introduction to the S
21、chool of Physics,and other relevant information at your earliest convenience.3.询问学费及奖学金资助情况o考虑到我的学业成绩、教学成绩,以及在美国无可作经济资助人的亲友,故烦请告知,贵系能否给与我全额奖学金。oWould you please tell me wether it is possible for your department to grant me a full scholarship considering my academic records,teaching ability and my ha
22、ving no relatives or friends in America to be my sponsor?4.已参加的考试情况o我已参加过“托福”和“研究生入学考试”,成绩分别为615和2034。oI have taken the TOEFL and GRE test.My scores of the two were 615 and 2034 respectively.o中华人民共和国o广州市中山大学o国际经济系o510275o2005年10月8日o美国02139o哈佛大学o研究生招生办公室o亲爱的先生:o 我怀着极大的兴趣阅读了贵校的研究生课程简介,决定申请进入贵校研究生院攻读国际
23、经济专业的博士学位,希望于2006年秋季入学。o 我于2000年毕业于广东外语外贸大学经济学系,获学士学位,2003年毕业于中山大学研究生院,获世界经济专业硕士学位。之后我就留校任教,任讲师职务。近年来,我一直致力于国际经济的研究,在国内外期刊上发表了四篇论文。o 我参加”托福“和”研究生入学考试“,成绩分别是630分和2046分。o 烦请尽早惠寄入学及财经资助所需申请材料。o 秦玉 谨上 亲爱的史密斯教授:我叫#,是山东农业大学外国语学院的一名副教授,兹申请明年秋季赴贵院做一名访问学者。在贵学院访问的12个月期间,我希望能进修几门语言学课程,并完成与该学科相关的研究工作。我之所以给您写信,不
24、仅仅因为贵学院在语言学研究方面有极高的声誉,还因为我对您在词汇学研究领域取得的学术成就仰慕已久。我相信,在您的帮助和指导下,我将在该领域的理论和实践方面取得很大进步。我国政府将为我提供旅费,以及我逗留贵国期间的所有生活费用。随信附上简历一份,以介绍我的求学、科研、教学、著作及推荐人等情况。多谢关照,祈望早复。#谨上 附件:我的简历一份 Dear Professor Smith,My name is#.I am an associate professor of the college of Foreign Languages,Shandong Agricultural University o
25、f China.I am writing to you to apply for admittance to your College as a visiting scholar next fall.During the 12 months of my visiting to your College,I hope that it would be possible for me to take some training courses in linguistics,and make some researches concerning the subject.I have chosen t
26、o write to you not only because your college has such an excellent reputation,but also because I have long been admirable of your academic achievements in linguistics.I believe that with your help and guidance I would make great progress theoretically and practically in that field.Our government wil
27、l provide with my travelling expense,and all the living expense during my stay in your country.Enclosed please find a brief resume of my education,research and teaching experience,publications and references.Thank you very much for your consideration.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Res
28、pectfully yours,(Miss)#Encl:A copy of my resume 个人简历的翻译o包括:o篇眉简介 Brief introductiono求职目标 Job objectiveo任职资历 Qualificationso学历背景 Educationo工作经历 Work experienceo专长与成就 Specialization and Accomplishmento学术著作 Publicationso外语水平 Foreign Language Skillso社团职务 Associationso个人资料Personal Datao推荐人 References语言特点
29、o1.人称及代词的使用o2.使用短语表达o3.注意简称的使用o简历o马淑芬(小姐)o四川省成都市狮子山o四川师范大学经济学院02级1班o邮政编码:610066 电话:13566758222o个人资料:o出生年月:1983年4月 婚姻状况:未婚o民族:汉 健康状况:良好o求职目标:在外资公司任国际销售员o任职资格:大学经济管理专业的学历,并有在外资专卖店兼职工作的经验。o学历:2002年9月至2006年7月四川师范大学经济学院经济管理专业,7月将获经济学学士学位o 有助于国际销售员资格的专业课程:o 国际贸易 销售管理 市场研究 西方会计 商业英语o1999年至2002年7月 成都市七中o工作经
30、历:大学期间利用寒暑假任国际销售员o奖励:2003年和2004年,获校级二等奖学金o课外活动:2004年至今,任学院学生会主席o英语技能:通过英语四级、六级考试,能熟练地进行听、说、读、写。o推荐人:如有需要,即可提出oRESUMEoMa Shufen(Miss)oClass 1 of 2002oCollege of EconomicsoSichuan Normal UniversityoSichuan,Chengdu City,610066oMobile Phone:1333333333oPERSONAL DATA:oDate of Birth:April of 1983 Marital S
31、tatus:SingleoNationality:Han Health:ExcellentoJOB OBJECTIVE:To work as an international sales stuff in a foreign-capital CompanyoQUALIFICATIONS:University Education in Business Administration with part-time job experience in a foreign-capital companyoEDUCATION:oSept.2002-July 2006o Majoring in Busin
32、ess Administration.College of Economics of Sichuan Normal University o and will obtain M.A.degree in July 2006o Specialized courses contributing to qualification of international sales stuff:o International Trade Sales Administrationo Market Research Business EnglishoSept.1999-July,2002o No.7 Middle
33、 School,Chengdu cityoWORK EXPERIENCE:o Full-time job as a salesman in Fen Clothing Store in Chengdu in summer vacations and winter vacations in universityoAWARDS&HONOR:The second-class scholarship of university in 2003 and 2004oEXTRACURRICULARo Chairman of the Student Union since 2004 and have organ
34、ized all sorts of activitiesoENGLISH SKILLS:o Passed CET4 and CET6,Fluent in listening,speaking,reading and writingoREFERENCES:Will be furnished upon request.谢谢观看/欢迎下载BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES.BY FAITH I BY FAITH