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1、 应用化学专业英语应用化学专业英语 Baoyue Cao,Ph.D.,Lecturer Email: Cell Phone:18700562732商洛学院化学工程与现代材料学院商洛学院化学工程与现代材料学院应用化学专业英语多媒体课件应用化学专业英语多媒体课件Professional English of Applied ChemistryAtoms,and Periodic TableReview the Lesson One1、彩烟是什么材料做的?、彩烟是什么材料做的?白色烟剂:柴油、润滑油、煤油甚至豆油等油液,都可以制成白色烟剂。白色烟剂:柴油、润滑油、煤油甚至豆油等油液,都可以制成白色烟

2、剂。u 彩色烟雾彩色烟雾=白烟白烟+各色染料各色染料固体彩烟固体彩烟:颜色相对较淡,留空时间也短。:颜色相对较淡,留空时间也短。液体拉烟剂液体拉烟剂,理论拉烟时间,理论拉烟时间7分钟。分钟。2、彩烟是怎么喷出来的?、彩烟是怎么喷出来的?飞机机腹下加挂了一个液体拉烟吊舱,注入了高沸点的液体拉烟剂,通飞机机腹下加挂了一个液体拉烟吊舱,注入了高沸点的液体拉烟剂,通过氮气加压的方式将烟剂从拉烟喷嘴里过氮气加压的方式将烟剂从拉烟喷嘴里“吹吹”出来,送入发动机喷出的高温出来,送入发动机喷出的高温燃气中,形成的蒸气遇冷后凝结成雾,就成为浓浓的彩烟。燃气中,形成的蒸气遇冷后凝结成雾,就成为浓浓的彩烟。飞机发动

3、机喷出飞机发动机喷出的燃气与拉烟剂完美配合,最终形成喷烟。的燃气与拉烟剂完美配合,最终形成喷烟。3、彩烟会不会造成污染?、彩烟会不会造成污染?过去,有些拉烟剂拉出来的颜色非常漂亮,红的、黄的、绿的,但是由过去,有些拉烟剂拉出来的颜色非常漂亮,红的、黄的、绿的,但是由于里面有含毒的成分,可能污染环境,对人体有害,后来这样的拉烟剂都被于里面有含毒的成分,可能污染环境,对人体有害,后来这样的拉烟剂都被淘汰了。淘汰了。Atoms,and Periodic TableReview the Lesson OneThe Atomic Theory of Matter1.Daltons Atomic Theo

4、ry(1808)Elements are composed of extremely small particles called atoms.All atoms of a given element are identical.The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of all other elements.Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element.Chemical reactions involve only the rearrangement of

5、 atoms;atoms are not created or destroyed in chemical reactions.element elimnts 元素元素compound kmpaund,kmpaund 化合物化合物rearrangement rirendmnt 重排重排The Discovery of Atomic Structure Atom consists of positive,negative,and neutral entities(protons,electrons,and neutrons).Protons and neutrons are located in

6、 the nucleus of the atom,which is small.Most of the mass of the atom is due to the nucleus.Electrons are located outside of the nucleus.Most of the volume of the atom is due to electrons.atom tm n.原子原子proton prutnn.质子质子nucleus nju:klis 原子核原子核 The Modern View of Atomic StructureIsotopes,Atomic Number

7、s and Mass Numbers Atomic number(Z)=number of protons in the nucleus.Mass number(A)=total number of nucleons in the nucleus(number of protons+number of neutrons).Isotopes are atoms of the same element(Z)with different numbers of neutrons(A)in the nucleus.H11protonH21deuteriumH31tritium djutrm prtn t

8、rtmisotope astp 同位素同位素原子序数原子序数元素符号元素符号中文名称中文名称英文名英文名12345678910HHeLiBeBCNOFNe氢氢氦氦锂锂铍铍硼硼碳碳氮氮氧氧氟氟氖氖Hydrogen haidrdn Helium hi:lim Lithium liim Beryllium brlm Boron b:rn Carbon k:bn Nitrogen naitrdnOxygen ksidnFluorine fluri:n Neon ni:n Ti11121314151617181920212223VNaMgAlSiPSClArKCaSc钠钠镁镁铝铝硅硅磷磷硫硫氯氯氩氩钾钾

9、钙钙钪钪钛钛钒钒Sodium sudim Magnesium mni:zimAluminum lju:minmSilicon silikn,-knPhosphorus fsfrs Sulfur slf Chlorine kl:ri:nArgon :nPotassium ptsjmCalcium klsimScandium skndm Titanium taiteinimVanadium vnedm 24252627282930313233343536CrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr铬铬锰锰铁铁钴钴镍镍铜铜锌锌镓镓锗锗砷砷硒硒溴溴氪氪Chromium krumjm Manga

10、nese mni:zIron ain Cobalt kub:lt Nickel niklCopper kp Zinc zik Gallium glmGermanium dmenm Arsenic s()nk Selenium sili:nim Bromine brumin Krypton kriptn Element Groups(Families)Alkali metal Alkaline Earth Transition MetalsRare EarthOther Metals Metalloids非金属非金属Non-MetalsHalogens卤素卤素Noble Gasesperiod

11、group(周期,分组周期,分组)main group element(主族元素)主族元素)transition element (过渡族元素)过渡族元素)alkali metal lklai (碱金属)碱金属)alkaline earth metal (碱土金属)碱土金属)hldnPeriodic table(元素周期表元素周期表)The Modern Periodic TableAlkaliMetalsAlkalineEarthsNoble or Inert GasesHalogensChalcogensLanthanides(rare earth)ActinidesTransition

12、MetalsMetalloids“semiconductors”Non-MetalsTry poison by silver needle 古古人人所所指指的的毒毒,主主要要是是指指剧剧毒毒的的砒砒霜霜,即即三三氧氧化化二二砷砷,古古代代的的生生产产技技术术落落后后,致致使使砒砒霜霜里里都都伴伴有有少少量量的的硫硫和和硫硫化化物物。其其所所含含的的硫硫与与银银接接触触,就就可可起起化化学学反反应应,使使银银针针的的表表面面生生成成一一层层黑黑色色的的“硫硫化银化银”。鸡蛋黄里边含有大量的硫也会使银针变黑。鸡蛋黄里边含有大量的硫也会使银针变黑。2Ag +S Ag2Ssilver slvsulph

13、ur slfsilver sulfideMolecules and Ions and GasesThe Lesson TwoMolecules and Ions Molecule is an aggregate of two(diatomic)or more atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical bonds.Molecular formula gives the actual numbers and types of atoms in a molecule.Ions and Ionic Compounds Catio

14、n:when an atom or molecule loses electrons,it becomes positively charged ion cation ktan 阳离子阳离子 anion nn 阴离子阴离子 Anion:When an atom or molecule gains electrons,it becomes negatively charged ions.Ionic compounds consist of cations and anions.The ionic compound NaCl:cubic close packed,ccpChemical Nomen

15、clature1.Ionic Compounds:cation first then aniona.Cation:name of element+(charge).1)Group 1 and 2-always+1 and+2;Name=name of the element Na+=sodium ion K+=potassium ion 2)Group 13,14 and 15 different possible charges;Indicate the charge with Roman Numerals and enclosed in parentheses.Al3+=Aluminum

16、In+=Indium(I)Sn2+=Tin(II)Sn4+=Tin(IV)3)Transition Metals-charge variability,must give charges.Fe3+=Iron(III)Fe2+=Iron(II)Fe=Iron(0)b.Anions:Drop elemental ending(e.g.ine for group 17)and add ide.Cl-=Chloride Br-=Bromide O2-=oxide S2-=sulfidec.Complex ions-ions composed of more than one element:Act a

17、s a unit and are named as a unit.n()mekltSome Complex IonsNameFormulaNameFormulaCarbonateCO32-Hydrogen CarbonateHCO3-NitrateNO3-NitriteNO2-PhosphatePO43-Hydrogen PhosphateHPO42-Dihydrogen PhosphateH2PO4-AmmoniumNH4+SulfateSO42-Hydrogen SulfateHSO4-SulfiteSO32-Hydrogen SulfiteHSO3-ThiosulfateS2O32-Ac

18、etateCH3COO-PerchlorateClO4-ChlorateClO3-ChloriteClO2-HypochloriteClO-CyanideCN-DichromateCr2O72-ChromateCrO42-HydroxideOH-2.Simple Binary Covalent Compoundsa.Name the less electronegative element first,then the more electro-negative element named as an anion(add ide).b.Use prefixes to indicate the

19、number of atoms.monoditritetrapentahexaheptaoctanonadeca12345678910mn daitrai tetr penthksheptktnundkN2O=dinitrogen monoxide NO=nitrogen monoxideNO2=nitrogen dioxide N2O3=dinitrogen trioxideN2O2=N2O5=3.ExamplesNaCl=sodium chloride Al2S3=aluminum sulfideCoBr3=cobalt(III)bromide Mg(ClO4)2=magnesium pe

20、rchloratedinitrogen dioxide dinitrogen pentoxide4.Some acidsNameFormulaNameFormulaSulfuric acidH2SO4Sulfurous acidH2SO3Nitric acidHNO3Nitrous acidHNO2Hypochlorous acidHClOChlorous acidHClO2Chloric acidHClO3Perchloric acidHClO4Phosphoric acidH3PO4Phosphorous acidH3PO3Carbonic acidH2CO3Carboxylic acid

21、R-COOHHydrogen ChlorideHCl(g)Hydrochloric acidHCl(aq.)Hydrobromic acidHBr(aq.)Hydrosulfuric acidH2S(aq.)ic型后缀(型后缀(-ic及其扩展形式)及其扩展形式)表示表示“的的”Chemical Equations Two conservation laws in all chemical reactions:energy can neither be created or destroyed;mass is conserved in a chemical reaction.Chemical e

22、quations are descriptions of chemical reactions.Two parts to an equation:reactants and products.Mass Changes in Chemical Reactions Stoichiometric coefficient:number in front of the chemical formulas give numbers of molecules or atoms reacting and being produced.a.Write balanced chemical equationb.Co

23、nvert quantities of known substances into molesc.Use coefficients in balanced equation to calculate the number of moles of the sought quantityd.Convert moles of sought quantity into desired unitsElements and Substances in Gaseous StateCOCarbon monoxideOdorless,poisonous pzns 有毒的有毒的CO2Carbon dioxideO

24、dorless,nonpoisonousNH3AmmoniaPungent odor,poisonousCH4MethaneOdorless,flammable flmb()l易燃的易燃的C2H2AcetyleneMild odor,flammableHClHydrogen chlorideChoking odor,harmful and poisonousSO2Sulfur dioxideSuffocating odor,poisonousNO2Nitrogen dioxideRed-brown,irritating odor,very poisonousH2SHydrogen sulfid

25、eRotten egg odor,very poisonousodls 无色的无色的Characteristics of Gases Gases are highly compressible kmprsbl 可可压压缩缩性性的的and occupy the full volume of their containers.Gases exert pressure,P=F/A(force/area).Gases always form homogeneous,homdins 均均相相的的,均均匀匀的的mixtures with other gases The composition of dry

26、 atmosphere#at sea level(%by Volume)&=increasing yearly *=variable depending upon pollution#=Water content is variable in actual contexts,ranging from over 5%to 1%Nitrogen 78.084Hydrogen 0.0010Oxygen 20.948Helium 0.0052Argon 0.934Methane 0.0002*Carbon dioxide 0.033&Krypton 0.0001Neon 0.00182Xenon 0.

27、000008Carbon monoxide,ozone,ammonia,nitrogen dioxide,sulfur dioxide 0.00001*Pressure Atmospheric pressure is measured with a barometer.If a tube is inserted into a container of mercury open to atmosphere,the mercury will rise 760 mm up the tube(at sea level).Barometerbrmt气压计气压计1 pascal(Pa)=1 N/m21 a

28、tm=760 mmHg=760 torr1 atm=101,325 Pa(105)Units of Pressure:Standard atmospheric pressure is the pressure required to support 760 mm of Hg in a column.Pressure=ForceAreaThe Gas LawThe Ideal Gas Equation Boyle:V 1/P(constant n,T)Charles:V T (constant n,P)Avogadro:V n (constant P,T)CombinedIdeal Gas Eq

29、uation R(ideal gas constant)=8.314 J/mol-K(SI unit)STP(Standard Temperature and Pressure):0 C(273.15 K)and 1 atm.Volume of 1 mol of gas at STP is 22.4 LGas Mixtures and Partial PressuresSince gas molecules are so far apart,we assume they behave independently.Daltons Law:in a gas mixture the total pr

30、essure is given by the sum of partial pressures of each component.For one gas in the mixture,its pressure fraction is the same as its mole fraction.Pi/Ptotal=ni/ntotal=XiHomework1.Write elements of Alkali metal,Alkaline Earth and Halogens,respectively.2.Prefixes from 1 to 103.Chemical Nomenclature:(1)MgCl2(2)Na2CO3(3)Al(NO3)3(4)KHSO4(5)HF(gas,and L)LOGO


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