1、relationship,establishe d equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application problem(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage application problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume r
2、ate corresponds to relationship,Then in-line solution.Category fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications e ngineering probl em problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and unit s of measurement of common units of measurement and thei
3、r significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationshi ps.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement dista
4、nce of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review co
5、ntent triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cylinder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the feature
6、s of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和新疆新天天池西台子生态园雪具大厅装修工程临时用电专项方案编制人:审核人:深圳市中深建装饰设计工程有限公司2011年月日一、工程概况1 工程名称新疆新天天池西台子生态园雪具大厅装修工程2 建设地点新疆新天天池西台子生态园relationship,establishe d equivalent relationship 14,and
7、 subject:application problem(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage application problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-line solution.Ca
8、tegory fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications e ngineering probl em problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and unit s of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,uni
9、t size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationshi ps.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,
10、and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review content triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisy
11、mmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cylinder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characterist
12、ics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和3 建设单位新疆新天天池生态旅游开发有限公司4 工程监理新疆昆仑监理工程有限公司5 承包单位深圳市中深建装饰设计工程有限公司6 工期开工日期:2011 年月日竣工日期:2011 年月日7 质量要求符合国家质量验收标准,一次性验收合格.二、临时用电小组1、为 了确 保 本 标段 施 工 现场 用 电 的人 身 安 全 和设 备 安全,并使 施 工 现场 用 电设 施 的 设计、施 工、运 行 及 维 护做 到 安全可 靠,项 目 部设 立
13、项 目现 场 临 时用电 管 理小 组,以 处 理 项目施 工现 场 临 时用 电 事 宜。项 目 部施 工 现 场临 时 用 电管 理 小组如 下:组长:【项 目经 理】黄志 伟副组 长:(安 全员)王菁组员:(临 时 电维 护 员)李涛各施工班组班长2、项目 部 施 工现 场 临 时 用电 管 理 小组 在 项 目 经 理 领 导下,配 备 专 职 电工 负 责 项目 施 工 现场 日 常 用电 管 理,发 现 问题及 时整 改,消 除 隐 患,认 真 遵 守 施 工 现场 临 时 用电 安 全技术 规范 (JGJ46 2005)的 规定。3、临时用电小组成员职责:(1)组长职责:负责施工
14、现场临时用电的管理职责(2)副组长职责:负责临时用电的监督检查,并对发现的问题督促临时电工及时整改relationship,established equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application problem(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage appli cation problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine s
15、tandard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-li ne solution.Category fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications e ngineering problem problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and units of mea
16、surement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method an
17、d poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry pre
18、liminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review conte nt triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area com bination graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cyli nder and cone 2,column is divid
19、ed into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和临时用电部分专项方案3(3)组员职责:负责现场临时用电的架设及每日的巡视检查维护,对发现的问题及时处理三、编制依据1、本工程用电主要机械用电量:主要机具有:交流电弧焊机、手电转、空气压缩机、型材切割机、角向磨光机、砂轮切割机、冲击钻
20、、台钻、空气压缩机、吸尘机等,详施工机械器具需用量计划.序号机械或设备名称型号规格额定功率单位数量备注1 交流电弧焊机BX6 160 21 套5 2 空气压缩机W0.8/10 3 台2 3 型材切割机1。3 台3 4 钻床ZB-16 1.5 台2 5 砂轮切割机J3S-SW400 2.2 台3 6 手提切割机JG 400 0.4 台5 7 磨光机BEMO 0。67 台5 8 手电钻BEMO 0.7 台3 9 电动螺丝枪日本牧田1。11 台8 10 白炙灯0。2 只10 11 碘钨灯1 台10 12 泛光灯3 台2 2、施工临时照明:施工现场临时用电线路采用TN-S 系统三相五线制,树干式供电。
21、3、技术规范:施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ462005、J405-2005 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范GB50303-2002(一)施工用电系统设立施工部位主要为地下一层至二层雪具大厅精装修,本工程采用TN-S 三相五relationship,establishe d equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application problem(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage a
22、pplication problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-line solution.Category fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications e ngineering probl em problem XV,a subject:review of the me
23、asurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and unit s of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationshi ps.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhiji
24、an of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and
25、angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review content triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category
26、 1-d shapes are divided into:cylinder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和线制由供电局供给,供电电压:220/380V,由总配电箱引出每层设置分配电箱.(二)负荷计算P=1.1(
27、K1P1+K2 P2)注:P:表示总用电量;P1:表示全部动力施工用电量总合;P2:表示室内照明用电量总合;K1:表示动力用电系数(10 台内:0.75,1030 台:0。7,30 以上:0。6);K2:表示室内照明用电系数:0.8;本工程 P1=140。83KW,P2=18KW,总负荷:P=1。1(K1P1+K2 P2)=124。28KW 总计算电流:I=124.28(1.732 0.38)=188.83(A)(三)施工现场临时配电箱开关箱的布置1.配电箱门关闭严密并配锁,出线孔长形,加绝缘垫圈,设在箱体下底面。2.分别配置接零和接地端子排,专用接地端子PE 端与箱体铁壳金属螺栓用 PE软线
28、做电气连接。(四)安全用电措施1、配电箱(1)配电箱应安装牢固,便于操作和维修。(2)落地安装的配电箱,设置地点应平坦并高出地面,其附近不得堆放杂物。(3)配电箱、拖线箱内的导线应绝缘良好,排列整齐、固定牢固,导线端头应采用螺栓连接或压接。电气设备必须可靠完好,不准使用破损,不合格的电器,熔断器的熔体应与用电设备容量相适应。(4)具有三个回路以上的配电箱应设总漏电开关及分路漏电开关。relationship,established equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application problem(4)-scores and perce nta
29、ge application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage appli cation problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-li ne solution.Category fraction multiplication word problem score
30、Division applications e ngineering problem problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly us
31、ed time units and their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(1)-line an
32、d angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review conte nt triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area com bination gra
33、phics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cyli nder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area
34、 and volume 1,size 2,table.和临时用电部分专项方案5 每一分路漏电开关不应接2 台或 2 台以上设备,不应供 2 个或 2个以上作业组使用。(5)照明、动力合一的配电箱应分路设置。(6)配电箱、开关箱内安装的刀闸式保险、漏电开关等电气设备,应动作灵活,接触良好可靠,触头没有严重烧蚀现象。(7)箱内进行检查维修时,必须将前一级相应的开关分闸断电,并悬挂停电标志牌,必要时派专人守护,严禁带电作业。并按规定穿戴绝缘鞋,绝缘手套,使用绝缘工具。(8)箱内应常保持整洁干净,不得放置任何杂物,尤其不得放置金属导电物等。(9)所有移动电具,都应在漏电保护之中,严禁用电线直接插入插座
35、内使用。(10)熔断器的熔体更换时,严禁用不合规格的熔体或其它金属裸线代替。2、移动式电动工具和手持式电动工具(1)手持式电动工具的管理、使用、检查和维修,应符合现行国家标准手持式电动工具的管理、使用、检查和维修安全技术规程的规定.(2)长期停用或新领用的移动式工具和手持式电动工具在使用前应进行检查,并应测绝缘电阻,检测合格后方可投入使用。(3)移动式电动工具、手持式电动工具通电前应作好保护接地或保护接零。relationship,establishe d equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application problem(4)-scores
36、and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage application problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-line solution.Category fraction multiplication word pro
37、blem score Division applications e ngineering probl em problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and unit s of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight and rate.(Omitted)
38、2,commonly used time units and their relationshi ps.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry preliminary knowle
39、dge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review content triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area com
40、binati on graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cylinder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid
41、surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和(4)移动式电动工具、手持式电动工具应加装单独的电源开关和保护器,严禁 1 台开关接 2 台及 2 台以上电动设备。(5)移动式电动工具、手持式电动工具当采用插座连接时,其插座、插头应无损伤、无裂纹,且绝缘良好.(6)移动式电动工具和手持式电动工具,应加装高灵敏动作的漏电保护器.(7)移动式电动工具和手持式电动工具的电源线,必须采用铜芯多股像套软电缆或聚氯乙烯护套软电缆。电缆应避开热源,且不得拖拉在地。当不能满足上述要求时,应采取防止重物压坏电缆等措施。(8)移动式电动工具和手持式电动工具需要移动时,不得手提电源线
42、或转动部分.3、电焊机(1)根据施工需要,电焊机宜按区域或标高层集中设置,并应编号。(2)电焊机的外壳应可靠接地,不得多台串联接地.(3)电焊机各线圈对电焊机外壳的热态绝缘电阻值不得小于0.4M.(4)电焊机的裸露导电部分和转动部分应装安全保护罩.直流电焊机的调节器被拆下后,机壳上露出的孔洞应加设保护罩。(5)电焊机一次侧的电源线必须绝缘良好,不得随地拖拉,其长度不宜大于 5 米。(6)电焊机的电源开关应单独设置。直流电焊机的电源应采用启动relationship,established equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application pr
43、oblem(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage appli cation problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-li ne solution.Category fraction multi
44、plication word problem score Division applications e ngineering problem problem XV,a subject:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their significance in rate 1,currency,length,area,volume,unit size,volume,weight an
45、d rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and poly method 3,and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1,and tool measurement 2,and estimates 16,and subject:geometry pre
46、liminary knowledge(1)-line and angle review content line,and segment,and Ray,and vertical,and parallel,and angle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subject:geometry preliminary knowledge(2)-plane graphi cs review conte nt triangle,and edges shaped,a nd round,and fan axisymmetric graphics perime
47、ter and area com bination graphics of area subject:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review of solid content category 1-d shapes are divided into:cyli nder and cone 2,column is divided into:cuboi d,square 3,cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone i
48、s slightly solid surface area and volume 1,size 2,table.和临时用电部分专项方案7 器控制。(7)电焊把钳绝缘必须良好.(8)电焊机二次侧引出线宜采用橡皮绝缘铜芯软电缆,其长度不宜大于 30 米。4、照明(1)照明灯具和器材必须绝缘良好,并符合现行国家有关标准的规定。(2)照明线路应布设整齐,相对固定。室内安装的固定式照明灯具悬挂高度不得低于2。5 米.(3)对有火灾危险的场所,必须安装与危险场所等级相适应的照明器。(4)照明器具和器材的质量应合格,不得使用绝缘老化及破损的器具和器材。(5)现场仓库内的照明灯具需采用拉线开关,拉线开关距地面
49、2-3米,严禁在床上装设开关。(6)照明电源线路不得接触潮湿地面,并不得接近热源和直接绑挂在金属构架上。在脚手架上安装临时照明时,在竹木脚手架上应加绝缘子,在金属脚手架上应设木横担和绝缘子。(7)照明开关应控制相线.当采用螺口灯头时,相线应接在中心触头上.(8)照明灯具与易燃物之间,应保持一定的安全距离,普通灯具不宜小于 300 mm;聚光灯、碘钨灯等高热灯具不宜小于500mm,且不得直接照射易燃物。当间距不够时,应采取隔热措施。relationship,establishe d equivalent relationship 14,and subject:application proble
50、m(4)-scores and perce ntage application probl em review content overview answers scores,and percentage application problem of key is:according to meaning,(1)determine standard volume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then in-line solution.Category fraction multiplicat